public MainSettingsDialog()

            // create dictionary of application process names
            processNameDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            processNameDictionary.Add("Task Manager", "taskmgr");
            processNameDictionary.Add("AIM", "aim6");
            processNameDictionary.Add("Firefox", "firefox");
            processNameDictionary.Add("Google Chrome", "chrome");
            processNameDictionary.Add("Google Talk", "googletalk");
            processNameDictionary.Add("Internet Explorer", "iexplore");
            processNameDictionary.Add("Microsoft Outlook", "OUTLOOK");
            processNameDictionary.Add("MSN Messenger", "msmsgs");
            processNameDictionary.Add("Safari", "Safari");
            processNameDictionary.Add("Thunderbird", "thunderbird");

            // initialize PressedOkay to be false
            _pressedOkay = false;

            // instantiate settings variables
            _restrictLevel = new RestrictionLevel();
            _timeLimit = new TimeLimit();
            _unblockEvent = new UnblockEvent();

            // initialize timeLimMins, password, and the hacker settings to default values
            _timeLimMins = 0;
            _password = string.Empty;

            // instantiate a blockedApps List
            blockedApps = new List<string>();
        private void btnOkay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // event handler for Okay button

            // proceed only if there are no input errors

            // if inputted time is zero and want to set time limit, display error
            if (limitTimeRadioButton.Checked == true &&
                limitTimeHrsNumericUpDown.Value == 0 && limitTimeMinsNumericUpDown.Value == 0)
                ErrorZeroTime errTime = new ErrorZeroTime();

            // if passwords do not match, display error
            else if (unblockPswdRadioButton.Checked == true &&
                     string.Compare(pswd1TextBox.Text.ToString(), pswd2TextBox.Text.ToString()) != 0)
                ErrorPswdMismatch errPswd = new ErrorPswdMismatch();

            // if want to limit applications but none are selected, display error
            else if (levelAppsRadioButton.Checked == true &&
                     aimCheckBox.Checked == false &&
                     chromeCheckBox.Checked == false &&
                     firefoxCheckBox.Checked == false &&
                     iexplorerCheckBox.Checked == false &&
                     msnCheckBox.Checked == false &&
                     gtalkCheckBox.Checked == false &&
                     outlookCheckBox.Checked == false &&
                     safariCheckBox.Checked == false &&
                     thunderbirdCheckBox.Checked == false)
                ErrorZeroApplications errNoApps = new ErrorZeroApplications();

                // indicate that options were submitted
                _pressedOkay = true;

                // instantiate variables in which to store options
                _restrictLevel = new RestrictionLevel();
                _timeLimit = new TimeLimit();
                _unblockEvent = new UnblockEvent();

                // initialize timeLim and password to default values
                _timeLimMins = 0;
                _password = string.Empty;

                // get restriction level option from radio buttons, and add to blockedApps if relevant
                if (levelAppsRadioButton.Checked == true)
                    _restrictLevel = RestrictionLevel.Applications;

                    // add applications one by one to blockedApps, according to check boxes
                    if (aimCheckBox.Checked == true)
                    if (firefoxCheckBox.Checked == true)
                    if (chromeCheckBox.Checked == true)
                        blockedApps.Add(processNameDictionary["Google Chrome"]);
                    if (gtalkCheckBox.Checked == true)
                        blockedApps.Add(processNameDictionary["Google Talk"]);
                    if (outlookCheckBox.Checked == true)
                        blockedApps.Add(processNameDictionary["Microsoft Outlook"]);
                    if (msnCheckBox.Checked == true)
                        blockedApps.Add(processNameDictionary["MSN Messenger"]);
                    if (safariCheckBox.Checked == true)
                    if (thunderbirdCheckBox.Checked == true)

                // get time limit option from radio buttons, and set timeLim if relevant
                if (limitTimeRadioButton.Checked == true)
                    _timeLimit = TimeLimit.Time;
                    _timeLimMins = (uint) (limitTimeHrsNumericUpDown.Value * 60 + limitTimeMinsNumericUpDown.Value);
                else if (limitEventRadioButton.Checked == true)
                    _timeLimit = TimeLimit.Event;

                // get unblock event option from radio buttons, and set password if relevant
                if (unblockBtnRadioButton.Checked == true)
                    _unblockEvent = UnblockEvent.Button;
                else if (unblockMathRadioButton.Checked == true)
                    _unblockEvent = UnblockEvent.Math;
                else if (unblockPswdRadioButton.Checked == true)
                    _unblockEvent = UnblockEvent.Password;
                    _password = pswd1TextBox.Text.ToString();
                else if (unblockNeverRadioButton.Checked == true)
                    _unblockEvent = UnblockEvent.Never;

                // copy blockedApps List to an AppArrayIndexer
                localAppsArray = new string[blockedApps.Count];
                _blockedAppsIndexer = new AppArrayIndexer(this);
