public string GetComponent(string BuildingID, string Location_Renamed) { string str = Conversions.ToString(-1); try { this.dtComponents = mdUtility.DB.GetDataTable("SELECT System_Component.[SYS_COMP_ID], RO_Component.COMP_DESC FROM RO_Component INNER JOIN (Building_System INNER JOIN System_Component ON Building_System.[BLDG_SYS_ID] = System_Component.[SYS_COMP_BLDG_SYS_ID]) ON RO_Component.[COMP_ID] = System_Component.[SYS_COMP_COMP_LINK] WHERE (((System_Component.[SYS_COMP_ID]) Not In (SELECT [SYS_COMP_ID] FROM Components_by_location WHERE Components_by_location.[Facility_ID]={" + BuildingID + "} AND SAMP_DATA_LOC={" + Strings.Replace(mdUtility.fMainForm.tvInspection.GetNodeByKey(Location_Renamed).Tag.ToString(), "'", "''", 1, -1, CompareMethod.Binary) + "})) AND ((Building_System.[BLDG_SYS_BLDG_ID])={" + BuildingID + "}) AND ((System_Component.BRED_Status)<>'D' Or (System_Component.BRED_Status) Is Null)) ORDER BY RO_Component.COMP_DESC;"); if (this.dtComponents.Rows.Count == 0) { int num = (int)Interaction.MsgBox((object)"There are no components to attach. Please switch\rto the inventory screen and add them.", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, (object)"Attach Components to Inspection"); str = Conversions.ToString(-1); } else { UltraTreeNode nodeByKey = mdUtility.fMainForm.tvInspection.GetNodeByKey(Location_Renamed); if (nodeByKey.Nodes.Count > 0) { UltraTreeNode ultraTreeNode = nodeByKey.Nodes[0]; int count = nodeByKey.Nodes.Count; int num = 1; while (num <= count) { if (ultraTreeNode.Tag != null) { DataView dataView = new DataView(this.dtComponents); dataView.RowFilter = "[sys_comp_id]= '" + Strings.Replace(ultraTreeNode.Tag.ToString(), "'", "''", 1, -1, CompareMethod.Binary) + "'"; while (dataView.Count > 0) { dataView.Delete(0); } ultraTreeNode = ultraTreeNode.GetSibling(NodePosition.Next); } checked { ++num; } } } this.cboComponents.DisplayMember = "COMP_DESC"; this.cboComponents.ValueMember = "SYS_COMP_ID"; this.cboComponents.DataSource = (object)this.dtComponents; if (this.cboComponents.Items.Count == 0) { int num = (int)Interaction.MsgBox((object)"There are no components to attach. Please switch\rto the inventory screen and add them.", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, (object)"Attach Components to Inspection"); str = Conversions.ToString(-1); } else { int num = (int)this.ShowDialog(); str = !this.m_bUserCanceled ? this.m_strComponentID : Conversions.ToString(-1); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); mdUtility.Errorhandler(ex, nameof(frmAttachComponent), nameof(GetComponent)); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } return(str); }
public string GetSection(string strComponentID, string SampleLocation) { string str = Conversions.ToString(-1); try { this.m_dtSections = mdUtility.DB.GetDataTable("SELECT [Section Info].[SEC_ID], [Section Info].SectionName, [Section Info].[SEC_SYS_COMP_ID] FROM [Section Info] WHERE ((([Section Info].[SEC_ID]) Not In (SELECT [SEC_ID] FROM Sections_by_location WHERE Sections_by_location.[SEC_SYS_COMP_ID]={" + Strings.Replace(mdUtility.fMainForm.tvInspection.GetNodeByKey(strComponentID).Tag.ToString(), "'", "''", 1, -1, CompareMethod.Binary) + "} AND Samp_Data_Loc={" + Strings.Replace(mdUtility.fMainForm.tvInspection.GetNodeByKey(SampleLocation).Tag.ToString(), "'", "''", 1, -1, CompareMethod.Binary) + "})) AND (([Section Info].[SEC_SYS_COMP_ID])={" + Strings.Replace(mdUtility.fMainForm.tvInspection.GetNodeByKey(strComponentID).Tag.ToString(), "'", "''", 1, -1, CompareMethod.Binary) + "}) AND (([Section Info].BRED_Status)<>'D' Or ([Section Info].BRED_Status) Is Null))"); if (this.m_dtSections.Rows.Count == 0) { int num = (int)Interaction.MsgBox((object)"There are no sections to attach. Please switch \r\nto the Inventory screen and add them.", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, (object)"Attach Section to Inspection"); str = "-1"; } else { UltraTreeNode nodeByKey = mdUtility.fMainForm.tvInspection.GetNodeByKey(strComponentID); if (nodeByKey.Nodes.Count > 0) { UltraTreeNode ultraTreeNode = nodeByKey.Nodes[0]; int num = checked (nodeByKey.Nodes.Count - 1); int index1 = 0; while (index1 <= num) { if (nodeByKey.Nodes[index1].Tag != null) { string Right = nodeByKey.Nodes[index1].Tag.ToString(); int index2 = checked (this.m_dtSections.Rows.Count - 1); while (index2 >= 0) { if (Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators.CompareString(this.m_dtSections.Rows[index2]["SEC_ID"].ToString(), Right, false) == 0) { this.m_dtSections.Rows.Remove(this.m_dtSections.Rows[index2]); } checked { index2 += -1; } } ultraTreeNode = ultraTreeNode.GetSibling(NodePosition.Next); } checked { ++index1; } } } if (this.m_dtSections.Rows.Count == 0) { int num = (int)Interaction.MsgBox((object)"There are no sections to attach. Please switch \r\nto the Inventory screen and add them.", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, (object)"Attach Section to Inspection"); str = "-1"; } else { this.cboSections.DisplayMember = "SectionName"; this.cboSections.ValueMember = "SEC_ID"; this.cboSections.DataSource = (object)this.m_dtSections; int num = (int)this.ShowDialog(); str = !this.m_bUserCanceled ? this.m_strSectionID : Conversions.ToString(-1); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); mdUtility.Errorhandler(ex, nameof(frmAttachSection), nameof(GetSection)); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } return(str); }