protected override bool PrepareToolTip(UIElement element, UltraToolTipInfo toolTipInfo)
            // See if this is a RowUIElement. 
            var result = prepareRowToolTip(element, toolTipInfo);
                return true;

            // See if this is a CellUIElement. 
            result = prepareCellToolTip(element, toolTipInfo);
                return true;

            // See if this is a DataErrorIconUIElement. 
            result = prepareDataErrorIconToolTip(element, toolTipInfo);
                return true;

            // See if this is a HeaderUIElement
            result = prepareHeaderToolTip(element, toolTipInfo);
                return true;

            // See if this is a GroupByRowUIElement
            result = prepareGroupbyRowToolTip(element, toolTipInfo);
                return true;

            // Since the element was not one of the types being checked for, 
            // return false so no tooltip will be shown.
            return false;
        private void TXT_Gender_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a new ToolTipInfo
            UltraToolTipInfo toolTipInfo = new UltraToolTipInfo("برجاء اختيار النوع ", ToolTipImage.Info, "", DefaultableBoolean.True);

            this.ultraToolTipManager1.SetUltraToolTip(TXT_Gender, toolTipInfo);
        private void TXT_BirthDate_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a new ToolTipInfo
            UltraToolTipInfo toolTipInfo = new UltraToolTipInfo("برجاء اختيار عمود تاريخ الميلاد ", ToolTipImage.Info, "", DefaultableBoolean.True);

            this.ultraToolTipManager1.SetUltraToolTip(TXT_BirthDate, toolTipInfo);
        private void control_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If the mouse leaves the control, we won't get a MouseMove, so
            // just clear any tooltips.

            // Get the ToolTipInfo
            UltraToolTipInfo toolTipInfo = this.ToolTipInfo;

            // Hide any currently displayed tooltips

            // Disable the ToolTipInfo for this control.
            toolTipInfo.Enabled = DefaultableBoolean.False;

            // Clear the cached element so that if the mouse re-enters the control
            // on the same element from which it exited, it will still show a
            // tooltip.
            this.lastToolTipElement = null;
        private bool prepareRowToolTip(UIElement element, UltraToolTipInfo toolTipInfo)
                toolTipInfo.Enabled = DefaultableBoolean.False;

                // See if the element is a RowUIElement
                var rowElement = element as RowUIElement;

                // If it's not a RowUIElement, return false.
                if (rowElement == null)
                    return false;

                // Get the Cell from the CellUIElement
                var row = rowElement.GetContext(typeof(UltraGridRow)) as UltraGridRow;
                if (row != null)
                    var tag = row.Tag as ToolTipCellInfo;
                    if (tag != null)
                        var info = tag;
                        toolTipInfo.ToolTipTextFormatted = info.Text;
                        toolTipInfo.ToolTipTitle = info.Title;
                        toolTipInfo.ToolTipImage = getImage(info.ImageType);
                        toolTipInfo.ToolTipTextStyle = ToolTipTextStyle.Formatted;
                        row.ToolTipText = string.Empty;
                        toolTipInfo.Enabled = DefaultableBoolean.True;

                // Return true to indicate that a tooltip should be displayed when the
                // mouse is over this element.
                return row != null && row.Tag != null && row.Tag is ToolTipCellInfo;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.ErrorFormat("Errore inaspettato durante la impostazione del tool tip su una grid - {0} - grid:{1} - azienda:{2}", ex, Utility.GetMethodDescription(), _grid.Name, Login.Instance.CurrentLogin().Azienda);
        private void GenerateTooltip(ChampionSpellStatic champSpell, UltraToolTipInfo thisToolTipInfo)
                //Prepare Desc//
                string sDescPrep = champSpell.Tooltip;

                //Replace Var.Ceoff markers in tooltip
                if (champSpell.Vars != null)
                    foreach (SpellVarsStatic spellVars in champSpell.Vars)
                        string sTarget      = "{{ " + spellVars.Key + " }}";
                        string sReplacement = "";
                        string ofAdAp       = "";
                        string dynText      = spellVars.Dyn != null ? spellVars.Dyn : "";
                        if (spellVars.Coeff != null)
                            var  varsCoeff = (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray)spellVars.Coeff;
                            int  index     = 0;
                            int  icount    = varsCoeff.Count;
                            bool isPercent = false;
                            foreach (string sVar in varsCoeff)
                                string sVarNew = sVar;
                                    double dVar = Convert.ToDouble(sVarNew);
                                    if (dVar < 3)
                                        sVarNew   = (dVar * 100).ToString();
                                        isPercent = true;
                                    //do nothing

                                sReplacement += sVarNew;
                                if ((index + 1) != icount)
                                    sReplacement += "/";
                            if (isPercent)
                                sReplacement += "%";

                        if (spellVars.Link.Contains("bonusarmor"))
                            ofAdAp = " of bonus armor";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("bonusattackdamage"))
                            ofAdAp = " of bonus attack damage";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("bonushealth"))
                            ofAdAp = " of bonus health";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("maxhealth"))                         //This one was made up by for ChampionDataCorrections
                            ofAdAp = " of max health";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("bonusspellblock"))
                            ofAdAp = " of bonus magic resist";

                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("armor"))
                            ofAdAp = " of total armor";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("attackdamage"))
                            ofAdAp = " of attack damage";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("health"))
                            ofAdAp = " of health";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("spelldamage"))
                            ofAdAp = " of ability power";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("mana"))
                            ofAdAp = " of mana";

                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@text"))
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@cooldownchampion"))
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@dynamic.abilitypower"))
                            ofAdAp = " of ability power";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@dynamic.attackdamage") && champSpell.Name == "Savagery")                         //Rengar
                            sReplacement = "";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@dynamic.attackdamage"))
                            ofAdAp = " per attack damage";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@stacks"))
                            ofAdAp = " of stacks";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@special.BraumWArmor"))
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@special.BraumWMR"))
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@special.dariusr3"))
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@special.jaycew"))
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@special.jaxrarmor"))
                            sReplacement = "bonus";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@special.jaxrmr"))
                            sReplacement = "bonus";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@special.nautilusq"))
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@special.viw"))
                            dynText = "1% per ";
                            ofAdAp  = " bonus AD";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@custom.MagicDamage"))                         //This one was made up by for ChampionDataCorrections
                            ofAdAp = "";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@custom.percentOfAttack"))                         //This one was made up by for ChampionDataCorrections
                            ofAdAp = "% of attack damage";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@custom.percentOfMana"))                         //This one was made up by for ChampionDataCorrections
                            ofAdAp = "% of mana";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@custom.percentOfAP"))                         //This one was made up by for ChampionDataCorrections
                            ofAdAp = "% of AP";
                        else if (spellVars.Link.Contains("@custom.percent"))                         //This one was made up by for ChampionDataCorrections
                            ofAdAp = "%";

                        sDescPrep = sDescPrep.Replace(sTarget, dynText + sReplacement + ofAdAp);

                //Replace effect markers in tooltip
                if (champSpell.EffectBurns != null)
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (string sReplacement in champSpell.EffectBurns)
                        if (sReplacement != "")
                            string newReplace = sReplacement;
                            string sTarget    = "{{ e" + i + " }}";
                            sDescPrep = sDescPrep.Replace(sTarget, newReplace);

                //Replace cost marker in tooltip
                if (sDescPrep.Contains("{{ cost }}"))
                    string sTarget = "{{ cost }}";
                    sDescPrep = sDescPrep.Replace(sTarget, champSpell.CostBurn);

                //replace tags in Resource
                string resourceCost = champSpell.Resource != null?champSpell.Resource.Replace("{{ cost }}", champSpell.CostBurn) : "Passive";

                if (champSpell.EffectBurns != null)
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (string sReplacement in champSpell.EffectBurns)
                        if (sReplacement != "")
                            string newReplace = sReplacement;
                            string sTarget    = "{{ e" + i + " }}";
                            resourceCost = resourceCost.Replace(sTarget, newReplace);

                //Fix color tags
                sDescPrep = sDescPrep.Replace("class=\"color", "style=\"color:#");

                //Artificial Word-wrap
                sDescPrep = StringExtensions.BrWrapper(sDescPrep);

                //Prep Image for tooltip
                string version = getChampionsFromServer.version;
                string file    = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions\Images\{1}\{2}", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir, version, champSpell.Image.Sprite);
                string dir     = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions\Images", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir);

                if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
                Image imageTemp = Image.FromFile(file);
                imageTemp = CommonMethods.cropImage(imageTemp, new Rectangle(champSpell.Image.X, champSpell.Image.Y, champSpell.Image.Width, champSpell.Image.Height));
                string image = FormattedLinkEditor.EncodeImage(imageTemp);

                //Compile Description
                string tipDesc = string.Format(@"
				<div style='color:White; font-family:Tahoma; font-size:10pt; text-smoothing-mode:AntiAlias; border-style:solid; border-width:2px; width:400px'>
				  <img style='padding: 4 4 0 4;' data='{5}' width='48' height='48'/>
					<span style='font-size:8pt'>
				<hr style='border-style:solid; margin: 0 0 0 0;'/>
				</div>"                , champSpell.Name,
                                               "Cooldown: " + (champSpell.Resource != null ? champSpell.CooldownBurn : "Passive"),
                                               "Cost: " + resourceCost,
                                               "Range: " + champSpell.RangeBurn,

                tipDesc = tipDesc.Replace("<br>", "<br/>");
                tipDesc = tipDesc.Replace("\"", "'");
                //tipDesc = tipDesc.Replace("\r", "");
                //tipDesc = tipDesc.Replace("\n", "");
                //tipDesc = tipDesc.Replace("\t", "");

                //TODO: add \r for troubleshooting
                tipDesc = tipDesc.Replace("<br/>", "<br/>\r\n");

                //These tags needed to be closed for UltraToolTipInfo to accept it as well-formed html because by default HtmlAgilityPack removes the /> at the end
                HtmlNode.ElementsFlags["img"] = HtmlElementFlag.Closed;
                HtmlNode.ElementsFlags["hr"]  = HtmlElementFlag.Closed;
                HtmlNode.ElementsFlags["br"]  = HtmlElementFlag.Closed;
                //Fixes Riots malformed html
                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
                MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
                memoryStream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(memoryStream);
                tipDesc = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

                thisToolTipInfo.ToolTipTextFormatted = tipDesc;
            catch (Exception ex)
        private void GenerateTooltip(PassiveStatic passiveStatic, UltraToolTipInfo thisToolTipInfo)
                string sDescPrep = passiveStatic.Description;

                //Fix color tags
                sDescPrep = sDescPrep.Replace("class=\"color", "style=\"color:#");

                //Artificial Word-wrap
                sDescPrep = StringExtensions.BrWrapper(sDescPrep);

                //Prep Image for tooltip
                string version = getChampionsFromServer.version;
                string file    = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions\Images\{1}\{2}", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir, version, passiveStatic.Image.Sprite);
                string dir     = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions\Images", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir);

                if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
                Image imageTemp = Image.FromFile(file);
                imageTemp = CommonMethods.cropImage(imageTemp, new Rectangle(passiveStatic.Image.X, passiveStatic.Image.Y, passiveStatic.Image.Width, passiveStatic.Image.Height));
                string image = FormattedLinkEditor.EncodeImage(imageTemp);

                //Compile Description
                string tipDesc = string.Format(@"
				<div style='color:White; font-family:Tahoma; font-size:10pt; text-smoothing-mode:AntiAlias; border-style:solid; border-width:2px; width:400px'>
				  <img style='padding: 4 4 0 4;' data='{2}' width='48' height='48'/>
				<hr style='border-style:solid; margin: 0 0 0 0;'/>
				</div>"                , passiveStatic.Name,

                tipDesc = tipDesc.Replace("<br>", "<br/>");
                tipDesc = tipDesc.Replace("\"", "'");
                //tipDesc = tipDesc.Replace("\r", "");
                //tipDesc = tipDesc.Replace("\n", "");
                //tipDesc = tipDesc.Replace("\t", "");

                //TODO: add \r for troubleshooting
                tipDesc = tipDesc.Replace("<br/>", "<br/>\r\n");

                //These tags needed to be closed for UltraToolTipInfo to accept it as well-formed html because by default HtmlAgilityPack removes the /> at the end
                HtmlNode.ElementsFlags["img"] = HtmlElementFlag.Closed;
                HtmlNode.ElementsFlags["hr"]  = HtmlElementFlag.Closed;
                HtmlNode.ElementsFlags["br"]  = HtmlElementFlag.Closed;
                //Fixes Riots malformed html
                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
                MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
                memoryStream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(memoryStream);
                tipDesc = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

                thisToolTipInfo.ToolTipTextFormatted = tipDesc;
            catch (Exception ex)
        private bool prepareGroupbyRowToolTip(UIElement element, UltraToolTipInfo toolTipInfo)
                // See if the element is a GroupByRowUIElement
                var groupByRowUIElement = element as GroupByRowUIElement;

                // if this is not a GroupByRowUIElement, return false.
                if (groupByRowUIElement == null)
                    return false;

                // Get the UltraGridGroupByRow from the GroupByRowUIElement
                var groupByRow = groupByRowUIElement.GetContext(typeof(UltraGridGroupByRow)) as UltraGridGroupByRow;

                // Set the Properties on the tooltip			
                var toolTipText = groupByRow != null && groupByRow.Expanded
                                         ? "Doppio click qui per chiudere la riga"
                                         : "Doppio click qui per espandere la riga";

                toolTipInfo.ToolTipTextFormatted = toolTipText;
                if (groupByRow != null && groupByRow.Value is object[])
                    toolTipInfo.ToolTipTitle = String.Format("Raggruppamento: {0}", (object[])groupByRow.Value);
                toolTipInfo.ToolTipImage = ToolTipImage.Info;

                // Return true to indicate that a tooltip should be displayed when the
                // mouse is over this element.
                return true;

            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.Error("Errore inaspettato durante la impostazione del tool tip su una grid - " + Utility.GetMethodDescription() + " - grid:" + _grid.Name + " - azienda:" + Login.Instance.CurrentLogin().Azienda, ex);
        private static bool prepareHeaderToolTip(UIElement element, UltraToolTipInfo toolTipInfo)
            // Per ora nessun tooltip sulla colonna
            return false;

            // See if the element is a cell
            var headerElement = element as HeaderUIElement;

            // If it's not a HeaderUIElement, return false.
            if (headerElement  == null)
                return false;
            // There are different types of headers in the grid and they all
            // use the same type of element (HeaderUIElement). 
            // So determine if this is a Column Header
            var columnHeader = headerElement.GetContext(typeof(ColumnHeader)) as ColumnHeader;
            if (columnHeader != null)
                toolTipInfo.ToolTipTextFormatted = @"Clicca qui per ordinare la lista per questa colonna.";
                toolTipInfo.ToolTipTitle = string.Format("Colonna: {0}", columnHeader.Caption);
                toolTipInfo.ToolTipImage = ToolTipImage.Info;
                return true;
            // Return true to indicate that a tooltip should be displayed when the
            // mouse is over this element.
            return false;
        private bool prepareCellToolTip(UIElement element, UltraToolTipInfo toolTipInfo)
                toolTipInfo.Enabled = DefaultableBoolean.False;

                // See if the element is a CellUIElement
                var cellElement = element as CellUIElement;

                // If it's not a CellUIElement, return false.
                if (cellElement == null)
                    return false;

                // Get the Cell from the CellUIElement
                var cell = cellElement.GetContext(typeof(UltraGridCell)) as UltraGridCell;

                // If this is an image column, display the image in 
                // the tooltip.
                if (cell != null && cell.Column.DataType == typeof(Image))
                    var tag = cell.Tag as ToolTipCellInfo;
                    if (tag != null)
                        var info = tag;
                        toolTipInfo.ToolTipTextFormatted = info.Text;
                        toolTipInfo.ToolTipTitle = info.Title;
                        toolTipInfo.ToolTipImage = ToolTipImage.Custom;
                        toolTipInfo.Appearance.Image = cell.Value as Image;
                        toolTipInfo.Enabled = DefaultableBoolean.True;
                    if (cell != null)
                        var tag = cell.Tag as ToolTipCellInfo;
                        if (tag != null)
                            var info = tag;
                            toolTipInfo.ToolTipTextFormatted = info.Text;
                            toolTipInfo.ToolTipTitle = info.Title;
                            toolTipInfo.ToolTipImage = getImage(info.ImageType);
                            toolTipInfo.ToolTipTextStyle = ToolTipTextStyle.Formatted;
                            cell.ToolTipText = string.Empty;
                            toolTipInfo.Enabled = DefaultableBoolean.True;

                // Return true to indicate that a tooltip should be displayed when the
                // mouse is over this element.
                return cell != null && cell.Tag != null && cell.Tag is ToolTipCellInfo;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.ErrorFormat("Errore inaspettato durante la impostazione del tool tip su una grid - {0} - grid:{1} - azienda:{2}", ex, Utility.GetMethodDescription(), _grid.Name, Login.Instance.CurrentLogin().Azienda);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the MouseMove event of the Control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void control_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            bool   showToolTipForElement = false;
            object element = null;

            // Get the toolTipInfo
            UltraToolTipInfo toolTipInfo = this.ToolTipInfo;

            // Get the main UIElement of the control. All UltraControlBase
            // controls implement IUltraControlElement, so they will all
            // have a main element.
            IUltraControlElement iMainElement = this.control as IUltraControlElement;

            if (iMainElement != null)                   // Infragistics Controls...

                UIElement mainElement = iMainElement.MainUIElement;

                // Get the element under the mouse
                UIElement uiElement = mainElement.ElementFromPoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y));

                // Start with the element under the mouse and walk up it's parent chain
                // until we find an element that should display a tooltip, or
                // come to the end of the chain (where element == null).
                while (uiElement != null &&
                    // If this is the same element we evaluated last time through,
                    // just return. This is both for efficiency and so the tooltip
                    // does not continuously hide and re-display.
                    if (uiElement == this.lastToolTipElement)

                    // Call PrepareToolTip. This will allow the derived class to
                    // determine if the element should show a tooltip and to
                    // set the properties on the toolTipInfo.
                    showToolTipForElement = this.PrepareToolTip(uiElement, toolTipInfo);

                    // If PrepareToolTip returned true, there's no reason to continue looping.
                    // If not, get the parent element and try again.
                    if (!showToolTipForElement)
                        uiElement = uiElement.Parent;

                element = uiElement;
            else                                // other (Std.) controls...

            // Get the element under the mouse
                element = this.ElementFromPoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y));

                // Start with the element under the mouse and walk up it's parent chain
                // until we find an element that should display a tooltip, or
                // come to the end of the chain (where element == null).
                while (element != null &&
                    // If this is the same element we evaluated last time through,
                    // just return. This is both for efficiency and so the tooltip
                    // does not continuously hide and re-display.
                    if (element == this.lastToolTipElement)

                    // Call PrepareToolTip. This will allow the derived class to
                    // determine if the element should show a tooltip and to
                    // set the properties on the toolTipInfo.
                    showToolTipForElement = this.PrepareToolTip(element, toolTipInfo);

                    // If PrepareToolTip returned true, there's no reason to continue looping.
                    if (!showToolTipForElement)
                        element = null;

            // If showToolTipForElement is true, enabled the tooltip
            if (showToolTipForElement)
                // If we are showing a tooltip for a different element than we did
                // last, Hide the old tooltip.
                if (element != this.lastToolTipElement)

                // Enabled to ToolTipInfo. The tooltip will not actually display
                // until the InitialDelay of the UtraToolTipManager expires.
                toolTipInfo.Enabled = DefaultableBoolean.True;
                //showToolTipForElement is false. So no tooltip should be shown.
                // Hide any tooltips that were displayed.

                // Disable the ToolTipInfo
                toolTipInfo.Enabled = DefaultableBoolean.False;

            // Store the last element we just processed.
            this.lastToolTipElement = element;
 /// <summary>
 /// The PrepareToolTip method fires each time an element is evaluated for tooltip display.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">The object currently needing evaluation.</param>
 /// <param name="toolTipInfo">The UltraToolTipInfo for the control</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true if the element in question should display a tooltip, false if it should not.</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This method must be overriden in a derived class and each element evaluated.
 /// If an element is evaluated by this method and the method returns false indicating
 /// that the element does not need a tooltip, the method will be called with the
 /// parent element, all the way up the element chain. In this way, elements that
 /// are contained by other elements can show more specific tooltips.
 /// To properly use this method, derive a class from UltraToolTipContextHelperBase
 /// and override the PrepareToolTip method. Inisde the method, examine the
 /// UIElement and determine if a tooltip is needed. If so, set the appropriate
 /// properties of toolTipInfo such as ToolTipText, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipImage, Appearance,
 /// etc. and return true from the method. If the element does not need a tooltip, return
 /// false.
 /// </remarks>
 protected abstract bool PrepareToolTip(object element, UltraToolTipInfo toolTipInfo);
        private void updateSystemStatus()
            string           status = string.Empty;
            UltraToolTipInfo tooltip;

            // Set the status.
            if (m_IsConnected)
                // get SQL Server Agent Status
                if (m_IsAgentOk)
                    if (Program.gController.isAdmin)
                        _pictureBox_Agent.Image     = AppIcons.AppImage48(AppIcons.EnumImageList48.AgentStarted);
                        _linkLabel_AgentStatus.Text = Utility.ErrorMsgs.SQLServerAgentStarted;
                        tooltip = new UltraToolTipInfo(ToolTip_AgentOK,
                        _pictureBox_Agent.Image     = AppIcons.AppImage16(AppIcons.Enum.Unknown);
                        _linkLabel_AgentStatus.Text = Utility.ErrorMsgs.SQLServerAgentUnknown;
                        tooltip = new UltraToolTipInfo(ToolTip_AgentUnknown,
                    _pictureBox_Agent.Image     = AppIcons.AppImage48(AppIcons.EnumImageList48.AgentStopped);
                    _linkLabel_AgentStatus.Text = Utility.ErrorMsgs.SQLServerAgentStopped;
                    tooltip = new UltraToolTipInfo(ToolTip_AgentBad,
                    status += (status.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : "\n") + StatusAttend_Agent;
                _linkLabel_AgentStatus.LinkArea = new LinkArea(0, _linkLabel_AgentStatus.Text.Length);
                _ultraToolTipManager.SetUltraToolTip(_linkLabel_AgentStatus, tooltip);

                // get License Status
                if (m_IsLicenseOk)
                    if (m_IsLicenseNotExpiring)
                        _pictureBox_License.Image     = global::Idera.SQLsecure.UI.Console.Properties.Resources.check_32;
                        _linkLabel_LicenseStatus.Text = Status_LicenseOK;
                        _linkLabel_LicenseStatus.Text = Status_LicenseExpiring;
                        _pictureBox_License.Image     = global::Idera.SQLsecure.UI.Console.Properties.Resources.warning_32;
                        status += (status.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : "\n") + StatusAttend_License;
                    _linkLabel_LicenseStatus.Text = Status_LicenseBad;
                    _pictureBox_License.Image     = global::Idera.SQLsecure.UI.Console.Properties.Resources.error_32;
                    status += (status.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : "\n") + StatusAttend_License;
                if (Program.gController.Permissions.hasSecurity(Utility.Security.Functions.ManageLicense))
                    _linkLabel_LicenseStatus.LinkArea = new LinkArea(0, _linkLabel_LicenseStatus.Text.Length);
                    _linkLabel_LicenseStatus.LinkArea = new LinkArea(0, 0);

                // get Audited Servers Status
                if (m_AllServersOk)
                    _pictureBox_Servers.Image     = global::Idera.SQLsecure.UI.Console.Properties.Resources._32_SystemOK;
                    _linkLabel_ServersStatus.Text = Status_ServersOK;
                    tooltip = new UltraToolTipInfo(m_ServersWarn == 0 ? ToolTip_ServersOK : String.Format(ToolTip_ServersWarn, m_ServersWarn.ToString()),
                    if (m_ServersError == m_Servers.Count)
                        _pictureBox_Servers.Image     = global::Idera.SQLsecure.UI.Console.Properties.Resources._32_SystemWarn;
                        _linkLabel_ServersStatus.Text = String.Format(Status_ServersBad, m_ServersError.ToString());
                        tooltip = new UltraToolTipInfo(ToolTip_ServersAllBad,
                        _pictureBox_Servers.Image     = global::Idera.SQLsecure.UI.Console.Properties.Resources._32_SystemWarn;
                        _linkLabel_ServersStatus.Text = String.Format(Status_ServersBad, m_ServersError.ToString());
                        tooltip = new UltraToolTipInfo(m_ServersWarn == 0 ? String.Format(ToolTip_ServersBad, m_ServersWarn.ToString())
                                                                          : String.Format(ToolTip_ServersWarnBad, m_ServersError.ToString(), m_ServersWarn.ToString()),
                    status += (status.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : "\n") + StatusAttend_Servers;
                _linkLabel_ServersStatus.LinkArea = new LinkArea(0, _linkLabel_ServersStatus.Text.Length);
                _ultraToolTipManager.SetUltraToolTip(_linkLabel_ServersStatus, tooltip);

                // Overall repository status
                if (m_IsAgentOk && m_IsLicenseOk && m_IsLicenseNotExpiring && m_AllServersOk)
                    _pictureBox_ServerStatus.Image = AppIcons.AppImage48(AppIcons.EnumImageList48.StatusGood);
                    _linkLabel_ServerStatus.Text   = SystemNormal;
                    if (m_ServersError == m_Servers.Count)
                        _pictureBox_ServerStatus.Image = AppIcons.AppImage48(AppIcons.EnumImageList48.StatusError);
                        _linkLabel_ServerStatus.Text   = status;
                        _pictureBox_ServerStatus.Image = AppIcons.AppImage48(AppIcons.EnumImageList48.StatusWarning);
                        _linkLabel_ServerStatus.Text   = status;

                // Repository Info
                _lbl_Repository.Text  = String.Format(ServerFmt, Program.gController.Repository.Instance, Program.gController.Repository.SQLServerVersionFriendlyLong);
                _lbl_License.Text     = String.Format(LicenseFmt, Program.gController.Repository.GetStrLicensedServers());
                _lbl_Size.Text        = m_DbSize;
                _lbl_LastGroomed.Text = m_LastGroomed == null ? "Never" : m_LastGroomed.Value.ToString(Utility.Constants.DATETIME_FORMAT);
                //_pictureBox_ServerStatus.Image = AppIcons.AppImage48(AppIcons.EnumImageList48.StatusWarning);
                //_linkLabel_ServerStatus.Text = SystemNotConnected;

                _lbl_Repository.Text          = SystemNotConnected;
                _lbl_License.Text             =
                    _lbl_Size.Text            =
                        _lbl_LastGroomed.Text = String.Empty;
        private void pnlItem_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
                string dataString = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Text) as string;
                if ((dataString.Contains("ITEM") || dataString.Contains("ELIXIR")) && form1.itemsTab.getItemsFromServer.itemsPrepared != null)
                    string itemID = dataString.Replace("ITEM", "");
                    itemID = itemID.Replace("ELIXIR", "");
                    if (form1.itemsTab.getItemsFromServer.itemsPrepared.Count > 0)
                        //Generate PicBox
                        CreateItemDiv itemPreped = form1.itemsTab.getItemsFromServer.itemsPrepared.Find(o => o.thisID.ToString() == itemID);

                        PictureBox itemPicBox = new PictureBox();
                        itemPicBox.Size     = new Size(48, 48);
                        itemPicBox.Location = new Point(0, 0);
                        string file      = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Items\Images\{1}\{2}", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir, itemPreped.thisVersion, itemPreped.aItem.Image.Sprite);
                        Image  imageItem = Image.FromFile(file);
                        Image  image     = CommonMethods.cropImage(imageItem, new Rectangle(itemPreped.aItem.Image.X, itemPreped.aItem.Image.Y, itemPreped.aItem.Image.Width, itemPreped.aItem.Image.Height));
                        itemPicBox.Image       = image;
                        itemPicBox.MouseClick += itemPicBox_MouseClick;
                        itemPicBox.Cursor      = Cursors.Hand;
                        itemPicBox.Tag         = itemPreped;

                        Panel thisPnl = sender as Panel;
                        thisPnl.Tag = itemPreped;
                        if (thisPnl.Controls.Count > 0)
                            List <Control> ctrls = thisPnl.Controls.Cast <Control>().ToList();
                            foreach (Control c in ctrls)

                        string sTooltip = CreateItemPicBoxTooltip(itemPreped);

                        UltraToolTipInfo temp = new UltraToolTipInfo();
                        switch (thisPnl.Name)
                        case "pnlItem1":
                            temp = tipInfoItem1;

                        case "pnlItem2":
                            temp = tipInfoItem2;

                        case "pnlItem3":
                            temp = tipInfoItem3;

                        case "pnlItem4":
                            temp = tipInfoItem4;

                        case "pnlItem5":
                            temp = tipInfoItem5;

                        case "pnlItem6":
                            temp = tipInfoItem6;

                        case "pnlElixir":
                            temp = tipInfoItemElixir;
                        ultraToolTipManagerGearIcon.SetUltraToolTip(itemPicBox, temp);
                        temp.ToolTipTextFormatted = sTooltip;
            catch (Exception ex)

        private static bool prepareDataErrorIconToolTip(UIElement element, UltraToolTipInfo toolTipInfo)
            // See if the element is a DataErrorIconUIElement
            var dataErrorIconUIElement = element as DataErrorIconUIElement;

            // if this is not a DataErrorIconUIElement, return false.
            if (dataErrorIconUIElement == null)
                return false;
            // Get the Cell from the CellUIElement
            var cell = dataErrorIconUIElement.GetContext(typeof(UltraGridCell)) as UltraGridCell;
            // Get the Data Row associated with this cell. 
            if (cell != null)
                var row = ((DataRowView)cell.Row.ListObject).Row;
                // Now that we have the row, we can get the error text.
                var errorText = row.GetColumnError(cell.Column.Key);
                // Set the Properties on the tooltip			
                toolTipInfo.ToolTipTextFormatted = errorText;

                toolTipInfo.ToolTipTitle = string.Format("Column: {0}, Row: {1}", cell.Column.Key, cell.Row.VisibleIndex);

            toolTipInfo.ToolTipImage = ToolTipImage.Error;			

            // Return true to indicate that a tooltip should be displayed when the
            // mouse is over this element.
            return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// The PrepareToolTip method fires each time an element is evaluated for tooltip display.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">The UIElement currently needing evaluation.</param>
 /// <param name="toolTipInfo">The UltraToolTipInfo for the control</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true if the element in question should display a tooltip, false if it should not.</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This method must be overriden in a derived class and each element evaluated. 
 /// If an element is evaluated by this method and the method returns false indicating 
 /// that the element does not need a tooltip, the method will be called with the
 /// parent element, all the way up the element chain. In this way, elements that 
 /// are contained by other elements can show more specific tooltips. 
 /// To properly use this method, derive a class from UltraToolTipContextHelperBase
 /// and override the PrepareToolTip method. Inisde the method, examine the
 /// UIElement and determine if a tooltip is needed. If so, set the appropriate 
 /// properties of toolTipInfo such as ToolTipText, ToolTipTitle, ToolTipImage, Appearance,
 /// etc. and return true from the method. If the element does not need a tooltip, return
 /// false. 
 /// </remarks>
 protected abstract bool PrepareToolTip(UIElement element, UltraToolTipInfo toolTipInfo);	
        private void setVersionSettings(ServerVersionId serverVersion)
            //    _view.ToolTipManager.Enabled = false;
            _currentVersion = serverVersion;
            if (serverVersion == ServerVersionId.SQLite_3)
                _view.chkWindowsAuthentication.Checked = false;
                _view.chkWindowsAuthentication.Enabled = false;
                _view.txtServer.Enabled   = false;
                _view.txtServer.Width     = 100;
                _view.txtUser.Enabled     = false;
                _view.txtPassword.Enabled = false;
                setFileBasedDb(true, true, true);
                if (_view.txtServer.Text.Equals("."))
                    _view.txtServer.Text = "";
            else if (serverVersion == ServerVersionId.FireBird_2)
                _view.chkWindowsAuthentication.Checked = false;
                _view.chkWindowsAuthentication.Enabled = false;
                _view.txtServer.Enabled   = false;
                _view.txtServer.Width     = 100;
                _view.txtUser.Enabled     = false;
                _view.txtPassword.Enabled = false;
                setFileBasedDb(true, true, true);
                if (_view.txtServer.Text.Equals("."))
                    _view.txtServer.Text = "";
                if (!ElevationHelper.IsAdmin())
                    // TODO specify with privilege we need
                    var ctrl             = _view.cboVendors;
                    UltraToolTipInfo tip = _view.ToolTipManager.GetUltraToolTip(ctrl);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tip.ToolTipText))
                        var info = new UltraToolTipInfo("Requires elevation, please restart SQL8r with more privileges",
                                                        ToolTipImage.Warning, "Warning", DefaultableBoolean.Default);

                        _view.ToolTipManager.SetUltraToolTip(ctrl, info);
                    _view.ToolTipManager.ShowToolTip(ctrl, ctrl.PointToScreen(ctrl.Location));
            else if (serverVersion == ServerVersionId.ODBC_Access || serverVersion == ServerVersionId.ODBC_Excel)
                _view.chkWindowsAuthentication.Checked = false;
                _view.chkWindowsAuthentication.Enabled = false;
                _view.txtServer.Enabled   = false;
                _view.txtServer.Width     = 100;
                _view.txtUser.Enabled     = false;
                _view.txtPassword.Enabled = false;
                setFileBasedDb(true, false, true);
                if (_view.txtServer.Text.Equals("."))
                    _view.txtServer.Text = "";
            else if (serverVersion == ServerVersionId.MySql_5)
                _view.chkWindowsAuthentication.Checked = false;
                _view.chkWindowsAuthentication.Enabled = false;
                _view.txtServer.Enabled   = true;
                _view.txtServer.Width     = _view.txtDatabase.Width;
                _view.txtUser.Enabled     = true;
                _view.txtPassword.Enabled = true;
                setFileBasedDb(false, false, false);
            else if (serverVersion == ServerVersionId.SqlServer_2005 || serverVersion == ServerVersionId.SqlServer_2008)
                _view.chkWindowsAuthentication.Enabled = true;
                _view.chkWindowsAuthentication.Checked = true;
                _view.txtServer.Enabled   = true;
                _view.txtServer.Width     = _view.txtDatabase.Width;
                _view.txtUser.Enabled     = false;
                _view.txtPassword.Enabled = false;
                setFileBasedDb(false, false, false);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_view.txtServer.Text))
                    _view.txtServer.Text = ".";
                throw new SQL8rException(string.Format("Unsupported ServerVersionId: {0}", serverVersion));