public ITypedArray CastNativeArray(object managedArray) { var arrayType = managedArray.GetType(); ITypedArray array; // Here are listed some JavaScript array types: // if (arrayType == typeof(byte[])) { array = Uint8Array.From((byte[])managedArray); } else if (arrayType == typeof(float[])) { array = Float32Array.From((float[])managedArray); } else if (arrayType == typeof(ushort[])) { array = Uint16Array.From((ushort[])managedArray); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } return(array); }
public Blob(byte[] Data) : this(((System.Func <JSObject>)(() => { var Uint8AR = Uint8Array.From(Data); return(new JSObject(Runtime.New("Blob", new Array(Uint8AR), new { type = "application/octet-stream" }), true)); }))()) { }
private static async void RunFunctionTaskResult() { var result = await((Uint8Array)Runtime.GetGlobalObject("MNData")).ToArray(). Deserialize <Func <Task <object> > >()(); WebWorker.CurrentWebWorker.PostMessage(Uint8Array.From(result.Serialize())); }
public static IEnumerable <object[]> ArrayType_TestData() { _objectPrototype ??= new Function("return Object.prototype.toString;"); yield return(new object[] { _objectPrototype.Call(), "Uint8Array", Uint8Array.From(new byte[10]) }); yield return(new object[] { _objectPrototype.Call(), "Array", new Array(10) }); }
public void TexSubImage2D( uint target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int width, int height, uint format, uint type, ReadOnlySpan <byte> source) { using (var nativeArray = Uint8Array.From(source)) { TexSubImage2D( target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, nativeArray); } }
private static void SetTypedArrayByte(JSObject obj) { var dragons = "hic sunt dracones"; byte[] buffer = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dragons); obj.SetObjectProperty("dracones", Uint8Array.From(buffer)); }
/// <summary> /// Send data on <see cref="T:WebAssembly.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket"/> as an asynchronous operation. /// </summary> /// <returns>The async.</returns> /// <param name="buffer">Buffer.</param> /// <param name="messageType">Message type.</param> /// <param name="endOfMessage">If set to <c>true</c> end of message.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">Cancellation token.</param> public override async Task SendAsync(ArraySegment <byte> buffer, WebSocketMessageType messageType, bool endOfMessage, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { ThrowIfNotConnected(); if (messageType != WebSocketMessageType.Binary && messageType != WebSocketMessageType.Text) { throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid message type: '{messageType}' specified in method 'SendAsync'. Valid types are 'Binary' and 'Text'", nameof(messageType)); } if (!endOfMessage) { writeBuffer = writeBuffer ?? new MemoryStream(); writeBuffer.Write(buffer.Array, buffer.Offset, buffer.Count); return; } else if (writeBuffer != null) { writeBuffer.Write(buffer.Array, buffer.Offset, buffer.Count); if (!writeBuffer.TryGetBuffer(out buffer)) { throw new WebSocketException(WebSocketError.NativeError); } } var tcsSend = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> (); // Wrap the cancellationToken in a using so that it can be disposed of whether // we successfully send or not. // Otherwise any timeout/cancellation would apply to the full session. var writtenBuffer = writeBuffer; writeBuffer = null; using (cancellationToken.Register(() => tcsSend.TrySetCanceled())) { try { if (messageType == WebSocketMessageType.Binary) { using (var uint8Buffer = Uint8Array.From(buffer)){ innerWebSocket.Invoke("send", uint8Buffer); tcsSend.SetResult(true); } } else if (messageType == WebSocketMessageType.Text) { var strBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer.Array, buffer.Offset, buffer.Count); innerWebSocket.Invoke("send", strBuffer); tcsSend.SetResult(true); } } catch (Exception excb) { tcsSend.TrySetException(new WebSocketException(WebSocketError.NativeError, excb)); } finally { writtenBuffer?.Dispose(); } await tcsSend.Task; } }
public void Send(ArraySegment <byte> buffer) { ThrowIfNotConnected(); using (var uint8Buffer = Uint8Array.From(buffer)) { hostObject.Invoke("send", uint8Buffer); } }
public static void Uint8ArrayFrom(Function objectPrototype) { var array = new byte[50]; Uint8Array from = Uint8Array.From(array); Assert.Equal(50, from.Length); Assert.Equal("[object Uint8Array]", objectPrototype.Call(from)); }
public async Task <object> Run(Func <Task <object> > Func) { await IsReady; Worker.PostMessage("MNData", Uint8Array.From(Func.Serialize())); var Message = Worker.GetMessage(); await Worker.Run($"self.MN.RunFunctionTaskResult()"); return((await Message).GetData <Uint8Array>().ToArray().Deserialize <object>()); }
public async Task Run(Func <Task> Action) { await IsReady; Worker.PostMessage("MNData", Uint8Array.From(Action.Serialize())); var Message = Worker.GetMessage(); await Worker.Run($"self.MN.RunFunctionTask()"); await Message; }
// Called by the AOT profiler to save profile data into Module.aot_profile_data internal unsafe static void DumpAotProfileData(ref byte buf, int len, string s) { var arr = new byte [len]; fixed(void *p = &buf) { var span = new ReadOnlySpan <byte> (p, len); // Send it to JS var js_dump = (JSObject)Runtime.GetGlobalObject("Module"); js_dump.SetObjectProperty("aot_profile_data", Uint8Array.From(span)); } }
/// <summary> /// Send data on <see cref="T:WebAssembly.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket"/> as an asynchronous operation. /// </summary> /// <returns>The async.</returns> /// <param name="buffer">Buffer.</param> /// <param name="messageType">Message type.</param> /// <param name="endOfMessage">If set to <c>true</c> end of message.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">Cancellation token.</param> public override async Task SendAsync(ArraySegment <byte> buffer, WebSocketMessageType messageType, bool endOfMessage, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // TODO: Support send async buffering. ThrowIfNotConnected(); if (messageType != WebSocketMessageType.Binary && messageType != WebSocketMessageType.Text) { throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid message type: '{messageType}' specified in method 'SendAsync'. Valid types are 'Binary' and 'Text'", nameof(messageType)); } var tcsSend = new TaskCompletionSource <bool> (); // Wrap the cancellationToken in a using so that it can be disposed of whether // we successfully send or not. // Otherwise any timeout/cancellation would apply to the full session. using (cancellationToken.Register(() => tcsSend.TrySetCanceled())) { if (messageType == WebSocketMessageType.Binary) { try { using (var uint8Buffer = Uint8Array.From(buffer)) { innerWebSocket.Invoke("send", uint8Buffer); tcsSend.SetResult(true); } } catch (Exception excb) { throw new WebSocketException(WebSocketError.NativeError, excb); } await tcsSend.Task; } if (messageType == WebSocketMessageType.Text) { try { var bytesToSend = new byte [buffer.Count]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer.Array, buffer.Offset, bytesToSend, 0, buffer.Count); var strBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytesToSend, 0, bytesToSend.Length); innerWebSocket.Invoke("send", strBuffer); tcsSend.SetResult(true); } catch (Exception exct) { throw new WebSocketException(WebSocketError.NativeError, exct); } await tcsSend.Task; } } }
public async Task <object> Run(Func <Task <object> > Func) { await IsReady; Worker.PostMessage("MNData", Uint8Array.From(Func.Serialize())); var Message = Worker.GetMessage(); await Worker.Run($"self.MN.RunFunctionTaskResult()"); var Result = (await Message).GetData <Uint8Array>().ToArray(); if (Result.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Error On Proccess"); } return(Result.Deserialize <object>()); }
public void TexImage2D( uint target, int level, int internalformat, int width, int height, int border, uint format, uint type, ReadOnlySpan <byte> source) { using (var nativeArray = Uint8Array.From(source)) { TexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, nativeArray); } }
public unsafe static void Dump(ref byte buf, int len, string s) { var arr = new byte [len]; fixed(void *p = &buf) { var span = new ReadOnlySpan <byte> (p, len); // Send it to JS try { var js_dump = (JSObject)Runtime.GetGlobalObject("AotProfileData"); js_dump.SetObjectProperty("data", Uint8Array.From(span)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); Environment.Exit(1); } } }
public static IEnumerable <object[]> ArrayType_TestData() { _objectPrototype ??= new Function("return Object.prototype.toString;"); yield return(new object[] { _objectPrototype.Call(), "Uint8Array", Uint8Array.From(new byte[10]) }); yield return(new object[] { _objectPrototype.Call(), "Uint8ClampedArray", Uint8ClampedArray.From(new byte[10]) }); yield return(new object[] { _objectPrototype.Call(), "Int8Array", Int8Array.From(new sbyte[10]) }); yield return(new object[] { _objectPrototype.Call(), "Uint16Array", Uint16Array.From(new ushort[10]) }); yield return(new object[] { _objectPrototype.Call(), "Int16Array", Int16Array.From(new short[10]) }); yield return(new object[] { _objectPrototype.Call(), "Uint32Array", Uint32Array.From(new uint[10]) }); yield return(new object[] { _objectPrototype.Call(), "Int32Array", Int32Array.From(new int[10]) }); yield return(new object[] { _objectPrototype.Call(), "Float32Array", Float32Array.From(new float[10]) }); yield return(new object[] { _objectPrototype.Call(), "Float64Array", Float64Array.From(new double[10]) }); yield return(new object[] { _objectPrototype.Call(), "Array", new Array(10) }); }
private async Task doFetch(TaskCompletionSource <HttpResponseMessage> tcs, HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { var requestObject = new JSObject(); requestObject.SetObjectProperty("method", request.Method.Method); // See for // standard values and meanings requestObject.SetObjectProperty("credentials", DefaultCredentials); // See for // standard values and meanings requestObject.SetObjectProperty("cache", Cache); // See for // standard values and meanings requestObject.SetObjectProperty("mode", Mode); // We need to check for body content if (request.Content != null) { if (request.Content is StringContent) { requestObject.SetObjectProperty("body", await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); } else { using (var uint8Buffer = Uint8Array.From(await request.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync())) { requestObject.SetObjectProperty("body", uint8Buffer); } } } // Process headers // Cors has it's own restrictions on headers. // using (var jsHeaders = new HostObject("Headers")) { if (request.Headers != null) { foreach (var header in request.Headers) { foreach (var value in header.Value) { jsHeaders.Invoke("append", header.Key, value); } } } if (request.Content?.Headers != null) { foreach (var header in request.Content.Headers) { foreach (var value in header.Value) { jsHeaders.Invoke("append", header.Key, value); } } } requestObject.SetObjectProperty("headers", jsHeaders); } JSObject abortController = null; JSObject signal = null; WasmHttpReadStream wasmHttpReadStream = null; CancellationTokenRegistration abortRegistration = default(CancellationTokenRegistration); if (cancellationToken.CanBeCanceled) { abortController = new HostObject("AbortController"); signal = (JSObject)abortController.GetObjectProperty("signal"); requestObject.SetObjectProperty("signal", signal); abortRegistration = cancellationToken.Register((Action)(() => { if (abortController.JSHandle != -1) { abortController.Invoke((string)"abort"); abortController?.Dispose(); } wasmHttpReadStream?.Dispose(); })); } var args = new Core.Array(); args.Push(request.RequestUri.ToString()); args.Push(requestObject); requestObject.Dispose(); var response = (Task <object>)fetch.Invoke("apply", window, args); args.Dispose(); var t = await response; var status = new WasmFetchResponse((JSObject)t, abortController, abortRegistration); //Console.WriteLine($"bodyUsed: {status.IsBodyUsed}"); //Console.WriteLine($"ok: {status.IsOK}"); //Console.WriteLine($"redirected: {status.IsRedirected}"); //Console.WriteLine($"status: {status.Status}"); //Console.WriteLine($"statusText: {status.StatusText}"); //Console.WriteLine($"type: {status.ResponseType}"); //Console.WriteLine($"url: {status.Url}"); HttpResponseMessage httpresponse = new HttpResponseMessage((HttpStatusCode)Enum.Parse(typeof(HttpStatusCode), status.Status.ToString())); httpresponse.Content = StreamingSupported && StreamingEnabled ? new StreamContent(wasmHttpReadStream = new WasmHttpReadStream(status)) : (HttpContent) new WasmHttpContent(status); // Fill the response headers // CORS will only allow access to certain headers. // If a request is made for a resource on another origin which returns the CORs headers, then the type is cors. // cors and basic responses are almost identical except that a cors response restricts the headers you can view to // `Cache-Control`, `Content-Language`, `Content-Type`, `Expires`, `Last-Modified`, and `Pragma`. // View more information // // Note: Some of the headers may not even be valid header types in .NET thus we use TryAddWithoutValidation using (var respHeaders = (JSObject)status.Headers) { if (respHeaders != null) { using (var entriesIterator = (JSObject)respHeaders.Invoke("entries")) { JSObject nextResult = null; try { nextResult = (JSObject)entriesIterator.Invoke("next"); while (!(bool)nextResult.GetObjectProperty("done")) { using (var resultValue = (WebAssembly.Core.Array)nextResult.GetObjectProperty("value")) { var name = (string)resultValue [0]; var value = (string)resultValue [1]; if (!httpresponse.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(name, value)) { if (httpresponse.Content != null) { if (!httpresponse.Content.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(name, value)) { Console.WriteLine($"Warning: Can not add response header for name: {name} value: {value}"); } } } } nextResult?.Dispose(); nextResult = (JSObject)entriesIterator.Invoke("next"); } } finally { nextResult?.Dispose(); } } } } tcs.SetResult(httpresponse); signal?.Dispose(); } catch (Exception exception) { tcs.SetException(exception); } }
private async Task doFetch(TaskCompletionSource <HttpResponseMessage> tcs, HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { var requestObject = new JSObject(); requestObject.SetObjectProperty("method", request.Method.Method); // See for // standard values and meanings requestObject.SetObjectProperty("credentials", DefaultCredentials); // See for // standard values and meanings requestObject.SetObjectProperty("cache", Cache); // See for // standard values and meanings requestObject.SetObjectProperty("mode", Mode); // We need to check for body content if (request.Content != null) { if (request.Content is StringContent) { requestObject.SetObjectProperty("body", await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); } else { using (var uint8Buffer = Uint8Array.From(await request.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync())) { requestObject.SetObjectProperty("body", uint8Buffer); } } } // Process headers // Cors has it's own restrictions on headers. // using (var jsHeaders = new HostObject("Headers")) { if (request.Headers != null) { foreach (var header in request.Headers) { foreach (var value in header.Value) { jsHeaders.Invoke("append", header.Key, value); } } } if (request.Content?.Headers != null) { foreach (var header in request.Content.Headers) { foreach (var value in header.Value) { jsHeaders.Invoke("append", header.Key, value); } } } requestObject.SetObjectProperty("headers", jsHeaders); } JSObject abortController = null; JSObject signal = null; WasmHttpReadStream wasmHttpReadStream = null; CancellationTokenRegistration abortRegistration = default(CancellationTokenRegistration); if (cancellationToken.CanBeCanceled) { abortController = new HostObject("AbortController"); signal = (JSObject)abortController.GetObjectProperty("signal"); requestObject.SetObjectProperty("signal", signal); abortRegistration = cancellationToken.Register((Action)(() => { if (abortController.JSHandle != -1) { abortController.Invoke((string)"abort"); abortController?.Dispose(); } wasmHttpReadStream?.Dispose(); })); } var args = new Core.Array(); args.Push(request.RequestUri.ToString()); args.Push(requestObject); requestObject.Dispose(); var response = (Task <object>)fetch.Invoke("apply", window, args); args.Dispose(); var t = await response; var status = new WasmFetchResponse((JSObject)t, abortController, abortRegistration); //Console.WriteLine($"bodyUsed: {status.IsBodyUsed}"); //Console.WriteLine($"ok: {status.IsOK}"); //Console.WriteLine($"redirected: {status.IsRedirected}"); //Console.WriteLine($"status: {status.Status}"); //Console.WriteLine($"statusText: {status.StatusText}"); //Console.WriteLine($"type: {status.ResponseType}"); //Console.WriteLine($"url: {status.Url}"); HttpResponseMessage httpresponse = new HttpResponseMessage((HttpStatusCode)Enum.Parse(typeof(HttpStatusCode), status.Status.ToString())); httpresponse.Content = StreamingSupported && StreamingEnabled ? new StreamContent(wasmHttpReadStream = new WasmHttpReadStream(status)) : (HttpContent) new WasmHttpContent(status); // Fill the response headers // CORS will only allow access to certain headers. // If a request is made for a resource on another origin which returns the CORs headers, then the type is cors. // cors and basic responses are almost identical except that a cors response restricts the headers you can view to // `Cache-Control`, `Content-Language`, `Content-Type`, `Expires`, `Last-Modified`, and `Pragma`. // View more information // // Note: Some of the headers may not even be valid header types in .NET thus we use TryAddWithoutValidation using (var respHeaders = status.Headers) { // Here we invoke the forEach on the headers object // Note: the Action takes 3 objects and not two. The other seems to be the Header object. var foreachAction = new Action <object, object, object> ((value, name, other) => { if (!httpresponse.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation((string)name, (string)value)) { if (httpresponse.Content != null) { if (!httpresponse.Content.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation((string)name, (string)value)) { Console.WriteLine($"Warning: Can not add response header for name: {name} value: {value}"); } } } ((JSObject)other).Dispose(); }); try { respHeaders.Invoke("forEach", foreachAction); } finally { // Do not remove the following line of code. The httpresponse is used in the lambda above when parsing the Headers. // if a local is captured (used) by a lambda it becomes heap memory as we translate them into fields on an object. // The foreachAction is allocated when marshalled to JavaScript. Since we do not know when JS is finished with the // Action we need to tell the Runtime to de-allocate the object and remove the instance from JS as well. WebAssembly.Runtime.FreeObject(foreachAction); } } tcs.SetResult(httpresponse); signal?.Dispose(); } catch (Exception exception) { tcs.SetException(exception); } }
private async Task doFetch(TaskCompletionSource <HttpResponseMessage> tcs, HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { var requestObject = new JSObject(); if (request.Properties.TryGetValue("WebAssemblyFetchOptions", out var fetchOoptionsValue) && fetchOoptionsValue is IDictionary <string, object> fetchOptions) { foreach (var item in fetchOptions) { requestObject.SetObjectProperty(item.Key, item.Value); } } requestObject.SetObjectProperty("method", request.Method.Method); // We need to check for body content if (request.Content != null) { if (request.Content is StringContent) { requestObject.SetObjectProperty("body", await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); } else { // 2.1.801 seems to have a problem with the line // using (var uint8Buffer = Uint8Array.From(await request.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync ())) // so we split it up into two lines. var byteAsync = await request.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync(); using (var uint8Buffer = Uint8Array.From(byteAsync)) { requestObject.SetObjectProperty("body", uint8Buffer); } } } // Process headers // Cors has it's own restrictions on headers. // using (var jsHeaders = new HostObject("Headers")) { if (request.Headers != null) { foreach (var header in request.Headers) { foreach (var value in header.Value) { jsHeaders.Invoke("append", header.Key, value); } } } if (request.Content?.Headers != null) { foreach (var header in request.Content.Headers) { foreach (var value in header.Value) { jsHeaders.Invoke("append", header.Key, value); } } } requestObject.SetObjectProperty("headers", jsHeaders); } WasmHttpReadStream wasmHttpReadStream = null; JSObject abortController = new HostObject("AbortController"); JSObject signal = (JSObject)abortController.GetObjectProperty("signal"); requestObject.SetObjectProperty("signal", signal); signal.Dispose(); CancellationTokenSource abortCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken); CancellationTokenRegistration abortRegistration = abortCts.Token.Register((Action)(() => { if (abortController.JSHandle != -1) { abortController.Invoke("abort"); abortController?.Dispose(); } wasmHttpReadStream?.Dispose(); })); var args = new Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.Array(); args.Push(request.RequestUri.ToString()); args.Push(requestObject); requestObject.Dispose(); var response = fetch.Invoke("apply", window, args) as Task <object>; args.Dispose(); if (response == null) { throw new Exception("Internal error marshalling the response Promise from `fetch`."); } var t = await response; var status = new WasmFetchResponse((JSObject)t, abortController, abortCts, abortRegistration); //Console.WriteLine($"bodyUsed: {status.IsBodyUsed}"); //Console.WriteLine($"ok: {status.IsOK}"); //Console.WriteLine($"redirected: {status.IsRedirected}"); //Console.WriteLine($"status: {status.Status}"); //Console.WriteLine($"statusText: {status.StatusText}"); //Console.WriteLine($"type: {status.ResponseType}"); //Console.WriteLine($"url: {status.Url}"); HttpResponseMessage httpresponse = new HttpResponseMessage((HttpStatusCode)Enum.Parse(typeof(HttpStatusCode), status.Status.ToString())); var streamingEnabled = request.Properties.TryGetValue("WebAssemblyEnableStreamingResponse", out var streamingEnabledValue) && (bool)streamingEnabledValue; httpresponse.Content = StreamingSupported && streamingEnabled ? new StreamContent(wasmHttpReadStream = new WasmHttpReadStream(status)) : (HttpContent) new WasmHttpContent(status); // Fill the response headers // CORS will only allow access to certain headers. // If a request is made for a resource on another origin which returns the CORs headers, then the type is cors. // cors and basic responses are almost identical except that a cors response restricts the headers you can view to // `Cache-Control`, `Content-Language`, `Content-Type`, `Expires`, `Last-Modified`, and `Pragma`. // View more information // // Note: Some of the headers may not even be valid header types in .NET thus we use TryAddWithoutValidation using (var respHeaders = (JSObject)status.Headers) { if (respHeaders != null) { using (var entriesIterator = (JSObject)respHeaders.Invoke("entries")) { JSObject nextResult = null; try { nextResult = (JSObject)entriesIterator.Invoke("next"); while (!(bool)nextResult.GetObjectProperty("done")) { using (var resultValue = (Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.Array)nextResult.GetObjectProperty("value")) { var name = (string)resultValue [0]; var value = (string)resultValue [1]; if (!httpresponse.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(name, value)) { if (httpresponse.Content != null) { if (!httpresponse.Content.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(name, value)) { Console.WriteLine($"Warning: Can not add response header for name: {name} value: {value}"); } } } } nextResult?.Dispose(); nextResult = (JSObject)entriesIterator.Invoke("next"); } } finally { nextResult?.Dispose(); } } } } tcs.SetResult(httpresponse); } catch (JSException jsExc) { var httpExc = new System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException(jsExc.Message); tcs.SetException(httpExc); } catch (Exception exception) { tcs.SetException(exception); } }
public static Uint8Array Uint8ArrayFrom() { var array = new byte[50]; return(Uint8Array.From(array)); }