        public void FixtureDelayedClosingCmdTest()
            UiAutomationFixture.TimeoutSeconds = 2;
            // Another way of starting via cmd /c should work as well. Also letting it wait a second.
            Assert.IsTrue(_fixture.StartApplicationWithArguments(@"cmd.exe", "/c \"test.cmd wait 1\""), @"delayed closing Cmd");
            var processId = _fixture.ApplicationProcessId;

            Assert.IsTrue(UiAutomationFixture.WaitUntilProcessEnds("ProcessId:" + processId.Value));
        public void AppLauncherUwpAppTest()
            var fixture = new UiAutomationFixture();

            UiAutomationFixture.TimeoutSeconds = 2;
                fixture.StartApplicationWithArguments(@"windows.immersivecontrolpanel_cw5n1h2txyewy", null));
            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.IsUwpApp(), "Is UWP App");
            // Switch to parent as that contains the close button. Elements on child windows are found too.
            // UWP apps have a container called Application Frame Host.
            // So they are not direct children of the desktop, unlike "normal" applications.
            // That means that you need to use "descendants" rather than "children" in findfirst,
            // which is slow especially if a control is not found

            // TODO: You need to be very careful here. Sometimes the wrong close button gets pushed.
            // e.g. once I had an existing Calculator instance running, and the process closed
            // Edge instead of the new calculator window. Still need to find out how to prevent that.
            // For now the workaround is ensuring that there are no other instances of your app running.

            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.SwitchToParentWindow(), "Switch to parent.");

            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.ClickControl("ControlType:ListItem && name:System"));
            // This is needed. If you don't do it, the process gets into a locked state.
            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.WaitForControl("ControlType:Text && name:About"), "Wait for About text");
            // The About title comes earlier than the rest of the page, so wait for the control we want to examine
            var version = fixture.ValueOfControl("id:SystemSettings_PCSystem_VersionString_ValueTextBlock");

            Debug.Print("Version from settings: " + version);
            Assert.IsTrue(int.TryParse(version, out _), "Version is numerical");
            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.ClickControl("name:Close Settings"), "Press Close Settings");
        public void FixtureIsUwpTest()
            var fixture = new UiAutomationFixture();

            var process = Process.GetProcessById(fixture.ApplicationProcessId.Value);

            Assert.IsFalse(AppLauncher.IsUwpApp(process.Handle), "Notepad is not UWP");
            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.CloseApplication(), "Close notepad");
            fixture.StartApplicationWithArguments(@"windows.immersivecontrolpanel_cw5n1h2txyewy", null);
            var pid = fixture.ApplicationProcessId.Value;

            process = Process.GetProcessById(pid);
            Assert.IsTrue(AppLauncher.IsUwpApp(process.Handle), "App is UWP");
            Assert.AreEqual(IntPtr.Zero, process.MainWindowHandle, "Main window handle for Uwp window is 0");
            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.SwitchToParentWindow(), "Switch to parent");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(pid, fixture.ApplicationProcessId, @"Pids are not equal");
            Assert.IsTrue(AppLauncher.IsUwpApp(process.Handle), "Parent is UWP");
            process = Process.GetProcessById(fixture.ApplicationProcessId.Value);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(IntPtr.Zero, process.MainWindowHandle, "Main window handle for Uwp parent window is not 0");
            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.SwitchToProcess("ProcessId:" + pid), "Switch to child");
            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.CloseApplication(), "Close UWP app");
        public void FixtureRunWord()
            // Word doesn't always start a new process, but will re-use an existing process if that was already running.
            // That's why we don't use the automatic switch to the process, but switch by its process name separately
            var fixture = new UiAutomationFixture();

            UiAutomationFixture.TimeoutSeconds = 10;
            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.StartApplicationWithArguments(WordPath, "/w /q"), "Started Word");
            // todo: this fails when Word is already active when the test runs. Make more resilient
            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.SwitchToProcess(@"name:winword"), "Switched to Word");

            fixture.PressKey(@"The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog+{HOME}");
            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.ClickControl("ControlType:Button && Name:Bold"), "Click Bold");
            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.ControlExists("Name:Heading 1"), "Heading 1 found");
            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.ClickControl("Heading 1"), "Click Heading 1");
            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.ClickControl("ControlType:Button && Name:Underline"), "Click Underline");
            Assert.IsFalse(fixture.CloseApplication(), "Close application doesn't work due to dialog");

            // This is a tricky one, as it is a control on a modal dialog.
            // It works because click has a fallback to simulate a mouseclick in the center of the control's bounding rectangle

            Assert.IsTrue(fixture.ClickControl("Name:Don't Save"), "click Don't Save");
            // Normally exiting Word can take a very long time. 10 seconds is typically not enough
            UiAutomationFixture.TimeoutSeconds = 30;
            Assert.IsTrue(UiAutomationFixture.WaitUntilProcessEnds(@"winword"), "WinWord process ends");
            UiAutomationFixture.TimeoutSeconds = 3;