    public override IEnumerator Execute(UTContext context)
        var theProjectPath = projectPath.EvaluateIn(context);

        if (!Directory.Exists(theProjectPath))
            throw new UTFailBuildException("Project path " + theProjectPath + " does not exist.", this);

        if (UTFileUtils.IsBelow(UTFileUtils.ProjectRoot, theProjectPath))
            throw new UTFailBuildException("You cannot run uTomate externally on the current project. Use the Sub-Plan node if you want to run a plan as part of a plan.", this);

        var thePlanName  = planName.EvaluateIn(context);
        var theDebugMode = debugMode.EvaluateIn(context);

        var theProperties = EvaluateAll(properties, context);

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        foreach (var prop in theProperties)
            sb.Append(" -prop ").Append(UTExecutableParam.Quote(prop));

        Process process = new Process();

        process.StartInfo.FileName  = UTils.GetEditorExecutable();
        process.StartInfo.Arguments = "-projectPath " + UTExecutableParam.Quote(theProjectPath) +
                                      " -executeMethod UTExternalRunner.RunPlan -plan " + UTExecutableParam.Quote(thePlanName) +
                                      " -debugMode " + theDebugMode + sb.ToString();
        if (UTPreferences.DebugMode)
            process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            process.OutputDataReceived += (sender, args) => UDebug.Log("[Unity]" + args.Data);
            UDebug.Log("Executing: " + process.StartInfo.FileName + " with arguments " + process.StartInfo.Arguments);

        try {
            if (!process.Start())
                throw new UTFailBuildException("Unable to start Unity3D.", this);
            if (UTPreferences.DebugMode)
        } catch (Win32Exception e) {
            throw new UTFailBuildException("Unable to start process " + e.Message, this);
            yield return("");

            if (context.CancelRequested && !process.HasExited)
        } while(!process.HasExited);

        if (!context.CancelRequested && failOnError.EvaluateIn(context))
            if (process.ExitCode != 0)
                throw new UTFailBuildException("Plan " + thePlanName + " failed or was cancelled.", this);