        internal USBInterface(USBDevice device, int interfaceIndex, API.USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR rawDesc, USBPipeCollection pipes)
            // Set raw class identifiers
            ClassValue = rawDesc.bInterfaceClass;
            SubClass = rawDesc.bInterfaceSubClass;
            Protocol = rawDesc.bInterfaceProtocol;

            Number = rawDesc.bInterfaceNumber;
            InterfaceIndex = interfaceIndex;

            // If interface class is of a known type (USBBaseClass enum), use this
            // for the InterfaceClass property.
            BaseClass = USBBaseClass.Unknown;
            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(USBBaseClass), (int)rawDesc.bInterfaceClass))
                BaseClass = (USBBaseClass)(int)rawDesc.bInterfaceClass;

            Device = device;
            Pipes = pipes;

            // Handle pipes
            foreach (USBPipe pipe in pipes)
                // Attach pipe to this interface

                // If first in or out pipe, set InPipe and OutPipe
                if (pipe.IsIn && InPipe == null)
                    InPipe = pipe;
                if (pipe.IsOut && OutPipe == null)
                    OutPipe = pipe;

        private void InitializeInterfaces()
            int numInterfaces = _wuDevice.InterfaceCount;

            List<USBPipe> allPipes = new List<USBPipe>();

            USBInterface[] interfaces = new USBInterface[numInterfaces];
            // UsbEndpoint
            for (int i = 0; i < numInterfaces; i++)
                API.USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR descriptor;
                API.WINUSB_PIPE_INFORMATION[] pipesInfo;
                _wuDevice.GetInterfaceInfo(i, out descriptor, out pipesInfo);
                USBPipe[] interfacePipes = new USBPipe[pipesInfo.Length];
                for(int k=0;k<pipesInfo.Length;k++)
                    USBPipe pipe = new USBPipe(this, pipesInfo[k]);
                    interfacePipes[k] = pipe;
                // TODO:
                //if (descriptor.iInterface != 0)
                //    _wuDevice.GetStringDescriptor(descriptor.iInterface);
                USBPipeCollection pipeCollection = new USBPipeCollection(interfacePipes);
                interfaces[i] = new USBInterface(this, i, descriptor, pipeCollection);
            Pipes = new USBPipeCollection(allPipes.ToArray());
            Interfaces = new USBInterfaceCollection(interfaces);