// Adds the URDFLink to the list
 public bool AddLink(URDFLink urdfl)
     if (!links.ContainsKey(urdfl.name))
         links.Add(urdfl.name, urdfl);
    // Adds the URDFLink to the list
    public bool AddLink(URDFLink link) {

        if (!links.ContainsKey(link.name)) {

            links.Add(link.name, link);
            return true;

        return false;

    // Validates the consistency of the URDF structure
    public bool IsConsistent(ref string errorMsg) {

        errorMsg = "";

        // verify that
        // * every joint's name matches its key
        // * every joint specifies a joint type
        // * both parent and child match
        foreach( KeyValuePair<string, URDFJoint> kv in joints ) {

            URDFJoint j = kv.Value;

            if (j.name != kv.Key) {

                errorMsg = string.Format("Joint \"{0}'s\" name does not match key \"{1}\"", j.name, kv.Key);
                return false;


            if (j.type == "") {

                errorMsg = string.Format("Joint \"{0}'s\" type is not set", j.name);
                return false;


            if (j.parentLink == null) {

                errorMsg = string.Format("Joint \"{0}\" does not have a parent link", j.name);
                return false;


            if (!j.parentLink.children.Contains(j)) {

                errorMsg = string.Format("Joint \"{0}'s\" parent link \"{1}\" does not contain it as a child", j.name, j.parentLink.name);
                return false;


            if (j.childLink == null) {

                errorMsg = string.Format("Joint \"{0}\" does not have a child link", j.name);
                return false;


            if (j.childLink.parent != j) {

                errorMsg = string.Format("Joint \"{0}'s\" child link \"{1}\" does not have it as a parent", j.name, j.childLink.name);
                return false;



        // verify that
        // * every link's name matches it key
        // * every parent and child matches
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, URDFLink> kv in links) {

            URDFLink l = kv.Value;

            if (l.name != kv.Key) {

                errorMsg = string.Format("Link \"{0}'s\" name does not match key \"{1}\"", l.name, kv.Key);
                return false;


            if (l.parent != null && l.parent.childLink != l) {

                errorMsg = string.Format("Link \"{0}'s\" parent joint \"{1}\" does not have it as a child", l.name, l.parent.name);
                return false;


            foreach (URDFJoint j in l.children) {

                if (j.parentLink != l) {

                    errorMsg = string.Format("Link \"{0}'s\" child joint \"{1}\" does not have it as a parent", l.name, j.name);
                    return false;




        return true;