public void Share(string providerName) { var message = E7.Localization.GetString("share_message") + messageInputField.text; switch (providerName) { default: case "Facebook": UM_ShareUtility.FacebookShare(message, texture); break; case "Twitter": UM_ShareUtility.TwitterShare(message, texture); break; } }
private IEnumerator PostTwitterScreenshot() { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); // Create a texture the size of the screen, RGB24 format int width = Screen.width; int height = Screen.height; Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); // Read screen contents into the texture tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), 0, 0); tex.Apply(); UM_ShareUtility.TwitterShare("My Highscore", tex); Destroy(tex); }
void OnGUI() { float StartY = 20; float StartX = 10; GUI.Label(new Rect(StartX, StartY, Screen.width, 40), "Twitter", style); StartY += 25; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, 150, 50), "Post")) { UM_ShareUtility.TwitterShare("Titter posting test"); } StartX += 170; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, 150, 50), "Post Screehshot")) { StartCoroutine(PostTwitterScreenshot()); } StartY += 55; StartX = 10; GUI.Label(new Rect(StartX, StartY, Screen.width, 40), "Facebook", style); StartY += 25; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, 150, 50), "Post")) { UM_ShareUtility.FacebookShare("Facebook posting test"); } StartX += 170; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, 150, 50), "Post Screehshot")) { StartCoroutine(PostFBScreenshot()); } StartX += 170; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, 150, 50), "Post Image")) { UM_ShareUtility.FacebookShare("Hello world", textureForPost); } StartY += 55; StartX = 10; GUI.Label(new Rect(StartX, StartY, Screen.width, 40), "Mail", style); StartY += 25; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, 150, 50), "Send Mail")) { UM_ShareUtility.SendMail("My E-mail Subject", "This is my text to share", "[email protected], [email protected]"); } StartX += 170; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, 150, 50), "Send Mail with image")) { UM_ShareUtility.SendMail("My E-mail Subject", "This is my text to share <br> <strong> html text </strong>", "[email protected], [email protected]", textureForPost); } StartY += 55; StartX = 10; GUI.Label(new Rect(StartX, StartY, Screen.width, 40), "Native Sharing", style); StartY += 25; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, 150, 50), "Text")) { UM_ShareUtility.ShareMedia("Title", "Some text to share"); } StartX += 170; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, 150, 50), "Screehshot")) { StartCoroutine(PostScreenshot()); } StartY += 55; StartX = 10; GUI.Label(new Rect(StartX, StartY, Screen.width, 40), "Whatsapp", style); StartY += 25; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(StartX, StartY, 150, 50), "Start Share")) { UM_ShareUtility.WhatsappShare("This is my text to share", textureForPost); } }
public override void OnEnter() { UM_ShareUtility.TwitterShare(status.Value, texture.Value as Texture2D); Finish(); }
public void OnTwShare() { OnShareClose(); UM_ShareUtility.TwitterShare(url, textureForPost); }
// twitter sharing public void postTextureTwitter() { UM_ShareUtility.TwitterShare("@thebridebox " + "#thebridebox", screenCap); // analyticsControl.screenshotShare("twitter"); }
// twitter sharing public void postTextureTwitter() { UM_ShareUtility.TwitterShare("@TeamLaunchable " + "#launchable", screenCap); // analyticsControl.screenshotShare("twitter"); }
public void OnTwShare() { UM_ShareUtility.TwitterShare("market://details?id=com.peakrainbow.missionday"); //, textureForPost); }