public override void Begin() { base.Begin(); if (!is2D) { UITweenDebugLog.DebugLogWarning("not is2D" + typeof(Image)); return; } image = GetComponent <Image>(); if (image == null) { UITweenDebugLog.DebugLogWarning("this gameObject not add the component " + typeof(Image)); return; } if (image.type != Image.Type.Filled) { image.type = Image.Type.Filled; } image.fillMethod = Image.FillMethod.Radial360; image.fillAmount = from; tween = image.DOFillAmount(to, duration).SetAutoKill(false); SetTween(tween); }
public override void Begin() { base.Begin(); if (!is2D) { return; } image = GetComponent <Image>(); text = GetComponent <Text>(); if (image != null) { Color col = image.color; col.a = from; image.color = col; tween = image.DOFade(to, duration).SetAutoKill(false); } else if (text != null) { Color col = text.color; col.a = from; text.color = col; tween = text.DOFade(to, duration).SetAutoKill(false); } else { UITweenDebugLog.DebugLogWarning("this gameObject not add the component " + typeof(Image) + " " + typeof(Text)); } SetTween(tween); }
public static T Begin <T>(GameObject go) where T : UITween { T t = go.GetComponent <T>(); if (t == null) { t = go.AddComponent <T>(); if (t == null) { UITweenDebugLog.DebugLogWarning("conld't get Component " + typeof(T)); return(null); } } t.enabled = true; return(t); }
public void SetTween(Tween _tween) { if (_tween == null) { UITweenDebugLog.DebugLogWarning("Tween is null"); return; } _tween.SetEase(ease); if ((int)loopType < 3) { _tween.SetLoops(loopTimes, (LoopType)((int)loopType)); } if (ignoreTimeScale) { _tween.SetUpdate(UpdateType.Normal, true); } _tween.OnComplete(OnComplete); }
public override void Begin() { base.Begin(); if (!is2D) { return; } slider = GetComponent <Slider>(); if (slider == null) { UITweenDebugLog.DebugLogWarning("this gameObject not add the component " + typeof(Slider)); return; } slider.value = from; tween = slider.DOValue(to, duration).SetAutoKill(false); SetTween(tween); }