 void createAudioButton()
     audioButton           = UIToggleButton.create("audio_on.png", "audio_off.png", "audio_on.png", 0, 0);
     audioButton.onToggle += onToggleAudioButton;
     audioButton.selected  = AudioListener.pause;
     audioButton.positionFromTopLeft(0.01f, 0.01f);
	void HandlePipsOnSelect (UIRadioButtonGroup sender, UIToggleButton selected)
		print ("pips selection changed");	
		int pageIndex = Mathf.RoundToInt( 20f / sender.NumberOfChildren * sender.IndexOfCurrentlySelected );
    void HandlePipsOnSelect(UIRadioButtonGroup sender, UIToggleButton selected)
        print("pips selection changed");

        int pageIndex = Mathf.RoundToInt(20f / sender.NumberOfChildren * sender.IndexOfCurrentlySelected);

    void HandleToggleonToggle(UIToggleButton sender, bool selected)
        if (m_currentlySelected == sender)

        m_currentlySelected = sender;
 void toggleMusic(UIToggleButton sender)
     if (sender.selected)
 void toggleSound(UIToggleButton sender)
     if (sender.selected)
 private void onToggleAudioButton(UIToggleButton sender, bool selected)
     if (selected)
         PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Audio", 0);
     // TODO: Disattiva una eventuale musica
         PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Audio", 1);
     // TODO: Riattiva una eventuale musica
    void Start()
        // IMPORTANT: depth is 1 on top higher numbers on the bottom.  This means the lower the number is the closer it gets to the camera.
        var playButton = UIButton.create("playUp.png", "playDown.png", 0, 0);

        playButton.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets(30);

        // Scores button
        var scores = UIContinuousButton.create("scoresUp.png", "scoresDown.png", 0, 0);

        scores.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets(30);
        scores.touchDownSound          = scoresSound;

        // Options button
        var optionsButton = UIButton.create("optionsUp.png", "optionsDown.png", 0, 0);

        optionsButton.touchDownSound = optionsSound;

        // Knob
        var knob = UIKnob.create("knobUp.png", "knobDown.png", 0, 0);

        knob.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets(30);
        knob.value = 0.3f;

        // Toggle Button
        var toggleButton = UIToggleButton.create("cbUnchecked.png", "cbChecked.png", "cbDown.png", 0, 0);

        toggleButton.selected = true;

        // HorizontalLayout
        var hBox = new UIHorizontalLayout(20);

        hBox.addChild(playButton, scores, optionsButton);

        // VerticalLayout
        var vBox = new UIVerticalLayout(20);

        vBox.addChild(knob, toggleButton);
        vBox.positionFromTopRight(0, 0);

        // Layouts can be animated like any UIObject
 public void onTouchAudioBtn(UIToggleButton sender, bool toggle)
     //toggle audio on / off
     if (toggle)
         AudioListener.volume = 0;
         PlayerPrefs.SetInt("volume", 1);
         AudioListener.volume = 1;
         PlayerPrefs.SetInt("volume", 2);
 void UpdateToggleStates()
     foreach (UISprite child in _children)
         UIToggleButton toggle = child as UIToggleButton;
         if (toggle == m_currentlySelected)
             toggle.selected = true;
             toggle.disabled = true;
             toggle.selected = false;
             toggle.disabled = false;
    public override void addChild(params UISprite[] children)
        foreach (UISprite child in children)
            if (child is UIToggleButton)
                UIToggleButton toggle = child as UIToggleButton;
                toggle.onToggle += HandleToggleonToggle;
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(child.GetType() +
                                             " is not a UIToggleButton and will not be added to the radio group");

    private IEnumerator createOptionsMenu()
        Debug.Log("Create OptionsMenu");
        currentPage = PageOLD.Options;
        if (audioLabel == null)
            // Audio Label
            audioLabel = UI.firstToolkit.addSprite("RGB_button.png", 0, 0);

            // Audio Checkbox
            audioCheckBox = UIToggleButton.create("RGB_slider_thumb.png", "RGB_slider_thumb.png", "RGB_slider_thumb.png", 0, 0);
            audioCheckBox.parentUIObject = audioLabel;
            audioCheckBox.onToggle      += onToggleAudioButton;

            // Sens Label
            sensitivityLabel = UI.firstToolkit.addSprite("RGB_button.png", 0, 0);
            sensitivityLabel.parentUIObject = audioLabel;

            // Sens Slider
            sensitivitySlider = UISlider.create("RGB_slider_thumb.png", "RGB_slider_bar.png", 0, 0, UISliderLayout.Horizontal, 1, true);
            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Sensitivity"))
                sensitivitySlider.value = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Sensitivity");
            sensitivitySlider.onChange += onSensitivitySliderChanged;

            // Account button
            accountButton = UIButton.create("RGB_button.png", "RGB_button.png", 0, 0);
            accountButton.parentUIObject = audioLabel;
            accountButton.onTouchUp     += onTouchAccountButton;

        // Posizioni
        sensitivitySlider.position = sensitivityLabel.position + new Vector3(sensitivityLabel.width, -sensitivityLabel.height / 2, 0.0f);

        // Animazione
        audioLabel.positionFrom(1.0f, new Vector3(-Screen.width, audioLabel.position.y, audioLabel.position.z), Easing.Quartic.easeIn);
        sensitivitySlider.positionFrom(1.0f, new Vector3(-Screen.width, sensitivitySlider.position.y, sensitivitySlider.position.z), Easing.Quartic.easeIn);
        yield return(null);
    // Build Options Menu
    private void BuildOptions()
        // Options List box
        containerOptions = new UIScrollableVerticalLayoutContainer(0);
        containerOptions.setSize(Screen.width - backButton.width, Screen.height); //scrollable.setSize(width, height);
        containerOptions.position  = new Vector3(backButton.width, 0, 0);         //scrollable.position = new Vector3((Screen.width - width) / 2, -Screen.height + height, 0);
        containerOptions.zIndex    = 1;
        containerOptions.myPadding = backButton.width;

        UIHorizontalLayoutWrap WrapperColors = new UIHorizontalLayoutWrap(0);
        UIToggleButton         buttonColors  = UIToggleButton.create("hexbox_false.png", "hexbox_true.png", "hexbox_down.png", 0, 0);

        buttonColors.scale    *= menuScale;
        buttonColors.onToggle += (sender, newValue) => buttonOptionsColors(sender, newValue);
        buttonColors.selected  = gameSetup.showColorTransitions;

        var textColors = text.addTextInstance("Color Transitions", 0, 0);

        textColors.scale *= menuScale;
        textColors.color  = Color.white;
        textColors.zIndex = -1;
        WrapperColors.addChild(buttonColors, textColors);

        UIHorizontalLayoutWrap WrapperFPS = new UIHorizontalLayoutWrap(0);
        UIToggleButton         buttonFPS  = UIToggleButton.create("hexbox_false.png", "hexbox_true.png", "hexbox_down.png", 0, 0);

        buttonFPS.scale    *= menuScale;
        buttonFPS.onToggle += (sender, newValue) => buttonOptionsFPS(sender, newValue);
        buttonFPS.selected  = gameSetup.showFPS;

        var textFPS = text.addTextInstance("Show FPS", 0, 0);

        textFPS.scale *= menuScale;
        textFPS.color  = Color.white;
        textFPS.zIndex = -1;
        WrapperFPS.addChild(buttonFPS, textFPS);

        containerOptions.addChild(WrapperColors, WrapperFPS);
 void buttonOptionsFPS(UIToggleButton sender, bool value)
     gameSetup.showFPS = value;
    void CreateScrollableMenuWithPips()
        m_scrollable = new UIScrollableHorizontalLayout(20);

        // we wrap the addition of all the sprites with a begin updates so it only lays out once when complete

        // if you plan on making the scrollable wider than the item width you need to set your edgeInsets so that the
        // left + right inset is equal to the extra width you set
        float itemWidth = 250f;
        float leftInset;
        float rightInset;

        leftInset = rightInset = (Screen.width - itemWidth) / 2;

        m_scrollable.edgeInsets = new UIEdgeInsets(0, Mathf.RoundToInt(leftInset), 0, Mathf.RoundToInt(rightInset));

        var scrollerHeight = UI.scaleFactor * itemWidth;
        var scrollerWidth  = UI.scaleFactor * (itemWidth + leftInset + rightInset);                        // item width + 150 extra width

        m_scrollable.setSize(scrollerWidth, scrollerHeight);

        // paging will snap to the nearest page when scrolling
        m_scrollable.pagingEnabled = true;
        m_scrollable.pageWidth     = itemWidth * UI.scaleFactor;

        // center the scrollable horizontally
        m_scrollable.position = new Vector3((Screen.width - scrollerWidth) / 2, -Screen.height + scrollerHeight, 0);

        for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            var button = UIButton.create("marioPanel.png", "marioPanel.png", 0, 0);

        m_scrollable.endUpdates();         // this is a bug. it shouldnt need to be called twice

        var pips = new UIRadioButtonGroup(0, UIAbstractContainer.UILayoutType.Horizontal);

        int pageCount = Mathf.CeilToInt(20 * itemWidth / scrollerWidth);

        for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++)
            var toggle = UIToggleButton.create("emptyUp.png", "emptyDown.png", "emptyUp.png", 0, 0);


        float screenUnits = 1.0f / Screen.width;
        float halfWidth   = 140 * pageCount / 2;
        float offset      = halfWidth * screenUnits;

        pips.positionFromCenter(-50 * screenUnits, -offset);

        pips.OnSelect += HandlePipsOnSelect;
        pips.IndexOfCurrentlySelected = 1;
    void Start()
        text        = new UIText(textToolkit, "GhoulishFont", "GhoulishFont_0.png");
        startScript = FindObjectOfType(typeof(StartScript)) as StartScript;
        loader      = FindObjectOfType(typeof(loadingScript)) as loadingScript;
        character   = FindObjectOfType(typeof(CharacterMaster)) as CharacterMaster;

        AmmoText     = text.addTextInstance("Bullets: " + startScript.Ammunition.ToString(), 0, 0, textScaleFactor, 2, Color.white, UITextAlignMode.Left, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle);
        PickupAmount = text.addTextInstance("+20", 0, 0, textScaleFactor * 5, 2, Color.white, UITextAlignMode.Left, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle);
        PickupAmount.alphaTo(0.1f, 0, Easing.Quartic.easeIn);
        PickupAmount.hidden = true;

        LevelInstruc = text.addTextInstance("" + LvlInstructions, 0, 0, textScaleFactor, 2, Color.white, UITextAlignMode.Center, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle);
        LevelInstruc.alphaTo(0.01f, 0, Easing.Quartic.easeIn);

        // buttons ------------------------------------

        PauseBtn = UIButton.create(buttonUI, "PauseBtn.png", "PauseBtn.png", 0, 0, 10);
        PauseBtn.positionFromTopLeft(0.035f, 0.045f);
        PauseBtn.onTouchUpInside += onTouchPauseBtn;
        PauseBtn.touchDownSound   = buttonSound;
        PauseBtn.hidden           = false;

        PlayBtn = UIButton.create(buttonUI, "PlayBtn.png", "PlayBtn.png", 0, 0, 10);
        PlayBtn.positionFromCenter(0.2f, -0.21f);
        PlayBtn.onTouchUpInside += onTouchPlayBtn;
        PlayBtn.touchDownSound   = buttonSound;
        PlayBtn.hidden           = true;

        RetryBtn = UIButton.create(buttonUI, "RetryBtn.png", "RetryBtn.png", 0, 0, 10);
        RetryBtn.positionFromCenter(0.2f, -0.07f);
        RetryBtn.onTouchUpInside += onTouchRetryBtn;
        RetryBtn.touchDownSound   = buttonSound;
        RetryBtn.hidden           = true;

        QuitBtn = UIButton.create(buttonUI, "QuitBtn.png", "QuitBtn.png", 0, 0, 10);
        QuitBtn.positionFromCenter(0.2f, 0.07f);
        QuitBtn.onTouchUpInside += onTouchQuitBtn;
        QuitBtn.touchDownSound   = buttonSound;
        QuitBtn.hidden           = true;

        //------TOGGLE BTNS-------------------------------

        AudioBtn = UIToggleButton.create(buttonUI, "AudioOffBtn.png", "AudioBtn.png", "AudioOffBtn.png", 0, 0, 10);
        AudioBtn.positionFromCenter(0.2f, 0.21f);
        AudioBtn.onToggle += onTouchAudioBtn;
        AudioBtn.hidden    = true;
        if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("volume") == 1)
            AudioBtn.selected = true;

        //-------------------HEALTH METER--------------------------------------

        HealthBG = buttonUI.addSprite("HealthBG.png", 0, 0, 10);
        HealthBG.positionFromCenter(-0.41f, 0.0f);

        HealthBar = UIProgressBar.create(buttonUI, "HealthBar.png", 0, 0, false, 5, false);
        Vector2 tempVec;

        tempVec            = new Vector2(HealthBG.position.x + 95, HealthBG.position.y - 10);
        HealthBar.position = tempVec;

        HealthBar.value = 1;


        HealthPickup = buttonUI.addSprite("HeartPickup.png", 0, 0, 10);
        HealthPickup.positionFromCenter(-0.0f, 0.0f);
        HealthPickup.alphaTo(0.1f, 0, Easing.Quartic.easeIn);
        HealthPickup.hidden = true;

        AmmoPickup = buttonUI.addSprite("AmmoPickup.png", 0, 0, 10);
        AmmoPickup.positionFromCenter(-0.0f, 0.0f);
        AmmoPickup.alphaTo(0.1f, 0, Easing.Quartic.easeIn);
        AmmoPickup.hidden = true;


        LToggle          = UIJoystick.create(buttonUI, "LToggle.png", new Rect(Screen.width * 0.01f, Screen.height * 0.45f, Screen.width * 0.4f, Screen.height * 0.6f), Screen.width * 0.175f, Screen.height * -0.3f);
        LToggle.deadZone = new Vector2(0.8f, 0.8f);
        //LToggle.setJoystickHighlightedFilename( "LToggleT.png" );
        AttackBtn = UIContinuousButton.create("AttackBtn.png", "AttackBtn.png", 0, 0);
        AttackBtn.positionFromBottomRight(0.05f, 0.05f);
        AttackBtn.centerize();         // centerize the button so we can scale it from the center
        AttackBtn.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets(30);
        AttackBtn.onTouchIsDown          += onTouchAttackBtn;
        AttackBtn.onTouchUpInside        += onTouchAttackBtnUp;

        if (loader != null)
            if (loader.ControllerCount > 0)
                LToggle.hidden   = true;
                AttackBtn.hidden = true;
    void Start()
        // add two scrollables: one with paging enabled and one without
        var scrollable = new UIScrollableHorizontalLayout(10);

        // we wrap the addition of all the sprites with a begin updates so it only lays out once when complete

        var height = UI.scaleFactor * 50f;
        var width  = Screen.width / 1.4f;

        scrollable.setSize(width, height);
        scrollable.position = new Vector3((Screen.width - width) / 2, -Screen.height + height, 0);
        scrollable.zIndex   = 3;

        for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            UITouchableSprite touchable;
            if (i == 4)              // text sprite
                touchable = UIButton.create("emptyUp.png", "emptyDown.png", 0, 0);
            else if (i % 3 == 0)
                touchable = UIToggleButton.create("cbUnchecked.png", "cbChecked.png", "cbDown.png", 0, 0);
            else if (i % 2 == 0)
                touchable = UIButton.create("playUp.png", "playDown.png", 0, 0);
                touchable = UIButton.create("optionsUp.png", "optionsDown.png", 0, 0);

            if (i == 1)
                var ch = UIToggleButton.create("cbUnchecked.png", "cbChecked.png", "cbDown.png", 0, 0);
                ch.parentUIObject = touchable;
                ch.client.name = "TEST THINGY";
                ch.scale       = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 1);
            else if (i == 4)
                var text = new UIText(textManager, "prototype", "prototype.png");

                var helloText = text.addTextInstance("Child Text", 0, 0, 0.5f, -1, Color.blue, UITextAlignMode.Center, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle);
                helloText.parentUIObject = touchable;

                var ch = UIToggleButton.create("cbUnchecked.png", "cbChecked.png", "cbDown.png", 0, 0);
                ch.parentUIObject = helloText;
                ch.client.name = "subsub";
                ch.scale       = new Vector3(0.25f, 0.25f, -2);

            // only add a touchUpInside handler for buttons
            if (touchable is UIButton)
                var button = touchable as UIButton;

                // store i locally so we can put it in the closure scope of the touch handler
                var j = i;
                button.onTouchUpInside += (sender) => Debug.Log("touched button: " + j);

            // add random spacers every so often
            if (i % 3 == 0)
                scrollable.addChild(new UISpacer(Random.Range(10, 100), 40));

        scrollable.endUpdates();         // this is a bug. it shouldnt need to be called twice

        // add another scrollable, this one with paging enabled.
        scrollable = new UIScrollableHorizontalLayout(20);

        // we wrap the addition of all the sprites with a begin updates so it only lays out once when complete

        height = UI.scaleFactor * 250f;

        // if you plan on making the scrollable wider than the item width you need to set your edgeInsets so that the
        // left + right inset is equal to the extra width you set
        scrollable.edgeInsets = new UIEdgeInsets(0, 75, 0, 75);
        width = UI.scaleFactor * (250f + 150f);           // item width + 150 extra width
        scrollable.setSize(width, height);

        // paging will snap to the nearest page when scrolling
        scrollable.pagingEnabled = true;
        scrollable.pageWidth     = 250f * UI.scaleFactor;

        // center the scrollable horizontally
        scrollable.position = new Vector3((Screen.width - width) / 2, 0, 0);

        for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            var button = UIButton.create("marioPanel.png", "marioPanel.png", 0, 0);

        scrollable.endUpdates();         // this is a bug. it shouldnt need to be called twice
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        audioplay = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SoundLoader").GetComponent <AudioScript>();

        if (AudioScript.status == false)

        var scaleFactor = ScaleFactor.GetScaleFactor();

        Time.timeScale = 1;
        print("Width " + Screen.width + " Height " + Screen.height);

//main menu

        //play game
        playButton = UIButton.create("PlayBtn_normal.png", "PlayBtn_active.png", 0, 0);
        playButton.setSize(playButton.width / scaleFactor, playButton.height / scaleFactor);
        playButton.onTouchUpInside += sender => Application.LoadLevel("Loading");

        //view collections of toy darts
        collectionButton = UIButton.create("CollectionBtn_normal.png", "CollectionBtn_active.png", 0, 0);
        collectionButton.onTouchUpInside += sender => Application.LoadLevel("collections");
        collectionButton.setSize(collectionButton.width / scaleFactor, collectionButton.height / scaleFactor);

        storeButton = UIButton.create("StoreBtn_normal.png", "StoreBtn_active.png", 0, 0);
        storeButton.onTouchUpInside += sender => Application.LoadLevel("gameStore");
        storeButton.setSize(storeButton.width / scaleFactor, storeButton.height / scaleFactor);

        //high score
        highScoreButton = UIButton.create("HighScoBtn_normal.png", "HighScoBtn_active.png", 0, 0);
        highScoreButton.onTouchUpInside += sender => Application.LoadLevel("HS");;
        highScoreButton.setSize(highScoreButton.width / scaleFactor, highScoreButton.height / scaleFactor);

        creditsButton = UIButton.create("CreditsBtn_normal.png", "CreditsBtn_activel.png", 0, 0);
        creditsButton.onTouchUpInside += sender => Application.LoadLevel("credits");
        creditsButton.setSize(creditsButton.width / scaleFactor, creditsButton.height / scaleFactor);

        post = UIButton.create("post.png", "post.png", 0, 0);
        post.setSize(post.width / scaleFactor, post.height / scaleFactor);

        sound           = UIToggleButton.create("sound_normal.png", "sound_mute.png", "sound_active.png", 0, 0);
        sound.onToggle += (sender, selected) => toggleSound(sender);
        sound.selected  = false;
        sound.setSize(sound.width / scaleFactor, sound.height / scaleFactor);

        music           = UIToggleButton.create("music_normal.png", "music_mute.png", "music_active.png", 0, 0);
        music.onToggle += (sender, selected) => toggleMusic(sender);
        music.selected  = false;
        music.setSize(music.width / scaleFactor, music.height / scaleFactor);

        help = UIButton.create("HelpBtn.png", "HelpBtn.png", 0, 0);
        help.onTouchUpInside += sender => x++;
        help.onTouchUpInside += sender => showTutorial();
        help.setSize(help.width / scaleFactor, help.height / scaleFactor);

 void onToggleAudioButton(UIToggleButton sender, bool selected)
     AudioListener.pause = selected;
 void buttonOptionsColors(UIToggleButton sender, bool value)
     gameSetup.showColorTransitions = value;
    void Start()
        var scrollable = new UIScrollableVerticalLayout(10);

        scrollable.alignMode = UIAbstractContainer.UIContainerAlignMode.Center;
        scrollable.position  = new Vector3(0, -50, 0);
        var width = UI.isHD ? 300 : 150;

        scrollable.setSize(width, Screen.height / 1.4f);

        for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            UITouchableSprite touchable;
            if (i == 4)              // text sprite
                touchable = UIButton.create("emptyUp.png", "emptyDown.png", 0, 0);
            else if (i % 3 == 0)
                touchable = UIToggleButton.create("cbUnchecked.png", "cbChecked.png", "cbDown.png", 0, 0);
            else if (i % 2 == 0)
                touchable = UIButton.create("playUp.png", "playDown.png", 0, 0);
                touchable = UIButton.create("optionsUp.png", "optionsDown.png", 0, 0);

            // extra flair added by putting some child objects in some of the buttons created above
            if (i == 1)
                // add a toggle button to the first element in the list
                var ch = UIToggleButton.create("cbUnchecked.png", "cbChecked.png", "cbDown.png", 0, 0);
                ch.parentUIObject = touchable;
                ch.client.name = "TEST THINGY";
                ch.scale       = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 1);
            else if (i == 4)
                // add some text to the 4th element in the list
                var text = new UIText(textManager, "prototype", "prototype.png");

                var helloText = text.addTextInstance("Child Text", 0, 0, 0.5f, -1, Color.black, UITextAlignMode.Center, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle);
                helloText.parentUIObject = touchable;

                // add a scaled down toggle button as well but this will be parented to the text
                var ch = UIToggleButton.create("cbUnchecked.png", "cbChecked.png", "cbDown.png", 0, 0);
                ch.parentUIObject = helloText;
                ch.client.name = "subsub";
                ch.scale       = new Vector3(0.25f, 0.25f, 0);

            // only add a touchUpInside handler for buttons
            if (touchable is UIButton)
                var button = touchable as UIButton;

                // store i locally so we can put it in the closure scope of the touch handler
                var j = i;
                button.onTouchUpInside += (sender) => Debug.Log("touched button: " + j);


        // click to scroll to a specific offset
        var scores = UIButton.create("scoresUp.png", "scoresDown.png", 0, 0);

        scores.positionFromTopRight(0, 0);
        scores.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets(30);
        scores.onTouchUpInside        += (sender) =>
            scrollable.scrollTo(-10, true);

        scores = UIButton.create("scoresUp.png", "scoresDown.png", 0, 0);
        scores.positionFromBottomRight(0, 0);
        scores.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets(30);
        scores.onTouchUpInside        += (sender) =>
            scrollable.scrollTo(-600, true);

        scores = UIButton.create("scoresUp.png", "scoresDown.png", 0, 0);
        scores.positionFromTopRight(0.5f, 0);
        scores.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets(30);
        scores.onTouchUpInside        += (sender) =>
            var target = scrollable.position;
            var moveBy = _movedContainer ? -100 : 100;
            if (!UI.isHD)
                moveBy /= 2;
            target.x += moveBy * 2;
            target.y += moveBy;
            scrollable.positionTo(0.4f, target, Easing.Quintic.easeIn);
            _movedContainer = !_movedContainer;
        private void SetupSettingsPanel()
            panelSettings = new BaseElement
                Width  = { Percent = 100 },
                Height = { Pixels = -28, Percent = 100 },
                Y      = { Pixels = 28 }

            UIText textWhitelist = new UIText(Language.GetText("Mods.BaseLibrary.UI.Whitelist"))
                Y = { Pixels = 8 }


            buttonsWhitelist = new UIToggleButton[Container is TileEntities.UltimateTeleporter ? 5 : 4];
            for (int i = 0; i < buttonsWhitelist.Length; i++)

                buttonsWhitelist[i] = new UIToggleButton(Teleportation.whitelist[i], ScaleMode.Zoom)
                    Size      = new Vector2(40),
                    Y         = { Pixels = 36 },
                    X         = { Pixels = 48 * i },
                    Padding   = new Padding(6, 6, 6, 6),
                    Toggled   = Container.Whitelist[i],
                    HoverText = Language.GetText($"Mods.Teleportation.UI.Whitelist_{i}")
                int pos = i;
                buttonsWhitelist[i].OnClick += args =>
                    Container.Whitelist[pos] = !Container.Whitelist[pos];

            UIText textIcon = new UIText(Language.GetText("Mods.BaseLibrary.UI.Icon"))
                Y = { Pixels = 84 }

            UIIcon buttonIcon = new UIIcon(Container)
                Size      = new Vector2(40),
                Y         = { Pixels = 112 },
                Padding   = new Padding(6, 6, 6, 6),
                HoverText = Language.GetText("Mods.Teleportation.UI.SetIcon").Format(ModContent.ItemType <Pipette>())

            buttonIcon.OnClick += args =>
                Pipette pipette = (Pipette)Main.mouseItem.modItem;
                if (pipette?.icon == null)

                Container.Icon = pipette.icon.Clone();


	void HandleToggleonToggle (UIToggleButton sender, bool selected)
		if(m_currentlySelected == sender)
		m_currentlySelected = sender;
	void Start()
		var scrollable = new UIScrollableVerticalLayout( 10 );
		scrollable.position = new Vector3( 0, -50, 0 );
		var width = UI.instance.isHD ? 300 : 150;
		scrollable.setSize( width, Screen.height / 1.4f );
		for( var i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
			UITouchableSprite touchable;
			if( i % 3 == 0 )
				touchable = UIToggleButton.create( "cbUnchecked.png", "cbChecked.png", "cbDown.png", 0, 0 );
			else if( i % 2 == 0 )
				touchable = UIButton.create( "playUp.png", "playDown.png", 0, 0 );
				touchable = UIButton.create( "optionsUp.png", "optionsDown.png", 0, 0 );
			// only add a touchUpInside handler for buttons
			if( touchable is UIButton )
				var button = touchable as UIButton;
				// store i locally so we can put it in the closure scope of the touch handler
				var j = i;
				button.onTouchUpInside += ( sender ) => Debug.Log( "touched button: " + j );

			scrollable.addChild( touchable );
		// click to scroll to a specific offset
		var scores = UIButton.create( "scoresUp.png", "scoresDown.png", 0, 0 );
		scores.positionFromTopRight( 0, 0 );
		scores.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets( 30 );
		scores.onTouchUpInside += ( sender ) =>
			scrollable.scrollTo( -10, true );
		scores = UIButton.create( "scoresUp.png", "scoresDown.png", 0, 0 );
		scores.positionFromBottomRight( 0, 0 );
		scores.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets( 30 );
		scores.onTouchUpInside += ( sender ) =>
			scrollable.scrollTo( -600, true );
		scores = UIButton.create( "scoresUp.png", "scoresDown.png", 0, 0 );
		scores.positionFromTopRight( 0.5f, 0 );
		scores.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets( 30 );
		scores.onTouchUpInside += ( sender ) =>
			var target = scrollable.position;
			var moveBy = _movedContainer ? -100 : 100;
			if( !UI.instance.isHD )
				moveBy /= 2;
			target.x += moveBy * 2;
			target.y += moveBy;
			scrollable.positionTo( 0.4f, target, Easing.Quintic.easeIn );
			_movedContainer = !_movedContainer;
    void Start()
        // IMPORTANT: depth is 1 on top higher numbers on the bottom.  This means the lower the number is the closer it gets to the camera.
        var playButton = UIButton.create("playUp.png", "playDown.png", 0, 0);

        playButton.positionFromTopLeft(0.05f, 0f);
        playButton.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets(30);
        playButton.onTouchUpInside        += (sender) => Debug.Log("clicked the button: " + sender);

        // hover state example for illustration purposes. the playButton will get the scoresDown image when hovered over
        playButton.hoveredUVframe = UI.firstToolkit.uvRectForFilename("scoresDown.png");

        // Scores button
        var scores = UIContinuousButton.create("scoresUp.png", "scoresDown.png", 0, 0);
        scores.positionFromTopLeft(.24f, .02f);
        scores.centerize();         // centerize the button so we can scale it from the center
        scores.highlightedTouchOffsets      = new UIEdgeOffsets(30);
        scores.onTouchUpInside             += onTouchUpInsideScoresButton;
        scores.onTouchIsDown               += (sender) => Debug.Log("touch is down: " + Time.time);
        scores.touchDownSound               = scoresSound;
        scores.autoRefreshPositionOnScaling = false;

        // Options button
        var optionsButton = UIButton.create("optionsUp.png", "optionsDown.png", 0, 0);
        optionsButton.positionFromTopLeft(.43f, .02f);
        optionsButton.onTouchUpInside += onTouchUpInsideOptionsButton;
        optionsButton.touchDownSound   = optionsSound;

        // Knob
        var knob = UIKnob.create("knobUp.png", "knobDown.png", 0, 0);
        knob.positionFromTopLeft(.39f, .5f);
        knob.normalTouchOffsets      = new UIEdgeOffsets(10);      // give the knob a bit extra touch area
        knob.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets(30);
        knob.onKnobChanged          += onKnobChanged;
        knob.value = 0.3f;

        // Horizontal Slider
        var hSlider = UISlider.create("sliderKnob.png", "hSlider.png", 0, 0, UISliderLayout.Horizontal);
        hSlider.positionFromTopLeft(.7f, .02f);
        hSlider.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets(30, 20, 30, 20);
        hSlider.onChange += (sender, val) => Debug.Log(val);
        hSlider.value     = 0.6f;

        // Vertical Slider
        var vSlider = UISlider.create("vSliderKnob.png", "vSlider.png", 0, 0, UISliderLayout.Vertical);
        vSlider.positionFromTopRight(.17f, .05f);
        vSlider.highlightedTouchOffsets = new UIEdgeOffsets(20, 30, 20, 30);
        vSlider.continuous = true;
        vSlider.onChange  += (sender, val) => Debug.Log(val);
        vSlider.value      = 0.3f;

        // Toggle Button
        var toggleButton = UIToggleButton.create("cbUnchecked.png", "cbChecked.png", "cbDown.png", 0, 0);
        toggleButton.positionFromTopRight(.3f, .2f);
        toggleButton.onToggle += (sender, newValue) => hSlider.hidden = !newValue;
        toggleButton.selected  = true;

        // Progress/Health bar
        var progressBar = UIProgressBar.create("progressBar.png", 0, 0);
        progressBar.positionFromBottomLeft(.05f, .02f);
        progressBar.resizeTextureOnChange = true;
        progressBar.value = 0.4f;

        // animated sprite
        var animatedSprite = UI.firstToolkit.addSprite("Gai_1.png", 0, 0, 1);
        var anim           = animatedSprite.addSpriteAnimation("anim", 0.15f, "Gai_1.png", "Gai_2.png", "Gai_3.png", "Gai_4.png", "Gai_5.png", "Gai_6.png", "Gai_7.png", "Gai_8.png", "Gai_9.png", "Gai_10.png", "Gai_11.png", "Gai_12.png");
        animatedSprite.positionFromBottomRight(.0f, .25f);
        anim.loopReverse = true;         // optinally loop in reverse
        animatedSprite.playSpriteAnimation("anim", 5);

        // Test movement

        // UIObjects can be used like panels to group other UIObjects
        var panel = new UIObject();
        scores.parentUIObject        = panel;
        optionsButton.parentUIObject = panel;

    void Start()
        // add two scrollables: one with pageing enabled
        var scrollable = new UIScrollableHorizontalLayout(10);

        // we wrap the addition of all the sprites with a begin updates so it only lays out once when complete

        var height = UI.instance.isHD ? 150 : 300;
        var width  = Screen.width / 1.4f;

        scrollable.setSize(width, height);
        scrollable.position = new Vector3((Screen.width - width) / 2, -Screen.height + height, 0);
        scrollable.zIndex   = 3;

        for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            UITouchableSprite touchable;
            if (i == 4)              // text sprite
                touchable = UIButton.create("emptyUp.png", "emptyDown.png", 0, 0);
            else if (i % 3 == 0)
                touchable = UIToggleButton.create("cbUnchecked.png", "cbChecked.png", "cbDown.png", 0, 0);
            else if (i % 2 == 0)
                touchable = UIButton.create("playUp.png", "playDown.png", 0, 0);
                touchable = UIButton.create("optionsUp.png", "optionsDown.png", 0, 0);

            if (i == 1)
                var ch = UIToggleButton.create("cbUnchecked.png", "cbChecked.png", "cbDown.png", 0, 0);
                ch.parentUIObject = touchable;
                ch.client.name = "TEST THINGY";
                ch.scale       = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 1);
            else if (i == 4)
                var text = new UIText(textManager, "prototype", "prototype.png");

                var helloText = text.addTextInstance("Child Text", 0, 0, 0.5f, -1, Color.blue, UITextAlignMode.Center, UITextVerticalAlignMode.Middle);
                helloText.parentUIObject = touchable;

                var ch = UIToggleButton.create("cbUnchecked.png", "cbChecked.png", "cbDown.png", 0, 0);
                ch.parentUIObject = helloText;
                ch.client.name = "subsub";
                ch.scale       = new Vector3(0.25f, 0.25f, -2);

            // only add a touchUpInside handler for buttons
            if (touchable is UIButton)
                var button = touchable as UIButton;

                // store i locally so we can put it in the closure scope of the touch handler
                var j = i;
                button.onTouchUpInside += (sender) => Debug.Log("touched button: " + j);

        scrollable.endUpdates();         // this is a bug. it shouldnt need to be called twice

        // add another scrollable
        scrollable = new UIScrollableHorizontalLayout(0);

        // we wrap the addition of all the sprites with a begin updates so it only lays out once when complete

        var widthAndHeight = UI.instance.isHD ? 500 : 250;

        scrollable.setSize(widthAndHeight, widthAndHeight);
        scrollable.pagingEnabled = true;

        // paging will snap to the nearest page when scrolling
        scrollable.position = new Vector3((Screen.width - widthAndHeight) / 2, 0, 0);

        for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            var button = UIButton.create("marioPanel.png", "marioPanel.png", 0, 0);
        scrollable.endUpdates();         // this is a bug. it shouldnt need to be called twice
    void Start()
        mMaxCityRank = 1;
        mSun         = new Sun();

        // Get the Canvas the script is attached to
        UIElement canvas = new UIElement(gameObject);

        canvas.AddVerticalLayoutGroup(expandWidth: false, expandHeight: true);

        // Create a main panel which will include all UI elements
        UIElement mainPanel = new UIPanel(canvas, "Main Panel");

        mainPanel.AddVerticalLayoutGroup(expandWidth: true, padding: new RectOffset(0, 0, 5, 0));       // left, right, top, bottom
        mainPanel.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 210);

        // Create a header panel at the top with the title text
        UIElement titlePanel = new UIEmptyPanel(mainPanel, "Title Panel");

        titlePanel.AddVerticalLayoutGroup(expandWidth: true, padding: new RectOffset(5, 5, 0, 0));       // left, right, top, bottom
        titlePanel.AddLayoutElement(minHeight: 40);

        new UIText(titlePanel, "UltimaEarth 2.0", fontSize: 18);
        new UIText(titlePanel, "for uGUI (4.6+)", fontSize: 14);

        // create a panel for all content below the header panel
        UIElement contentPanel = new UIPanel(mainPanel, "Content Panel");

        contentPanel.AddVerticalLayoutGroup(padding: new RectOffset(5, 5, 5, 0));      // left, right, top, bottom
        //contentPanel.AddLayoutElement(preferredHeight: 1000);

        // A group panel is used as a toggle group
        UIGroupPanel radioGroup = new UIGroupPanel(contentPanel, "Earth Representation");

        // The radio buttons will be arranged vertically
        radioGroup.AddVerticalLayoutGroup(spacing: 0, padding: new RectOffset(5, 0, 0, 5));        // left, right, top, bottom
        radioGroup.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 210);

        UIText header1 = new UIText(radioGroup, "Earth Representation", fontSize: 14);

        header1.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 200, preferredHeight: 30);

        UIToggleButton radio1 = new UIToggleButton(radioGroup, "Natural, Ocean Floor", fontSize: controlFontSize);

        radio1.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 200);

        // When a toggle button is attached to the group panel it is turns into a radio group
        // Sets the intial state of this toggle button to 'on'
        radio1.SetState(isOn: true);
        radio1.OnValueChanged((v) => {
            if (v)

        UIToggleButton radio2 = new UIToggleButton(radioGroup, "Natural, Ocean Floor, Ice", fontSize: controlFontSize);

        radio2.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 200);
        // add the second toggle button to the radio group
        radio2.OnValueChanged((v) => {
            if (v)
                LoadEarth("Earth-1 Polar Ice");

        UIToggleButton radio3 = new UIToggleButton(radioGroup, "Natural", fontSize: controlFontSize);

        radio3.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 200);
        radio3.OnValueChanged((v) => {
            if (v)

        UIToggleButton radio4 = new UIToggleButton(radioGroup, "Natural, Ice", fontSize: controlFontSize);

        radio4.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 200);
        radio4.OnValueChanged((v) => {
            if (v)
                LoadEarth("Earth-2 Polar Ice");

        UIToggleButton radio5 = new UIToggleButton(radioGroup, "Hypsometric", fontSize: controlFontSize);

        radio5.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 200);
        radio5.OnValueChanged((v) => {
            if (v)

        UIToggleButton radio6 = new UIToggleButton(radioGroup, "Hypsometric, Ice", fontSize: controlFontSize);

        radio6.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 200);
        radio6.OnValueChanged((v) => {
            if (v)
                LoadEarth("Earth-3 Polar Ice");

        // Parameter Panel
        UIPanel parmPanel = new UIPanel(contentPanel, "Parameter Panel");

        parmPanel.AddVerticalLayoutGroup(spacing: 0, padding: new RectOffset(5, 0, 5, 5));        // left, right, top, bottom
        parmPanel.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 200);

        UIText header2 = new UIText(parmPanel, "Parameters", fontSize: 14);

        header2.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 200, preferredHeight: 30);

        UIHorizontalSlider slider1 = new UIHorizontalSlider(parmPanel);

        slider1.SetText("Earth Speed", controlFontSize);
        slider1.OnValueChanged((v) => {
            mEarth.rotationSpeed = v;

        UIHorizontalSlider slider2 = new UIHorizontalSlider(parmPanel);

        slider2.SetText("Sun Speed", controlFontSize);
        slider2.OnValueChanged((v) => {
            mSun.rotationSpeed = v;

        UIHorizontalSlider slider3 = new UIHorizontalSlider(parmPanel);

        slider3.SetText("Cloud Intensity", controlFontSize);
        slider3.OnValueChanged((v) => {
            mEarth.cloudIntensity = v;

        UIHorizontalSlider slider4 = new UIHorizontalSlider(parmPanel);

        slider4.SetText("Cloud Speed", controlFontSize);
        slider4.OnValueChanged((v) => {
            mEarth.cloudSpeed = v;

        UIHorizontalSlider slider5 = new UIHorizontalSlider(parmPanel);

        slider5.SetText("Earth Tilt", controlFontSize);
        slider5.OnValueChanged((v) => {
            mEarth.tilt = v;

        UIHorizontalSlider citySlider = new UIHorizontalSlider(parmPanel);

        citySlider.SetText("Cities", controlFontSize);
        citySlider.SetMinMaxValue(-1, 8);           // -1 means no cities
        citySlider.OnValueChanged((v) => {
            mMaxCityRank = v;

        // Info Panel
        UIPanel infoPanel = new UIPanel(contentPanel, "Info Panel");

        infoPanel.AddVerticalLayoutGroup(spacing: 0, padding: new RectOffset(2, 5, 5, 5));        // left, right, top, bottom
        infoPanel.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 210);

        UIText infoText1 = new UIText(infoPanel, "There are many more parameters!", fontSize: 12);

        infoText1.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 200, preferredHeight: 20);

        UIText infoText2 = new UIText(infoPanel, "Please refer to the PDF manual.", fontSize: 12);

        infoText2.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 200, preferredHeight: 20);

        // Asset Store Panel
        UIPanel storePanel = new UIPanel(contentPanel, "Store Panel");

        storePanel.AddVerticalLayoutGroup(spacing: 0, padding: new RectOffset(2, 5, 5, 5));        // left, right, top, bottom
        storePanel.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 210);

        UIText storeText = new UIText(storePanel, "Available from the Unity Asset Store:", fontSize: 12);

        storeText.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 200, preferredHeight: 40);

        UIButton storeButton = new UIButton(storePanel, "http://www.assetstore.unity3d.com", fontSize: 11);

        storeButton.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 200, preferredHeight: 40);
        storeButton.OnValueChanged(() => {
            Application.ExternalEval("window.open('https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com', '_blank')");

        // Website Panel
        UIPanel sitePanel = new UIPanel(contentPanel, "Website Panel");

        sitePanel.AddVerticalLayoutGroup(spacing: 0, padding: new RectOffset(2, 5, 5, 5));        // left, right, top, bottom
        sitePanel.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 210);

        UIButton siteButton = new UIButton(sitePanel, "(C) Michael Schmeling\nhttp://www.aridocean.com", fontSize: 11);

        siteButton.AddLayoutElement(preferredWidth: 200, preferredHeight: 55);
        siteButton.OnValueChanged(() => {
            Application.ExternalEval("window.open('http://www.aridocean.com', '_blank')");