public JsonResult UpdateOrganization(UIOrganization organization) { var repo = new Repository <Organization>(); var org = repo.Filter(q => q.Id == organization.Id).FirstOrDefault(); org.MobileNo = organization.MobileNo; org.Name = organization.Name; org.Address = organization.Address; org.CityId = Convert.ToInt16(organization.City); org.ContactName = organization.ContactName; org.Designation = organization.Designation; org.Email = organization.Email; org.Password = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(organization.Password) ? StringCipher.Encrypt(organization.Password) :org.Password; org.RevenueId = Convert.ToInt16(organization.Revenue); org.SectorId = Convert.ToInt16(organization.Sector); org.StateId = Convert.ToInt16(organization.State); org.SubSectorId = Convert.ToInt16(organization.SubSector); org.TypeOfServiceId = Convert.ToInt16(organization.TypeOfService); org.IsActive = organization.IsActive == "1" ? true: false; org.Cities = repo.AssessmentContext.cities.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == org.CityId); org.States = repo.AssessmentContext.states.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == org.StateId); org.Revenues = repo.AssessmentContext.revenues.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == org.RevenueId); org.TypesOfService = repo.AssessmentContext.serviceTypes.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == org.Id); //org.Sectors = repo.AssessmentContext.sectors.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == org.SectorId); //org.SubSectors = repo.AssessmentContext.subSectors.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == org.SubSectorId); //this.registrationSendMail.Send(new MailConfiguration()); repo.Update(org); repo.SaveChanges(); return(Json(Utilities.Success, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ValidationInformation RegistrationValidation(UIOrganization uIOrganization) { Repository <Organization> repository = new Repository <Organization>(); if (uIOrganization.Name.Length < 6) { UserException.LogInformation("OrganizationName length should be 6 or More"); this.validation.ErrorMessages.Add("OrganizationName length should be 6 or More"); } else { var IsOrganization = repository.Find(t => t.IsActive && t.Name == uIOrganization.Name); if (IsOrganization != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(IsOrganization.Name)) { UserException.LogInformation("OrganizationName name is already present" + uIOrganization.Name); this.validation.ErrorMessages.Add("OrganizationName is already present, Can you try some other name"); } else { IsOrganization = repository.Find(t => t.IsActive && t.Email == uIOrganization.Email); if (IsOrganization != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(IsOrganization.Email)) { UserException.LogInformation("OrganizationEmail is already present" + uIOrganization.Name); this.validation.ErrorMessages.Add("OrganizationEmail is already present, Can you try some other E-Mail"); } } } if (this.validation.ErrorMessages.Count == 0) { this.validation.IsSuccess = true; } return(this.validation); }
public ActionResult CustomerDetails(int id, string level) { var uiOrganization = new UIOrganization(); using (var org = new Repository <Organization>()) { var selectOrg = org.Filter(q => q.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); uiOrganization = org.AssessmentContext.UserInfo.Where(q => q.Id == id).ToList().Join(org.AssessmentContext.cities, og => og.CityId, cy => cy.Id, (og, cy) => new { og, cy }). Join(org.AssessmentContext.states, s => s.og.StateId, st => st.Id, (s, st) => new { s, st, }).Join(org.AssessmentContext.serviceTypes, sty => sty.s.og.TypeOfServiceId, stype => stype.Id, (sty, stype) => new UIOrganization() { Id = id, SelectLevel = level, Name = sty.s.og.Name, Address = sty.s.og.Address, City =, Email = sty.s.og.Email, MobileNo = sty.s.og.MobileNo, State =, Designation = sty.s.og.Designation, TypeOfService = stype.Name, Sector = selectOrg.SectorId == 1000 ? Utilities.Others : org.AssessmentContext.sectors.Where(q => q.Id == selectOrg.SubSectorId).FirstOrDefault().SectorName, SubSector = selectOrg.SubSectorId == 1000 ? Utilities.Others : org.AssessmentContext.subSectors.Where(q => q.Id == selectOrg.SubSectorId).FirstOrDefault().SubSectorName, Revenue = org.AssessmentContext.revenues.Where(q => q.Id == selectOrg.RevenueId).FirstOrDefault().Name, Type = selectOrg.TypeId == 1 ? Utilities.Small : selectOrg.TypeId == 2 ? Utilities.Large : Utilities.OperatingUnit }).FirstOrDefault(); } return(View(uiOrganization)); }
public JsonResult CreateOrganization(UIOrganization organization) { string errorMsg = string.Empty; ValidationInformation validation = new ValidationInformation(); try { validation = this.businessContract.UserCreation(organization); if (validation.IsSuccess) { errorMsg = Utilities.Success; } else { errorMsg = Utilities.Failiure; } // TODO: Add insert logic here //return RedirectToAction("SuccesserrorMsg } catch (Exception ex) { UserException.LogException(ex); errorMsg = Utilities.Failiure; validation.ErrorMessages = new List <string>(); validation.ErrorMessages.Add("Some Exception Occured, Please try again later"); //return View(); } if (errorMsg == Utilities.Success) { return(Json(errorMsg, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { return(Json(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(validation), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public Organization Registration(UIOrganization uiOrganization) { return(new Organization() { Address = uiOrganization.Address, ContactName = uiOrganization.ContactName, Designation = uiOrganization.Designation, Email = uiOrganization.Email, MobileNo = uiOrganization.MobileNo, Name = uiOrganization.Name, CityId = Convert.ToInt16(uiOrganization.City), RevenueId = Convert.ToInt16(uiOrganization.Revenue), SectorId = Convert.ToInt16(uiOrganization.Sector), SubSectorId = Convert.ToInt16(uiOrganization.SubSector), TypeId = Convert.ToInt16(uiOrganization.Type), TypeOfServiceId = Convert.ToInt16(uiOrganization.TypeOfService), UserId = uiOrganization.Name.Substring(0, 6), StateId = Convert.ToInt16(uiOrganization.State), CreateDate = DateTime.Now, CurrentAssignmentStatus = Utilities.AssessmentPendingStatus, CurrentAssignmentType = Utilities.AssessmentTypeLevel1 }); }
public JsonResult ViewOrganization(int id, string type) { var model = new UIOrganization(); var repo = new Repository <Organization>(); var org = repo.Filter(q => q.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); model.Id = org.Id; model.Name = org.Name; model.Address = org.Address; model.ContactName = org.ContactName; model.Designation = org.Designation; model.Email = org.Email; model.MobileNo = org.MobileNo; if (type == "View") { model.City = repo.AssessmentContext.cities.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == org.CityId).CityName; model.Revenue = repo.AssessmentContext.revenues.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == org.RevenueId).Name; model.Sector = (org.SectorId == 0 || org.SectorId == Convert.ToInt16(Utilities.OthersValue)) ? Utilities.Others : repo.AssessmentContext.sectors.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == org.SectorId).SectorName; model.SubSector = (org.SectorId == 0 || org.SubSectorId == Convert.ToInt16(Utilities.OthersValue)) ? Utilities.Others : repo.AssessmentContext.subSectors.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == org.SubSectorId).SubSectorName; model.State = org.StateId > 0 ? repo.AssessmentContext.states.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == org.StateId).StateName : ""; model.TypeOfService = org.TypeOfServiceId > 0 ? repo.AssessmentContext.serviceTypes.FirstOrDefault(ty => ty.Id == org.TypeOfServiceId).Name : ""; } else { model.City = org.CityId.ToString(); model.Revenue = org.RevenueId.ToString(); model.Sector = org.SectorId.ToString(); model.SubSector = org.SubSectorId.ToString(); model.State = org.StateId.ToString(); model.TypeOfService = org.TypeOfServiceId.ToString(); } return(Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
// GET: ManageUser public ActionResult Index() { var uiOrganization = new UIOrganization(); using (var org = new Repository <Organization>()) { var selectOrg = org.Filter(q => q.Id == this.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); uiOrganization = org.AssessmentContext.UserInfo.Where(q => q.Id == this.UserId).ToList().Join(org.AssessmentContext.cities, og => og.CityId, cy => cy.Id, (og, cy) => new { og, cy }). Join(org.AssessmentContext.states, s => s.og.StateId, st => st.Id, (s, st) => new { s, st, }).Join(org.AssessmentContext.serviceTypes, sty => sty.s.og.TypeOfServiceId, stype => stype.Id, (sty, stype) => new UIOrganization() { Name = sty.s.og.Name, Address = sty.s.og.Address, City =, Email = sty.s.og.Email, MobileNo = sty.s.og.MobileNo, State =, Designation = sty.s.og.Designation, TypeOfService = stype.Name }).FirstOrDefault(); } return(View(uiOrganization)); }
public static List <UIOrganization> AssignOrganizationByFilter(Organization org, bool orgEnable = false) { var lmodel = new List <UIOrganization>(); var listOrganization = new List <Organization>(); var orgHistory = new List <OrganizationLevelHistory>(); using (var repo = new Repository <Organization>()) { listOrganization = repo.All().ToList(); orgHistory = repo.AssessmentContext.organizationLevelHistories.ToList(); } orgHistory.ForEach(t => { if (orgEnable) { listOrganization.Add(new Organization() { AssessmentId = t.AssessmentId, CurrentAssignmentType = t.Level, CityId = t.CityId, StateId = t.StateId, SectorId = t.SectorId, SubSectorId = t.SubSectorId, RevenueId = t.RevenueId, TypeOfServiceId = t.TypeOfServiceId, Id = t.OrgId, CurrentAssignmentStatus = t.Status }); } }); //if (org.AssessmentId > 0) // listOrganization = listOrganization.Where(q => q.AssessmentId == org.AssessmentId).ToList(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(org.CurrentAssignmentType)) { listOrganization = listOrganization.Where(q => q.CurrentAssignmentType == org.CurrentAssignmentType).ToList(); } if (org.CityId > 0) { listOrganization = listOrganization.Where(q => q.CityId == org.CityId).ToList(); } if (org.StateId > 0) { listOrganization = listOrganization.Where(q => q.StateId == org.StateId).ToList(); } if (org.SectorId > 0 && org.SectorId != 1000 && org.SectorId != 1001) // Skip for others and All { listOrganization = listOrganization.Where(q => q.SectorId == org.SectorId).ToList(); } if (org.RevenueId > 0) { listOrganization = listOrganization.Where(q => q.RevenueId == org.RevenueId).ToList(); } if (org.SubSectorId > 0 && org.SubSectorId != 1000 && org.SubSectorId != 1001) { listOrganization = listOrganization.Where(q => q.SubSectorId == org.SubSectorId).ToList(); } if (org.TypeOfServiceId > 0) { listOrganization = listOrganization.Where(q => q.TypeOfServiceId == org.TypeOfServiceId).ToList(); } var city = new Repository <City>(); try { listOrganization.ForEach(q => { UIOrganization model = new UIOrganization(); model.IsActive = org.IsActive == true ? "checked" : "Unchecked"; model.Id = q.Id; model.Name = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.Name) ? q.Name : city.AssessmentContext.UserInfo.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == q.Id).Name; model.City = city.Filter(c => c.Id == q.CityId).FirstOrDefault().CityName; model.Revenue = city.AssessmentContext.revenues.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == q.RevenueId).Name; model.Sector = (q.SectorId == 0 || q.SectorId == 1000 || q.SectorId == 1001) ? Utilities.Others : city.AssessmentContext.sectors.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == q.SectorId).SectorName; model.SubSector = (q.SectorId == 0 || q.SubSectorId == 1000 || q.SubSectorId == 1001) ? Utilities.Others : city.AssessmentContext.subSectors.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == q.SubSectorId).SubSectorName; model.State = q.StateId > 0 ? city.AssessmentContext.states.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == q.StateId).StateName : ""; model.TypeOfService = q.TypeOfServiceId > 0 ? city.AssessmentContext.serviceTypes.FirstOrDefault(ty => ty.Id == q.TypeOfServiceId).Name : ""; model.Type = org.CurrentAssignmentType; model.Status = q.CurrentAssignmentStatus; lmodel.Add(model); }); } catch (Exception ex) { //throw; } return(lmodel); }
public ValidationInformation UserCreation(UIOrganization uIOrganization) { ValidationInformation validation = this.userBValidation.RegistrationValidation(uIOrganization); if (validation.IsSuccess) { string password = GenerateTempPassword(8, 2); string[] sector = new string[2]; string[] subSector = new string[2]; Others other = new Others(); bool isOthers = false; if (uIOrganization.Sector.Contains(Utilities.OthersValue)) { sector = uIOrganization.Sector.Split(Utilities.SplitValue); uIOrganization.Sector = sector[0]; other.Sector = sector[1]; isOthers = true; } else { other.Sector = string.Empty; } if (uIOrganization.SubSector.Contains(Utilities.OthersValue)) { subSector = uIOrganization.SubSector.Split(Utilities.SplitValue); uIOrganization.SubSector = subSector[0]; other.SubSector = subSector[1]; isOthers = true; } else { other.SubSector = string.Empty; } using (Repository <Organization> repository = new Repository <Organization>()) { Organization organization = this.organizationMapper.Registration(uIOrganization); organization.Cities = repository.AssessmentContext.cities.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == organization.CityId); organization.States = repository.AssessmentContext.states.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == organization.StateId); organization.Revenues = repository.AssessmentContext.revenues.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == organization.RevenueId); organization.TypesOfService = repository.AssessmentContext.serviceTypes.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == organization.Id); //organization.Sectors = repository.AssessmentContext.sectors.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == organization.SectorId); //organization.SubSectors = repository.AssessmentContext.subSectors.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == organization.SubSectorId); organization.SectorId = isOthers ? Convert.ToInt16(Utilities.SectorValue) : repository.AssessmentContext.sectors.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == organization.SectorId).Id; organization.SubSectorId = isOthers ? Convert.ToInt16(Utilities.SectorValue) : repository.AssessmentContext.subSectors.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == organization.SubSectorId).Id; int assessmentid = 0; var listAssesment = new List <Assessment>(); int sectorValue = Convert.ToInt16(Utilities.SectorValue); listAssesment = repository.AssessmentContext.assessments.Where(q => q.Sector == organization.SectorId).ToList(); if (listAssesment == null || listAssesment.Count == 0) { listAssesment = repository.AssessmentContext.assessments.Where(q => q.Sector == sectorValue).ToList(); } if (listAssesment != null && listAssesment.Count > 0) { var subAssessment = listAssesment.FirstOrDefault(q => q.SubSector == organization.SubSectorId); if (subAssessment != null && subAssessment.Id > 0) { assessmentid = subAssessment.Id; } else { assessmentid = listAssesment[0].Id; } } organization.AssessmentId = assessmentid; organization.TempPassword = password; repository.Create(organization); repository.SaveChanges(); } if (isOthers) { other.OrganizationId = uIOrganization.Name.Substring(0, 6); using (Repository <Others> repository = new Repository <Others>()) { //other.Organizations = repository.AssessmentContext.UserInfo.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Name == other.OrganizationId); repository.Create(other); repository.SaveChanges(); } } validation.IsSuccess = true; Repository <Template> template = new Repository <Template>(); var registrationTemplate = template.Filter(q => q.Name.StartsWith(Utilities.RegistrationTemplateName)).FirstOrDefault(); if (registrationTemplate != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registrationTemplate.Description)) { RegistrationSendMail.SendMail(registrationTemplate.Description, Utilities.RegistrationSubject, uIOrganization.Email, uIOrganization.Name); } //this.registrationSendMail.Send(new MailConfiguration()); } else { validation.IsSuccess = false; } return(validation); }