public override void add_choice(string str, Vector2 loc) { List <TextUINode> choices = Choices == null ? new List <TextUINode>() : Choices.ToList(); var text = new TextSprite(); text.SetFont(Tactile.Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "White"); text.text = str; var node = new TextUINode("", text, text.text_width); node.loc = loc; choices.Add(node); Choices = new UINodeSet <TextUINode>(choices); Cursor = new UICursor <TextUINode>(Choices); Cursor.hide_when_using_mouse(false); // Resize if needed int width = Font_Data.text_width(str, Tactile.Config.UI_FONT); width = width + (width % 8 == 0 ? 0 : (8 - width % 8)) + 16 + (int)loc.X; if (width > Size.X) { size = new Vector2(width, Size.Y); } }
public DifficultySelectionMenu() { DifficultyPanels = new Difficulty_Info_Panel[Enum_Values.GetEnumCount(typeof(Difficulty_Modes))]; int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < DifficultyPanels.Length; i++) { DifficultyPanels[i] = new Difficulty_Info_Panel((Difficulty_Modes)i); DifficultyPanels[i].stereoscopic = Config.TITLE_MENU_DEPTH; DifficultyPanels[i].active = false; DifficultyPanels[i].loc = new Vector2(0, offset); offset += DifficultyPanels[i].height + 8; } MenuLoc = new Vector2( (Config.WINDOW_WIDTH - Difficulty_Info_Panel.WIDTH) / 2, (Config.WINDOW_HEIGHT - 16) / 2); MenuLoc -= new Vector2(0, (offset / 2) / 8 * 8); DifficultyNodes = new UINodeSet <Difficulty_Info_Panel>(DifficultyPanels); DifficultyNodes.set_active_node(DifficultyNodes[(int)Difficulty_Modes.Normal]); = true; CancelButton = Button_Description.button(Inputs.B, Config.WINDOW_WIDTH - 64); CancelButton.description = "Cancel"; CancelButton.stereoscopic = Config.TITLE_MENU_DEPTH; }
public StyleSelectionMenu() { StylePanels = new Mode_Style_Info_Panel[Enum_Values.GetEnumCount(typeof(Mode_Styles))]; int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < StylePanels.Length; i++) { StylePanels[i] = new Mode_Style_Info_Panel((Mode_Styles)i); StylePanels[i].stereoscopic = Config.TITLE_MENU_DEPTH; StylePanels[i].active = false; StylePanels[i].loc = new Vector2(0, offset); offset += StylePanels[i].height + 8; } MenuLoc = new Vector2( (Config.WINDOW_WIDTH - Mode_Style_Info_Panel.WIDTH) / 2, (Config.WINDOW_HEIGHT - 16) / 2); MenuLoc -= new Vector2(0, (offset / 2) / 8 * 8); StyleNodes = new UINodeSet <Mode_Style_Info_Panel>(StylePanels); StyleNodes.set_active_node(StyleNodes[(int)Mode_Styles.Standard]); = true; CancelButton = Button_Description.button(Inputs.B, Config.WINDOW_WIDTH - 64); CancelButton.description = "Cancel"; CancelButton.stereoscopic = Config.TITLE_MENU_DEPTH; }
protected void set_choices(int ox, string str1, string str2) { List <TextUINode> choices = new List <TextUINode>(); var text1 = new TextSprite(); text1.SetFont(Config.CONVO_FONT, Global.Content, "White"); text1.text = str1; var node = new TextUINode("", text1, text1.text_width); node.loc = new Vector2(88 + ox, 32); choices.Add(node); var text2 = new TextSprite(); text2.SetFont(Config.CONVO_FONT, Global.Content, "White"); text2.text = str2; node = new TextUINode("", text2, text2.text_width); node.loc = new Vector2(88 + ox + 40, 32); choices.Add(node); Choices = new UINodeSet <TextUINode>(choices); Cursor = new UICursor <TextUINode>(Choices); Cursor.draw_offset = new Vector2(-16, 0); Cursor.ratio = new int[] { 1, 1 }; Cursor.hide_when_using_mouse(false); Cursor.move_to_target_loc(); }
protected virtual void set_nodes(List <CommandUINode> nodes) { Items = new UINodeSet <CommandUINode>(nodes); Items.CursorMoveSound = System_Sounds.Menu_Move1; Items.WrapVerticalMove = true; UICursor = new UICursor <CommandUINode>(Items); UICursor.draw_offset = new Vector2(-16, 0); UICursor.ratio = new int[] { 1, 1 }; }
public override void set_images(Game_Unit unit) { if (Global.ActorConfig.ShowAllActorWeaponTypes) { // Add potential WLvls var nodes = StatusPageNodes.ToList(); foreach (var weapon_type in TemporaryWLvls) { nodes.Remove(weapon_type); } HashSet <int> weapon_type_indices = new HashSet <int>(); HashSet <int> added_weapon_types = new HashSet <int>(); foreach (var weapon_type in Global.weapon_types.Where(x => x.DisplayedInStatus)) { added_weapon_types.Add(weapon_type.Key); weapon_type_indices.Add(weapon_type.StatusIndex); } int index = 0; foreach (var weapon_type in Global.weapon_types .Where(x => !x.DisplayedInStatus) .OrderBy(x => x.StatusIndex)) { if ( { while (weapon_type_indices.Contains(index)) { index++; } var node = weapon_type_icon(weapon_type, index); nodes.Add(node); TemporaryWLvls.Add(node); added_weapon_types.Add(weapon_type.Key); weapon_type_indices.Add(index); } } StatusPageNodes = new UINodeSet <StatusUINode>(nodes); int wlvl_rows = (int)Math.Ceiling(added_weapon_types.Count / (float)WLVL_COLUMNS); WLvls_Window.height = (wlvl_rows + 1) * 16; } // Refresh UI nodes refresh(unit); }
public ExtrasMenu() : base() { MenuChoices.Add(new MainMenuChoicePanel("Sound Room")); MenuChoices.Add(new MainMenuChoicePanel("Supports")); MenuChoices.Add(new MainMenuChoicePanel("Credits")); MenuChoices[(int)ExtrasSelections.SoundRoom].Visible = Global.progress.SoundRoomAccessible; MenuChoices[(int)ExtrasSelections.SupportViewer].Visible = Global.progress.SupportViewerAccessible; RefreshLocs(); IEnumerable <MainMenuChoicePanel> nodes = new List <MainMenuChoicePanel>(MenuChoices); nodes = nodes.Where(x => x.Visible); ChoiceNodes = new UINodeSet <MainMenuChoicePanel>(nodes); ChoiceNodes.CursorMoveSound = System_Sounds.Menu_Move1; ChoiceNodes.SoundOnMouseMove = true; ChoiceNodes.set_active_node(nodes.FirstOrDefault()); Selection = (ExtrasSelections)MenuChoices.IndexOf(ChoiceNodes.ActiveNode); RefreshLocs(); }
internal void RefreshMenuChoices() { SuspendExists = Global.suspend_file_info != null; MenuChoices[(int)Main_Menu_Selections.Resume].Visible = SuspendExists; MenuChoices[(int)Main_Menu_Selections.Extras].Visible = Global.progress.ExtrasAccessible; if (SuspendExists) { SuspendPanel = new Suspend_Info_Panel(true); SuspendPanel.loc = new Vector2(-16, 8); SuspendPanel.stereoscopic = Config.TITLE_MENU_DEPTH; } else { SuspendPanel = null; } StartGamePanel = new StartGame_Info_Panel( Global.latest_save_id, MainMenuChoicePanel.PANEL_WIDTH, true); // Show preview of the latest save, if there is one = Global.latest_save_id != -1; StartGamePanel.loc = new Vector2(-16, 8); StartGamePanel.stereoscopic = Config.TITLE_MENU_DEPTH; RefreshLocs(); IEnumerable <MainMenuChoicePanel> nodes = new List <MainMenuChoicePanel>(MenuChoices); nodes = nodes.Where(x => x.Visible); ChoiceNodes = new UINodeSet <MainMenuChoicePanel>(nodes); ChoiceNodes.CursorMoveSound = System_Sounds.Menu_Move1; ChoiceNodes.SoundOnMouseMove = true; ChoiceNodes.set_active_node(MenuChoices[(int)Selection]); RefreshLocs(); }
private void initialize(int fileId) { Cursor = new Hand_Cursor(); Cursor.draw_offset = new Vector2(-8, 4); Cursor.stereoscopic = Config.TITLE_MENU_DEPTH; Move_Cursor = new Hand_Cursor(); Move_Cursor.draw_offset = new Vector2(-8, 4); Move_Cursor.tint = new Color(160, 160, 160, 255); Move_Cursor.stereoscopic = Config.TITLE_MENU_DEPTH; for (int i = 0; i < Panels.Length; i++) { Panels[i] = new StartGame_Info_Panel(Page * Config.SAVES_PER_PAGE + i + 1, PANEL_WIDTH); Panels[i].stereoscopic = Config.TITLE_MENU_DEPTH; } refresh_panel_locations(); PanelNodes = new UINodeSet <StartGame_Info_Panel>(Panels); PanelNodes.CursorMoveSound = System_Sounds.Menu_Move1; PanelNodes.WrapVerticalMove = true; // Page Arrows Left_Page_Arrow = new Page_Arrow(); Left_Page_Arrow.loc = new Vector2(-4, 68); Left_Page_Arrow.stereoscopic = Config.TITLE_MENU_DEPTH - 1; Left_Page_Arrow.ArrowClicked += Left_Page_Arrow_ArrowClicked; Right_Page_Arrow = new Page_Arrow(); Right_Page_Arrow.loc = new Vector2(PANEL_WIDTH - 4, 68); Right_Page_Arrow.mirrored = true; Right_Page_Arrow.stereoscopic = Config.TITLE_MENU_DEPTH - 1; Right_Page_Arrow.ArrowClicked += Right_Page_Arrow_ArrowClicked; create_cancel_button(); this.file_id = fileId; }
private void refresh(bool preserveIndex = false) { if (ItemNodes == null) { preserveIndex = false; } int index = 0; if (preserveIndex) { index = this.index; } Items1 = actor1.num_items; Items2 = actor2.num_items; int column = this.column; if (Items1 == 0) { column = 1; } Item_Imgs1.Clear(); Item_Imgs2.Clear(); List <CommandUINode> nodes = new List <CommandUINode>(); bool add_empty_slot = Mode != 0 && !this.is_help_active; for (int i = 0; i < Num; i++) { if (i < Items1) { item_node(0, i, nodes); Item_Imgs1.Add(nodes.Last()); } else if (add_empty_slot && Selected[0] == 1 && i == Items1) { empty_slot_node(0, i, nodes); Item_Imgs1.Add(nodes.Last()); } if (i < Items2) { item_node(1, i, nodes); Item_Imgs2.Add(nodes.Last()); } else if (add_empty_slot && Selected[0] == 0 && i == Items2) { empty_slot_node(1, i, nodes); Item_Imgs2.Add(nodes.Last()); } } ItemNodes = new UINodeSet <CommandUINode>(nodes); ItemNodes.WrapVerticalSameColumn = true; ItemNodes.CursorMoveSound = System_Sounds.Menu_Move1; ItemNodes.HorizontalCursorMoveSound = System_Sounds.Menu_Move2; ItemNodes.AngleMultiplier = 2f; ItemNodes.TangentDirections = new List <CardinalDirections> { CardinalDirections.Left, CardinalDirections.Right }; ItemNodes.refresh_destinations(); if (column == 0) { this.index1 = Math.Min(index, Items1 - 1); } else { this.index2 = Math.Min(index, Items2 - 1); } var old_cursor = UICursor; UICursor = new UICursor <CommandUINode>(ItemNodes); UICursor.draw_offset = new Vector2(-12, 0); UICursor.ratio = new int[] { 1, 1 }; if (preserveIndex) { UICursor.force_loc(old_cursor.loc); UICursor.offset = old_cursor.offset; } Equipped_Tag1.loc = loc + new Vector2(SPACING - 16, actor1.equipped * 16 - 8); Equipped_Tag2.loc = loc + new Vector2(SPACING * 2 - 16, actor2.equipped * 16 - 8); }
public Status_Page_1() { var nodes = new List <StatusUINode>(); // Stats Window Stats_Window = new System_Color_Window(); Stats_Window.loc = new Vector2(8, 80); Stats_Window.width = 144; Stats_Window.height = 112; Stats_Window.stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Stats for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { string help_label; string label; var stat_label = (Stat_Labels)i + 1; Vector2 loc = Stats_Window.loc + new Vector2(8, i * 16 + 8); PrimaryStatState.label((Stat_Labels)i + 1, out label, out help_label); Func <Game_Unit, PrimaryStatState> stat_formula = (Game_Unit unit) => { return(new PrimaryStatState(unit, stat_label)); }; Func <Game_Unit, Color> label_color = null; if (Window_Status.show_stat_colors(stat_label)) { label_color = (Game_Unit unit) => { if (unit.average_stat_hue_shown) { return(; } return(Color.White); }; } nodes.Add(new StatusPrimaryStatUINode( help_label, label, stat_formula, label_color, 40)); nodes.Last().loc = loc; nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; #if DEBUG nodes.Last().set_cheat(stat_cheat(stat_label)); #endif if (stat_label == Stat_Labels.Pow) { PowNode = nodes.Last() as StatusStatUINode; } } // Move nodes.Add(new StatusPrimaryStatUINode( "Move", "Move", (Game_Unit unit) => { if (unit.immobile) { return new PrimaryStatState { Stat = 0, Bonus = 0, Cap = unit.stat_cap(Stat_Labels.Mov), NullStat = true, } } ; return(new PrimaryStatState { Stat = unit.base_mov, Bonus = - unit.base_mov, Cap = unit.stat_cap(Stat_Labels.Mov), }); }, null, 40)); nodes.Last().loc = Stats_Window.loc + new Vector2(72, 0 * 16 + 8); nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; #if DEBUG nodes.Last().set_cheat(stat_cheat(Stat_Labels.Mov)); #endif // Con nodes.Add(new StatusPrimaryStatUINode( "Con", "Con", (Game_Unit unit) => { return(new PrimaryStatState { Stat =, Bonus = Math.Min(unit.stat_bonus(Stat_Labels.Con),, Cap = unit.stat_cap(Stat_Labels.Con), IsCapped = }); }, null, 40)); nodes.Last().loc = Stats_Window.loc + new Vector2(72, 1 * 16 + 8); nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; #if DEBUG nodes.Last().set_cheat(stat_cheat(Stat_Labels.Con)); #endif // Aid nodes.Add(new StatusAidUINode( "Aid", "Aid", (Game_Unit unit) => { return(unit.aid().ToString()); }, (Game_Unit unit) => { if ( { return(3); } else if ( { return(2); } else if ( { return(1); } else { return(0); } }, 40)); nodes.Last().loc = Stats_Window.loc + new Vector2(72, 2 * 16 + 8); nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Trv nodes.Add(new StatusTravelerUINode( "Trv", "Trv", (Game_Unit unit) => { if (unit.is_rescued) { return(Global.game_map.units[unit.rescued]; } else if (unit.is_rescuing) { return(Global.game_map.units[unit.rescuing]; } return("---"); }, (Game_Unit unit) => { if (!unit.is_rescuing) { return(0); } return(Global.game_map.units[unit.rescuing].team); }, 24)); nodes.Last().loc = Stats_Window.loc + new Vector2(72, 3 * 16 + 8); nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Type nodes.Add(new StatusClassTypesUINode( "Type", "Type", (Game_Unit unit) => { return(; }, 24)); nodes.Last().loc = Stats_Window.loc + new Vector2(72, 4 * 16 + 8); nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Rating nodes.Add(new StatusLabeledTextUINode( "Rating", "Rating", (Game_Unit unit) => { return(unit.rating().ToString()); }, 32)); nodes.Last().loc = Stats_Window.loc + new Vector2(72, 5 * 16 + 8); nodes.Last().Size = new Vector2(64, 16); nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Items Window Items_Window = new System_Color_Window(); Items_Window.loc = new Vector2(168, 80); Items_Window.width = 144; Items_Window.height = Global.ActorConfig.NumItems * 16 + 16; Items_Window.stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_RIGHT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Skill Bg SiegeBg = new Status_Support_Background(); SiegeBg.loc = Items_Window.loc + new Vector2( 8, 8 + (Global.ActorConfig.NumItems - 1) * 16); SiegeBg.stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_RIGHT_WINDOW_DEPTH; SiegeBg.visible = false; // Items for (int i = 0; i < Global.ActorConfig.NumItems; i++) { int j = i; Vector2 loc = Items_Window.loc + new Vector2(8, i * 16 + 8); nodes.Add(new StatusItemUINode( string.Format("Item{0}", i + 1), (Game_Unit unit) => { return(new ItemState { Item =[j], Drops = unit.drops_item && j == - 1, Equipped = - 1 == j }); })); nodes.Last().loc = loc; nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_RIGHT_WINDOW_DEPTH; Func <Game_Unit, DirectionFlags, bool> item_cheat = (unit, dir) => { // Uses if (dir.HasFlag(DirectionFlags.Up) || dir.HasFlag(DirectionFlags.Down)) { if ([j].non_equipment ||[j].infinite_uses) { return(false); } int uses =[j].Uses; if (dir.HasFlag(DirectionFlags.Up)) { uses++; } else { uses--; } uses = Math.Max(Math.Min( uses,[j].max_uses), 1); if (uses ==[j].Uses) { return(false); }[j].Uses = uses; return(true); } else { // Change item if ([j].is_weapon) { List <int> weapon_keys = Global.data_weapons.Keys.ToList(); int index = weapon_keys.IndexOf([j].Id); if (dir.HasFlag(DirectionFlags.Right)) { index++; } else if (dir.HasFlag(DirectionFlags.Left)) { index--; } else { return(false); } index = (index + weapon_keys.Count) % weapon_keys.Count;[j].Id = weapon_keys[index];; } else { List <int> item_keys = Global.data_items.Keys.ToList(); int index = item_keys.IndexOf([j].Id); if (dir.HasFlag(DirectionFlags.Right)) { index++; } else if (dir.HasFlag(DirectionFlags.Left)) { index--; } else { return(false); } index = (index + item_keys.Count) % item_keys.Count;[j].Id = item_keys[index]; } if ([j].infinite_uses) {[j].Uses = -1; } else { if ([j].Uses == -1) {[j].Uses = 1; } } return(true); } }; #if DEBUG nodes.Last().set_cheat(item_cheat); #endif } // Siege engine Vector2 siege_loc = Items_Window.loc + new Vector2(8, (Global.ActorConfig.NumItems - 1) * 16 + 8 + 2); nodes.Add(new StatusSiegeItemUINode( string.Format("Item{0}", Global.ActorConfig.NumItems + 1), (Game_Unit unit) => { Item_Data siege = new Item_Data(); if (! && unit.is_on_siege()) { siege = unit.items[Siege_Engine.SiegeInventoryIndex]; } return(new ItemState { Item = siege, Drops = false, Equipped = false }); })); nodes.Last().loc = siege_loc; nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_RIGHT_WINDOW_DEPTH; StatusPageNodes = new UINodeSet <StatusUINode>(nodes); init_design(); }
protected void clear_choices() { Choices = null; Cursor = null; }
internal PreviousChapterSelectionMenu( Vector2 centerLoc, string chapterId, WorldmapMenuData menuData, IHasCancelButton menu = null) { ChapterId = chapterId; ProgressionIds = menuData.ValidPreviousChapters.Keys.ToList(); ValidPreviousChapters = menuData.ValidPreviousChapters; PreviousChapterIndices = menuData.UsablePreviousChapterIndices; Window = new SystemWindowHeadered(); Window.width = 104; Window.height = 32 + 16 * (ValidPreviousChapters.Count + 1) + 4; Window.offset = new Vector2(0, 16); Loc = centerLoc - (new Vector2(Window.width, Window.height) - Window.offset) / 2; Header = new TextSprite(); Header.draw_offset = new Vector2(8, -8); Header.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Yellow"); Header.text = ValidPreviousChapters.Count > 1 ? "Previous Chapters" : "Previous Chapter"; Divider = new StatusWindowDivider(); Divider.draw_offset = new Vector2(8, Window.height - 44); Divider.SetWidth(Window.width - 16); LeftArrows = new Dictionary <Page_Arrow, int>(); RightArrows = new Dictionary <Page_Arrow, int>(); // Center, then adjust left to account for map sprite int x = ((Window.width / 2) / 8 * 8) - 16; List <CommandUINode> nodes = new List <CommandUINode>(); for (int i = 0; i < ProgressionIds.Count; i++) { int y = i * 16 + 8; var text = new TextSprite(); text.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "White"); text.text = chapter(i).Id; var node = new MapSpriteUINode("", text, 56); refresh_map_sprite(node, i); node.loc = new Vector2(x, y); nodes.Add(node); // Add arrows for this set of chapters, // if there's more than one choice if (chapter_list(i).Count > 1) { var left_arrow = new Page_Arrow(); left_arrow.loc = new Vector2(8, y); left_arrow.ArrowClicked += LeftArrow_ArrowClicked; LeftArrows.Add(left_arrow, i); var right_arrow = new Page_Arrow(); right_arrow.loc = new Vector2(Window.width - 8, y); right_arrow.mirrored = true; right_arrow.ArrowClicked += RightArrow_ArrowClicked; RightArrows.Add(right_arrow, i); } } // Add confirm choice var confirmText = new TextSprite( Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "White", new Vector2(4, 0), "Confirm"); var confirm = new TextUINode("", confirmText, 56); confirm.loc = new Vector2(x, nodes.Count * 16 + 8 + 4); nodes.Add(confirm); Items = new UINodeSet <CommandUINode>(nodes); Items.WrapVerticalSameColumn = true; Items.CursorMoveSound = System_Sounds.Menu_Move1; Items.HorizontalCursorMoveSound = System_Sounds.Menu_Move2; Items.AngleMultiplier = 2f; Items.TangentDirections = new List <CardinalDirections> { CardinalDirections.Left, CardinalDirections.Right }; Items.refresh_destinations(); Items.set_active_node(confirm); UICursor = new UICursor <CommandUINode>(Items); UICursor.draw_offset = new Vector2(-12, 0); //UICursor.ratio = new int[] { 1, 3 }; //Debug CreateCancelButton(menu); }
private void refresh_rankings(string chapter) { // Get the rankings based on the selected chapter var current_rankings = Global.save_file.all_rankings(chapter); var rankings = current_rankings .ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value); // Get the rankings of all other chapters, and show them greyed out if (SHOW_ALL_CHAPTERS) { // Sort chapters var rankedChapters = Global.Chapter_List .Where(x => !Global.data_chapters[x].Unranked) .GroupBy(x => Global.data_chapters[x].Arc) .OrderBy(x => { int index = Constants.WorldMap.GAME_ARCS.Count; if (Constants.WorldMap.GAME_ARCS.Contains(x.Key)) { index = Constants.WorldMap.GAME_ARCS.IndexOf(x.Key); } return(index); }) .SelectMany(x => x .OrderBy(y => Global.Chapter_List.IndexOf(y)) .ToList()) .ToList(); // Get all cleared chapters, and // their ranking data accoring to themselves rankings = rankedChapters .Where(x => Global.save_file.ContainsKey(x)) .ToDictionary(x => x, x => Global.save_file.ranking(x)); // Overwrite each chapter based on the current chapter's history foreach (var key in current_rankings.Keys) { rankings[key] = current_rankings[key]; } rankings = rankings .OrderBy(x => rankedChapters.IndexOf(x.Key)) .ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value); } Rankings = rankings.ToList(); int i = 0; List <TextUINode> ranks = new List <TextUINode>(); foreach (string ch in Global.Chapter_List) { var chapter_data = Global.data_chapters[ch]; if (rankings.ContainsKey(ch)) { var ranking = rankings[ch]; // Color the label yellow for history of the current // chapter, grey if just other data from this file string color = current_rankings.ContainsKey(ch) ? "Yellow" : "Grey"; var text = new TextSprite(); text.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, color); text.text = chapter_data.ListName; text.stereoscopic = Config.OPTIONS_OPTIONS_DEPTH; //Yeti var node = new RankingUINode("", text, COLUMN_WIDTH, ranking); node.loc = DATA_OFFSET + new Vector2((i / ROWS * COLUMN_WIDTH), (i % ROWS) * 16); ranks.Add(node); i++; } } Nodes = new UINodeSet <TextUINode>(ranks); Nodes.AngleMultiplier = 4f; Nodes.TangentDirections = new List <CardinalDirections> { CardinalDirections.Left, CardinalDirections.Right }; Nodes.refresh_destinations(); Cursor = new UICursor <TextUINode>(Nodes); Cursor.draw_offset = new Vector2(-16, 0); }
public Status_Page_2() { var nodes = new List <StatusUINode>(); // Skills Window Skills_Window = new System_Color_Window(); Skills_Window.loc = new Vector2(8, 96); Skills_Window.width = 144; Skills_Window.height = 96; Skills_Window.stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // WLvls Window int max_wlvl_index = 0; if (Global.weapon_types.Any(x => x.DisplayedInStatus)) { max_wlvl_index = Global.weapon_types .Where(x => x.DisplayedInStatus) .Max(x => x.StatusIndex); } // @Debug: this doesn't really do what it's supposed to, // and the window height will be set in set_images() anyway int wlvl_rows = (max_wlvl_index / WLVL_COLUMNS) + 1; WLvls_Window = new System_Color_Window(); WLvls_Window.loc = new Vector2(168, 96); WLvls_Window.width = 144; WLvls_Window.height = (wlvl_rows + 1) * 16; // 96; //Debug WLvls_Window.stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_RIGHT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Skill Bg Skill_Bg = new Status_Support_Background(); Skill_Bg.loc = Skills_Window.loc + new Vector2(8, 8 + ACTOR_SKILLS * 16); Skill_Bg.stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_RIGHT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Skills for (int i = 0; i < ACTOR_SKILLS; i++) { int j = i; Vector2 loc = Skills_Window.loc + new Vector2(8, 8 + (Config.SKILL_ICON_SIZE - 16) / 2 + i * Config.SKILL_ICON_SIZE); nodes.Add(new StatusSkillUINode( string.Format("Skill{0}", i + 1), (Game_Unit unit) => { if ( <= j) { return(new SkillState()); } var skill = Global.data_skills[[j]]; float charge = -1f; if (Game_Unit.MASTERIES.Contains(skill.Abstract)) { charge = unit.mastery_charge_percent(skill.Abstract); } return(new SkillState { Skill = skill, Charge = charge }); })); nodes.Last().loc = loc; nodes.Last().draw_offset = new Vector2( 0, -(Config.SKILL_ICON_SIZE - 16) / 2); nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; #if DEBUG // Charges skill gauges Func <Game_Unit, DirectionFlags, bool> skill_cheat = (unit, dir) => { if ( > j) { var skill = Global.data_skills[[j]]; if (Game_Unit.MASTERIES.Contains(skill.Abstract)) { int charge = 0; if (dir.HasFlag(DirectionFlags.Right)) { charge = 1; } else if (dir.HasFlag(DirectionFlags.Left)) { charge = -1; } unit.charge_masteries(skill.Abstract, charge * Game_Unit.MASTERY_RATE_NEW_TURN); return(charge != 0); } } return(false); }; nodes.Last().set_cheat(skill_cheat); #endif } for (int i = 0; i < ITEM_SKILLS; i++) { int j = i; Vector2 loc = Skills_Window.loc + new Vector2(8 + (Config.SKILL_ICON_SIZE - 16) / 2 + i * Config.SKILL_ICON_SIZE, 72 + 2); nodes.Add(new StatusSkillIconUINode( string.Format("Item Skill{0}", i + 1), (Game_Unit unit) => { if ( <= j) { return(new SkillState()); } var skill = Global.data_skills[[j]]; float charge = -1f; if (Game_Unit.MASTERIES.Contains(skill.Abstract)) { charge = unit.mastery_charge_percent(skill.Abstract); } return(new SkillState { Skill = skill, Charge = charge }); })); nodes.Last().loc = loc; nodes.Last().draw_offset = new Vector2( 0, -(Config.SKILL_ICON_SIZE - 16) / 2); nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; } // WLvls foreach (var weapon_type in Global.weapon_types) { if (!weapon_type.DisplayedInStatus) { continue; } nodes.Add(weapon_type_icon(weapon_type, weapon_type.StatusIndex)); } StatusPageNodes = new UINodeSet <StatusUINode>(nodes); init_design(); }
public Status_Page_3() { var nodes = new List <StatusUINode>(); // Bonuses Window Bonuses_Window = new System_Color_Window(); Bonuses_Window.loc = new Vector2(8, 80); Bonuses_Window.width = 144; Bonuses_Window.height = 112; Bonuses_Window.stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Status Label nodes.Add(new StatusTextUINode( "Cond", (Game_Unit unit) => "Status")); nodes.Last().loc = Bonuses_Window.loc + new Vector2(16, 8); (nodes.Last() as StatusTextUINode).set_color("Yellow"); nodes.Last().Size = new Vector2(32, 16); nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Statuses for (int i = 0; i < ACTOR_STATUSES; i++) { int j = i; Vector2 loc = Bonuses_Window.loc + new Vector2(48 + i * 16, 8); nodes.Add(new StatusStateUINode( string.Format("Status{0}", i + 1), (Game_Unit unit) => { if ( <= j) { return(new Tuple <int, int>(-1, 0)); } int id =[j]; int turns =; return(new Tuple <int, int>(id, turns)); })); nodes.Last().loc = loc; nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; } // Bond nodes.Add(new StatusLabeledTextUINode( "Bond", "Bond", (Game_Unit unit) => { if ( > 0) { return(Global.game_actors[].name); } else { return("-----"); } }, 52, true)); nodes.Last().loc = Bonuses_Window.loc + new Vector2(32 + 4, 2 * 16 + 4); (nodes.Last() as StatusTextUINode).set_color("White"); nodes.Last().Size = new Vector2(80, 16); nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Bonuses for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { string help_label; string label; Func <Game_Unit, string> stat_formula; switch (i) { // Atk case 0: default: help_label = "BAtk"; label = "Atk"; stat_formula = (Game_Unit unit) => unit.support_bonus(Combat_Stat_Labels.Dmg, true).ToString(); break; // Hit case 1: help_label = "BHit"; label = "Hit"; stat_formula = (Game_Unit unit) => unit.support_bonus(Combat_Stat_Labels.Hit, true).ToString(); break; // Crit case 2: help_label = "BCrt"; label = "Crit"; stat_formula = (Game_Unit unit) => unit.support_bonus(Combat_Stat_Labels.Crt, true).ToString(); break; // Def case 3: help_label = "BDef"; label = "Def"; stat_formula = (Game_Unit unit) => unit.support_bonus(Combat_Stat_Labels.Def, true).ToString(); break; // Avoid case 4: help_label = "BAvo"; label = "Avoid"; stat_formula = (Game_Unit unit) => unit.support_bonus(Combat_Stat_Labels.Avo, true).ToString(); break; // Dodge case 5: help_label = "BDod"; label = "Dodge"; stat_formula = (Game_Unit unit) => unit.support_bonus(Combat_Stat_Labels.Dod, true).ToString(); break; } Vector2 loc = Bonuses_Window.loc + new Vector2(20 + (i / 3) * 56, 56 + (i % 3) * 16); nodes.Add(new StatusStatUINode(help_label, label, stat_formula)); nodes.Last().loc = loc; nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; } // Bonus Bg Bonus_Bg = new Status_Bonus_Background(); Bonus_Bg.loc = Bonuses_Window.loc + new Vector2(8, 24); Bonus_Bg.stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_LEFT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Supports Window Supports_Window = new System_Color_Window(); Supports_Window.loc = new Vector2(168, 80); Supports_Window.width = 144; Supports_Window.height = 112; Supports_Window.stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_RIGHT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Affinity nodes.Add(new StatusAffinityUINode( "Affin", (Game_Unit unit) =>; nodes.Last().loc = Supports_Window.loc + new Vector2(40, 8); nodes.Last().stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_RIGHT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Supports Supports = new Status_Support_List(); Supports.loc = Supports_Window.loc + new Vector2(32, 24); Supports.stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_RIGHT_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Support Bg Support_Bg = new Status_Support_Background(); Support_Bg.loc = Supports_Window.loc + new Vector2(8, 24); Support_Bg.stereoscopic = Config.STATUS_RIGHT_WINDOW_DEPTH; StatusPageNodes = new UINodeSet <StatusUINode>(nodes); init_design(); }