public void MoveToVisuallyClosestPoint(int idRangeStartInclusive, int idRangeEndExclusive) { if (UILinkPointNavigator.CurrentPoint >= idRangeStartInclusive && UILinkPointNavigator.CurrentPoint < idRangeEndExclusive) { return; } Dictionary <int, UILinkPoint> points = UILinkPointNavigator.Points; Vector2 mouseScreen = Main.MouseScreen; UILinkPoint uILinkPoint = null; for (int i = idRangeStartInclusive; i < idRangeEndExclusive; i++) { if (!points.TryGetValue(i, out UILinkPoint value)) { return; } if (uILinkPoint == null || Vector2.Distance(mouseScreen, uILinkPoint.Position) > Vector2.Distance(mouseScreen, value.Position)) { uILinkPoint = value; } } if (uILinkPoint != null) { UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(uILinkPoint.ID); } }
// Token: 0x06001096 RID: 4246 RVA: 0x00404709 File Offset: 0x00402909 public override void OnActivate() { if (PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI && this._restoreButton != null) { UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(3002); } }
public void MoveToVisuallyClosestPoint(int idRangeStartInclusive, int idRangeEndExclusive) { if (UILinkPointNavigator.CurrentPoint >= idRangeStartInclusive && UILinkPointNavigator.CurrentPoint < idRangeEndExclusive) { return; } Dictionary <int, UILinkPoint> points = UILinkPointNavigator.Points; Vector2 mouseScreen = Main.MouseScreen; UILinkPoint uiLinkPoint1 = (UILinkPoint)null; for (int key = idRangeStartInclusive; key < idRangeEndExclusive; ++key) { UILinkPoint uiLinkPoint2; if (!points.TryGetValue(key, out uiLinkPoint2)) { return; } if (uiLinkPoint1 == null || (double)Vector2.Distance(mouseScreen, uiLinkPoint1.Position) > (double)Vector2.Distance(mouseScreen, uiLinkPoint2.Position)) { uiLinkPoint1 = uiLinkPoint2; } } if (uiLinkPoint1 == null) { return; } UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(uiLinkPoint1.ID); }
private void SetupGamepadPoints(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.BackButtonCommand = 1; int num = 3000; int idRangeEndExclusive = num; List <SnapPoint> snapPoints = GetSnapPoints(); UILinkPoint uILinkPoint = null; for (int i = 0; i < snapPoints.Count; i++) { SnapPoint snapPoint = snapPoints[i]; string name = snapPoint.Name; if (name == "GoBack") { uILinkPoint = _helper.MakeLinkPointFromSnapPoint(idRangeEndExclusive++, snapPoint); } } if (PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI) { _helper.MoveToVisuallyClosestPoint(num, idRangeEndExclusive); } if (Main.CreativeMenu.GamepadMoveToSearchButtonHack) { Main.CreativeMenu.GamepadMoveToSearchButtonHack = false; if (uILinkPoint != null) { UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(uILinkPoint.ID); } } }
private void SetupGamepadPoints(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.BackButtonCommand = 1; int idRangeStartInclusive = 3000; int idRangeEndExclusive = idRangeStartInclusive; List <SnapPoint> snapPoints = this.GetSnapPoints(); UILinkPoint uiLinkPoint = (UILinkPoint)null; for (int index = 0; index < snapPoints.Count; ++index) { SnapPoint snap = snapPoints[index]; if (snap.Name == "GoBack") { uiLinkPoint = this._helper.MakeLinkPointFromSnapPoint(idRangeEndExclusive++, snap); } } if (PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI) { this._helper.MoveToVisuallyClosestPoint(idRangeStartInclusive, idRangeEndExclusive); } if (!Main.CreativeMenu.GamepadMoveToSearchButtonHack) { return; } Main.CreativeMenu.GamepadMoveToSearchButtonHack = false; if (uiLinkPoint == null) { return; } UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(uiLinkPoint.ID); }
public override void OnActivate() { if (!PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI || this._restoreButton == null) { return; } UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(3002); }
public override void OnActivate() { if (PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI) { UILinkPointNavigator.Points[3000].Unlink(); UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(3000); } }
// Token: 0x060010C9 RID: 4297 RVA: 0x00405B36 File Offset: 0x00403D36 public override void OnActivate() { Main.LoadWorlds(); this.UpdateWorldsList(); if (PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI) { UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(3000 + ((this._worldList.Count == 0) ? 1 : 2)); } }
public override void OnActivate() { Main.LoadPlayers(); Main.ActivePlayerFileData = new PlayerFileData(); UpdatePlayersList(); if (PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI) { UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(3000 + ((_playerList.Count == 0) ? 1 : 2)); } }
// Token: 0x060010D4 RID: 4308 RVA: 0x004065F9 File Offset: 0x004047F9 public override void OnActivate() { Main.ClearPendingPlayerSelectCallbacks(); Main.LoadPlayers(); this.UpdatePlayersList(); if (PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI) { UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(3000 + ((this._playerList.Count == 0) ? 1 : 2)); } }
//public void Resize() // { // float num = this.spacing; // for (int i = 0; i < this.buttonView.children.Count; i++) // { // if (this.buttonView.children[i].Visible) // { // this.buttonView.children[i].X = num; // num += this.buttonView.children[i].Width + this.spacing; // } // } // base.Width = num; // this.buttonView.Width = base.Width; // } public override void OnActivate() { if (PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI) { UILinkPointNavigator.Points[3000].Unlink(); UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(3000); } Main.mapFullscreenScale = .25f; drawMap = typeof(Main).Assembly.GetType("Terraria.Main").GetMethod("DrawMap", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); drawToMap = typeof(Main).Assembly.GetType("Terraria.Main").GetMethod("DrawToMap", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); genprogress = typeof(GenerationProgress).GetField("_totalProgress", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); }
private void MoveToVisuallyClosestPoint(List <UILinkPoint> lostrefpoints) { _ = UILinkPointNavigator.Points; Vector2 mouseScreen = Main.MouseScreen; UILinkPoint uILinkPoint = null; foreach (UILinkPoint lostrefpoint in lostrefpoints) { if (uILinkPoint == null || Vector2.Distance(mouseScreen, uILinkPoint.Position) > Vector2.Distance(mouseScreen, lostrefpoint.Position)) { uILinkPoint = lostrefpoint; } } if (uILinkPoint != null) { UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(uILinkPoint.ID); } }
public void MoveToVisuallyClosestPoint(List <UILinkPoint> lostrefpoints) { Dictionary <int, UILinkPoint> points = UILinkPointNavigator.Points; Vector2 mouseScreen = Main.MouseScreen; UILinkPoint uiLinkPoint = (UILinkPoint)null; foreach (UILinkPoint lostrefpoint in lostrefpoints) { if (uiLinkPoint == null || (double)Vector2.Distance(mouseScreen, uiLinkPoint.Position) > (double)Vector2.Distance(mouseScreen, lostrefpoint.Position)) { uiLinkPoint = lostrefpoint; } } if (uiLinkPoint == null) { return; } UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(uiLinkPoint.ID); }
// Token: 0x060010C1 RID: 4289 RVA: 0x00406418 File Offset: 0x00404618 public override void OnActivate() { this.InitializePage(); if (Main.gameMenu) { this._outerContainer.Top.Set(220f, 0f); this._outerContainer.Height.Set(-220f, 1f); } else { this._outerContainer.Top.Set(120f, 0f); this._outerContainer.Height.Set(-120f, 1f); } this._achievementsList.UpdateOrder(); if (PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI) { UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(3002); } }
private void SetupGamepadPoints(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.BackButtonCommand = 1; int num = 3000; UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(num, _backPanel.GetInnerDimensions().ToRectangle().Center.ToVector2()); UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(num + 1, _newPanel.GetInnerDimensions().ToRectangle().Center.ToVector2()); int num2 = num; UILinkPoint uILinkPoint = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[num2]; uILinkPoint.Unlink(); uILinkPoint.Right = num2 + 1; num2 = num + 1; uILinkPoint = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[num2]; uILinkPoint.Unlink(); uILinkPoint.Left = num2 - 1; float scaleFactor = 1f / Main.UIScale; Rectangle clippingRectangle = _containerPanel.GetClippingRectangle(spriteBatch); Vector2 minimum = clippingRectangle.TopLeft() * scaleFactor; Vector2 maximum = clippingRectangle.BottomRight() * scaleFactor; List <SnapPoint> snapPoints = GetSnapPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < snapPoints.Count; i++) { if (!snapPoints[i].Position.Between(minimum, maximum)) { snapPoints.Remove(snapPoints[i]); i--; } } SnapPoint[,] array = new SnapPoint[_playerList.Count, 4]; foreach (SnapPoint item in snapPoints.Where((SnapPoint a) => a.Name == "Play")) { array[item.Id, 0] = item; } foreach (SnapPoint item2 in snapPoints.Where((SnapPoint a) => a.Name == "Favorite")) { array[item2.Id, 1] = item2; } foreach (SnapPoint item3 in snapPoints.Where((SnapPoint a) => a.Name == "Cloud")) { array[item3.Id, 2] = item3; } foreach (SnapPoint item4 in snapPoints.Where((SnapPoint a) => a.Name == "Delete")) { array[item4.Id, 3] = item4; } num2 = num + 2; int[] array2 = new int[_playerList.Count]; for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++) { array2[j] = -1; } for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { int num3 = -1; for (int l = 0; l < array.GetLength(0); l++) { if (array[l, k] != null) { uILinkPoint = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[num2]; uILinkPoint.Unlink(); UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(num2, array[l, k].Position); if (num3 != -1) { uILinkPoint.Up = num3; UILinkPointNavigator.Points[num3].Down = num2; } if (array2[l] != -1) { uILinkPoint.Left = array2[l]; UILinkPointNavigator.Points[array2[l]].Right = num2; } uILinkPoint.Down = num; if (k == 0) { UILinkPointNavigator.Points[num].Up = (UILinkPointNavigator.Points[num + 1].Up = num2); } num3 = num2; array2[l] = num2; UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.FANCYUI_HIGHEST_INDEX = num2; num2++; } } } if (PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI && _playerList.Count == 0 && UILinkPointNavigator.CurrentPoint > 3001) { UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(3001); } }
private void SetupGamepadPoints(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.BackButtonCommand = 1; int ID1 = 3000; UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(ID1, this._backPanel.GetInnerDimensions().ToRectangle().Center.ToVector2()); UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(ID1 + 1, this._newPanel.GetInnerDimensions().ToRectangle().Center.ToVector2()); int index1 = ID1; UILinkPoint point1 = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[index1]; point1.Unlink(); point1.Right = index1 + 1; int index2 = ID1 + 1; UILinkPoint point2 = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[index2]; point2.Unlink(); point2.Left = index2 - 1; Rectangle clippingRectangle = this._containerPanel.GetClippingRectangle(spriteBatch); Vector2 minimum = clippingRectangle.TopLeft(); Vector2 maximum = clippingRectangle.BottomRight(); List <SnapPoint> snapPoints = this.GetSnapPoints(); for (int index3 = 0; index3 < snapPoints.Count; ++index3) { if (!snapPoints[index3].Position.Between(minimum, maximum)) { snapPoints.Remove(snapPoints[index3]); --index3; } } SnapPoint[,] snapPointArray = new SnapPoint[this._playerList.Count, 4]; foreach (SnapPoint snapPoint in snapPoints.Where <SnapPoint>((Func <SnapPoint, bool>)(a => a.Name == "Play"))) { snapPointArray[snapPoint.ID, 0] = snapPoint; } foreach (SnapPoint snapPoint in snapPoints.Where <SnapPoint>((Func <SnapPoint, bool>)(a => a.Name == "Favorite"))) { snapPointArray[snapPoint.ID, 1] = snapPoint; } foreach (SnapPoint snapPoint in snapPoints.Where <SnapPoint>((Func <SnapPoint, bool>)(a => a.Name == "Cloud"))) { snapPointArray[snapPoint.ID, 2] = snapPoint; } foreach (SnapPoint snapPoint in snapPoints.Where <SnapPoint>((Func <SnapPoint, bool>)(a => a.Name == "Delete"))) { snapPointArray[snapPoint.ID, 3] = snapPoint; } int ID2 = ID1 + 2; int[] numArray = new int[this._playerList.Count]; for (int index3 = 0; index3 < numArray.Length; ++index3) { numArray[index3] = -1; } for (int index3 = 0; index3 < 4; ++index3) { int index4 = -1; for (int index5 = 0; index5 < snapPointArray.GetLength(0); ++index5) { if (snapPointArray[index5, index3] != null) { UILinkPoint point3 = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[ID2]; point3.Unlink(); UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(ID2, snapPointArray[index5, index3].Position); if (index4 != -1) { point3.Up = index4; UILinkPointNavigator.Points[index4].Down = ID2; } if (numArray[index5] != -1) { point3.Left = numArray[index5]; UILinkPointNavigator.Points[numArray[index5]].Right = ID2; } point3.Down = ID1; if (index3 == 0) { UILinkPointNavigator.Points[ID1].Up = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[ID1 + 1].Up = ID2; } index4 = ID2; numArray[index5] = ID2; UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.FANCYUI_HIGHEST_INDEX = ID2; ++ID2; } } } if (!PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI || this._playerList.Count != 0 || UILinkPointNavigator.CurrentPoint <= 3001) { return; } UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(3001); }
private void SetupGamepadPoints(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { int currentID = 10000; List <SnapPoint> snapPoints = GetSnapPoints(); List <SnapPoint> orderedPointsByCategoryName = _helper.GetOrderedPointsByCategoryName(snapPoints, "strip 0"); List <SnapPoint> orderedPointsByCategoryName2 = _helper.GetOrderedPointsByCategoryName(snapPoints, "strip 1"); List <SnapPoint> orderedPointsByCategoryName3 = _helper.GetOrderedPointsByCategoryName(snapPoints, "strip 2"); UILinkPoint[] array = null; UILinkPoint[] array2 = null; UILinkPoint[] array3 = null; if (orderedPointsByCategoryName.Count > 0) { array = _helper.CreateUILinkStripVertical(ref currentID, orderedPointsByCategoryName); } if (orderedPointsByCategoryName2.Count > 0) { array2 = _helper.CreateUILinkStripVertical(ref currentID, orderedPointsByCategoryName2); } if (orderedPointsByCategoryName3.Count > 0) { array3 = _helper.CreateUILinkStripVertical(ref currentID, orderedPointsByCategoryName3); } if (array != null && array2 != null) { _helper.LinkVerticalStrips(array, array2, (array.Length - array2.Length) / 2); } if (array2 != null && array3 != null) { _helper.LinkVerticalStrips(array2, array3, (array.Length - array2.Length) / 2); } UILinkPoint uILinkPoint = null; UILinkPoint uILinkPoint2 = null; UILinkPoint uILinkPoint3 = null; for (int i = 0; i < snapPoints.Count; i++) { SnapPoint snapPoint = snapPoints[i]; string name = snapPoint.Name; if (!(name == "CreativeSacrificeConfirm")) { if (name == "CreativeInfinitesSearch") { uILinkPoint3 = _helper.MakeLinkPointFromSnapPoint(currentID++, snapPoint); Main.CreativeMenu.GamepadPointIdForInfiniteItemSearchHack = uILinkPoint3.ID; } } else { uILinkPoint2 = _helper.MakeLinkPointFromSnapPoint(currentID++, snapPoint); } } uILinkPoint = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[15000]; List <SnapPoint> orderedPointsByCategoryName4 = _helper.GetOrderedPointsByCategoryName(snapPoints, "CreativeInfinitesFilter"); UILinkPoint[] array4 = null; if (orderedPointsByCategoryName4.Count > 0) { array4 = _helper.CreateUILinkStripHorizontal(ref currentID, orderedPointsByCategoryName4); if (uILinkPoint3 != null) { uILinkPoint3.Up = array4[0].ID; for (int j = 0; j < array4.Length; j++) { array4[j].Down = uILinkPoint3.ID; } } } List <SnapPoint> orderedPointsByCategoryName5 = _helper.GetOrderedPointsByCategoryName(snapPoints, "CreativeInfinitesSlot"); UILinkPoint[,] array5 = null; if (orderedPointsByCategoryName5.Count > 0) { array5 = _helper.CreateUILinkPointGrid(ref currentID, orderedPointsByCategoryName5, _infiniteItemsWindow.GetItemsPerLine(), uILinkPoint3, array[0]); _helper.LinkVerticalStripRightSideToSingle(array, array5[0, 0]); } else if (uILinkPoint3 != null) { _helper.LinkVerticalStripRightSideToSingle(array, uILinkPoint3); } if (uILinkPoint3 != null && array5 != null) { _helper.PairUpDown(uILinkPoint3, array5[0, 0]); } if (uILinkPoint != null && IsShowingResearchMenu) { _helper.LinkVerticalStripRightSideToSingle(array, uILinkPoint); } if (uILinkPoint2 != null) { _helper.PairUpDown(uILinkPoint, uILinkPoint2); uILinkPoint2.Left = array[0].ID; } if (Main.CreativeMenu.GamepadMoveToSearchButtonHack) { Main.CreativeMenu.GamepadMoveToSearchButtonHack = false; if (uILinkPoint3 != null) { UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(uILinkPoint3.ID); } } }
private void SetupGamepadPoints(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.BackButtonCommand = 2; int index1 = 3000; int ID1 = index1; Rectangle rectangle1 = this._backPanel.GetInnerDimensions().ToRectangle(); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation Vector2 vector2_1 = ((Rectangle)@rectangle1).get_Center().ToVector2(); UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(ID1, vector2_1); int ID2 = index1 + 1; Rectangle rectangle2 = this._newPanel.GetInnerDimensions().ToRectangle(); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation Vector2 vector2_2 = ((Rectangle)@rectangle2).get_Center().ToVector2(); UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(ID2, vector2_2); int index2 = index1; UILinkPoint point1 = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[index2]; point1.Unlink(); point1.Right = index2 + 1; int index3 = index1 + 1; UILinkPoint point2 = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[index3]; point2.Unlink(); point2.Left = index3 - 1; Rectangle clippingRectangle = this._containerPanel.GetClippingRectangle(spriteBatch); Vector2 minimum = clippingRectangle.TopLeft(); Vector2 maximum = clippingRectangle.BottomRight(); List <SnapPoint> snapPoints = this.GetSnapPoints(); for (int index4 = 0; index4 < snapPoints.Count; ++index4) { if (!snapPoints[index4].Position.Between(minimum, maximum)) { snapPoints.Remove(snapPoints[index4]); --index4; } } SnapPoint[,] snapPointArray = new SnapPoint[this._worldList.Count, 5]; List <SnapPoint> snapPointList1 = snapPoints; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate9 == null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field // ISSUE: method pointer UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate9 = new Func <SnapPoint, bool>((object)null, __methodptr(\u003CSetupGamepadPoints\u003Eb__4)); } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Func <SnapPoint, bool> anonymousMethodDelegate9 = UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate9; foreach (SnapPoint snapPoint in (IEnumerable <SnapPoint>)Enumerable.Where <SnapPoint>((IEnumerable <M0>)snapPointList1, (Func <M0, bool>)anonymousMethodDelegate9)) { snapPointArray[snapPoint.ID, 0] = snapPoint; } List <SnapPoint> snapPointList2 = snapPoints; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegatea == null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field // ISSUE: method pointer UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegatea = new Func <SnapPoint, bool>((object)null, __methodptr(\u003CSetupGamepadPoints\u003Eb__5)); } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Func <SnapPoint, bool> anonymousMethodDelegatea = UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegatea; foreach (SnapPoint snapPoint in (IEnumerable <SnapPoint>)Enumerable.Where <SnapPoint>((IEnumerable <M0>)snapPointList2, (Func <M0, bool>)anonymousMethodDelegatea)) { snapPointArray[snapPoint.ID, 1] = snapPoint; } List <SnapPoint> snapPointList3 = snapPoints; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegateb == null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field // ISSUE: method pointer UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegateb = new Func <SnapPoint, bool>((object)null, __methodptr(\u003CSetupGamepadPoints\u003Eb__6)); } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Func <SnapPoint, bool> anonymousMethodDelegateb = UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegateb; foreach (SnapPoint snapPoint in (IEnumerable <SnapPoint>)Enumerable.Where <SnapPoint>((IEnumerable <M0>)snapPointList3, (Func <M0, bool>)anonymousMethodDelegateb)) { snapPointArray[snapPoint.ID, 2] = snapPoint; } List <SnapPoint> snapPointList4 = snapPoints; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegatec == null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field // ISSUE: method pointer UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegatec = new Func <SnapPoint, bool>((object)null, __methodptr(\u003CSetupGamepadPoints\u003Eb__7)); } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Func <SnapPoint, bool> anonymousMethodDelegatec = UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegatec; foreach (SnapPoint snapPoint in (IEnumerable <SnapPoint>)Enumerable.Where <SnapPoint>((IEnumerable <M0>)snapPointList4, (Func <M0, bool>)anonymousMethodDelegatec)) { snapPointArray[snapPoint.ID, 3] = snapPoint; } List <SnapPoint> snapPointList5 = snapPoints; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field if (UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegated == null) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field // ISSUE: method pointer UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegated = new Func <SnapPoint, bool>((object)null, __methodptr(\u003CSetupGamepadPoints\u003Eb__8)); } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field Func <SnapPoint, bool> anonymousMethodDelegated = UIWorldSelect.CS\u0024\u003C\u003E9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegated; foreach (SnapPoint snapPoint in (IEnumerable <SnapPoint>)Enumerable.Where <SnapPoint>((IEnumerable <M0>)snapPointList5, (Func <M0, bool>)anonymousMethodDelegated)) { snapPointArray[snapPoint.ID, 4] = snapPoint; } int ID3 = index1 + 2; int[] numArray = new int[this._worldList.Count]; for (int index4 = 0; index4 < numArray.Length; ++index4) { numArray[index4] = -1; } for (int index4 = 0; index4 < 5; ++index4) { int index5 = -1; for (int index6 = 0; index6 < snapPointArray.GetLength(0); ++index6) { if (snapPointArray[index6, index4] != null) { UILinkPoint point3 = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[ID3]; point3.Unlink(); UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(ID3, snapPointArray[index6, index4].Position); if (index5 != -1) { point3.Up = index5; UILinkPointNavigator.Points[index5].Down = ID3; } if (numArray[index6] != -1) { point3.Left = numArray[index6]; UILinkPointNavigator.Points[numArray[index6]].Right = ID3; } point3.Down = index1; if (index4 == 0) { UILinkPointNavigator.Points[index1].Up = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[index1 + 1].Up = ID3; } index5 = ID3; numArray[index6] = ID3; UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.FANCYUI_HIGHEST_INDEX = ID3; ++ID3; } } } if (!PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI || this._worldList.Count != 0 || UILinkPointNavigator.CurrentPoint <= 3001) { return; } UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(3001); }
private void SetupGamepadPoints(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { int currentID = 10000; List <SnapPoint> snapPoints = this.GetSnapPoints(); List <SnapPoint> pointsByCategoryName1 = this._helper.GetOrderedPointsByCategoryName(snapPoints, "strip 0"); List <SnapPoint> pointsByCategoryName2 = this._helper.GetOrderedPointsByCategoryName(snapPoints, "strip 1"); List <SnapPoint> pointsByCategoryName3 = this._helper.GetOrderedPointsByCategoryName(snapPoints, "strip 2"); UILinkPoint[] uiLinkPointArray1 = (UILinkPoint[])null; UILinkPoint[] uiLinkPointArray2 = (UILinkPoint[])null; UILinkPoint[] stripOnRight = (UILinkPoint[])null; if (pointsByCategoryName1.Count > 0) { uiLinkPointArray1 = this._helper.CreateUILinkStripVertical(ref currentID, pointsByCategoryName1); } if (pointsByCategoryName2.Count > 0) { uiLinkPointArray2 = this._helper.CreateUILinkStripVertical(ref currentID, pointsByCategoryName2); } if (pointsByCategoryName3.Count > 0) { stripOnRight = this._helper.CreateUILinkStripVertical(ref currentID, pointsByCategoryName3); } if (uiLinkPointArray1 != null && uiLinkPointArray2 != null) { this._helper.LinkVerticalStrips(uiLinkPointArray1, uiLinkPointArray2, (uiLinkPointArray1.Length - uiLinkPointArray2.Length) / 2); } if (uiLinkPointArray2 != null && stripOnRight != null) { this._helper.LinkVerticalStrips(uiLinkPointArray2, stripOnRight, (uiLinkPointArray1.Length - uiLinkPointArray2.Length) / 2); } UILinkPoint downSide = (UILinkPoint)null; UILinkPoint uiLinkPoint = (UILinkPoint)null; for (int index = 0; index < snapPoints.Count; ++index) { SnapPoint snap = snapPoints[index]; string name = snap.Name; if (!(name == "CreativeSacrificeConfirm")) { if (name == "CreativeInfinitesSearch") { uiLinkPoint = this._helper.MakeLinkPointFromSnapPoint(currentID++, snap); Main.CreativeMenu.GamepadPointIdForInfiniteItemSearchHack = uiLinkPoint.ID; } } else { downSide = this._helper.MakeLinkPointFromSnapPoint(currentID++, snap); } } UILinkPoint point = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[15000]; List <SnapPoint> pointsByCategoryName4 = this._helper.GetOrderedPointsByCategoryName(snapPoints, "CreativeInfinitesFilter"); if (pointsByCategoryName4.Count > 0) { UILinkPoint[] linkStripHorizontal = this._helper.CreateUILinkStripHorizontal(ref currentID, pointsByCategoryName4); if (uiLinkPoint != null) { uiLinkPoint.Up = linkStripHorizontal[0].ID; for (int index = 0; index < linkStripHorizontal.Length; ++index) { linkStripHorizontal[index].Down = uiLinkPoint.ID; } } } List <SnapPoint> pointsByCategoryName5 = this._helper.GetOrderedPointsByCategoryName(snapPoints, "CreativeInfinitesSlot"); UILinkPoint[,] uiLinkPointArray3 = (UILinkPoint[, ])null; if (pointsByCategoryName5.Count > 0) { uiLinkPointArray3 = this._helper.CreateUILinkPointGrid(ref currentID, pointsByCategoryName5, this._infiniteItemsWindow.GetItemsPerLine(), uiLinkPoint, uiLinkPointArray1[0]); this._helper.LinkVerticalStripRightSideToSingle(uiLinkPointArray1, uiLinkPointArray3[0, 0]); } else if (uiLinkPoint != null) { this._helper.LinkVerticalStripRightSideToSingle(uiLinkPointArray1, uiLinkPoint); } if (uiLinkPoint != null && uiLinkPointArray3 != null) { this._helper.PairUpDown(uiLinkPoint, uiLinkPointArray3[0, 0]); } if (point != null && this.IsShowingResearchMenu) { this._helper.LinkVerticalStripRightSideToSingle(uiLinkPointArray1, point); } if (downSide != null) { this._helper.PairUpDown(point, downSide); downSide.Left = uiLinkPointArray1[0].ID; } if (!Main.CreativeMenu.GamepadMoveToSearchButtonHack) { return; } Main.CreativeMenu.GamepadMoveToSearchButtonHack = false; if (uiLinkPoint == null) { return; } UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(uiLinkPoint.ID); }
// Token: 0x060010CD RID: 4301 RVA: 0x00405D60 File Offset: 0x00403F60 private void SetupGamepadPoints(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.BackButtonCommand = 2; int num = 3000; UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(num, this._backPanel.GetInnerDimensions().ToRectangle().Center.ToVector2()); UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(num + 1, this._newPanel.GetInnerDimensions().ToRectangle().Center.ToVector2()); int num2 = num; UILinkPoint uILinkPoint = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[num2]; uILinkPoint.Unlink(); uILinkPoint.Right = num2 + 1; num2 = num + 1; uILinkPoint = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[num2]; uILinkPoint.Unlink(); uILinkPoint.Left = num2 - 1; Rectangle expr_A6 = this._containerPanel.GetClippingRectangle(spriteBatch); Vector2 minimum = expr_A6.TopLeft(); Vector2 maximum = expr_A6.BottomRight(); List <SnapPoint> snapPoints = this.GetSnapPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < snapPoints.Count; i++) { if (!snapPoints[i].Position.Between(minimum, maximum)) { snapPoints.Remove(snapPoints[i]); i--; } } SnapPoint[,] array = new SnapPoint[this._worldList.Count, 5]; IEnumerable <SnapPoint> arg_135_0 = snapPoints; foreach (SnapPoint current in arg_135_0.Where((a) => { return(a.Name == "Play"); })) { array[current.ID, 0] = current; } IEnumerable <SnapPoint> arg_195_0 = snapPoints; foreach (SnapPoint current2 in arg_195_0.Where((a) => { return(a.Name == "Favorite"); })) { array[current2.ID, 1] = current2; } IEnumerable <SnapPoint> arg_1F5_0 = snapPoints; foreach (SnapPoint current3 in arg_1F5_0.Where((a) => { return(a.Name == "Cloud"); })) { array[current3.ID, 2] = current3; } IEnumerable <SnapPoint> arg_255_0 = snapPoints; foreach (SnapPoint current4 in arg_255_0.Where((a) => { return(a.Name == "Seed"); })) { array[current4.ID, 3] = current4; } IEnumerable <SnapPoint> arg_2B5_0 = snapPoints; foreach (SnapPoint current5 in arg_2B5_0.Where((a) => { return(a.Name == "Delete"); })) { array[current5.ID, 4] = current5; } num2 = num + 2; int[] array2 = new int[this._worldList.Count]; for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++) { array2[j] = -1; } for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) { int num3 = -1; for (int l = 0; l < array.GetLength(0); l++) { if (array[l, k] != null) { uILinkPoint = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[num2]; uILinkPoint.Unlink(); UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(num2, array[l, k].Position); if (num3 != -1) { uILinkPoint.Up = num3; UILinkPointNavigator.Points[num3].Down = num2; } if (array2[l] != -1) { uILinkPoint.Left = array2[l]; UILinkPointNavigator.Points[array2[l]].Right = num2; } uILinkPoint.Down = num; if (k == 0) { UILinkPointNavigator.Points[num].Up = (UILinkPointNavigator.Points[num + 1].Up = num2); } num3 = num2; array2[l] = num2; UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.FANCYUI_HIGHEST_INDEX = num2; num2++; } } } if (PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI && this._worldList.Count == 0 && UILinkPointNavigator.CurrentPoint > 3001) { UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(3001); } }
private void SetupGamepadPoints(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.BackButtonCommand = 1; int idRangeStartInclusive = 3000; int currentID = idRangeStartInclusive; List <SnapPoint> snapPoints1 = this.GetSnapPoints(); List <SnapPoint> snapPoints2 = this._availablePacksList.GetSnapPoints(); this._helper.CullPointsOutOfElementArea(spriteBatch, snapPoints2, (UIElement)this._availablePacksList); List <SnapPoint> snapPoints3 = this._enabledPacksList.GetSnapPoints(); this._helper.CullPointsOutOfElementArea(spriteBatch, snapPoints3, (UIElement)this._enabledPacksList); UILinkPoint[] fromCategoryName1 = this._helper.GetVerticalStripFromCategoryName(ref currentID, snapPoints2, "ToggleToOn"); UILinkPoint[] fromCategoryName2 = this._helper.GetVerticalStripFromCategoryName(ref currentID, snapPoints2, "InfoOff"); UILinkPoint[] fromCategoryName3 = this._helper.GetVerticalStripFromCategoryName(ref currentID, snapPoints3, "ToggleToOff"); UILinkPoint[] fromCategoryName4 = this._helper.GetVerticalStripFromCategoryName(ref currentID, snapPoints3, "InfoOn"); UILinkPoint[] fromCategoryName5 = this._helper.GetVerticalStripFromCategoryName(ref currentID, snapPoints3, "OrderUp"); UILinkPoint[] fromCategoryName6 = this._helper.GetVerticalStripFromCategoryName(ref currentID, snapPoints3, "OrderDown"); UILinkPoint uiLinkPoint1 = (UILinkPoint)null; UILinkPoint uiLinkPoint2 = (UILinkPoint)null; for (int index = 0; index < snapPoints1.Count; ++index) { SnapPoint snap = snapPoints1[index]; string name = snap.Name; if (!(name == "GoBack")) { if (name == "OpenFolder") { uiLinkPoint2 = this._helper.MakeLinkPointFromSnapPoint(currentID++, snap); } } else { uiLinkPoint1 = this._helper.MakeLinkPointFromSnapPoint(currentID++, snap); } } this._helper.LinkVerticalStrips(fromCategoryName2, fromCategoryName1, 0); this._helper.LinkVerticalStrips(fromCategoryName1, fromCategoryName3, 0); this._helper.LinkVerticalStrips(fromCategoryName3, fromCategoryName4, 0); this._helper.LinkVerticalStrips(fromCategoryName4, fromCategoryName5, 0); this._helper.LinkVerticalStrips(fromCategoryName5, fromCategoryName6, 0); this._helper.LinkVerticalStripBottomSideToSingle(fromCategoryName1, uiLinkPoint1); this._helper.LinkVerticalStripBottomSideToSingle(fromCategoryName2, uiLinkPoint1); this._helper.LinkVerticalStripBottomSideToSingle(fromCategoryName5, uiLinkPoint2); this._helper.LinkVerticalStripBottomSideToSingle(fromCategoryName6, uiLinkPoint2); this._helper.LinkVerticalStripBottomSideToSingle(fromCategoryName3, uiLinkPoint2); this._helper.LinkVerticalStripBottomSideToSingle(fromCategoryName4, uiLinkPoint2); this._helper.PairLeftRight(uiLinkPoint1, uiLinkPoint2); if (PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI) { this._helper.MoveToVisuallyClosestPoint(idRangeStartInclusive, currentID); } if (!Main.CreativeMenu.GamepadMoveToSearchButtonHack) { return; } Main.CreativeMenu.GamepadMoveToSearchButtonHack = false; if (uiLinkPoint1 == null) { return; } UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(uiLinkPoint1.ID); }
private void SetupGamepadPoints(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.BackButtonCommand = 2; int index1 = 3000; int ID1 = index1; Rectangle rectangle1 = this._backPanel.GetInnerDimensions().ToRectangle(); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation Vector2 vector2_1 = ((Rectangle)@rectangle1).get_Center().ToVector2(); UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(ID1, vector2_1); int ID2 = index1 + 1; Rectangle rectangle2 = this._newPanel.GetInnerDimensions().ToRectangle(); // ISSUE: explicit reference operation Vector2 vector2_2 = ((Rectangle)@rectangle2).get_Center().ToVector2(); UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(ID2, vector2_2); int index2 = index1; UILinkPoint point1 = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[index2]; point1.Unlink(); point1.Right = index2 + 1; int index3 = index1 + 1; UILinkPoint point2 = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[index3]; point2.Unlink(); point2.Left = index3 - 1; Rectangle clippingRectangle = this._containerPanel.GetClippingRectangle(spriteBatch); Vector2 minimum = clippingRectangle.TopLeft(); Vector2 maximum = clippingRectangle.BottomRight(); List <SnapPoint> snapPoints = this.GetSnapPoints(); for (int index4 = 0; index4 < snapPoints.Count; ++index4) { if (!snapPoints[index4].Position.Between(minimum, maximum)) { snapPoints.Remove(snapPoints[index4]); --index4; } } SnapPoint[,] snapPointArray = new SnapPoint[this._worldList.Count, 5]; foreach (SnapPoint snapPoint in snapPoints.Where <SnapPoint>((Func <SnapPoint, bool>)(a => a.Name == "Play"))) { snapPointArray[snapPoint.ID, 0] = snapPoint; } foreach (SnapPoint snapPoint in snapPoints.Where <SnapPoint>((Func <SnapPoint, bool>)(a => a.Name == "Favorite"))) { snapPointArray[snapPoint.ID, 1] = snapPoint; } foreach (SnapPoint snapPoint in snapPoints.Where <SnapPoint>((Func <SnapPoint, bool>)(a => a.Name == "Cloud"))) { snapPointArray[snapPoint.ID, 2] = snapPoint; } foreach (SnapPoint snapPoint in snapPoints.Where <SnapPoint>((Func <SnapPoint, bool>)(a => a.Name == "Seed"))) { snapPointArray[snapPoint.ID, 3] = snapPoint; } foreach (SnapPoint snapPoint in snapPoints.Where <SnapPoint>((Func <SnapPoint, bool>)(a => a.Name == "Delete"))) { snapPointArray[snapPoint.ID, 4] = snapPoint; } int ID3 = index1 + 2; int[] numArray = new int[this._worldList.Count]; for (int index4 = 0; index4 < numArray.Length; ++index4) { numArray[index4] = -1; } for (int index4 = 0; index4 < 5; ++index4) { int index5 = -1; for (int index6 = 0; index6 < snapPointArray.GetLength(0); ++index6) { if (snapPointArray[index6, index4] != null) { UILinkPoint point3 = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[ID3]; point3.Unlink(); UILinkPointNavigator.SetPosition(ID3, snapPointArray[index6, index4].Position); if (index5 != -1) { point3.Up = index5; UILinkPointNavigator.Points[index5].Down = ID3; } if (numArray[index6] != -1) { point3.Left = numArray[index6]; UILinkPointNavigator.Points[numArray[index6]].Right = ID3; } point3.Down = index1; if (index4 == 0) { UILinkPointNavigator.Points[index1].Up = UILinkPointNavigator.Points[index1 + 1].Up = ID3; } index5 = ID3; numArray[index6] = ID3; UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.FANCYUI_HIGHEST_INDEX = ID3; ++ID3; } } } if (!PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI || this._worldList.Count != 0 || UILinkPointNavigator.CurrentPoint <= 3001) { return; } UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(3001); }
private void SetupGamepadPoints(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { UILinkPointNavigator.Shortcuts.BackButtonCommand = 1; int num = 3000; int currentID = num; List <SnapPoint> snapPoints = GetSnapPoints(); List <SnapPoint> snapPoints2 = _availablePacksList.GetSnapPoints(); _helper.CullPointsOutOfElementArea(spriteBatch, snapPoints2, _availablePacksList); List <SnapPoint> snapPoints3 = _enabledPacksList.GetSnapPoints(); _helper.CullPointsOutOfElementArea(spriteBatch, snapPoints3, _enabledPacksList); UILinkPoint[] verticalStripFromCategoryName = _helper.GetVerticalStripFromCategoryName(ref currentID, snapPoints2, "ToggleToOn"); UILinkPoint[] verticalStripFromCategoryName2 = _helper.GetVerticalStripFromCategoryName(ref currentID, snapPoints2, "InfoOff"); UILinkPoint[] verticalStripFromCategoryName3 = _helper.GetVerticalStripFromCategoryName(ref currentID, snapPoints3, "ToggleToOff"); UILinkPoint[] verticalStripFromCategoryName4 = _helper.GetVerticalStripFromCategoryName(ref currentID, snapPoints3, "InfoOn"); UILinkPoint[] verticalStripFromCategoryName5 = _helper.GetVerticalStripFromCategoryName(ref currentID, snapPoints3, "OrderUp"); UILinkPoint[] verticalStripFromCategoryName6 = _helper.GetVerticalStripFromCategoryName(ref currentID, snapPoints3, "OrderDown"); UILinkPoint uILinkPoint = null; UILinkPoint uILinkPoint2 = null; for (int i = 0; i < snapPoints.Count; i++) { SnapPoint snapPoint = snapPoints[i]; string name = snapPoint.Name; if (!(name == "GoBack")) { if (name == "OpenFolder") { uILinkPoint2 = _helper.MakeLinkPointFromSnapPoint(currentID++, snapPoint); } } else { uILinkPoint = _helper.MakeLinkPointFromSnapPoint(currentID++, snapPoint); } } _helper.LinkVerticalStrips(verticalStripFromCategoryName2, verticalStripFromCategoryName, 0); _helper.LinkVerticalStrips(verticalStripFromCategoryName, verticalStripFromCategoryName3, 0); _helper.LinkVerticalStrips(verticalStripFromCategoryName3, verticalStripFromCategoryName4, 0); _helper.LinkVerticalStrips(verticalStripFromCategoryName4, verticalStripFromCategoryName5, 0); _helper.LinkVerticalStrips(verticalStripFromCategoryName5, verticalStripFromCategoryName6, 0); _helper.LinkVerticalStripBottomSideToSingle(verticalStripFromCategoryName, uILinkPoint); _helper.LinkVerticalStripBottomSideToSingle(verticalStripFromCategoryName2, uILinkPoint); _helper.LinkVerticalStripBottomSideToSingle(verticalStripFromCategoryName5, uILinkPoint2); _helper.LinkVerticalStripBottomSideToSingle(verticalStripFromCategoryName6, uILinkPoint2); _helper.LinkVerticalStripBottomSideToSingle(verticalStripFromCategoryName3, uILinkPoint2); _helper.LinkVerticalStripBottomSideToSingle(verticalStripFromCategoryName4, uILinkPoint2); _helper.PairLeftRight(uILinkPoint, uILinkPoint2); if (PlayerInput.UsingGamepadUI) { _helper.MoveToVisuallyClosestPoint(num, currentID); } if (Main.CreativeMenu.GamepadMoveToSearchButtonHack) { Main.CreativeMenu.GamepadMoveToSearchButtonHack = false; if (uILinkPoint != null) { UILinkPointNavigator.ChangePoint(uILinkPoint.ID); } } }