public override void Draw() { m_SBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise, null, Resolution.getTransformationMatrix()); base.Draw(); //Needs to be drawn first for the ExitDialog to be drawn correctly. m_BackgroundImg.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.0f); m_HeadSkinBrowser.Draw(m_SBatch, 0.7f); m_BodySkinBrowser.Draw(m_SBatch, 0.7f); //TODO: Find out why the ExitDialog is drawn behind the other buttons on the screen. m_ExitDialog.Draw(m_SBatch, 0.9f); m_SBatch.End(); foreach (UIElement Element in m_PResult.Elements.Values) { if (Element.NeedsClipping) { RasterizerState RasterState = new RasterizerState(); RasterState.ScissorTestEnable = true; RasterState.CullMode = CullMode.CullCounterClockwiseFace; m_SBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, RasterState, null, Resolution.getTransformationMatrix()); Element.Draw(m_SBatch, 0.5f); m_SBatch.End(); } } }
public override void Draw() { base.Draw(); BackgroundImg.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.0f); TabBackgroundImg1.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); TabBackgroundImg2.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); TabBackgroundImg3.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); DescriptionTabBackgroundImg1.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.7f); DescriptionTabImage1.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.7f); EnterTabBackgroundImage1.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); EnterTabImage1.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); DescriptionTabBackgroundImg2.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.7f); DescriptionTabImage2.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.7f); EnterTabBackgroundImage2.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); EnterTabImage2.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); DescriptionTabBackgroundImg3.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.7f); DescriptionTabImage3.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.7f); EnterTabBackgroundImage3.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); EnterTabImage3.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); //DefaultHouseImg.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.0f); CreditsBackgroundImg.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.0f); //CityThumbnailBusyImg.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.0f); m_ExitDialog.Draw(m_SBatch, 0.9f); }
// Child proof the image by rounding the edges of the image internal static UIImage RemoveSharpEdges(UIImage image) { if (image == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("image"); } float size = HighRes ? 73 : 48; UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(size, size)); var c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); if (HighRes) { c.AddPath(largePath); } else { c.AddPath(smallPath); } c.Clip(); image.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, size, size)); var converted = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return(converted); }
private UIImage CropCircle(UIImage image) { // stretches the image if it's not square var newSize = image.Size; var minEdge = Math.Min(newSize.Height, newSize.Width); var size = new CGSize(width: minEdge, height: minEdge); UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, 0.0f); var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); image.Draw(new CGRect(CGPoint.Empty, size), CGBlendMode.Copy, alpha: 1.0f); context.SetBlendMode(CGBlendMode.Copy); context.SetFillColor(UIColor.Clear.CGColor); var rect = new CGRect(CGPoint.Empty, size: size); var rectPath = UIBezierPath.FromRect(rect); var circlePath = UIBezierPath.FromOval(new CGRect(CGPoint.Empty, size: size)); rectPath.AppendPath(circlePath); rectPath.UsesEvenOddFillRule = true; rectPath.Fill(); var result = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return(result); }
public static UIImage DrawResults(UIImage img, MultiboxGraph.Result result, float scoreThreshold) { Rectangle[] locations = ScaleLocation(result.DecodedLocations, (int)img.Size.Width, (int)img.Size.Height); UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(img.Size, false, 0); var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); img.Draw(new CGPoint()); context.SetStrokeColor(UIColor.Red.CGColor); context.SetLineWidth(2); for (int i = 0; i < result.Scores.Length; i++) { if (result.Scores[i] > scoreThreshold) { Rectangle rect = locations[result.Indices[i]]; CGRect cgRect = new CGRect(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height); context.AddRect(cgRect); context.DrawPath(CGPathDrawingMode.Stroke); } } UIImage imgWithRect = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return(imgWithRect); }
private UIImage RotateImage(UIImage src, UIImageOrientation orientation) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(src.Size); if (orientation == UIImageOrientation.Right) { CGAffineTransform.MakeRotation((nfloat)radians(90)); } else if (orientation == UIImageOrientation.Left) { CGAffineTransform.MakeRotation((nfloat)radians(-90)); } else if (orientation == UIImageOrientation.Down) { } else if (orientation == UIImageOrientation.Up) { CGAffineTransform.MakeRotation((nfloat)radians(90)); } src.Draw(new CGPoint(0, 0)); UIImage image = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return(image); }
public static UIImage ResizeImage(UIImage source, float width, float height) { if (source == null) { return(source); } float imageWidth = source.Size.Width; float imageHeight = source.Size.Height; float newImageHeight = height; float newImageWidth = width; if (width == -1 && height != -1) { newImageWidth = imageWidth / (imageHeight / newImageHeight); } else if (width != -1 && height == -1) { newImageHeight = imageHeight / (imageWidth / newImageWidth); } try { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new System.Drawing.SizeF(newImageWidth, newImageHeight)); source.Draw(new System.Drawing.RectangleF(0, 0, newImageWidth, newImageHeight)); return(UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext()); } finally { UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); } }
private UIImage GetTrackWithTicksImage(CGRect innerRect, CGContext context, UIImage side) { var tickStartPointY = (innerRect.Height / 2) - (TickHeight / 2); var tickEndPointY = (innerRect.Height / 2) + (TickHeight / 2); side.Draw(new CGPoint(0, 0)); for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfTicks; i++) { context.SetLineWidth(TickWidth); var position = (innerRect.Size.Width / (NumberOfTicks - 1)) * i; if (i == 0) { position += 1; } else if (i == NumberOfTicks - 1) { position -= 1; } context.MoveTo(position, tickStartPointY); context.AddLineToPoint(position, tickEndPointY); context.SetStrokeColor(TickColor.CGColor); context.StrokePath(); } return(UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext().CreateResizableImage(UIEdgeInsets.Zero)); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch SBatch, float?LayerDepth) { float Depth; if (LayerDepth != null) { Depth = (float)LayerDepth; } else { Depth = 0.10f; } if (Visible) { Image.DrawTextureTo(SBatch, null, Image.Slicer.TLeft, Image.Position + Vector2.Zero, Depth); Image.DrawTextureTo(SBatch, Image.Slicer.TCenter_Scale, Image.Slicer.TCenter, Image.Position + new Vector2(Image.Slicer.LeftPadding, 0), Depth); Image.DrawTextureTo(SBatch, null, Image.Slicer.TRight, Image.Position + new Vector2(Image.Slicer.Width - Image.Slicer.RightPadding, 0), Depth); Image.DrawTextureTo(SBatch, Image.Slicer.CLeft_Scale, Image.Slicer.CLeft, Image.Position + new Vector2(0, Image.Slicer.TopPadding), null); Image.DrawTextureTo(SBatch, Image.Slicer.CCenter_Scale, Image.Slicer.CCenter, Image.Position + new Vector2(Image.Slicer.LeftPadding, Image.Slicer.TopPadding), Depth); Image.DrawTextureTo(SBatch, Image.Slicer.CRight_Scale, Image.Slicer.CRight, Image.Position + new Vector2(Image.Slicer.Width - Image.Slicer.RightPadding, Image.Slicer.TopPadding), Depth); int BottomY = Image.Slicer.Height - Image.Slicer.BottomPadding; Image.DrawTextureTo(SBatch, null, Image.Slicer.BLeft, Image.Position + new Vector2(0, BottomY), null); Image.DrawTextureTo(SBatch, Image.Slicer.BCenter_Scale, Image.Slicer.BCenter, Image.Position + new Vector2(Image.Slicer.LeftPadding, BottomY), Depth); Image.DrawTextureTo(SBatch, null, Image.Slicer.BRight, Image.Position + new Vector2(Image.Slicer.Width - Image.Slicer.RightPadding, BottomY), Depth); if (m_HasExitBtn) { m_CloseBtnBack.Draw(SBatch, null, Depth); m_CloseButton.Draw(SBatch, Depth); } } }
public override void Draw(RectangleF rect) { if (borderAt < 1) { return; } var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); context.SaveState(); context.TranslateCTM(0, borderAt); context.AddPath(borderPath); UIColor.LightGray.SetColor(); context.SetLineWidth(1); // Device and Sim interpret the Y for the shadow differently. context.SetShadowWithColor(new SizeF(0, -1), 3, UIColor.DarkGray.CGColor); context.StrokePath(); // Clip the image to the path and paint it if (image != null) { context.AddPath(borderPath); context.Clip(); image.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, 78, 78)); } context.RestoreState(); }
public static UIImage RoundCorners (UIImage image, int radius) { if (image == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("image"); UIImage converted = image; image.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (image.Size); float imgWidth = image.Size.Width; float imgHeight = image.Size.Height; var c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); c.BeginPath (); c.MoveTo (imgWidth, imgHeight/2); c.AddArcToPoint (imgWidth, imgHeight, imgWidth/2, imgHeight, radius); c.AddArcToPoint (0, imgHeight, 0, imgHeight/2, radius); c.AddArcToPoint (0, 0, imgWidth/2, 0, radius); c.AddArcToPoint (imgWidth, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight/2, radius); c.ClosePath (); c.Clip (); image.Draw (new PointF (0, 0)); converted = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); }); return converted; }
// Child proof the image by rounding the edges of the image internal static UIImage RemoveSharpEdges (UIImage image) { if (image == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("image"); UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (image.Size); float imgWidth = image.Size.Width; float imgHeight = image.Size.Height; var c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); c.BeginPath (); c.MoveTo (imgWidth, imgHeight/2); c.AddArcToPoint (imgWidth, imgHeight, imgWidth/2, imgHeight, 4); c.AddArcToPoint (0, imgHeight, 0, imgHeight/2, 4); c.AddArcToPoint (0, 0, imgWidth/2, 0, 4); c.AddArcToPoint (imgWidth, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight/2, 4); c.ClosePath (); c.Clip (); image.Draw (new PointF (0, 0)); var converted = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return converted; }
public byte[] ResizeImage(byte[] imageData, float width, float height) { UIImage originalImage = ImageUtils.FromByteArray(imageData); float maxWidth = 200; float maxHeight = 200; float calculatedWidth = width; float calculatedHeight = height; var sourceSize = originalImage.Size; var maxResizeFactor = Math.Max(maxWidth / sourceSize.Width, maxHeight / sourceSize.Height); if (maxResizeFactor > 1) { return(originalImage.AsJPEG().ToArray()); } calculatedWidth = (float)maxResizeFactor * (float)sourceSize.Width; calculatedHeight = (float)maxResizeFactor * (float)sourceSize.Height; UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(calculatedWidth, calculatedHeight)); originalImage.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, calculatedWidth, calculatedHeight)); var resultImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); string AvatarImageName = "avatar.jpg"; string PersonalFolderPath = ""; string avatarFilename = System.IO.Path.Combine(PersonalFolderPath, AvatarImageName); resultImage.AsJPEG().Save(avatarFilename, true); return(resultImage.AsJPEG().ToArray()); }
public byte[] Resize(byte[] imageData, float maxWidth, float maxHeight) { UIImage sourceImage = ImageFromByteArray(imageData); var sourceSize = sourceImage.Size; var maxResizeFactor = (float)Math.Max(maxWidth / sourceSize.Width, maxHeight / sourceSize.Height); if (maxResizeFactor > 1) { // var rect = new CGRect (0, 0, sourceSize.Width, sourceSize.Height); // UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(sourceSize); // sourceImage.Draw (rect); // UIImage img = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); // var imageData = img.AsJPEG(0.5); // UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); return(sourceImage.AsJPEG(0.5f).ToArray()); } float width = maxResizeFactor * (float)sourceSize.Width; float height = maxResizeFactor * (float)sourceSize.Height; UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(width, height)); sourceImage.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, width, height)); var resultImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return(resultImage.AsJPEG(0.5f).ToArray()); }
public static CVPixelBuffer ToCVPixelBuffer(this UIImage image, CGSize size) { var attrs = new CVPixelBufferAttributes { CGImageCompatibility = true, CGBitmapContextCompatibility = true }; var cgImg = image.Scale(size).CGImage; var pb = new CVPixelBuffer(cgImg.Width, cgImg.Height, CVPixelFormatType.CV32ARGB, attrs); pb.Lock(CVPixelBufferLock.None); var pData = pb.BaseAddress; var colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB(); var ctxt = new CGBitmapContext(pData, cgImg.Width, cgImg.Height, 8, pb.BytesPerRow, colorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.NoneSkipFirst); ctxt.TranslateCTM(0, cgImg.Height); ctxt.ScaleCTM(1.0f, -1.0f); UIGraphics.PushContext(ctxt); image.Draw(new CGRect(0, 0, cgImg.Width, cgImg.Height)); UIGraphics.PopContext(); pb.Unlock(CVPixelBufferLock.None); return(pb); }
public static UIImage ApplyTintEffect(UIImage image, UIColor color, TintColorModes mode) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(image.Size, false, image.CurrentScale); try { UIImage result; using (CGContext g = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext()) { var rect = new CGRect(location: CGPoint.Empty, size: image.Size); if (mode == TintColorModes.Solid) { image.Draw(rect); g.SetFillColor(color.CGColor); g.SetBlendMode(CGBlendMode.SourceAtop); g.FillRect(rect); } else if (mode == TintColorModes.Gradient) { g.SetBlendMode(CGBlendMode.Normal); g.SetFillColor(UIColor.Black.CGColor); g.FillRect(rect); // draw original image // g.SetBlendMode(CGBlendMode.Normal); // g.DrawImage(rect, image.CGImage); image.Draw(rect, CGBlendMode.Normal, 1f); // tint image (losing alpha) - the luminosity of the original image is preserved g.SetBlendMode(CGBlendMode.Color); g.SetFillColor(color.CGColor); g.FillRect(rect); // mask by alpha values of original image // g.SetBlendMode(CGBlendMode.DestinationIn); // g.DrawImage(rect, image.CGImage); image.Draw(rect, CGBlendMode.DestinationIn, 1f); } result = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); } return(result); } finally { UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); } }
public static UIImage BuildCoverFlow(UIImage image, float reflectionFraction) { int reflectionHeight = (int)(image.Size.Height * reflectionFraction); // gradient is always black and white and the mask must be in the gray colorspace var colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceGray(); // Create the bitmap context var gradientBitmapContext = new CGBitmapContext(IntPtr.Zero, 1, reflectionHeight, 8, 0, colorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.None); // define the start and end grayscale values (with the alpha, even though // our bitmap context doesn't support alpha the gradien requires it) float [] colors = { 0, 1, 1, 1 }; // Create the CGGradient and then release the gray color space var grayScaleGradient = new CGGradient(colorSpace, colors, null); colorSpace.Dispose(); // create the start and end points for the gradient vector (straight down) var gradientStartPoint = new PointF(0, reflectionHeight); var gradientEndPoint = PointF.Empty; // draw the gradient into the gray bitmap context gradientBitmapContext.DrawLinearGradient(grayScaleGradient, gradientStartPoint, gradientEndPoint, CGGradientDrawingOptions.DrawsAfterEndLocation); grayScaleGradient.Dispose(); // Add a black fill with 50% opactiy gradientBitmapContext.SetFillColor(0, 0.5f); gradientBitmapContext.FillRect(new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, reflectionHeight)); // conver the context into a CGImage and release the context var gradientImageMask = gradientBitmapContext.ToImage(); gradientBitmapContext.Dispose(); // create an image by masking the bitmap of the mainView content with the gradient view // then release the pre-masked content bitmap and the gradient bitmap var cgImage = image.CGImage; var reflectionImage = cgImage.WithMask(gradientImageMask); cgImage.Dispose(); gradientImageMask.Dispose(); var size = new SizeF(image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height + reflectionHeight); UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(size); image.Draw(PointF.Empty); var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); context.DrawImage(new RectangleF(0, image.Size.Height, image.Size.Width, reflectionHeight), reflectionImage); var result = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); reflectionImage.Dispose(); return(result); }
public Stream ResizeImage( Stream imageStream, double width, double height, string format = "jpeg", int quality = 96) { if (imageStream == null) { return(null); } UIImage image = null; try { using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { imageStream.CopyTo(memoryStream); var data = memoryStream.ToArray(); image = UIImage.LoadFromData(NSData.FromArray(data)); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"ResizeImage: {e.Message}"); return(null); } // No need to resize if required size is greater than original var scale = Math.Min(width / image.Size.Width, height / image.Size.Height); if (scale > 1.0) { return(imageStream); } width = (float)(scale * image.Size.Width); height = (float)(scale * image.Size.Height); UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions( new CGSize(width, height), opaque: true, scale: 0); image.Draw(new CGRect(0, 0, width, height)); var resized = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); var stream = new MemoryStream(); var resizeData = ((format == "png") ? resized.AsPNG().ToArray() : resized.AsJPEG((nfloat)(0.01 * quality)).ToArray()); image.Dispose(); resized.Dispose(); stream.Write(resizeData, 0, resizeData.Length); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return(stream); }
public override bool DoDialog() { bool result = false; GUISkin skin =; = GUISkinFinder.Instance.GetGUISkin(); imgList.Draw(); labelList.Draw(); mainLabel.Draw(); isExitLabel.Draw(); reciveCount.SetTextFormat(rewardCount, max); reciveCount.Draw(); int num = (int)(Time.realtimeSinceStartup - serverDataSinceTime); int num2 = (resetAfter - num) / 60; int num3 = num2 / 60; num2 %= 60; initializationTime.SetTextFormat(num3, num2); initializationTime.Draw(); currentMyCoin.SetTextFormat(MyInfoManager.Instance.FreeCoin); currentMyCoin.Draw(); pcbangPlusImage.Draw(); timeGauge.valueNow = (float)(num + playTime); if (rewardCount == max) { timeGauge.valueNow = timeGauge.valueMax; } timeGauge.Draw(); num2 = (cycle - playTime - num) / 60; num3 = num2 / 60; num2 = num2 % 60 + 1; if (num2 <= 0) { num2 = 1; } if (max == rewardCount) { num2 = 0; } remainTime.SetTextFormat(num2.ToString()); remainTime.Draw(); doneStamp.Draw(); explain.SetTextFormat(max); explain.Draw(); if (exit.Draw() || ok.Draw() || GlobalVars.Instance.IsEscapePressed()) { result = true; } if (gameExit.Draw()) { BuildOption.Instance.Exit(); } if (!ContextMenuManager.Instance.IsPopup) { WindowUtil.EatEvent(); } = skin; return(result); }
public static UIColor GetScaledImageBackground(this UIImage image, UIView view) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(view.Frame.Size); image.Draw(view.Frame); image = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return(UIColor.FromPatternImage(image)); }
public UIImage ResizeImage(UIImage sourceImage, float width, float height) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new CGSize(width, height)); sourceImage.Draw(new CGRect(0, 0, width, height)); var resultImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return resultImage; }
public static UIImage Scale (UIImage image, SizeF size) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (size); image.Draw (new RectangleF (new PointF (0, 0), size)); var ret = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return ret; }
// resize the image (without trying to maintain aspect ratio) UIImage ResizeImage(UIImage sourceImage, float width, float height) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(width, height)); sourceImage.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, width, height)); var resultImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return resultImage; }
public override void Draw(RectangleF rect) { UIImage img = null; UIColor color = UIColor.Gray; if (!Active || !Available) { //color = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.576f, 0.608f, 0.647f, 1f); //img = UIImage.FromBundle("Images/Calendar/datecell.png"); } else if (Today && Selected) { //color = UIColor.White; img = UIImage.FromBundle("Images/Calendar/todayselected.png").CreateResizableImage(new UIEdgeInsets(4, 4, 4, 4)); } else if (Today) { //color = UIColor.White; img = UIImage.FromBundle("Images/Calendar/today.png").CreateResizableImage(new UIEdgeInsets(4, 4, 4, 4)); } else if (Selected || Marked) { //color = UIColor.White; img = UIImage.FromBundle("Images/Calendar/datecellselected.png").CreateResizableImage(new UIEdgeInsets(4, 4, 4, 4)); } else { color = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.275f, 0.341f, 0.412f, 1f); //img = UIImage.FromBundle("Images/Calendar/datecell.png"); } if (img != null) { img.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, _mv.BoxWidth, _mv.BoxHeight)); } color.SetColor(); var inflated = new RectangleF(0, 5, Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height); DrawString(Text, inflated, UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(16), UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, UITextAlignment.Center); // if (Marked) // { // var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); // if (Selected || Today) // context.SetRGBFillColor(1, 1, 1, 1); // else if (!Active || !Available) // UIColor.LightGray.SetColor(); // else // context.SetRGBFillColor(75/255f, 92/255f, 111/255f, 1); // context.SetLineWidth(0); // context.AddEllipseInRect(new RectangleF(Frame.Size.Width/2 - 2, 45-10, 4, 4)); // context.FillPath(); // // } }
public static UIImage CroppedToSize(this UIImage image, CGSize imageSize, CGPoint offset, bool mirror) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(imageSize, true, 0f); image.Draw(offset); UIImage result = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); if (mirror) { UIImageOrientation imageOrientation = UIImageOrientation.Up; switch (result.Orientation) { case UIImageOrientation.Down: imageOrientation = UIImageOrientation.DownMirrored; break; case UIImageOrientation.DownMirrored: imageOrientation = UIImageOrientation.Down; break; case UIImageOrientation.Left: imageOrientation = UIImageOrientation.LeftMirrored; break; case UIImageOrientation.LeftMirrored: imageOrientation = UIImageOrientation.Left; break; case UIImageOrientation.Right: imageOrientation = UIImageOrientation.RightMirrored; break; case UIImageOrientation.RightMirrored: imageOrientation = UIImageOrientation.Right; break; case UIImageOrientation.Up: imageOrientation = UIImageOrientation.UpMirrored; break; case UIImageOrientation.UpMirrored: imageOrientation = UIImageOrientation.Up; break; default: break; } result = new UIImage(result.CGImage, result.CurrentScale, imageOrientation); } return(result); }
public override void Draw(RectangleF rect) { WeatherForecastAnnotation annotation; CGPath path; base.Draw(rect); annotation = Annotation as WeatherForecastAnnotation; if (annotation == null) { return; } // Get the current graphics context CGContext context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); context.SetLineWidth(1.0f); // Draw the gray pointed shape: path = new CGPath(); path.MoveToPoint(14.0f, 0.0f); path.AddLineToPoint(0.0f, 0.0f); path.AddLineToPoint(55.0f, 50.0f); context.AddPath(path); context.SetFillColor(UIColor.LightGray.CGColor); context.SetStrokeColor(UIColor.Gray.CGColor); context.DrawPath(CGPathDrawingMode.FillStroke); // Draw the cyan rounded box path = new CGPath(); path.MoveToPoint(15.0f, 0.5f); path.AddArcToPoint(59.5f, 00.5f, 59.5f, 05.0f, 5.0f); path.AddArcToPoint(59.5f, 69.5f, 55.5f, 69.5f, 5.0f); path.AddArcToPoint(10.5f, 69.5f, 10.5f, 64.0f, 5.0f); path.AddArcToPoint(10.5f, 00.5f, 15.5f, 00.5f, 5.0f); context.AddPath(path); context.SetFillColor(UIColor.Cyan.CGColor); context.SetStrokeColor(UIColor.Blue.CGColor); context.DrawPath(CGPathDrawingMode.FillStroke); // Create the location & temperature string WeatherForecast forecast = annotation.Forecast; NSString temperature = new NSString(string.Format("{0}\n{1} / {2}", forecast.Place, forecast.High, forecast.Low)); // Draw the text in black UIColor.Black.SetColor(); temperature.DrawString(new RectangleF(15.0f, 5.0f, 50.0f, 40.0f), UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(11.0f)); temperature.Dispose(); // Draw the icon for the weather condition string imageName = string.Format("WeatherMap.WeatherIcons.{0}.png", forecast.Condition); UIImage image = UIImage.FromResource(typeof(WeatherAnnotationView).Assembly, imageName); image.Draw(new RectangleF(12.5f, 28.0f, 45.0f, 45.0f)); image.Dispose(); }
public static UIImage Resize(this UIImage self, CGSize newSize) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(new CGSize(width: newSize.Width, height: newSize.Height), true, 1.0f); self.Draw(new CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: newSize.Width, height: newSize.Height)); var resizedImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return(resizedImage); }
public override void Draw() { m_SBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise, null, Resolution.getTransformationMatrix()); base.Draw(); BackgroundImg.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.0f); TabBackgroundImg1.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); TabBackgroundImg2.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); TabBackgroundImg3.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); DescriptionTabBackgroundImg1.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.7f); DescriptionTabImage1.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.7f); EnterTabBackgroundImage1.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); EnterTabImage1.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); DescriptionTabBackgroundImg2.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.7f); DescriptionTabImage2.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.7f); EnterTabBackgroundImage2.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); EnterTabImage2.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); DescriptionTabBackgroundImg3.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.7f); DescriptionTabImage3.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.7f); EnterTabBackgroundImage3.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); EnterTabImage3.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.5f); //DefaultHouseImg.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.0f); CreditsBackgroundImg.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.0f); //CityThumbnailBusyImg.Draw(m_SBatch, null, 0.0f); m_ExitDialog.Draw(m_SBatch, 0.9f); m_SBatch.End(); foreach (UIElement Element in m_PResult.Elements.Values) { if (Element.NeedsClipping) { RasterizerState RasterState = new RasterizerState(); RasterState.ScissorTestEnable = true; RasterState.CullMode = CullMode.CullCounterClockwiseFace; m_SBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, RasterState, null, Resolution.getTransformationMatrix()); Element.Draw(m_SBatch, 0.5f); m_SBatch.End(); } } }
//metodos: public UIImage ResizeImage(UIImage sourceImage, float width, float height) { //ajustar el tamaño de las imagenes para que todas se vean genericas UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(width, height)); sourceImage.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, width, height)); var resultImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return(resultImage); }
public static UIImage Stitch(UIImage left, UIImage right) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(left.Size.Width + right.Size.Width, left.Size.Height)); left.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, left.Size.Width,left.Size.Height)); right.Draw(new RectangleF(left.Size.Width, 0, right.Size.Width, right.Size.Height), CGBlendMode.Normal, 1.0f); UIImage stitched = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return stitched; }
public static UIImage CopyAndDispose(UIImage original) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(original.Size, false, 0); original.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, original.Size.Width, original.Size.Height)); UIImage copy = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); original.Dispose(); return copy; }
public static UIImage ResizeImage(this UIImage sourceImage, float width, float height) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(width, height)); sourceImage.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, width, height)); var resultImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return(resultImage); }
public override void Draw(RectangleF rect) { base.Draw(rect); //Background zeichnen UIImage image = UIImage.FromBundle("NavigationBar.png"); image.Draw(rect); }
//Metoodo para ajustar la imagen en la tabla y se maneje un estandar public UIImage AjustarImagen(UIImage origenImagen, float ancho, float alto) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(ancho, alto)); origenImagen.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, ancho, alto)); //imagen que llega al metodo. var destinoImagen = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext();//qui se termina la edicion de la imagen return(destinoImagen); }
public override void Draw(UISpriteBatch batch) { DrawLocalTexture(batch, PxWhite, null, new Vector2((MaxWidth - TitleWidth) / 2, 0), new Vector2(TitleWidth, 40), UIStyle.Current.Bg); Background.Visible = true; Background.Draw(batch); DrawLocalTexture(batch, Grad, null, new Vector2((MaxWidth - Width) / 2, 54), new Vector2((Width / (float)Grad.Width) * SelectPct, 66), Color.White); Background.Visible = false; base.Draw(batch); }
private UIImage Scale(UIImage image, SizeF size) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(size); image.Draw(new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), size)); var ret = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return(ret); }
private UIImage ResizeImage (UIImage view) { UIImage resultImage = null; var newSize = new SizeF (view.Size.Width / 2, view.Size.Height / 2); UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (newSize); view.Draw (new RectangleF (0, 0, newSize.Width, newSize.Height)); resultImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return resultImage; }
// crop the image, without resizing UIImage CropImage(UIImage sourceImage, RectangleF rect) { var imgSize = sourceImage.Size; UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(rect.Width, rect.Height)); var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); var clippedRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, rect.Width, rect.Height); context.ClipToRect(clippedRect); var drawRect = new RectangleF(-rect.X, -rect.Y, imgSize.Width, imgSize.Height); sourceImage.Draw(drawRect); var modifiedImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return modifiedImage; }
// Child proof the image by rounding the edges of the image public static UIImage RemoveSharpEdges (UIImage image) { if (image == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("image"); UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (image.Size); var c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); c.AddPath (MakeRoundedPath (image.Size.Height)); image.Draw (new RectangleF (PointF.Empty, image.Size)); var converted = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return converted; }
public static UIImage ResizeImageToMaximumSize(UIImage sourceImage, float maxWidth, float maxHeight) { var sourceSize = sourceImage.Size; var maxResizeFactor = Math.Min(maxWidth / sourceSize.Width, maxHeight / sourceSize.Height); if (maxResizeFactor > 1) { return sourceImage; } var width = maxResizeFactor * sourceSize.Width; var height = maxResizeFactor * sourceSize.Height; UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(width, height)); sourceImage.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, width, height)); var resultImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return resultImage; }
public static UIImage RemoveSharpEdges (UIImage image, float width, int radius) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (new SizeF (width, width)); //UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(new SizeF (width, width), true, 0.0f); var c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); c.AddPath(MakeRoundedPath(width, radius)); c.Clip(); //image.Draw (new PointF (0, 0)); image.Draw (new RectangleF (0, 0, width, width)); var converted = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return converted; }
void DrawRecipeImage (UIImage image, RectangleF rect) { // Create a new rect based on the size of the header area RectangleF imageRect = RectangleF.Empty; // Scale the image to fit in the infoRect float maxImageDimension = RecipeInfoHeight - Padding * 2; float largestImageDimension = Math.Max (image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height); float scale = maxImageDimension / largestImageDimension; imageRect.Size.Width = image.Size.Width * scale; imageRect.Size.Height = image.Size.Height * scale; // Place the image rect at the x,y defined by the argument rect imageRect.Location = new PointF (rect.Left + Padding, rect.Top + Padding); // Ask the image to draw in the image rect image.Draw (imageRect); }
// // Centers image, scales and removes borders // internal static UIImage PrepareForProfileView(UIImage image) { const int size = 73; if (image == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("image"); UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (new SizeF (73, 73)); var c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); c.AddPath (largePath); c.Clip (); // Twitter not always returns squared images, adjust for that. var cg = image.CGImage; float width = cg.Width; float height = cg.Height; if (width != height){ float x = 0, y = 0; if (width > height){ x = (width-height)/2; width = height; } else { y = (height-width)/2; height = width; } c.ScaleCTM (1, -1); using (var copy = cg.WithImageInRect (new RectangleF (x, y, width, height))){ c.DrawImage (new RectangleF (0, 0, size, -size), copy); } } else image.Draw (new RectangleF (0, 0, size, size)); var converted = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return converted; }
// Child proof the image by rounding the edges of the image internal static UIImage RemoveSharpEdges(UIImage image) { if (image == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("image"); UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (new SizeF (48, 48)); var c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); c.AddPath (smallPath); c.Clip (); image.Draw (new RectangleF (0, 0, 48, 48)); var converted = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return converted; }
// Child proof the image by rounding the edges of the image internal static UIImage RemoveSharpEdges(UIImage image) { if (image == null) { Console.WriteLine("throwing error at remove sharp edges"); throw new ArgumentNullException ("image"); } var imageSize = Util.IsIpad ? largeSize : smallSize * UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale; UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (new SizeF (imageSize, imageSize)); var c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); if( Util.IsIpad || UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale == 2f) c.AddPath (largePath); else c.AddPath (smallPath); c.Clip (); image.Draw (new RectangleF (0, 0, imageSize, imageSize)); var converted = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return converted; }
public static UIImage ResizeImage(UIImage theImage,float width, float height, bool keepRatio) { if(keepRatio) { var ratio = theImage.Size.Height / theImage.Size.Width; if(height >0) width = height * ratio; else height = width * ratio; } UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (new SizeF (width,height)); var c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); theImage.Draw (new RectangleF (0, 0, width, height)); var converted = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return converted; }
// resize the image (without trying to maintain aspect ratio) static UIImage ResizeImage(UIImage sourceImage, float scale) { float width = sourceImage.Size.Width * scale; float height = sourceImage.Size.Height * scale; UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(width, height)); sourceImage.Draw(new RectangleF(0, 0, width, height)); var resultImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return resultImage; }
/* public override void Selected (DialogViewController dvc, UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath path) { base.Selected (dvc, tableView, path); } */ public override void Draw (RectangleF bounds, CGContext context, UIView view) { UIColor.White.SetFill (); context.FillRect (bounds); RectangleF frame = _inviteButton.Frame; frame.X = view.Frame.Width - frame.Width - 10; _inviteButton.Frame = frame; view.Add(_inviteButton); if (userImage != null) { //context.DrawImage(new RectangleF((_height - 35)/2, (_height - 35)/2, 35, 35), userImage.CGImage); userImage.Draw(new RectangleF((_height - 35)/2, (_height - 35)/2, 35, 35)); } if (graph.ContainsKey( _User = graph[]; UIColor.Black.SetColor (); if ( != null) { view.DrawString(, new RectangleF(50, 5, bounds.Width/2, 10 ), fromFont, UILineBreakMode.TailTruncation); if (userImage == null) { userImage = ImageStore.RequestFullPicture((long), (long), SizeDB.SizeFacebook, this); userImage = userImage ?? ImageStore.EmptyProfileImage; userImage = UIImageUtils.resizeImage(userImage, new SizeF (35, 35)); userImage = GraphicsII.RemoveSharpEdges(userImage); if (userImage != null) userImage.Draw(new RectangleF((_height - 35)/2, (_height - 35)/2, 35, 35)); } } else { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => { GraphUser gUser = AppDelegateIPhone.AIphone.FacebookServ.GetFriend(; if (gUser == null) return; lock (lock_graph) { graph[] = gUser; } if ( == { _User = gUser; nss.InvokeOnMainThread(()=> view.SetNeedsDisplay()); } }); } }
public static UIImage AddImageReflection(UIImage image, float reflectionFraction) { int reflectionHeight = (int) (image.Size.Height * reflectionFraction); // Create a 2 bit CGImage containing a gradient that will be used for masking the // main view content to create the 'fade' of the reflection. The CGImageCreateWithMask // function will stretch the bitmap image as required, so we can create a 1 pixel wide gradient // gradient is always black and white and the mask must be in the gray colorspace var colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceGray (); // Creat the bitmap context var gradientBitmapContext = new CGBitmapContext (IntPtr.Zero, 1, reflectionHeight, 8, 0, colorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.None); // define the start and end grayscale values (with the alpha, even though // our bitmap context doesn't support alpha the gradien requires it) float [] colors = { 0, 1, 1, 1 }; // Create the CGGradient and then release the gray color space var grayScaleGradient = new CGGradient (colorSpace, colors, null); colorSpace.Dispose (); // create the start and end points for the gradient vector (straight down) var gradientStartPoint = new PointF (0, reflectionHeight); var gradientEndPoint = PointF.Empty; // draw the gradient into the gray bitmap context gradientBitmapContext.DrawLinearGradient (grayScaleGradient, gradientStartPoint, gradientEndPoint, CGGradientDrawingOptions.DrawsAfterEndLocation); grayScaleGradient.Dispose (); // Add a black fill with 50% opactiy gradientBitmapContext.SetGrayFillColor (0, 0.5f); gradientBitmapContext.FillRect (new RectangleF (0, 0, 1, reflectionHeight)); // conver the context into a CGImage and release the context var gradientImageMask = gradientBitmapContext.ToImage (); gradientBitmapContext.Dispose (); // create an image by masking the bitmap of the mainView content with the gradient view // then release the pre-masked content bitmap and the gradient bitmap var reflectionImage = image.CGImage.WithMask (gradientImageMask); gradientImageMask.Dispose (); var size = new SizeF (image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height + reflectionHeight); // Use BeginImageContextWithOptions for retina images (only available on is 4.0 and up). // if (UIScreen.MainScreen.RespondsToSelector(new Selector("scale"))) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale); } else { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (size); } image.Draw (PointF.Empty); var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); context.DrawImage (new RectangleF (0, image.Size.Height, image.Size.Width, reflectionHeight), reflectionImage); var result = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); reflectionImage.Dispose (); return result; }
private UIImage CropImage(UIImage sourceImage, int crop_x, int crop_y, int width, int height) { var imgSize = sourceImage.Size; UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(new SizeF(width, height)); var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); var clippedRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, width, height); context.ClipToRect(clippedRect); var drawRect = new RectangleF(-crop_x, -crop_y, imgSize.Width, imgSize.Height); sourceImage.Draw(drawRect); var modifiedImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); return modifiedImage; }
UIImage ScaleImage(UIImage image) { //Picking default iPhone 4 size var newRect = new RectangleF(0,0, 320f, 480f); UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(newRect.Size, false, 0.0f); image.Draw (newRect); var scaledImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return scaledImage; }
internal static UIImage RemoveSharpEdges(UIImage image,float size,float radius) { if (image == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("image"); UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (new SizeF (size, size)); var c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); //if (HighRes) // c.AddPath (largePath); //else c.AddPath (GraphicsUtil.MakeRoundedPath (size, radius)); c.Clip (); image.Draw (new RectangleF (0, 0, size, size)); var converted = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return converted; }
public static UIImage BuildCoverFlow(UIImage image, float reflectionFraction) { int reflectionHeight = (int) (image.Size.Height * reflectionFraction); // gradient is always black and white and the mask must be in the gray colorspace var colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceGray(); // Create the bitmap context var gradientBitmapContext = new CGBitmapContext (IntPtr.Zero, 1, reflectionHeight, 8, 0, colorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.None); // define the start and end grayscale values (with the alpha, even though // our bitmap context doesn't support alpha the gradien requires it) float [] colors = { 0, 1, 1, 1 }; // Create the CGGradient and then release the gray color space var grayScaleGradient = new CGGradient (colorSpace, colors, null); colorSpace.Dispose(); // create the start and end points for the gradient vector (straight down) var gradientStartPoint = new PointF (0, reflectionHeight); var gradientEndPoint = PointF.Empty; // draw the gradient into the gray bitmap context gradientBitmapContext.DrawLinearGradient (grayScaleGradient, gradientStartPoint, gradientEndPoint, CGGradientDrawingOptions.DrawsAfterEndLocation); grayScaleGradient.Dispose(); // Add a black fill with 50% opactiy gradientBitmapContext.SetFillColor(0, 0.5f); gradientBitmapContext.FillRect (new RectangleF (0, 0, 1, reflectionHeight)); // conver the context into a CGImage and release the context var gradientImageMask = gradientBitmapContext.ToImage(); gradientBitmapContext.Dispose(); // create an image by masking the bitmap of the mainView content with the gradient view // then release the pre-masked content bitmap and the gradient bitmap var cgImage = image.CGImage; var reflectionImage = cgImage.WithMask(gradientImageMask); cgImage.Dispose(); gradientImageMask.Dispose(); var size = new SizeF(image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height + reflectionHeight); UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(size); image.Draw(PointF.Empty); var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); context.DrawImage(new RectangleF(0, image.Size.Height, image.Size.Width, reflectionHeight), reflectionImage); var result = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); reflectionImage.Dispose(); return result; }
UIImage RenderImageWithShadow (UIImage image, float radius, UIColor color) { var size = new SizeF (image.Size.Width+8, image.Size.Height+8); BeginImageContext (size); var ctx = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); ctx.SaveState (); ctx.SetShadowWithColor (new SizeF (1, 1), radius, color.CGColor); image.Draw (new PointF (4, 4)); ctx.RestoreState (); image.Draw (new PointF (4, 4)); image = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return image; }
internal static UIImage PrepareForUpload(UIImage image) { if (image == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("image"); var max = Math.Max(image.Size.Height,image.Size.Width); float scale = 1f; if(max > width) scale = width / max; else return image; UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (new SizeF (image.Size.Width * scale, image.Size.Height * scale)); var c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); image.Draw (new RectangleF (0, 0, image.Size.Width * scale, image.Size.Height * scale)); var converted = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return converted; }
// Child proof the image by rounding the edges of the image internal static UIImage RemoveSharpEdges(UIImage image) { if (image == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("image"); float size = HighRes ? 73 : 48; UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (new SizeF (size, size)); var c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); if (HighRes) c.AddPath (largePath); else c.AddPath (smallPath); c.Clip (); image.Draw (new RectangleF (0, 0, size, size)); var converted = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return converted; }
UIImage CropImage(UIImage originalImage, RectangleF rect) { try { // I found I needed to draw the image to remove rotation // I can probably add scaling here as well to keep image // sizes at 200 x 200 UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (originalImage.Size); CGContext context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); originalImage.Draw (new PointF ()); UIImage rotateImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); { return new UIImage (rotateImage.CGImage.WithImageInRect (rect)); } } finally { UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); } }
UIImage PrepareFlickrPhoto(UIImage image, SizeF cropSize) { // First rescale var rect = new RectangleF (0, 0, cropSize.Width, cropSize.Height); UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (rect.Size); image.Draw (rect); var scaledImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); // Now crop var cropRect = new RectangleF ((scaledImage.Size.Width-cropSize.Width)/2, (scaledImage.Size.Height-cropSize.Height)/2, cropSize.Width, cropSize.Height); UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (cropRect.Size); var ctx = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); // Compensate for Quartz coordinates ctx.TranslateCTM (0.0f, cropRect.Size.Height); ctx.ScaleCTM (1, -1); // Draw view into context ctx.DrawImage (new RectangleF (-cropRect.X, cropRect.Y - (image.Size.Height - cropRect.Size.Height), image.Size.Width, image.Size.Height), image.CGImage); // Create UIImage from context var newImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return newImage; }
// Prevent accidents by rounding the edges of the image internal static UIImage RemoveSharpEdges(UIImage image) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (new SizeF (48, 48)); var c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext (); c.BeginPath (); c.MoveTo (48, 24); c.AddArcToPoint (48, 48, 24, 48, 4); c.AddArcToPoint (0, 48, 0, 24, 4); c.AddArcToPoint (0, 0, 24, 0, 4); c.AddArcToPoint (48, 0, 48, 24, 4); c.ClosePath (); c.Clip (); image.Draw (new PointF (0, 0)); var converted = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return converted; }
public static UIImage RoundAndSquare(UIImage image, int radius) { UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(image.Size); var c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); var size = image.Size.Width; c.AddPath(MakeRoundedPath(size, radius)); c.Clip(); var cg = image.CGImage; float width = cg.Width; float height = cg.Height; if (width != height) { float x = 0, y = 0; if (width > height) { x = (width-height)/2; width = height; } else { y = (height-width)/2; height = width; } c.ScaleCTM (1, -1); using (var copy = cg.WithImageInRect(new RectangleF (x, y, width, height))) { c.DrawImage(new RectangleF (0, 0, size, -size), copy); cg.Dispose(); } } else { image.Draw (new RectangleF (0, 0, size, size)); } var converted = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphics.EndImageContext (); return converted; }