        public UIFont ResizeAlternative(UIFont font)
            var attributes = new UIFontAttributes(new UIFontFeature((CTFontFeatureCharacterAlternatives.Selector) 1));
            var newDesc    = font.FontDescriptor.CreateWithAttributes(attributes);

            return(UIFont.FromDescriptor(newDesc, 40));
        public UIFont ResizeProportional(UIFont font)
            var attributes = new UIFontAttributes(new UIFontFeature(CTFontFeatureNumberSpacing.Selector.ProportionalNumbers));
            var newDesc    = font.FontDescriptor.CreateWithAttributes(attributes);

            return(UIFont.FromDescriptor(newDesc, 40));
		public UIFont ResizeProportionalAndAlternative (UIFont font)
			var attributes = new UIFontAttributes (
				                 new UIFontFeature (CTFontFeatureNumberSpacing.Selector.ProportionalNumbers),
				                 new UIFontFeature ((CTFontFeatureCharacterAlternatives.Selector)1));

			var newDesc = font.FontDescriptor.CreateWithAttributes (attributes);
			return UIFont.FromDescriptor (newDesc, 40);
        public UIFont ResizeProportionalAndAlternative(UIFont font)
            var attributes = new UIFontAttributes(
                new UIFontFeature(CTFontFeatureNumberSpacing.Selector.ProportionalNumbers),
                new UIFontFeature((CTFontFeatureCharacterAlternatives.Selector) 1));

            var newDesc = font.FontDescriptor.CreateWithAttributes(attributes);

            return(UIFont.FromDescriptor(newDesc, 40));
        void drawLabel(CGContext ctx, CGRect rect, nfloat yCoord, nfloat xCoord, UITextAlignment alignment, string label, bool flipContext = true, bool centerVertical = false)
            // Draw light the sunrise and Sunset labels at the ends of the light box
            using (UIColor fontColor = UIColor.White, shadowColor = UIColor.Black.ColorWithAlpha(0.1f)) {
                var fontAttributes = new UIFontAttributes(new UIFontFeature(CTFontFeatureNumberSpacing.Selector.ProportionalNumbers));

                using (var desc = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(fontSize).FontDescriptor.CreateWithAttributes(fontAttributes)) {
                    using (UIFont font = UIFont.FromDescriptor(desc, fontSize)) {
                        // calculating the range of our attributed string
                        var range = new NSRange(0, label.Length);

                        // set justification for text block
                        using (var alignStyle = new NSMutableParagraphStyle {
                            Alignment = alignment
                        }) {
                            // add stylistic attributes to out attributed string
                            var stringAttributes = new UIStringAttributes {
                                ForegroundColor = fontColor,
                                Font            = font,
                                ParagraphStyle  = alignStyle

                            var target = new CGSize(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);

                            NSRange fit;

                            using (NSMutableAttributedString attrString = new NSMutableAttributedString(label, stringAttributes)) {
                                //creating a container for out attributed string
                                using (CTFramesetter framesetter = new CTFramesetter(attrString)) {
                                    CGSize frameSize = framesetter.SuggestFrameSize(range, null, target, out fit);

                                    if (alignment == UITextAlignment.Center)
                                        xCoord -= (frameSize.Width / 2);

                                    if (alignment == UITextAlignment.Right)
                                        xCoord -= frameSize.Width;

                                    // subtract the frameSize so the flipped context behaves as expected
                                    yCoord -= frameSize.Height;

                                    if (centerVertical)
                                        yCoord += (frameSize.Height / 2);

                                    var textRect = new CGRect(xCoord, yCoord, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height);

                                    using (CGPath path = new CGPath()) {

                                        ctx.SetShadow(new CGSize(0.0f, 1.0f), 0.0f, shadowColor.CGColor);

                                        using (CTFrame frame = framesetter.GetFrame(range, path, null)) {
                                            if (flipContext)
                                                ctx.TranslateCTM(0, rect.Height);
                                                ctx.ScaleCTM(1, -1);


		public UIFont ResizeAlternative (UIFont font)
			var attributes = new UIFontAttributes (new UIFontFeature ((CTFontFeatureCharacterAlternatives.Selector)1));
			var newDesc = font.FontDescriptor.CreateWithAttributes (attributes);
			return UIFont.FromDescriptor (newDesc, 40);
		public UIFont ResizeProportional (UIFont font)
			var attributes = new UIFontAttributes (new UIFontFeature (CTFontFeatureNumberSpacing.Selector.ProportionalNumbers));
			var newDesc = font.FontDescriptor.CreateWithAttributes (attributes);
			return UIFont.FromDescriptor (newDesc, 40);
		void drawLabel (CGContext ctx, CGRect rect, nfloat yCoord, nfloat xCoord, UITextAlignment alignment, string label, bool flipContext = true, bool centerVertical = false)
			// Draw light the sunrise and Sunset labels at the ends of the light box
			using (UIColor fontColor = UIColor.White, shadowColor = UIColor.Black.ColorWithAlpha (0.1f)) {

				var fontAttributes = new UIFontAttributes (new UIFontFeature (CTFontFeatureNumberSpacing.Selector.ProportionalNumbers));

				using (var desc = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize (fontSize).FontDescriptor.CreateWithAttributes (fontAttributes)) {

					using (UIFont font = UIFont.FromDescriptor (desc, fontSize)) {

						// calculating the range of our attributed string
						var range = new NSRange (0, label.Length);

						// set justification for text block
						using (var alignStyle = new NSMutableParagraphStyle { Alignment = alignment }) {

							// add stylistic attributes to out attributed string
							var stringAttributes = new UIStringAttributes {
								ForegroundColor = fontColor,
								Font = font,
								ParagraphStyle = alignStyle

							var target = new CGSize (float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);

							NSRange fit;

							using (NSMutableAttributedString attrString = new NSMutableAttributedString (label, stringAttributes)) {

								//creating a container for out attributed string 
								using (CTFramesetter framesetter = new CTFramesetter (attrString)) {

									CGSize frameSize = framesetter.SuggestFrameSize (range, null, target, out fit);

									if (alignment == UITextAlignment.Center) xCoord -= (frameSize.Width / 2);

									if (alignment == UITextAlignment.Right) xCoord -= frameSize.Width;

									// subtract the frameSize so the flipped context behaves as expected
									yCoord -= frameSize.Height;

									if (centerVertical) yCoord += (frameSize.Height / 2);

									var textRect = new CGRect (xCoord, yCoord, frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height);

									using (CGPath path = new CGPath ()) {

										path.AddRect (textRect);

										ctx.SetShadow (new CGSize (0.0f, 1.0f), 0.0f, shadowColor.CGColor);

										using (CTFrame frame = framesetter.GetFrame (range, path, null)) {

											if (flipContext) {

												ctx.SaveState ();
												ctx.TranslateCTM (0, rect.Height);
												ctx.ScaleCTM (1, -1);

												frame.Draw (ctx);

												ctx.RestoreState ();

											} else {

												frame.Draw (ctx);