public static void OnClick(AppPressDemo a, NavigationFunctionsClass.PopupFunctionFieldClass PopupFunction) { UIElementsClass.Popup(a, null, null); }
public static void OnClick(AppPressDemo a, NavigationFunctionsClass.RedirectFunctionFieldClass RedirectFunction) { UIElementsClass.Redirect(a, null, null); }
public static void AfterSave(AppPressDemo a, UIElementsClass UIElements) { // Do any extra database updation here // use UIElements.IsOriginalNew to check if a New Form was saved // This a called within a database transaction. Any Exception thrown will undo all changes to Database }
public static void Init(AppPressDemo p, UIElementsClass UIElements) { UIElements.Save.Help = "Used CSSClass in Field XML to move Button to right<br/>Templates for BeforeSave and AfterSave functions"; }
public static void BeforeSave(AppPressDemo a, UIElementsClass UIElements) { // do any extra validation here }