/// <summary> /// Returns correct WHERE condition. /// </summary> private string GetWhere() { UniGrid parent = ControlsHelper.GetParentControl(this, typeof(UniGrid)) as UniGrid; if (parent != null) { string resourceName = ValidationHelper.GetString(parent.GetValue("ResourceName"), ""); if (resourceName == String.Empty) { var uiContext = UIContextHelper.GetUIContext(this); // Check special parameter first resourceName = ValidationHelper.GetString(uiContext["MacroRuleResourceName"], String.Empty); if (resourceName == String.Empty) { // If not set, use element's resource name resourceName = ValidationHelper.GetString(uiContext["resourcename"], String.Empty); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceName)) { string where = "MacroRuleResourceName = N'" + SqlHelper.GetSafeQueryString(resourceName, false) + "'"; // Show also global rules for global administrator if requested if (drpOptions.SelectedIndex == 1) { where = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(where, "MacroRuleResourceName = '' OR MacroRuleResourceName IS NULL", "OR"); } return(where); } } // Only global rules should be displayed return("MacroRuleResourceName = '' OR MacroRuleResourceName IS NULL"); }
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreRender(e); string menuId = ContextMenu.MenuID; string parentElemId = ContextMenu.ParentElementClientID; var uiContext = UIContextHelper.GetUIContext(this); var info = uiContext.EditedObject as BaseInfo; if ((info != null) && info.CheckPermissions(PermissionsEnum.Modify, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser)) { pnlRestoreChilds.Attributes.Add("onclick", "if(confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetLocalizedString("objectversioning.versionlist.confirmfullrollback") + ")) { ContextVersionAction_" + parentElemId + "('fullrollback', GetContextMenuParameter('" + menuId + "'));} return false;"); } else { pnlRestoreChilds.AddCssClass("ItemDisabled"); } }
/// <summary> /// OnInit event. /// </summary> protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { int querySiteID = QueryHelper.GetInteger("siteid", 0); // Do not allow other than current site ID out of global scope. var uiContext = UIContextHelper.GetUIContext(this); SiteID = ApplicationUIHelper.IsAccessibleOnlyByGlobalAdministrator(uiContext.UIElement) ? querySiteID : SiteContext.CurrentSiteID; if (DisplayScore && SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetBoolValue(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName + ".CMSEnableOnlineMarketing")) { Control ctrl = LoadUserControl(SCORE_SELECTOR_PATH); if (ctrl != null) { ctrl.ID = "selectScore"; mScoreSelector = ctrl as FormEngineUserControl; if (mScoreSelector != null) { plcUpdateContent.Controls.Add(mScoreSelector); mScoreSelector.SetValue("AllowAll", false); mScoreSelector.SetValue("AllowEmpty", true); } } } else { plcScore.Visible = false; lblScore.AssociatedControlID = null; } InitializeDropDownLists(); base.OnInit(e); plcDisplayAnonymous.Visible = ContactManagementPermission && EnableDisplayingGuests; if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { chkDisplayAnonymous.Checked = DisplayGuestsByDefault; } siteSelector.DropDownSingleSelect.AutoPostBack = true; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ScriptHelper.RegisterDialogScript(Page); ScriptHelper.RegisterApplicationConstants(Page); // Get the object type string param = ContextMenu.Parameter; string objectType = null; bool showMoveActions = false; if (param != null) { string[] parameters = param.Split(';'); objectType = parameters[0]; showMoveActions = (parameters.Length >= 3) && ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(parameters[2], false); } // Get empty info GeneralizedInfo emptyObject = null; ObjectTypeInfo ti = null; var uiContext = UIContextHelper.GetUIContext(this); if (objectType != null) { var uiContextSiteId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(uiContext["SiteID"], 0); emptyObject = UniGridFunctions.GetEmptyObjectWithSiteID(objectType, uiContextSiteId); ti = emptyObject.TypeInfo; // Get correct info for listings if (ti.IsListingObjectTypeInfo) { emptyObject = UniGridFunctions.GetEmptyObjectWithSiteID(ti.OriginalObjectType, uiContextSiteId); } } if (emptyObject == null) { Visible = false; return; } var curUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser; string curSiteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName; string menuId = ContextMenu.MenuID; if (ti.OrderColumn != ObjectTypeInfo.COLUMN_NAME_UNKNOWN && showMoveActions) { iMoveUp.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ContextMoveObject_" + ClientID + "('#moveup', GetContextMenuParameter('" + menuId + "'))"); iMoveDown.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ContextMoveObject_" + ClientID + "('#movedown', GetContextMenuParameter('" + menuId + "'))"); } else { iMoveUp.Visible = false; iMoveDown.Visible = false; } // Export if (ti.ImportExportSettings.AllowSingleExport) { if (curUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("cms.globalpermissions", "ExportObjects", curSiteName)) { iExport.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ContextExportObject(GetContextMenuParameter('" + menuId + "'), false);"); } else { iExport.Visible = false; } if (ti.GUIDColumn != ObjectTypeInfo.COLUMN_NAME_UNKNOWN) { if (curUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("cms.globalpermissions", "BackupObjects", curSiteName)) { iBackup.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ContextExportObject(GetContextMenuParameter('" + menuId + "'), true);"); } else { iBackup.Visible = false; } if (curUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("cms.globalpermissions", "RestoreObjects", curSiteName)) { iRestore.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ContextRestoreObject(GetContextMenuParameter('" + menuId + "'), true);"); } else { iRestore.Visible = false; } } else { iBackup.Visible = false; iRestore.Visible = false; } } else { iExport.Visible = false; iBackup.Visible = false; iRestore.Visible = false; } // Versioning if (ObjectVersionManager.AllowObjectRestore(emptyObject) && UniGridFunctions.ObjectSupportsDestroy(emptyObject) && curUser.IsAuthorizedPerObject(PermissionsEnum.Destroy, emptyObject, curSiteName)) { iDestroy.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ContextDestroyObject_" + ClientID + "(GetContextMenuParameter('" + menuId + "'))"); } else { iDestroy.Visible = false; } // Clonning if ((emptyObject.AllowClone) && (curUser.IsAuthorizedPerObject(PermissionsEnum.Modify, emptyObject, curSiteName)) && (curUser.IsAuthorizedPerObject(PermissionsEnum.Create, emptyObject, curSiteName))) { iClone.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ContextCloneObject" + "(GetContextMenuParameter('" + menuId + "'))"); } else { iClone.Visible = false; } bool ancestor = (iClone.Visible || iDestroy.Visible); sepCloneDestroy.Visible = ancestor; sepExport.Visible = (iBackup.Visible || iRestore.Visible || iExport.Visible) && ancestor; ancestor |= (iBackup.Visible || iRestore.Visible || iExport.Visible); sepMove.Visible = (iMoveUp.Visible || iMoveDown.Visible) && ancestor; Visible = iExport.Visible || iBackup.Visible || iDestroy.Visible || iClone.Visible || iMoveUp.Visible || iMoveDown.Visible; }