        public static void ApplyText(UICheckboxDropDown dd, string text)
            UIButton uibutton = (UIButton)dd.triggerButton;
            var      padding  = uibutton.textPadding;

            padding.left  = 5;
            padding.right = 21;

            uibutton.text = text; // must set text to mearure text once and only once.

            using (UIFontRenderer uifontRenderer = ObtainTextRenderer(uibutton)) {
                float p2uRatio = uibutton.GetUIView().PixelsToUnits();
                var   widths   = uifontRenderer.GetCharacterWidths(text);
                float x        = widths.Sum() / p2uRatio;
                //if (x > uibutton.width - 42)
                //    uibutton.textHorizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                //    uibutton.textHorizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center;

                if (x > uibutton.width - uibutton.textPadding.horizontal)
                    for (int n = 4; n < text.Length; ++n)
                        float x2 = widths.Take(n).Sum() / p2uRatio + 15; // 15 = width of ...
                        if (x2 > uibutton.width - 21)
                            text = text.Substring(0, n - 1) + "...";
            uibutton.text = text;
        public static void Populate(UICheckboxDropDown dropdown, long flags, Type enumType)
            try {
                var values = EnumBitMaskExtensions.GetPow2Values(enumType);
                foreach (IConvertible flag in values)
                    bool hasFlag = (flags & flag.ToInt64()) != 0;

                    var  itemInfo = enumType.GetEnumMemberInfo(flag);
                    bool hide     = itemInfo.HasAttribute <HideAttribute>();
                    hide &= ModSettings.HideIrrelavant;
                    hide &= !hasFlag;
                    if (hide)
                        continue; // hide
                        item: Enum.GetName(enumType, flag),
                        isChecked: hasFlag,
                        userData: flag);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
 internal static void Populate(UICheckboxDropDown dropdown, FlagDataT[] flagDatas)
     foreach (FlagDataT flagData in flagDatas)
         Populate(dropdown, flagData.GetValueLong(), flagData.EnumType);
 static void HandleMouseDown(UICheckboxDropDown c, UIMouseEventParameter p)
     if (p.buttons == UIMouseButton.Right)
 protected override void OnAfterDropdownClose(UICheckboxDropDown checkboxdropdown)
     try {
     } catch (Exception ex) {
        public static UICheckboxDropDown CreateCheckboxDropDown(UIComponent parent)
            UICheckboxDropDown dropDown = parent.AddUIComponent <UICheckboxDropDown>();

            dropDown.atlas                = GetAtlas("Ingame");
            dropDown.size                 = new Vector2(120f, 30f);
            dropDown.listBackground       = "GenericPanelLight";
            dropDown.itemHeight           = 30;
            dropDown.itemHover            = "ListItemHover";
            dropDown.itemHighlight        = "ListItemHighlight";
            dropDown.normalBgSprite       = "ButtonMenu";
            dropDown.disabledBgSprite     = "ButtonMenuDisabled";
            dropDown.hoveredBgSprite      = "ButtonMenuHovered";
            dropDown.focusedBgSprite      = "ButtonMenu";
            dropDown.listWidth            = 120;
            dropDown.listHeight           = 350;
            dropDown.foregroundSpriteMode = UIForegroundSpriteMode.Stretch;
            dropDown.popupColor           = new Color32(45, 52, 61, 255);
            dropDown.popupTextColor       = new Color32(170, 170, 170, 255);
            dropDown.zOrder               = 1;
            dropDown.textScale            = 0.8f;
            dropDown.verticalAlignment    = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle;
            dropDown.horizontalAlignment  = UIHorizontalAlignment.Left;
            dropDown.textFieldPadding     = new RectOffset(8, 0, 8, 0);
            dropDown.itemPadding          = new RectOffset(14, 0, 8, 0);
            dropDown.uncheckedSprite      = "check-unchecked";
            dropDown.checkedSprite        = "check-checked";

            UIButton button = dropDown.AddUIComponent <UIButton>();

            dropDown.triggerButton         = button;
            button.atlas                   = GetAtlas("Ingame");
            button.text                    = "";
            button.size                    = dropDown.size;
            button.relativePosition        = new Vector3(0f, 0f);
            button.textVerticalAlignment   = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle;
            button.textHorizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Left;
            button.normalFgSprite          = "IconDownArrow";
            button.hoveredFgSprite         = "IconDownArrowHovered";
            button.pressedFgSprite         = "IconDownArrowPressed";
            button.focusedFgSprite         = "IconDownArrowFocused";
            button.disabledFgSprite        = "IconDownArrowDisabled";
            button.foregroundSpriteMode    = UIForegroundSpriteMode.Fill;
            button.horizontalAlignment     = UIHorizontalAlignment.Right;
            button.verticalAlignment       = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle;
            button.zOrder                  = 0;
            button.textScale               = 0.8f;

            dropDown.eventSizeChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler <Vector2>((c, t) =>
                button.size = t; dropDown.listWidth = (int)t.x;

        public override void Awake()
            size  = new Vector2(370, 54);
            atlas = TextureUtil.Ingame;
            //backgroundSprite = "GenericPanelWhite";
            //color = Color.white;

            Label = AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            Label.relativePosition = new Vector2(0, 6);

            DropDown = AddUIComponent <UICheckboxDropDown>();
            DropDown.relativePosition         = new Vector2(width - DropDown.width, 28);
            DropDown.eventAfterDropdownClose += DropdownClose;
        public static int GetHoverIndex(this UICheckboxDropDown dd)
            var popup = fPopop.GetValue(dd) as UIScrollablePanel;

            //Log.Debug("GetHoverIndex() popup=" + Popup);
            if (popup == null || !popup.isVisible)
            foreach (var c in popup.GetComponentsInChildren <UICheckBox>())
                if (c.containsMouse)
        public static void Populate(UICheckboxDropDown dropdown, int flags, Type enumType)
            var values = EnumBitMaskExtensions.GetPow2ValuesI32(enumType);

            foreach (int flag in values)
                bool hasFlag = (flags & flag) != 0;

                // TODO hide lane flags based on set/get.
                var  itemInfo = enumType.GetEnumMember(flag);
                bool hide     = itemInfo.HasAttribute <HideAttribute>();
                hide &= ModSettings.HideIrrelavant;
                hide &= !hasFlag;
                if (hide)
                    continue; // hide
                    item: Enum.GetName(enumType, flag),
                    isChecked: hasFlag,
                    userData: flag);
        public override void Awake()
            try {
                size  = new Vector2(370, 54);
                atlas = TextureUtil.Ingame;
                color = new Color32(87, 97, 100, 255);

                Label = AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
                Label.relativePosition = new Vector2(0, 6);

                DropDown = AddUIComponent <UICheckboxDropDown>();
                DropDown.relativePosition                  = new Vector2(width - DropDown.width, 28);
                DropDown.eventAfterDropdownClose          += OnAfterDropdownClose;
                DropDown.eventCheckedChanged              += DropDown_eventCheckedChanged;
                NetInfoExtionsion.Net.OnCustomFlagRenamed += Refresh;

                isInteractive = true;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
        internal static void Init(UICheckboxDropDown dd)
            try {
                dd.size = new Vector2(370, 22);
                dd.verticalAlignment    = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle;
                dd.horizontalAlignment  = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                dd.builtinKeyNavigation = true;

                dd.atlas           = TextureUtil.InMapEditor;
                dd.normalBgSprite  = "TextFieldPanel";
                dd.uncheckedSprite = "check-unchecked";
                dd.checkedSprite   = "check-checked";

                dd.listBackground    = "GenericPanelWhite";
                dd.listWidth         = 188;
                dd.listHeight        = 900;
                dd.clampListToScreen = true;
                dd.listPosition      = UICheckboxDropDown.PopupListPosition.Automatic;

                dd.itemHeight    = 25;
                dd.itemHover     = "ListItemHover";
                dd.itemHighlight = "ListItemHighlight";

                dd.popupColor     = Color.black;
                dd.popupTextColor = Color.white;

                dd.triggerButton = dd.AddUIComponent <UIButton>();
                UIButton triggerBtn = dd.triggerButton as UIButton;
                triggerBtn.size = dd.size;
                triggerBtn.textVerticalAlignment   = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle;
                triggerBtn.textHorizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                triggerBtn.atlas                = TextureUtil.Ingame;
                triggerBtn.normalFgSprite       = "IconDownArrow";
                triggerBtn.hoveredFgSprite      = "IconDownArrowHovered";
                triggerBtn.pressedFgSprite      = "IconDownArrowPressed";
                triggerBtn.normalBgSprite       = "TextFieldPanel";
                triggerBtn.foregroundSpriteMode = UIForegroundSpriteMode.Scale;
                triggerBtn.horizontalAlignment  = UIHorizontalAlignment.Right;
                triggerBtn.verticalAlignment    = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle;
                triggerBtn.relativePosition     = new Vector3(0, 0);

                // Scrollbar
                dd.listScrollbar                 = dd.AddUIComponent <UIScrollbar>();
                dd.listScrollbar.width           = 12f;
                dd.listScrollbar.height          = dd.listHeight;
                dd.listScrollbar.orientation     = UIOrientation.Vertical;
                dd.listScrollbar.pivot           = UIPivotPoint.TopRight;
                dd.listScrollbar.thumbPadding    = new RectOffset(0, 0, 5, 5);
                dd.listScrollbar.minValue        = 0;
                dd.listScrollbar.value           = 0;
                dd.listScrollbar.incrementAmount = dd.listHeight / 10;
                dd.listScrollbar.AlignTo(dd, UIAlignAnchor.TopRight);
                dd.listScrollbar.autoHide  = true; // false ?
                dd.listScrollbar.isVisible = false;

                UISlicedSprite tracSprite = dd.listScrollbar.AddUIComponent <UISlicedSprite>();
                tracSprite.relativePosition = Vector2.zero;
                tracSprite.autoSize         = true;
                tracSprite.size             = tracSprite.parent.size;
                tracSprite.fillDirection    = UIFillDirection.Vertical;
                tracSprite.spriteName       = "ScrollbarTrack";

                dd.listScrollbar.trackObject = tracSprite;

                UISlicedSprite thumbSprite = tracSprite.AddUIComponent <UISlicedSprite>();
                thumbSprite.relativePosition = Vector2.zero;
                thumbSprite.fillDirection    = UIFillDirection.Vertical;
                thumbSprite.autoSize         = true;
                thumbSprite.width            = thumbSprite.parent.width - 8;
                thumbSprite.spriteName       = "ScrollbarThumb";
                dd.listScrollbar.thumbObject = thumbSprite;

                dd.eventDropdownOpen   += OnDropDownOpen;
                triggerBtn.buttonsMask |= UIMouseButton.Right;
                dd.eventMouseDown      += (_, p) => HandleMouseDown(dd, p);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
 static void OnDropDownOpen(
     UICheckboxDropDown checkboxdropdown, UIScrollablePanel popup, ref bool overridden)
 => popup.eventMouseDown += (_, p) => HandleMouseDown(checkboxdropdown, p);
 private void DropdownClose(UICheckboxDropDown checkboxdropdown)
     UIButton button = DropDown.triggerButton as UIButton;
 protected abstract void OnAfterDropdownClose(UICheckboxDropDown checkboxdropdown);
        /// <summary>
        /// Layout the GUI.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Start()

            name             = GetType().Name;
            backgroundSprite = "MenuPanel2";
            size             = new Vector2(m_componentWidth + 2 * m_componentPadding, 200);

            UITitle = AttachUILabelTo(this, 3, 3, height: 25);
            UITitle.textAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center;
            UITitle.textScale     = 1.0f;

            UICloseButton = AttachUIButtonTo(this, 372, 0);

            UIBuildingIdLabel = AttachUILabelTo(this, 3, 28, text: $"Building Id: ");
            UIBuildingId      = AttachUITextFieldTo(this, 3, 28, 78);
            UIHomeDistrict    = AttachUILabelTo(this, 3, 48);
            UIServices        = AttachUILabelTo(this, 3, 68);

            var buttonTemplate = GetUITabstripButtonTemplate(this);

            UIInputMode   = AttachUITabstripTo(this, 3, 88);
            UIOutgoingTab = UIInputMode.AddTab("Outgoing", buttonTemplate, true);
            UIIncomingTab = UIInputMode.AddTab("Incoming", buttonTemplate, true);
            if (Settings.enableCustomVehicles)
                UIVehiclesTab = UIInputMode.AddTab("Vehicles", buttonTemplate, true);
            UIGlobalTab = UIInputMode.AddTab("Global", buttonTemplate, true);

            UIAllLocalAreasCheckBox               = AttachUICheckBoxTo(this, 113, 88);
            UIAllLocalAreasCheckBox.label         = AttachUILabelTo(UIAllLocalAreasCheckBox, -110, 0);
            UIAllOutsideConnectionsCheckBox       = AttachUICheckBoxTo(this, 336, 88);
            UIAllOutsideConnectionsCheckBox.label = AttachUILabelTo(UIAllOutsideConnectionsCheckBox, -173, 0);
            UISupplyReserveLabel = AttachUILabelTo(this, 3, 108, text: $"Supply Reserve: ");
            UISupplyReserve      = AttachUITextFieldTo(this, 3, 108, 112);
            UISupplyChainLabel   = AttachUILabelTo(this, 3, 128, text: $"Supply Chain: ");
            UISupplyChain        = AttachUITextFieldTo(this, 3, 128, 111);

            UIDistrictsSummary                      = AttachUILabelTo(this, 3, 148);
            UIDistrictsSummary.zOrder               = 0;
            UIDistrictsDropDown                     = AttachUICheckboxDropDownTo(this, 3, 148 + 3);
            UIDistrictsDropDown.eventDropdownOpen  += UIEventDropdownOpen;
            UIDistrictsDropDown.eventDropdownClose += UIEventDropdownClose;

            UIVehicleDefaultsCheckBox       = AttachUICheckBoxTo(this, 141, 88);
            UIVehicleDefaultsCheckBox.label = AttachUILabelTo(UIVehicleDefaultsCheckBox, -138, 0);
            UIVehiclesSummary                      = AttachUILabelTo(this, 3, 148);
            UIVehiclesSummary.zOrder               = 0;
            UIVehiclesDropDown                     = AttachUICheckboxDropDownTo(this, 3, 148 + 3);
            UIVehiclesDropDown.eventDropdownOpen  += UIEventDropdownOpen;
            UIVehiclesDropDown.eventDropdownClose += UIEventDropdownClose;

            GlobalIntensityLabel = AttachUILabelTo(this, 3, 88, text: "Outside Connection Intensity:");
            GlobalIntensity      = AttachUITextFieldTo(this, 3, 29, 213);

            GlobalOutsideToOutsideMaxPercLabel = AttachUILabelTo(this, 3, 88, text: "Outside To Outside Max Perc:");
            GlobalOutsideToOutsideMaxPerc      = AttachUITextFieldTo(this, 3, 29, 213);

            m_FullscreenContainer = UIView.Find("FullScreenContainer");

            if (Camera.main != null)
                m_CameraTransform = Camera.main.transform;