        public SteamCloud.UGCDetailsCallback GetUGCDetails(UGCHandle ugcHandle)
            bool completed = false;

            SteamCloud.UGCDetailsCallback details = null;

            Action <SteamCloud.UGCDetailsCallback> cbMethod = callback =>
                completed = true;
                if (callback.Result == EResult.OK)
                    details = callback;
                else if (callback.Result == EResult.FileNotFound)
                    details = null;
                    throw new Exception($"EResult {(int)callback.Result} ({callback.Result}) while retrieving UGC details for {ugcHandle}.");

            WaitUntilCallback(() =>
                callbacks.Subscribe(steamCloud.RequestUGCDetails(ugcHandle), cbMethod);
            }, () => { return(completed); });

        void TestCloud()
            ICloud cloud = null;
            RemoteStoragePlatform remoteStorrage = RemoteStoragePlatform.All;

            cloud.CloudFileShareResult   += (CloudFileShareResult x, bool y) => { };
            cloud.CloudDownloadUGCResult += (CloudDownloadUGCResult x, bool y) => { };
            b = cloud.Write(s, ba);
            i = cloud.Read(s, ba);
            b = cloud.Forget(s);
            b = cloud.Delete(s);
            b = cloud.SetSyncPlatforms(s, remoteStorrage);
            b = cloud.Exists(s);
            b = cloud.Persisted(s);
            i = cloud.GetSize(s);
            l = cloud.Timestamp(s);
            remoteStorrage = cloud.GetSyncPlatforms(s);
            i = cloud.GetFileCount();
            s = cloud.GetFileNameAndSize(i, out i);
            b = cloud.GetQuota(out i, out i);
            b = cloud.IsEnabledForAccount();
            b = cloud.IsEnabledForApplication();
            b         = cloud.GetUGCDetails(ugcHandle, out appID, out s, out i, out steamID);
            i         = cloud.UGCRead(ugcHandle, ba);
            i         = cloud.GetCachedUGCCount();
            ugcHandle = cloud.GetUGCHandle(i);
        void TestCloud()
            ICloud cloud = null;
            RemoteStoragePlatform remoteStorrage = RemoteStoragePlatform.All;

            cloud.CloudFileShareResult += (CloudFileShareResult x, bool y) => { };
            cloud.CloudDownloadUGCResult += (CloudDownloadUGCResult x, bool y) => { };
            b = cloud.Write(s, ba);
            i = cloud.Read(s, ba);
            b = cloud.Forget(s);
            b = cloud.Delete(s);
            b = cloud.SetSyncPlatforms(s, remoteStorrage);
            b = cloud.Exists(s);
            b = cloud.Persisted(s);
            i = cloud.GetSize(s);
            l = cloud.Timestamp(s);
            remoteStorrage = cloud.GetSyncPlatforms(s);
            i = cloud.GetFileCount();
            s = cloud.GetFileNameAndSize(i, out i);
            b = cloud.GetQuota(out i, out i);
            b = cloud.IsEnabledForAccount();
            b = cloud.IsEnabledForApplication();
            b = cloud.GetUGCDetails(ugcHandle, out appID, out s, out i, out steamID);
            i = cloud.UGCRead(ugcHandle, ba);
            i = cloud.GetCachedUGCCount();
            ugcHandle = cloud.GetUGCHandle(i);
        public CloudGetUGCDetailsResult GetUGCDetails(UGCHandle handle)
            CloudGetUGCDetailsResult result = new CloudGetUGCDetailsResult();

            result.result = GetUGCDetails(handle, out result.appIDSender, out result.nameSender, out result.fileSizeSender, out result.creatorSender);
			internal ScreenshotAddedCallback( JobID jobID, CMsgClientUCMAddScreenshotResponse msg )
				JobID = jobID;

				Result = ( EResult )msg.eresult;
				ScreenshotID = msg.screenshotid;
 public bool GetUGCDownloadProgress(UGCHandle handle, out int bytesDownloaded, out int bytesExpected)
     bytesDownloaded = 0;
     bytesExpected   = 0;
     return(NativeMethods.Cloud_GetUGCDownloadProgress(handle.AsUInt64, ref bytesDownloaded, ref bytesExpected));
        public CloudGetUGCDownloadProgressResult GetUGCDownloadProgress(UGCHandle handle)
            CloudGetUGCDownloadProgressResult result = new CloudGetUGCDownloadProgressResult();

            result.result = GetUGCDownloadProgress(handle, out result.bytesDownloadedSender, out result.bytesExpectedSender);

        /// <summary>
        /// Requests details for a specific item of user generated content from the Steam servers.
        /// Results are returned in a <see cref="UGCDetailsCallback"/> from a <see cref="SteamClient.JobCallback&lt;T&gt;"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ugcId">The unique user generated content id.</param>
        /// <returns>The Job ID of the request. This can be used to find the appropriate <see cref="SteamClient.JobCallback&lt;T&gt;"/>.</returns>
        public JobID RequestUGCDetails( UGCHandle ugcId )
            var request = new ClientMsgProtobuf<CMsgClientUFSGetUGCDetails>( EMsg.ClientUFSGetUGCDetails );
            request.SourceJobID = Client.GetNextJobID();

            request.Body.hcontent = ugcId;

            this.Client.Send( request );

            return request.SourceJobID;
            public void ReturnsReplayId()
                // Arrange
                var ugcId = new UGCHandle(3489753984753);

                // Act
                var replayId = ugcId.ToReplayId();

                // Assert
                Assert.Equal(3489753984753, replayId);
            public void UgcIdIsZero_ReturnsNull()
                // Arrange
                var ugcId = new UGCHandle(0);

                // Act
                var replayId = ugcId.ToReplayId();

                // Assert
            public void UgcIdIsUInt64MaxValue_ReturnsNull()
                // Arrange
                var ugcId = new UGCHandle(ulong.MaxValue);

                // Act
                var replayId = ugcId.ToReplayId();

                // Assert
        /// <summary>
        /// Requests details for a specific item of user generated content from the Steam servers.
        /// Results are returned in a <see cref="UGCDetailsCallback"/>.
        /// The returned <see cref="AsyncJob{T}"/> can also be awaited to retrieve the callback result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ugcId">The unique user generated content id.</param>
        /// <returns>The Job ID of the request. This can be used to find the appropriate <see cref="UGCDetailsCallback"/>.</returns>
        public AsyncJob<UGCDetailsCallback> RequestUGCDetails( UGCHandle ugcId )
            var request = new ClientMsgProtobuf<CMsgClientUFSGetUGCDetails>( EMsg.ClientUFSGetUGCDetails );
            request.SourceJobID = Client.GetNextJobID();

            request.Body.hcontent = ugcId;

            this.Client.Send( request );

            return new AsyncJob<UGCDetailsCallback>( this.Client, request.SourceJobID );
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public bool GetUGCDetails(UGCHandle handle, out AppID appID, out string name,
                                  out int fileSize, out SteamID creator)

            IntPtr stringPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
            uint   rawAppID      = 0;
            ulong  rawCreator    = 0;

            fileSize = 0;

            bool result = NativeMethods.Cloud_GetUGCDetails(handle.AsUInt64, ref rawAppID, ref stringPointer,
                                                            ref fileSize, ref rawCreator);

            appID   = new AppID(rawAppID);
            name    = NativeHelpers.ToStringAnsi(stringPointer);
            creator = new SteamID(rawCreator);

 /// <summary>
 /// Invokes LeaderboardUGCSet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="handle"></param>
 /// <param name="ugcHandle"></param>
 public void AttachLeaderboardUGC(LeaderboardHandle handle, UGCHandle ugcHandle)
     NativeMethods.Stats_AttachLeaderboardUGC(handle.AsUInt64, ugcHandle.AsUInt64);
                internal LeaderboardEntry( CMsgClientLBSGetLBEntriesResponse.Entry entry )
                    GlobalRank = entry.global_rank;
                    Score = entry.score;
                    SteamID = new SteamID( entry.steam_id_user );
                    UGCId = new UGCHandle( entry.ugc_id );

                    var details = new List<int>();

                    using ( var stream = new MemoryStream( entry.details ) )
                        while ( ( stream.Length - stream.Position ) >= sizeof( int ) )
                            details.Add( stream.ReadInt32() );

                    Details = new ReadOnlyCollection<int>( details );
 public static long?ToReplayId(this UGCHandle ugcHandle)
 /// <summary>
 /// Invokes LeaderboardUGCSet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="handle"></param>
 /// <param name="ugcHandle"></param>
 public void AttachLeaderboardUGC(LeaderboardHandle handle, UGCHandle ugcHandle)
     NativeMethods.Stats_AttachLeaderboardUGC(handle.AsUInt64, ugcHandle.AsUInt64);
 public bool GetUGCDownloadProgress(UGCHandle handle, out int bytesDownloaded, out int bytesExpected)
     bytesDownloaded = 0;
     bytesExpected = 0;
     return NativeMethods.Cloud_GetUGCDownloadProgress(handle.AsUInt64, ref bytesDownloaded, ref bytesExpected);
        public CloudGetUGCDetailsResult GetUGCDetails(UGCHandle handle)
            CloudGetUGCDetailsResult result = new CloudGetUGCDetailsResult();
            result.result = GetUGCDetails(handle, out result.appIDSender, out result.nameSender, out result.fileSizeSender, out result.creatorSender);
            return result;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public bool GetUGCDetails(UGCHandle handle, out AppID appID, out string name,
            out int fileSize, out SteamID creator)

            IntPtr stringPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
            uint rawAppID = 0;
            ulong rawCreator = 0;

            fileSize = 0;

            bool result = NativeMethods.Cloud_GetUGCDetails(handle.AsUInt64, ref rawAppID, ref stringPointer,
                ref fileSize, ref rawCreator);

            appID = new AppID(rawAppID);
            name = NativeHelpers.ToStringAnsi(stringPointer);
            creator = new SteamID(rawCreator);

            return result;
        public CloudGetUGCDownloadProgressResult GetUGCDownloadProgress(UGCHandle handle)
            CloudGetUGCDownloadProgressResult result = new CloudGetUGCDownloadProgressResult();

            result.result = GetUGCDownloadProgress(handle, out result.bytesDownloadedSender, out result.bytesExpectedSender);

            return result;
