        private void AddBindingMethods_UGUIExtenstions(UFrameContainer container)
            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(UGUIExtensions), "BindInputFieldToProperty",                        // Registration
                                       _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedTypeName == typeof(string).Name) // Validation
            .SetDescription("Binds a string property to an uGUI input field.  A field will be created on the view for specifying the uGUI field.")
            .SetNameFormat("{0} To Input Field");                                                                 // Configuration

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(UGUIExtensions), "BindButtonToCommand", _ => _ is CommandsChildItem)
            .SetDescription("The ButtonToCommand binding will create a reference to a uGUI button on the view and automatically wire the click event to invoke the command.")
            .SetNameFormat("{0} To Button");

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(UGUIExtensions), "BindToggleToProperty",
                                       _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedTypeName == typeof(bool).Name)
            .SetDescription("Bind toggle to property will bind a boolean property directly to a uGUI toggle box.")
            .SetNameFormat("{0} To Toggle");

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(UGUIExtensions), "BindTextToProperty",
                                       _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedTypeName == typeof(string).Name)
            .SetDescription("Binds a string property to a uGUI text label.")
            .SetNameFormat("{0} To Text");

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(UGUIExtensions), "BindSliderToProperty",
                                       _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedTypeName == typeof(float).Name)
            .SetDescription("Binds a slider to a float value.")
            .SetNameFormat("{0} To Slider");
        private void AddBindingMethods(UFrameContainer container)
            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(ViewBindings), "BindProperty", _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem || _ is ComputedPropertyNode)
            .SetNameFormat("{0} Changed")
            .ImplementWith(args =>
                var sourceItem = args.SourceItem as ITypedItem;

                if (sourceItem.RelatedNode() is StateMachineNode)
                    args.Method.Parameters.Add(new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression(typeof(State), "State"));

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(ViewBindings), "BindCollection", _ => _ is CollectionsChildItem)
            .SetNameFormat("{0} Collection Changed")
            .SetDescription("Collection bindings bind to a collection giving you two methods, {CollectionName}Added, and {CollectionName}Removed, override these methods to execute something when the collection is modified.");

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(ViewBindings), "BindCommandExecuted", _ => _ is CommandsChildItem)
            .SetNameFormat("{0} Executed")
            .SetDescription("The executed binding is for listening to when a command is invoked on a view.  It will provide you with a method in the format {CommandName}Executed({CommandClass} data)")
            .ImplementWith(args =>
                args.Method.Parameters[0].Name = "command";
                var commandItem = args.SourceItem as CommandsChildItem;
                args.Method.Parameters[0].Type = commandItem.ClassName.ToCodeReference();

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(ViewBindings), "BindToViewCollection", _ => _ is CollectionsChildItem)
            .SetNameFormat("{0} View Collection Changed")
            .SetDescription("The view collection changed binding automatically creates views for each element's viewmodel when created.")
            .ImplementWith(args =>
                if (args.Method.Name.EndsWith("CreateView"))
                    args.Method.Parameters[0].Name = "viewModel";
                    args.Method._("return InstantiateView(viewModel)");
                    args.Method.Parameters[0].Name = "view";

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(ViewBindings), "BindStateProperty", _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedNode() is StateMachineNode)
            .SetNameFormat("{0} State Changed")
            .SetDescription("Binding to a state property creates methods for each state, and in the designer code will property call the each state's method when it changes.")
            .ImplementWith(args =>
                args.Method.Parameters[0].Type = typeof(State).ToCodeReference();
                var sourceItem   = args.SourceItem as ITypedItem;
                var stateMachine = sourceItem.RelatedNode() as StateMachineNode;
                if (args.IsDesignerFile)
                    foreach (var state in stateMachine.States)
                        var method = new CodeMemberMethod()
                            Name       = "On" + state.Name,
                            Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public
                        var conditionStatement =
                            new CodeConditionStatement(
                                new CodeSnippetExpression(string.Format("arg1 is {0}", state.Name)));
                            new CodeMethodInvokeExpression(new CodeThisReferenceExpression(), method.Name));

                args.Method.Parameters[0].Type = "uFrame.MVVM.StateMachine.State".ToCodeReference();
        public override void Initialize(UFrameContainer container)
            // Grab a reference to the main framework graphs plugin
            Framework = container.Resolve <uFrameMVVM>();
            // Register the code template
            Framework.Service.AddCodeTemplate <ServiceTemplate>();
            Framework.SimpleClass.AddCodeTemplate <SimpleClassTemplate>();
            Framework.Element.AddCodeTemplate <ControllerTemplate>();
            Framework.Element.AddCodeTemplate <ViewModelTemplate>();
            Framework.Element.AddCodeTemplate <ViewModelConstructorTemplate>();
            RegisteredTemplateGeneratorsFactory.RegisterTemplate <CommandsChildItem, ViewModelCommandClassTemplate>();
            RegisteredTemplateGeneratorsFactory.RegisterTemplate <CommandNode, CommandClassTemplate>();
            Framework.SceneType.AddCodeTemplate <SceneTemplate>();
            Framework.SceneType.AddCodeTemplate <SceneSettingsTemplate>();
            Framework.Subsystem.AddCodeTemplate <SystemLoaderTemplate>();
            Framework.SceneType.AddCodeTemplate <SceneLoaderTemplate>();
            Framework.View.AddCodeTemplate <ViewTemplate>();
            Framework.ViewComponent.AddCodeTemplate <ViewComponentTemplate>();
            Framework.State.AddCodeTemplate <StateTemplate>();
            Framework.StateMachine.AddCodeTemplate <StateMachineTemplate>();

            // Register our bindable methods
            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(ViewBindings), "BindProperty",
                                       _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem || _ is ComputedPropertyNode)
            .SetNameFormat("{0} Changed")
            .ImplementWith(args =>
                var sourceItem = args.SourceItem as ITypedItem;

                if (sourceItem.RelatedNode() is StateMachineNode)
                    args.Method.Parameters.Add(new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression(typeof(State), "State"));

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(ViewBindings), "BindStateProperty",
                                       _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedNode() is StateMachineNode)
            .SetNameFormat("{0} State Changed")
                "Binding to a state property creates methods for each state, and in the designer code will property call the each state's method when it changes.")
            .ImplementWith(args =>
                args.Method.Parameters[0].Type = typeof(State).ToCodeReference();
                var sourceItem   = args.SourceItem as ITypedItem;
                var stateMachine = sourceItem.RelatedNode() as StateMachineNode;
                if (args.IsDesignerFile)
                    foreach (var state in stateMachine.States)
                        var method = new CodeMemberMethod()
                            Name       = "On" + state.Name,
                            Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public
                        var conditionStatement =
                            new CodeConditionStatement(
                                new CodeSnippetExpression(string.Format("arg1 is {0}", state.Name)));
                            new CodeMethodInvokeExpression(new CodeThisReferenceExpression(), method.Name));


                args.Method.Parameters[0].Type = "Invert.StateMachine.State".ToCodeReference();

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(ViewBindings), "BindCollection", _ => _ is CollectionsChildItem)
            .SetNameFormat("{0} Collection Changed")
                "Collection bindings bind to a collection giving you two methods, {CollectionName}Added, and {CollectionName}Removed, override these methods to execute something when the collection is modified.")

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(ViewBindings), "BindToViewCollection", _ => _ is CollectionsChildItem)
            .SetNameFormat("{0} View Collection Changed")
                "The view collection changed binding automatically creates views for each element's viewmodel when created.")
            .ImplementWith(args =>
                if (args.Method.Name.EndsWith("CreateView"))
                    args.Method.Parameters[0].Name = "viewModel";
                    args.Method._("return InstantiateView(viewModel)");
                    args.Method.Parameters[0].Name = "view";

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(ViewBindings), "BindCommandExecuted", _ => _ is CommandsChildItem)
            .SetNameFormat("{0} Executed")
                "The executed binding is for listening to when a command is invoked on a view.  It will provide you with a method in the format {CommandName}Executed({CommandClass} data)")

            .ImplementWith(args =>
                args.Method.Parameters[0].Name = "command";
                var commandItem = args.SourceItem as CommandsChildItem;
                args.Method.Parameters[0].Type = commandItem.ClassName.ToCodeReference();

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(UGUIExtensions), "BindInputFieldToProperty",                        // Registration
                                       _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedTypeName == typeof(string).Name) // Validation
                "Binds a string property to an uGUI input field.  A field will be created on the view for specifying the uGUI field.")
            .SetNameFormat("{0} To Input Field")     // Configuration

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(UGUIExtensions), "BindButtonToCommand", _ => _ is CommandsChildItem)
                "The ButtonToCommand binding will create a reference to a uGUI button on the view and automatically wire the click event to invoke the command.")
            .SetNameFormat("{0} To Button");
            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(UGUIExtensions), "BindToggleToProperty",
                                       _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedTypeName == typeof(bool).Name)
            .SetDescription("Bind toggle to property will bind a boolean property directly to a uGUI toggle box.")
            .SetNameFormat("{0} To Toggle");
            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(UGUIExtensions), "BindTextToProperty",
                                       _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedTypeName == typeof(string).Name)
            .SetDescription("Binds a string property to a uGUI text label.")
            .SetNameFormat("{0} To Text");

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof(UGUIExtensions), "BindSliderToProperty",
                                       _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedTypeName == typeof(float).Name)
            .SetDescription("Binds a slider to a float value.")
            .SetNameFormat("{0} To Slider");
        public override void Initialize(UFrameContainer container)
            // Grab a reference to the main framework graphs plugin
            Framework = container.Resolve<uFrameMVVM>();
            // Register the code template
            RegisteredTemplateGeneratorsFactory.RegisterTemplate<CommandsChildItem, ViewModelCommandClassTemplate>();
            RegisteredTemplateGeneratorsFactory.RegisterTemplate<CommandNode, CommandClassTemplate>();

            // Register our bindable methods
            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof (ViewBindings), "BindProperty",
                _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem || _ is ComputedPropertyNode)
                .SetNameFormat("{0} Changed")
                .ImplementWith(args =>
                    var sourceItem = args.SourceItem as ITypedItem;

                    if (sourceItem.RelatedNode() is StateMachineNode)
                        args.Method.Parameters.Add(new CodeParameterDeclarationExpression(typeof (State), "State"));

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof (ViewBindings), "BindStateProperty",
                _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedNode() is StateMachineNode)
                .SetNameFormat("{0} State Changed")
                    "Binding to a state property creates methods for each state, and in the designer code will property call the each state's method when it changes.")
                .ImplementWith(args =>
                    args.Method.Parameters[0].Type = typeof (State).ToCodeReference();
                    var sourceItem = args.SourceItem as ITypedItem;
                    var stateMachine = sourceItem.RelatedNode() as StateMachineNode;
                    if (args.IsDesignerFile)
                        foreach (var state in stateMachine.States)
                            var method = new CodeMemberMethod()
                                Name = "On" + state.Name,
                                Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public
                            var conditionStatement =
                                new CodeConditionStatement(
                                    new CodeSnippetExpression(string.Format("arg1 is {0}", state.Name)));
                                new CodeMethodInvokeExpression(new CodeThisReferenceExpression(), method.Name));




                    args.Method.Parameters[0].Type = "Invert.StateMachine.State".ToCodeReference();

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof (ViewBindings), "BindCollection", _ => _ is CollectionsChildItem)
                .SetNameFormat("{0} Collection Changed")
                    "Collection bindings bind to a collection giving you two methods, {CollectionName}Added, and {CollectionName}Removed, override these methods to execute something when the collection is modified.")

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof (ViewBindings), "BindToViewCollection", _ => _ is CollectionsChildItem)
                .SetNameFormat("{0} View Collection Changed")
                    "The view collection changed binding automatically creates views for each element's viewmodel when created.")
                .ImplementWith(args =>

                    if (args.Method.Name.EndsWith("CreateView"))
                        args.Method.Parameters[0].Name = "viewModel";
                        args.Method._("return InstantiateView(viewModel)");
                        args.Method.Parameters[0].Name = "view";

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof (ViewBindings), "BindCommandExecuted", _ => _ is CommandsChildItem)
                .SetNameFormat("{0} Executed")
                    "The executed binding is for listening to when a command is invoked on a view.  It will provide you with a method in the format {CommandName}Executed({CommandClass} data)")

                .ImplementWith(args =>

                    args.Method.Parameters[0].Name = "command";
                    var commandItem = args.SourceItem as CommandsChildItem;
                    args.Method.Parameters[0].Type = commandItem.ClassName.ToCodeReference();

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof (UGUIExtensions), "BindInputFieldToProperty", // Registration
                _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedTypeName == typeof (string).Name) // Validation
                    "Binds a string property to an uGUI input field.  A field will be created on the view for specifying the uGUI field.")
                .SetNameFormat("{0} To Input Field") // Configuration

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof (UGUIExtensions), "BindButtonToCommand", _ => _ is CommandsChildItem)
                    "The ButtonToCommand binding will create a reference to a uGUI button on the view and automatically wire the click event to invoke the command.")
                .SetNameFormat("{0} To Button");
            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof (UGUIExtensions), "BindToggleToProperty",
                _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedTypeName == typeof (bool).Name)
                .SetDescription("Bind toggle to property will bind a boolean property directly to a uGUI toggle box.")
                .SetNameFormat("{0} To Toggle");
            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof (UGUIExtensions), "BindTextToProperty",
                _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedTypeName == typeof (string).Name)
                .SetDescription("Binds a string property to a uGUI text label.")
                .SetNameFormat("{0} To Text");

            container.AddBindingMethod(typeof (UGUIExtensions), "BindSliderToProperty",
                _ => _ is PropertiesChildItem && _.RelatedTypeName == typeof (float).Name)
                .SetDescription("Binds a slider to a float value.")
                .SetNameFormat("{0} To Slider");