        public D2D_TextElements CreateNewTextElements(UText t)
            var textLayout = new TextLayout(dwFact, t.text, new TextFormat(
                                                t.font.bold ? FontWeight.Bold : FontWeight.Normal,
                                                t.font.italic ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Normal,
                ParagraphAlignment = Translate(t.valign),
                TextAlignment      = Translate(t.halign),
                WordWrapping       = t.wrapped ? WordWrapping.Wrap : WordWrapping.NoWrap
            }, t.width, t.height);

            // Set font ranges... textLayout just created, dont worry about any leftover ranges.
            foreach (var sr in t.SafeGetStyleRanges)
                var tr = new TextRange(sr.start, sr.length);
                if (sr.fontOverride != null)
                    UFont ft = (UFont)sr.fontOverride;
                    textLayout.SetFontFamilyName(ft.name, tr);
                    textLayout.SetFontSize(TranslateFontSize(ft.size), tr);
                    textLayout.SetFontStyle(ft.italic ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Normal, tr);
                    textLayout.SetFontWeight(ft.bold ? FontWeight.Bold : FontWeight.Normal, tr);
                if (sr.fgOverride != null || sr.bgOverride != null)
                    ClientTextEffect cte = new ClientTextEffect();
                    if (sr.fgOverride != null)
                        cte.fgBrush = CreateBrush(sr.fgOverride);
                    if (sr.bgOverride != null)
                        cte.bgBrush = CreateBrush(sr.bgOverride);
                    textLayout.SetDrawingEffect(cte, tr);

            // Set renderer with a default brush
            var def = new USolidBrush()
                color = new Color(0)
            var textRenderer = new D2D_ClientTextRenderer(realRenderer.renderTarget, new ClientTextEffect()
                fgBrush = CreateBrush(def)

            var ret = new D2D_TextElements(textLayout, textRenderer);

            realRenderer.renderTarget.Disposed += new EventHandler <EventArgs>((o, e) => t.Invalidate());
        public void DrawText(UText textObject, NoForms.Common.Point location, UBrush defBrush, UTextDrawOptions opt, bool clientRendering)
            var tl = glyphRunner.GetTextInfo(textObject);

            foreach (var glyphrun in tl.glyphRuns)
                var       style   = glyphrun.run.drawStyle;
                UFont     font    = style != null ? (style.fontOverride ?? textObject.font) : textObject.font;
                FontStyle fs      = (font.bold ? FontStyle.Bold: 0) | (font.italic ? FontStyle.Italic: 0);
                var       sdgFont = Translate(font);
                UBrush    brsh    = style != null ? (style.fgOverride ?? defBrush) : defBrush;
                if (style != null && style.bgOverride != null)
                    FillRectangle(new NoForms.Common.Rectangle(glyphrun.location, glyphrun.run.runSize), style.bgOverride);
                realRenderer.graphics.DrawString(glyphrun.run.content, sdgFont, CreateBrush(brsh), SDGTr.trF(location + glyphrun.location), StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
 Font Translate(UFont font)
     return(new Font(font.name, font.size, (font.italic ? FontStyle.Italic : 0) | (font.bold ? FontStyle.Bold : 0)));
        public void DrawText(UText textObject, NoForms.Common.Point location, UBrush defBrush, UTextDrawOptions opt, bool clientRendering)
            GLTextStore <sdg.Font> GLds = GetTextData(textObject);

            //when uninitialised, all members wll be null/-1.  we need to run a pass of the generator thing
            if (GLds.texture_for_blitting == -1)
                var   tl = GLds.tinfo = glyphRunner.GetTextInfo(textObject);
                float l = float.MaxValue, t = float.MaxValue, b = float.MinValue, r = float.MinValue;

                // if empty
                if (tl.glyphRuns.Count == 0)

                // Calculate the render rectangle
                foreach (var gr in tl.glyphRuns)
                    var p1 = gr.location;
                    var p2 = new Point(p1.X + gr.run.runSize.width, p1.Y + gr.run.runSize.height);
                    if (p1.X < l)
                        l = p1.X;
                    if (p2.X < l)
                        l = p2.X;
                    if (p1.Y < t)
                        t = p1.Y;
                    if (p2.Y < t)
                        t = p2.Y;
                    if (p2.X > r)
                        r = p2.X;
                    if (p1.X > r)
                        r = p1.X;
                    if (p2.Y > b)
                        b = p2.Y;
                    if (p1.Y > b)
                        b = p1.Y;
                Rectangle rrect = new Rectangle(new Point(l, t), new Point(r, b), true);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(rrect.width > 0 && rrect.height > 0);

                // ensure we have the software buffer
                EnsureStoredData(textObject, new Size(r - l, b - t));
                // we will draw black onto transparent background, and handle brushes when rendering to blitting texture
                GLds.renderOffset = new Point(l, t);
                foreach (var glyphrun in tl.glyphRuns)
                    var           style   = glyphrun.run.drawStyle;
                    UFont         font    = style != null ? (style.fontOverride ?? textObject.font) : textObject.font;
                    sdg.FontStyle fs      = (font.bold ? sdg.FontStyle.Bold : 0) | (font.italic ? sdg.FontStyle.Italic : 0);
                    var           sdgFont = FTR(font);

                    // render at 0,0 because we cropped to the minimum drawing area of glyphs...
                    GLds.sbb_context.DrawString(glyphrun.run.content, sdgFont, sdg.Brushes.Black, PTR(glyphrun.location - GLds.renderOffset), sdg.StringFormat.GenericTypographic);

                // now copy into the blit mask
                GLds.texture_for_blitting = GL.GenTexture();
                LoadBitmapIntoTexture(GLds.texture_for_blitting, GLds.softbitbuf);

            // draw background...
            foreach (var glyphrun in GLds.tinfo.glyphRuns)
                var    style = glyphrun.run.drawStyle;
                UBrush brsh  = style != null ? (style.fgOverride ?? defBrush) : defBrush;
                if (style != null && style.bgOverride != null)
                    FillRectangle(new NoForms.Common.Rectangle(location + glyphrun.location + GLds.renderOffset, glyphrun.run.runSize), style.bgOverride);

            // use blit mask to create a blitting texture, using the Util fbo (FIXME? but no multithreads...)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();

            // blit the buffer (FIXME thats not blitting) FIXME needs seperate (what about masked tezture alpbas!)
            var       gs = GLds.softbitbuf.Size;
            Rectangle rr = new Rectangle(location + GLds.renderOffset, new Size(gs.Width, gs.Height));
            int       st = rel.renderData.sofwareBuffer.Count;

            bufferTexRect(rr, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1));
            int cnt = rel.renderData.sofwareBuffer.Count - st;

            rel.renderData.bufferInfo.Add(new RenderInfo(st, cnt, ArrayData.Vertex | ArrayData.Color | ArrayData.Texture, PrimitiveType.Quads, GLds.texture_for_blitting));
 static sdg.Font FTR(UFont uf)
     return(new sdg.Font(uf.name, uf.size, (uf.italic ? sdg.FontStyle.Italic : 0) | (uf.bold ? sdg.FontStyle.Bold : 0)));