文件: Router.cs 项目: Cdrix/SM
    /// <summary>
    /// Add Current hit point but first needs to move it away from buiding
    /// </summary>
    void AddCurrentHit()
        Dir[] dirsSimpleMap = new Dir[] { Dir.N, Dir.E, Dir.S, Dir.W };
        float moveBy        = _person.PersonDim * 2;

        Vector3[] moveAway = new Vector3[]
            new Vector3(0, 0, moveBy), new Vector3(moveBy, 0, 0),
            new Vector3(0, 0, -moveBy), new Vector3(-moveBy, 0, 0)
        Dir buildWasHitOn = UDir.TellMeWhenHitLanded(currBuilding.Anchors, vectorHit.HitPoint);

        //is needed here so it moves foward along the side and not to the cloeset that coluld be accross the biuilding
        Vector3 otherAnchorOnSide = UPoly.FindOtherCornerOnSide(currBuilding.Anchors, buildWasHitOn, closestAnchorToOrigin);
        var     sideAnchors       = ReturnFirstAndLast(_fin, otherAnchorOnSide, closestAnchorToOrigin);

        anchorOnSideClosestToFin = sideAnchors[0];//the anchor on the side is closer to _fin

        for (int i = 0; i < dirsSimpleMap.Length; i++)
            if (dirsSimpleMap[i] == buildWasHitOn)
                //is moving the vector hit away given the direction
                Vector3 t = vectorHit.HitPoint + moveAway[i];
                t.y = m.IniTerr.MathCenter.y;//so is on same Y value

                t = Sanitize(t);
                //_person.DebugList.Add(UVisHelp.CreateText(t, hitCurrentAdded.ToString()));
                _checkPoints.Add(new CheckPoint(t));
文件: Way.cs 项目: Cdrix/SM
    /// <summary>
    /// Defined a 3d  rectangle with current selection: onScreenPoly. Defines firstCorner and secondCorner too,
    /// _dir too
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public void CreateWay()
        //print("1st way p." + _firstWayPoint);
        //print("2st  way p corn." + _secondWayPoint);

        if (firstCorner == new Vector2())
            firstCorner    = new Vector2(UInput.TransformedMPos.x, UInput.TransformedMPos.y);
            _firstWayPoint = ClosestSubMeshVert;
        else if (firstCorner != new Vector2())
            secondCorner    = new Vector2(UInput.TransformedMPos.x, UInput.TransformedMPos.y);
            _secondWayPoint = UPoly.RayCastTerrain(secondCorner).point;
            _secondWayPoint = m.Vertex.FindClosestVertex(_secondWayPoint, m.CurrentHoverVertices.ToArray());
            //direction was dragged on terrain
            _dir         = UDir.ReturnDragDir(_firstWayPoint, _secondWayPoint);
            onScreenPoly = UPoly.RetTerrainPoly(_firstWayPoint, _secondWayPoint, _dir);
    /// <summary>
    /// Define current vector3 list . that is the one we try to eat on terrain
    /// </summary>
    private void DefineCurrentVector3s()
        //will find te sign where to go base on direction
        Vector3 sign  = UDir.FromDirToVector3(_direction);
        var     xSign = sign.x;
        var     zSign = sign.z;

        for (int i = 0; i < _currRow.Count; i++)
            var rowIniDot = _currRow[i];

            for (int j = 0; j < _stepFurther; j++)
                //will move the initial row point towards the sign and times the size of the tile
                rowIniDot += new Vector3((_xTile * xSign), 0, (_zTile * zSign));

        var t = this;
 /// <summary>
 /// this is the cutter action will fill up the toMineSelectList depending if we adding or removing items to cut/mine
 /// </summary>
 private void Cutter()
     if (BuildingPot.InputMode == Mode.Cutting)
         print("Ready to Mine Stuff");
         if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && firstCorner == new Vector2())
             firstCorner = new Vector2(UInput.TransformedMPos.x, UInput.TransformedMPos.y);
         else if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && firstCorner != new Vector2())
             secondCorner     = new Vector2(UInput.TransformedMPos.x, UInput.TransformedMPos.y);
             selectionDimRect = UDir.ReturnDragRect(firstCorner, secondCorner);
         else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && firstCorner != new Vector2())
             ToMineSelectList = ReturnListOfSpecificObj(BuildingPot.DoingNow);
             firstCorner      = new Vector2();
             secondCorner     = new Vector2();
             selectionDimRect = new Rect();