private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.textBox1.Clear(); var connection_str = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DEMO_UD"]; string s = connection_str.ConnectionString; U2Connection con = new U2Connection(); con.ConnectionString = s; con.Open(); this.textBox1.AppendText("Connected.........................(UniData Account)" + Environment.NewLine); U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ID, FNAME,LNAME FROM STUDENT_NF_SUB"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); m_da = new U2DataAdapter(cmd); m_da.Fill(ds); m_U2CommandBuilder = new U2CommandBuilder(m_da); this.dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; this.textBox1.AppendText("Done........................." + Environment.NewLine); } catch (Exception e3) { this.textBox1.AppendText(e3.Message); MessageBox.Show(e3.Message); } }
private void ExecuteDataReader(U2Connection con) { try { if (settings.AccessMode == "Native") { // Need to confirm how to use UniDataSet } else { U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandText = settings.CommandText; U2DataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { // Do something } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private void ExecuteDataSet(U2Connection con) { try { if (settings.AccessMode == "Native") { // Need to confirm how to use UniDataSet } else { U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandText = settings.CommandText; U2DataAdapter da = new U2DataAdapter(); da.SelectCommand = cmd; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public async Task <string> QueryUsers(int pageNumber, int pageSize) { string lRetJsonData = string.Empty; try { U2ConnectionStringBuilder l = new U2ConnectionStringBuilder(); l.UserID = "admjjin"; l.Password = "******"; l.Server = ""; l.Database = "HS.SALES"; l.ServerType = "universe"; l.Connect_Timeout = 360; l.RpcServiceType = "uvcs"; l.AccessMode = "Native"; string lconnstr = l.ToString(); U2Connection c = new U2Connection(); c.ConnectionString = lconnstr; await c.OpenAsync(); U2Command cmd = c.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = string.Format("Action=Select;File=CUSTOMER;Attributes=CUSTID,FNAME,LNAME,PRODID,BUY_DATE;Where=CUSTID>0;Sort=CUSTID"); lRetJsonData = await cmd.ExecuteJsonAsync(); c.Close(); } catch (Exception ee) { throw ee; } return(lRetJsonData); }
private void ExecuteCommand(U2Connection con) { try { if (settings.AccessMode == "Native") { // Native mode UniSession us1 = con.UniSession; UniCommand uniCmd = us1.CreateUniCommand(); uniCmd.Command = settings.CommandText; uniCmd.Execute(); // Get response string but not output string strNative = uniCmd.Response; } else { // SQL mode U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandText = settings.CommandText; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } }
public static async Task <List <Customer> > CallSubroutine() { try { List <Customer> lRetList = new List <Customer>(); U2Connection conn = CreateConnection.GetConnection(); await conn.OpenAsync(); U2Command command = conn.CreateCommand(); Console.WriteLine("Connected........................."); command.CommandText = "CALL *HS.SALES*GETCUSTOMER()"; // UniVerse subroutine, returns multi-value data U2DataReader dr = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync(); while (await dr.ReadAsync()) { Customer lCust = new Customer(); lCust.CustomerId = await dr.GetFieldValueAsync <int>(0); lCust.FirstName = await dr.GetFieldValueAsync <string>(1); lCust.LastName = await dr.GetFieldValueAsync <string>(2); lRetList.Add(lCust); } conn.Close(); return(lRetList); } catch (Exception ee) { string lErr = ee.Message; throw; } }
public static List <Orders> ReadExistingOrders(String OrderID) { List <Orders> Cart = new List <Orders>(); OrderID = OrderID; string connection = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MVWriter"]; U2Connection con = new U2Connection(); con.ConnectionString = connection; con.Open(); U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT PROD, QUAN, COST FROM UNNEST SHOPPINGCART ON CARTS WHERE RECID = '" + OrderID + "'"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); U2DataAdapter da = new U2DataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Orders ExistingLineItems = new Orders { Cost = dr["COST"].ToString(), Quantity = dr["QUAN"].ToString(), Serial = dr["PROD"].ToString() }; Cart.Add(ExistingLineItems); } con.Close(); return(Cart); }
public ActionResult Index() { List <APMST> sample = new List <APMST>(); try { string s = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TESTString"]; U2Connection con = new U2Connection(); con.ConnectionString = s; con.Open(); U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT PROD,SALE, DESC1 FROM IVMST"; // FNAME = SingleValue, PRICE = multivalue DataSet ds = new DataSet(); U2DataAdapter da = new U2DataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { //APMST loadRecord = new APMST { NAME = dr["NAME"].ToString() }; APMST loadRecord = new APMST { NAME = dr["PROD"].ToString() }; sample.Add(loadRecord); } con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { // Console.WriteLine(e.Message); if (e.InnerException != null) { } } finally { // string line = Console.ReadLine(); } return(View(sample)); }
public ActionResult GetProduct(string term) { List <Product> ProductsFound = new List <Product>(); string Upperterm = term.ToUpper(); try { string s = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TESTString"]; U2Connection con = new U2Connection(); U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); con.ConnectionString = s; con.Open(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT PROD,SALE, DESC1 FROM IVMST WHERE UPPER(DESC1) LIKE '%" + Upperterm + "%'"; U2DataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { Product ProductList = new Product { DESC1 = dr["DESC1"].ToString(), PROD = dr["PROD"].ToString(), SALE = dr["SALE"].ToString() }; ProductsFound.Add(ProductList); } con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { // Console.WriteLine(e.Message); if (e.InnerException != null) { } } finally { // string line = Console.ReadLine(); } return(Json(ProductsFound, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public static async Task <DataTable> CallSubroutine() { try { DataTable lRetDT = new DataTable("EmpTable"); lRetDT.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(Int32)); lRetDT.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); lRetDT.Columns.Add("HireDate", typeof(DateTime)); U2Connection conn = CreateConnection.GetConnection(); await conn.OpenAsync(); U2Command command = conn.CreateCommand(); Console.WriteLine("Connected........................."); command.CommandText = "CALL *HS.SALES*SELECT_SUBROUTINE(?,?)"; // UniVerse subroutine, returns multi-value data command.Parameters.Clear(); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; U2Parameter p1 = new U2Parameter(); p1.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p1.Value = "1";//INPUT p1.ParameterName = "@arg1"; U2Parameter p2 = new U2Parameter(); p2.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p2.Value = "";//OUTPUT (multi-value data p2.ParameterName = "@arg2"; command.Parameters.Add(p1); command.Parameters.Add(p2); await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); string s1 = command.Parameters[0].Value.ToString(); //INPUT string s2 = command.Parameters[1].Value.ToString(); // OUTPUT p2.MV_To_DataTable(lRetDT); //Convert multi-value data to C# DataTable using Schema conn.Close(); return(lRetDT); } catch (Exception ee) { string lErr = ee.Message; throw; } }
public static async Task <string> CallSubroutine() { try { string lRetJsonData = string.Empty; U2Connection conn = CreateConnection.GetConnection(); await conn.OpenAsync(); U2Command command = conn.CreateCommand(); Console.WriteLine("Connected........................."); command.CommandText = "CALL *HS.SALES*SELECT_SUBROUTINE(?,?)"; // UniVerse subroutine, returns multi-value data command.Parameters.Clear(); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; U2Parameter p1 = new U2Parameter(); p1.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p1.Value = "1";//INPUT p1.ParameterName = "@arg1"; U2Parameter p2 = new U2Parameter(); p2.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p2.Value = "";//OUTPUT (multi-value data p2.ParameterName = "@arg2"; command.Parameters.Add(p1); command.Parameters.Add(p2); await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); string s1 = command.Parameters[0].Value.ToString(); //INPUT string s2 = command.Parameters[1].Value.ToString(); // OUTPUT List <Employee> lRetEmpList = p2.MV_To_POCO <Employee>(); //Convert multi-value data to C# POCO Class using Schema lRetJsonData = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lRetEmpList); conn.Close(); return(lRetJsonData); } catch (Exception ee) { string lErr = ee.Message; throw; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Console.WriteLine("start........................."); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); U2ConnectionStringBuilder conn_str = new U2ConnectionStringBuilder(); conn_str.UserID = "administrator"; conn_str.Password = "******"; conn_str.Server = "localhost"; conn_str.Database = "XDEMO"; conn_str.ServerType = "UNIVERSE"; conn_str.Pooling = false; string s = conn_str.ToString(); U2Connection con = new U2Connection(); con.ConnectionString = s; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected..."); U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); U2DataAdapter da = new U2DataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); sw.Stop(); TimeSpan elapsed = sw.Elapsed; string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}", elapsed.Hours, elapsed.Minutes, elapsed.Seconds, elapsed.Milliseconds / 10); int nSec = elapsed.Seconds; con.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Time Taken in seconds:" + elapsedTime); Console.WriteLine("End........................... "); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Enter to exit:"); string line = Console.ReadLine(); } }
public static bool UpdateProducts(List <Orders> Cart, string OrderID, string Product) { try { int lRecID = 99; U2ConnectionStringBuilder conn_bldr = new U2ConnectionStringBuilder(); conn_bldr.UserID = "administrator"; conn_bldr.Password = "******"; conn_bldr.Server = "myserver"; conn_bldr.ServerType = "universe"; conn_bldr.Database = "HS.SALES"; conn_bldr.AccessMode = "Native"; conn_bldr.RpcServiceType = "uvcs"; string lConnStr = conn_bldr.ConnectionString; U2Connection lConn = new U2Connection(); lConn.ConnectionString = lConnStr; lConn.Open(); UniSession lUniSession = lConn.UniSession; U2Command cmd = lConn.CreateCommand(); //CUSTID,FNAME,LNAME : Single Value //PRODID, BUY_DATE : Multi Value //Syntax : Action=Update;File=?;Attributes=?;Where=?;Sort UniDynArray lArr = new UniDynArray(lUniSession, "2/1/1991"); lArr.Insert(1, -1, "3/9/1991"); lArr.Insert(1, -1, "4/1/1991"); string lCmd = string.Format("UPDATE SHOPPINGCART SET FNAME={0},BUY_DATE='{1}' WHERE CUSTID={2} ", "Fred2", lArr.StringValue, lRecID); cmd.CommandText = lCmd; int l2 = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); lConn.Close(); } catch (Exception e2) { string lErr = e2.Message; if (e2.InnerException != null) { lErr += lErr + e2.InnerException.Message; } } return(true); }
public static List <Orders> GetProducts(List <Orders> Cart) { List <Orders> shoppingCart = Cart; U2ConnectionStringBuilder conn_str = new U2ConnectionStringBuilder(); conn_str.UserID = "Demo"; conn_str.Password = "******"; conn_str.Server = "localhost"; conn_str.Database = "pwdemo"; conn_str.ServerType = "UNIVERSE"; conn_str.Pooling = false; string s = conn_str.ToString(); U2Connection con1 = new U2Connection(); con1.ConnectionString = s; con1.Open(); U2Command cmd1 = con1.CreateCommand(); foreach (var Product in shoppingCart) { try { cmd1.CommandText = "SELECT [DESC_POS] FROM IVMST WHERE ID=" + Product.Serial.ToString(); U2DataReader dr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader(); while (dr1.Read()) { Product.ProdDescription = string.Format(dr1["DESC_POS"].ToString()); dr1.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } con1.Close(); return(shoppingCart); }
public static bool DeleteProducts(List <Orders> Cart, string OrderID, string Product) { /// // First Insert, then Print, then Delete try { Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Start..."); U2ConnectionStringBuilder conn_bldr = new U2ConnectionStringBuilder(); conn_bldr.UserID = "Demo"; conn_bldr.Password = "******"; conn_bldr.Server = "localhost"; conn_bldr.ServerType = "universe"; conn_bldr.Database = "pwdemo"; conn_bldr.AccessMode = "Native"; conn_bldr.RpcServiceType = "uvcs"; string lConnStr = conn_bldr.ConnectionString; U2Connection lConn = new U2Connection(); lConn.ConnectionString = lConnStr; lConn.Open(); UniSession lUniSession = lConn.UniSession; U2Command cmd = lConn.CreateCommand(); // delete inserted value cmd.CommandText = string.Format("Action=Delete;File=SHOPPINGCART;Where=newrecid={0}", OrderID); int l2 = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //close connection lConn.Close(); } catch (Exception e2) { string lErr = e2.Message; if (e2.InnerException != null) { lErr += lErr + e2.InnerException.Message; } } // public static bool InsertOrderItem(List<Orders> LineItem, string OrderNumber) return(true); }
public async Task <string> UpdateUser(object customer) { int lRet = -1; try { var cust = (IDictionary <string, object>)customer; foreach (var property in (IDictionary <String, Object>)cust) { Console.WriteLine(property.Key + ": " + property.Value); var t1 = property.Key; var t2 = property.Value; } U2ConnectionStringBuilder l = new U2ConnectionStringBuilder(); l.UserID = "admin"; l.Password = "******"; l.Server = ""; l.Database = "HS.SALES"; l.ServerType = "universe"; l.Connect_Timeout = 360; l.RpcServiceType = "uvcs"; l.AccessMode = "Native"; string lconnstr = l.ToString(); U2Connection c = new U2Connection(); c.ConnectionString = lconnstr; await c.OpenAsync(); U2Command cmd = c.CreateCommand(); //cmd.CommandText = string.Format("Action=Select;File=CUSTOMER;Attributes=CUSTID,FNAME,LNAME,PRODID,BUY_DATE;Where=CUSTID>0;Sort=CUSTID"); //cmd.CommandText = string.Format("Action=Update;File=CUSTOMER;Attributes=FNAME={0},LNAME={1},DISCOUNT{2};Where=CUSTID={3}", cust["FNAME"], cust["LNAME"], cust["DISCOUNT"], cust["CUSTID"]); cmd.CommandText = string.Format("Action=Update;File=CUSTOMER;Attributes=FNAME={0},LNAME={1};Where=CUSTID={2}", cust["FNAME"], cust["LNAME"], cust["CUSTID"]); lRet = await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); c.Close(); } catch (Exception ee) { throw ee; } return("200"); }
private static void FillDataSetWithUNNEST() { try { U2ConnectionStringBuilder conn_str = new U2ConnectionStringBuilder(); conn_str.UserID = "user"; conn_str.Password = "******"; conn_str.Server = "localhost"; conn_str.Database = "HS.SALES"; conn_str.ServerType = "UNIVERSE"; conn_str.FirstNormalForm = false; conn_str.Pooling = false; string s = conn_str.ToString(); U2Connection con = new U2Connection(); con.ConnectionString = s; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected........................."); U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT FNAME, PRICE FROM UNNEST CUSTOMER ON ORDERS"; // FNAME = SingleValue, PRICE = multivalue DataSet ds = new DataSet(); U2DataAdapter da = new U2DataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Console.WriteLine(dr["FNAME"] + "==" + dr["PRICE"]); } con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } finally { //Console.WriteLine("Enter to exit:"); //string line = Console.ReadLine(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { U2ConnectionStringBuilder conn_str = new U2ConnectionStringBuilder(); conn_str.UserID = "user"; conn_str.Password = "******"; conn_str.Server = "localhost"; conn_str.Database = "demo"; conn_str.ServerType = "UNIDATA"; conn_str.Pooling = false; conn_str.FirstNormalForm = false; string s = conn_str.ToString(); U2Connection con = new U2Connection(); con.ConnectionString = s; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected........................."); U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM STUDENT UNNEST NL_ALL CGA ;"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); U2DataAdapter da = new U2DataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Console.WriteLine(dr["FNAME"] + "==" + dr["SEMESTER"]); } con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Enter to exit:"); string line = Console.ReadLine(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { U2ConnectionStringBuilder conn_str = new U2ConnectionStringBuilder(); conn_str.UserID = "user"; conn_str.Password = "******"; conn_str.Server = "localhost"; conn_str.Database = "HS.SALES"; conn_str.ServerType = "UNIVERSE"; conn_str.Pooling = false; string s = conn_str.ToString(); U2Connection con = new U2Connection(); con.ConnectionString = s; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected........................."); U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "LIST CUSTOMER"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); U2DataAdapter da = new U2DataAdapter(cmd); da.FillWithTOXML(ds); Console.WriteLine(ds.GetXml()); con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Enter to exit:"); string line = Console.ReadLine(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { U2ConnectionStringBuilder conn_str = new U2ConnectionStringBuilder(); conn_str.UserID = "user"; conn_str.Password = "******"; conn_str.Server = "localhost"; conn_str.Database = "HS.SALES"; conn_str.ServerType = "UNIVERSE"; conn_str.Pooling = false; string s = conn_str.ToString(); U2Connection con = new U2Connection(); con.ConnectionString = s; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected........................."); U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER"; U2DataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { string s1 = string.Format("FNAME={0} LNAME={1}", dr["FNAME"], dr["LNAME"] + Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine(s1); } con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Enter to exit:"); string line = Console.ReadLine(); } }
/// <summary> /// Get dataset in SQL mode /// </summary> /// <param name="conStrBdr"></param> /// <param name="strTableName"></param> /// <returns></returns> private DataSet GetSQLDataSet(U2ConnectionStringBuilder conStrBdr, string strTableName) { try { U2Connection con = new U2Connection(); con.ConnectionString = conStrBdr.ToString(); con.Open(); U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT * FROM [{0}]", strTableName); U2DataAdapter da = new U2DataAdapter(); da.SelectCommand = cmd; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); con.Close(); return(ds); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public static bool InsertOrderItem(List <Orders> LineItem, string OrderNumber) { try { U2ConnectionStringBuilder conn_bldr = new U2ConnectionStringBuilder(); conn_bldr.UserID = "Demo"; conn_bldr.Password = "******"; conn_bldr.Server = "localhost"; conn_bldr.ServerType = "universe"; conn_bldr.Database = "pwdemo"; conn_bldr.AccessMode = "Native"; conn_bldr.RpcServiceType = "uvcs"; string lConnStr = conn_bldr.ConnectionString; U2Connection lConn = new U2Connection(); lConn.ConnectionString = lConnStr; lConn.Open(); UniSession lUniSession = lConn.UniSession; U2Command cmd = lConn.CreateCommand(); //Unique sale ID or invoice Number. Do we add userid as well? // We will work with the assumption that it's one order - 5001 int newrecid = Convert.ToInt32(OrderNumber); UniDynArray Product = new UniDynArray(lUniSession); UniDynArray Quantity = new UniDynArray(lUniSession); UniDynArray Sale = new UniDynArray(lUniSession); foreach (var order in LineItem) { string ProdID = order.Serial.ToString(); string Quan = order.Quantity.ToString(); string price = order.Cost.ToString(); Product.Insert(1, -1, ProdID); Quantity.Insert(1, -1, Quan); Sale.Insert(1, -1, price); } string lCmd = string.Format("INSERT INTO SHOPPINGCART (RECID,PROD,QUAN,SALE) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}')", newrecid, Product, Quantity, Sale); cmd.CommandText = lCmd; int l2 = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); lConn.Close(); } catch (Exception e2) { string lErr = e2.Message; if (e2.InnerException != null) { lErr += lErr + e2.InnerException.Message; } return(false); } return(true); }
//public static bool InsertOrderItem(Orders LineItem, string OrderNumber) //{ // string s = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TESTString"]; // U2Connection con = new U2Connection(); // con.ConnectionString = s; // con.Open(); // UniSession LUniSession = con.UniSession; // U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); // int recID = 9999; // int Prod = 1234; // int quantity = 1; // double cost = 9.99; // //Insert // string lcmd = string.Format("INSERT INTO SHOPPINGCART RECID,PROD,QUAN,COST) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}')", recID, Prod, quantity, cost); // cmd.CommandText = lcmd; // try { int L2 = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } // catch(Exception ex) { return false; } // finally { } // return true; //} public static bool InsertOrderItem(List <Orders> LineItem, string OrderNumber) { try { U2ConnectionStringBuilder conn_bldr = new U2ConnectionStringBuilder(); conn_bldr.UserID = "Demo"; conn_bldr.Password = "******"; conn_bldr.Server = "localhost"; conn_bldr.ServerType = "universe"; conn_bldr.Database = "pwdemo"; conn_bldr.AccessMode = "Native"; conn_bldr.RpcServiceType = "uvcs"; string lConnStr = conn_bldr.ConnectionString; U2Connection lConn = new U2Connection(); lConn.ConnectionString = lConnStr; lConn.Open(); UniSession lUniSession = lConn.UniSession; U2Command cmd = lConn.CreateCommand(); //Unique sale ID or invoice Number. Do we add userid as well? // We will work with the assumption that it's one order - 5001 int newrecid = 5001; UniDynArray Product = new UniDynArray(lUniSession); UniDynArray Quantity = new UniDynArray(lUniSession); UniDynArray Sale = new UniDynArray(lUniSession); foreach (var order in LineItem) { string ProdID = order.Serial.ToString(); string Quan = order.Quantity.ToString(); string price = order.Cost.ToString(); Product.Insert(1, -1, ProdID); Quantity.Insert(1, -1, Quan); Sale.Insert(1, -1, price); } // As we add reccords, we will need to read , loop and drop into UniDynArray. // For now, just enter line item. //Sale.Insert(1, -1, price2); //Sale.Insert(1, -1, price3); string lCmd = string.Format("INSERT INTO SHOPPINGCART (RECID,PROD,QUAN,SALE) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}')", newrecid, Product, Quantity, Sale); //string lCmd = string.Format("INSERT INTO SHOPPINGCART VALUES (newrecid, Product, Quantity, Sale)"); //string lCmd = string.Format("INSERT INTO SHOPPINGCART (PROD,QUAN,SALE) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}')", Product, Quantity, Sale); cmd.CommandText = lCmd; int l2 = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //print inserted value //cmd.CommandText = string.Format("Action=Select;File=SHOPPINGCART;Attributes=RECID,PROD,QUAN,SALE;Where=RECID={0}", newrecid); //U2DataAdapter da = new U2DataAdapter(cmd); //DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //da.Fill(ds); // delete inserted value //Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Start : Delete new inserted value..............."); //cmd.CommandText = string.Format("Action=Delete;File=SHOPPINGCART;Where=RECID={0}", newrecid); //l2 = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //close connection lConn.Close(); } catch (Exception e2) { string lErr = e2.Message; if (e2.InnerException != null) { lErr += lErr + e2.InnerException.Message; } return(false); } return(true); }
//file for customers -- IVCUST //NAME_1 = NAME of customer //ADDR_1 = Street address of customer - //ADDR_2 = Second address of customer //CSZ = City, St Zip of customer //Phone_1 = Primary Phone number of customer public ActionResult GetCustomer(string term) { List <Computyme.Models.Customer.Customer> CustomerFound = new List <Computyme.Models.Customer.Customer>(); string Upperterm = term.ToUpper(); try { string s = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TESTString"]; U2Connection con = new U2Connection(); U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); con.ConnectionString = s; con.Open(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT NAME_1,ADDR_1, ADDR_2,CSZ, PHONE_1,EMAIL FROM IVCUST WHERE UPPER(NAME_1) LIKE '%" + Upperterm + "%'"; U2DataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); string cell = "111-111-1111"; string email = "None"; while (dr.Read()) { try { if (dr["Phone_1"] != null) { cell = (dr["Phone_1"] ?? "").ToString(); } } catch { cell = "111-111-1111"; } try { if (dr["EMAIL"] != null) { email = (dr["EMAIL"] ?? "").ToString(); } } catch { email = "None"; } string Fullstring = (dr["NAME_1"] ?? "").ToString(); string LName = Fullstring.Substring(0, Fullstring.IndexOf(",")); string FName = Fullstring.Replace(LName, "").Replace(",", ""); string address = (dr["ADDR_1"] ?? "").ToString(); Computyme.Models.Customer.Customer CustomerList = new Computyme.Models.Customer.Customer { Fname = FName, Lname = LName, Address = (dr["ADDR_1"] ?? "").ToString(), Cell = cell, Email = email }; CustomerFound.Add(CustomerList); } con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { // Console.WriteLine(e.Message); if (e.InnerException != null) { } } finally { // string line = Console.ReadLine(); } return(Json(CustomerFound, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public static async Task <string> CallSubroutine() { try { string lRet = string.Empty; U2Connection conn = CreateConnection.GetConnection(); await conn.OpenAsync(); U2Command command = conn.CreateCommand(); Console.WriteLine("Connected........................."); command.CommandText = "CALL *GETXMLSUB(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; // UniVerse subroutine command.Parameters.Clear(); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; U2Parameter p1 = new U2Parameter(); p1.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p1.Value = "LIST CUSTOMER"; p1.ParameterName = "@arg1"; U2Parameter p2 = new U2Parameter(); p2.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p2.Value = ""; p2.ParameterName = "@arg2"; U2Parameter p3 = new U2Parameter(); p3.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p3.Value = ""; p3.ParameterName = "@arg3"; U2Parameter p4 = new U2Parameter(); p4.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p4.Value = ""; p4.ParameterName = "@arg4"; U2Parameter p5 = new U2Parameter(); p5.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p5.Value = ""; p5.ParameterName = "@arg5"; U2Parameter p6 = new U2Parameter(); p6.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p6.Value = ""; p6.ParameterName = "@arg6"; command.Parameters.Add(p1); command.Parameters.Add(p2); command.Parameters.Add(p3); command.Parameters.Add(p4); command.Parameters.Add(p5); command.Parameters.Add(p6); await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); string s1 = command.Parameters[0].Value.ToString(); //INPUT command string s2 = command.Parameters[1].Value.ToString(); // INPUT command option string lOutputValue = command.Parameters[2].Value.ToString(); // OUTPUT xml string s4 = command.Parameters[3].Value.ToString(); //OUTPUT xsd string s5 = command.Parameters[4].Value.ToString(); //OUTPUT msg # string s6 = command.Parameters[5].Value.ToString(); //OUTPUT msg description conn.Close(); return(lOutputValue); } catch (Exception ee) { string lErr = ee.Message; throw; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { U2ConnectionStringBuilder conn_str = new U2ConnectionStringBuilder(); conn_str.UserID = "user"; conn_str.Password = "******"; conn_str.Server = "localhost"; conn_str.Database = "HS.SALES"; conn_str.ServerType = "UNIVERSE"; conn_str.Pooling = false; string s = conn_str.ToString(); U2Connection con = new U2Connection(); con.ConnectionString = s; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected........................."); U2Command command = con.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "CALL *GETXMLSUB(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; // UniVerse subroutine command.Parameters.Clear(); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; U2Parameter p1 = new U2Parameter(); p1.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p1.Value = "LIST CUSTOMER"; p1.ParameterName = "@arg1"; U2Parameter p2 = new U2Parameter(); p2.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p2.Value = ""; p2.ParameterName = "@arg2"; U2Parameter p3 = new U2Parameter(); p3.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p3.Value = ""; p3.ParameterName = "@arg3"; U2Parameter p4 = new U2Parameter(); p4.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p4.Value = ""; p4.ParameterName = "@arg4"; U2Parameter p5 = new U2Parameter(); p5.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p5.Value = ""; p5.ParameterName = "@arg5"; U2Parameter p6 = new U2Parameter(); p6.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; p6.Value = ""; p6.ParameterName = "@arg6"; command.Parameters.Add(p1); command.Parameters.Add(p2); command.Parameters.Add(p3); command.Parameters.Add(p4); command.Parameters.Add(p5); command.Parameters.Add(p6); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); string s1 = command.Parameters[0].Value.ToString(); //command string s2 = command.Parameters[1].Value.ToString(); // command option string s3 = command.Parameters[2].Value.ToString(); // xml string s4 = command.Parameters[3].Value.ToString(); //xsd string s5 = command.Parameters[4].Value.ToString(); // msg # string s6 = command.Parameters[5].Value.ToString(); // msg description Console.WriteLine("Subroutine Output:" + s3 + Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine("Subroutine Output:" + s4 + Environment.NewLine); con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Enter to exit:"); string line = Console.ReadLine(); } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.textBox1.AppendText("Start..." + Environment.NewLine); //strat get U2 data U2ConnectionStringBuilder conn_bldr = new U2ConnectionStringBuilder(); conn_bldr.UserID = "admin"; conn_bldr.Password = "******"; conn_bldr.Server = ""; conn_bldr.ServerType = "universe"; conn_bldr.Database = "HS.SALES"; conn_bldr.AccessMode = "Native"; conn_bldr.RpcServiceType = "uvcs"; string lConnStr = conn_bldr.ConnectionString; U2Connection lConn = new U2Connection(); lConn.ConnectionString = lConnStr; lConn.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected..."); U2Command cmd = lConn.CreateCommand(); // CUSTID,FNAME,LNAME : Single Value //PRODID, BUY_DATE : Multi Value //Syntax : Action=?;File=?;Attributes=?;Where=?;Sort cmd.CommandText = string.Format("Action=Select;File=CUSTOMER;Attributes=CUSTID,FNAME,LNAME,PRODID,BUY_DATE;Where=CUSTID>0;Sort=CUSTID"); U2DataAdapter da = new U2DataAdapter(cmd); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; //end get U2 data //load table storage string lTableStorageName = "CUSTOMER3"; StorageCredentials creds = new StorageCredentials(accountName, accountKey); CloudStorageAccount account = new CloudStorageAccount(creds, useHttps: true); CloudTableClient client = account.CreateCloudTableClient(); CloudTable table = client.GetTableReference("CUSTOMER6"); table.CreateIfNotExists(); string lUri = table.Uri.ToString(); // Console.WriteLine(table.Uri.ToString()); this.textBox1.AppendText(lUri + Environment.NewLine); foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { var t1 = item["CUSTID"].ToString(); var t2 = item["Z_MV_KEY"].ToString(); DateTime lhiredate; if (item["BUY_DATE"] == DBNull.Value) { lhiredate = DateTime.Now;// new DateTime(); } else { lhiredate = (DateTime)item["BUY_DATE"]; } CustomerEntity entity = new CustomerEntity(t1, t2) { FNAME = (string)item["FNAME"], LNAME = (string)item["LNAME"], PRODID = (string)item["PRODID"], BUY_DATE = lhiredate }; TableOperation insertOperation = TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(entity); table.Execute(insertOperation); this.textBox1.AppendText("Entity inserted!" + Environment.NewLine); } this.textBox1.AppendText("End..." + Environment.NewLine); } catch (Exception ex) { this.textBox1.AppendText(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine); } }
public ActionResult About() { string NewOrderID = null; //rnd.Next(1, 10000).ToString(); // creates a number between 1 and 6 string s = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TESTString"]; U2Connection con = new U2Connection(); U2Command cmd = con.CreateCommand(); con.ConnectionString = s; con.Open(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT MAX(RECID) FROM SHOPPINGCART"; U2DataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { string MaxID = dr["RECID"].ToString(); NewOrderID = (Convert.ToInt32(MaxID) + 1).ToString(); } con.Close(); if (Request.Cookies["ComputymeOrder"] == null) { //Drop cookie HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("ComputymeOrder"); myCookie["OrderID"] = NewOrderID; myCookie["OrderStatus"] = "New"; myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1d); Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); } else { string OrderStatus; //if (Request.Cookies["ComputymeOrder"]["OrderID"] != null ) if (Request.Cookies["ComputymeOrder"]["OrderID"] != null) { OrderStatus = Request.Cookies["ComputymeOrder"]["OrderStatus"]; if (OrderStatus == "New") { NewOrderID = Request.Cookies["ComputymeOrder"]["OrderID"]; } } else { //Drop cookie HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("ComputymeOrder"); myCookie["OrderID"] = NewOrderID; myCookie["OrderStatus"] = "New"; myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1d); Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); } // Check if it exists. } Computyme.Models.NewOrder.UniqueOrder OrderID = new Models.NewOrder.UniqueOrder { OrderID = NewOrderID, UserID = "4561" }; ViewData["TransacionID"] = OrderID; return(View()); }