internal List <TypeRef> GetExtendindTypes(TypeDef type, CodedIndex ciForThisType) { List <TypeRef> inheritingTypes = new List <TypeRef>(); List <CodedIndex> ourIndexes = new List <CodedIndex>(); // our coded index in typedef and any that appear in the type spec metadata Signatures ourIndexes.Add(ciForThisType); // All types in this assembly that extend another use the TypeDef.Extends data in the metadata // table. if (type.IsGeneric) { MetadataRow[] typeSpecs = _metadataStream.Tables[MetadataTables.TypeSpec]; for (int i = 0; i < typeSpecs.Length; i++) { TypeSpecMetadataTableRow row = typeSpecs[i] as TypeSpecMetadataTableRow; if (row != null) { // We need to find all of the TypeSpec references that point back to us, remember // that as a generic type people can inherit from us in different ways - Type<int> or Type<string> // for example. Each one of these will be a different type spec. TypeSpec spec = _metadataMap.GetDefinition(MetadataTables.TypeSpec, row) as TypeSpec; SignatureToken token = spec.Signiture.TypeToken.Tokens[0]; // First check if it is a GenericInstance as per the signiture spec in ECMA 23.2.14 if (token.TokenType == SignatureTokens.ElementType && ((ElementTypeSignatureToken)token).ElementType == ElementTypes.GenericInstance) { ElementTypeSignatureToken typeToken = spec.Signiture.TypeToken.Tokens[1] as ElementTypeSignatureToken; TypeRef typeRef = typeToken.ResolveToken(Assembly); if (typeRef == type) { ourIndexes.Add(new CodedIndex(MetadataTables.TypeSpec, (uint)i + 1)); } } } } } MetadataRow[] typeDefs = _metadataStream.Tables[MetadataTables.TypeDef]; for (int i = 0; i < typeDefs.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ourIndexes.Count; j++) { TypeDefMetadataTableRow row = (TypeDefMetadataTableRow)typeDefs[i]; CodedIndex ourCi = ourIndexes[j]; if (row.Extends == ourCi) { inheritingTypes.Add( (TypeDef)_metadataMap.GetDefinition(MetadataTables.TypeDef, _metadataStream.Tables[MetadataTables.TypeDef][i]) ); continue; // a type can only be extending once so if we find ourselves we are done } } } return(inheritingTypes); }
public void TypeSpec_WhenCreated_OffsetIsMovedOn() { IIndexDetails indexDetails = IndexHelper.CreateIndexDetails(2); byte[] contents = new byte[2]; Offset offset = 0; TypeSpecMetadataTableRow row = new TypeSpecMetadataTableRow(contents, offset, indexDetails); Assert.AreEqual(2, offset.Current); }
public void TypeSpec_WhenCreated_FieldsAreReadCorrectly() { IIndexDetails indexDetails = IndexHelper.CreateIndexDetails(2); byte[] contents = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00 }; Offset offset = 0; TypeSpecMetadataTableRow row = new TypeSpecMetadataTableRow(contents, offset, indexDetails); Assert.AreEqual(1, row.Signiture.Value); }
public TypeSpecEntry(MetadataDirectory directory, TypeSpecMetadataTableRow row) { this.FileOffset = string.Format("0x{0:x}", row.FileOffset); this.Signiture = string.Format("0x{0:x}", row.Signiture.Value); }