public static void Main(string[] args) { #if DEBUG if (args.Length == 0) { args = new[] { @"Dogu.dll", "" }; } #endif if (args.Length < 1) { throw new Exception("You have to provide assembly path"); } if (args.Length < 2) { throw new Exception("You have to provide output path"); } string assemblyPath = args[0]; string outputPath = args[1]; var parser = new TypeParser(new AssemblyReader(assemblyPath)); foreach (TopLevelType type in parser.Parse()) { Colorful.Console.WriteLine(type, Color.Gray); } var frontend = new MarkdownFrontend(parser.Parse()); frontend.WriteToFile(outputPath); Colorful.Console.WriteLine("Finishing Dogu", Color.Green); }
public bool Parse(bool isClass) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { return(false); } content = content.Trim(); repeated = content.StartsWith(Matcher.REPEATED); string dv = null; content = Matcher.MatchDefaultValue(content, out dv); defaultValue = dv; string[] name2id = content.Split('='); if (name2id.Length != 2) { throw new Exception(string.Format("tuple content:{0} is error.", content)); } name = name2id[0].Trim(); string[] type2name = Matcher.SplitBlank(name); if (isClass) { name = type2name[2].Trim(); typeString = TypeParser.Parse(type2name[1].Trim(), repeated); } index = name2id[1].Trim(); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Splits full name into subnamespaces and adds corresponding nodes to the tree. /// </summary> /// <param name="fullName">Can be empty, but not null.</param> /// <param name="parseNames">if names should be parsed by mono parser</param> private void Add(string fullName, bool parseNames) { if (fullName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fullName)); } var deepestNode = _root; foreach (var token in TypeParser.Parse(fullName, parseNames)) { int subnameEndIndex = -1; while (subnameEndIndex != token.Length) { int subnameStartIndex = subnameEndIndex + 1; subnameEndIndex = GetSubnameEndIndex(token, subnameStartIndex); deepestNode = deepestNode.GetOrAddNode(token.Substring(subnameStartIndex, subnameEndIndex - subnameStartIndex)); } } if (!deepestNode.IsTerminated) { deepestNode.Terminate(fullName); TerminatedNodesCount++; } }
private static void BuildDocumentation(string content, List <string> matches, string schemaName) { PGSchema schema = SchemaProcessor.GetSchema(schemaName); content = content.Replace("[DBName]", Program.Database.ToUpperInvariant()); content = content.Replace("[SchemaName]", schemaName); content = SequenceParser.Parse(content, matches, SequenceProcessor.GetSequences(schemaName)); content = TableParser.Parse(content, matches, schema.Tables); content = ViewParser.Parse(content, matches, schema.Views); content = SequenceParser.Parse(content, matches, schema.Sequences); content = MaterializedViewParser.Parse(content, matches, schema.MaterializedViews); content = FunctionParser.Parse(content, matches, schema.Functions); content = FunctionParser.ParseTriggers(content, matches, schema.TriggerFunctions); content = TypeParser.Parse(content, matches, schema.Types); foreach (PgTable table in schema.Tables) { Console.WriteLine("Generating documentation for table \"{0}\".", table.Name); TableRunner.Run(table); } foreach (PgFunction function in schema.Functions) { Console.WriteLine("Generating documentation for function \"{0}\".", function.Name); FunctionRunner.Run(function); } foreach (PgFunction function in schema.TriggerFunctions) { Console.WriteLine("Generating documentation for trigger function \"{0}\".", function.Name); FunctionRunner.Run(function); } foreach (PgMaterializedView materializedView in schema.MaterializedViews) { Console.WriteLine("Generating documentation for materialized view \"{0}\".", materializedView.Name); MaterializedViewRunner.Run(materializedView); } foreach (PgView view in schema.Views) { Console.WriteLine("Generating documentation for view \"{0}\".", view.Name); ViewRunner.Run(view); } foreach (PgType type in schema.Types) { Console.WriteLine("Generating documentation for type \"{0}\".", type.Name); TypeRunner.Run(type); } string targetPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(OutputPath, schemaName + ".html"); FileHelper.WriteFile(content, targetPath); }
private void ValidateFailedParseResult(string typeFullName, int errorIndex) { try { var parsedTypeData = _typeParser.Parse(typeFullName); Assert.Fail(); } catch (ParseTypeException e) { Assert.AreEqual(errorIndex, e.ErrorIndex); LogHelper.Context.Log.Error(e.Message); var errorLocationText = "Error location: \""; LogHelper.Context.Log.Error($"{errorLocationText}{typeFullName}\""); var errorLocationLine = new StringBuilder(); errorLocationLine.Append(new String('-', errorLocationText.Length + e.ErrorIndex)); // 2191=up arrow. errorLocationLine.Append('\u2191'); LogHelper.Context.Log.Error(errorLocationLine.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates an api operation /// </summary> /// <param name="api">Description of the api via the ApiExplorer</param> /// <param name="docProvider">Access to the XML docs written in code</param> /// <returns>An api operation</returns> public static ResourceApiOperation CreateResourceApiOperation(ApiDescription api, XmlCommentDocumentationProvider docProvider) { ResourceApiOperation rApiOperation = new ResourceApiOperation() { httpMethod = api.HttpMethod.ToString(), nickname = docProvider.GetNickname(api.ActionDescriptor), responseClass = TypeParser.Parse(docProvider.GetResponseClass(api.ActionDescriptor)), summary = api.Documentation, notes = docProvider.GetNotes(api.ActionDescriptor), parameters = new List <ResourceApiOperationParameter>(), errorResponses = docProvider.GetErrorResponses(api) }; return(rApiOperation); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an operation parameter /// </summary> /// <param name="api">Description of the api via the ApiExplorer</param> /// <param name="param">Description of a parameter on an operation via the ApiExplorer</param> /// <param name="docProvider">Access to the XML docs written in code</param> /// <returns>An operation parameter</returns> public static ResourceApiOperationParameter CreateResourceApiOperationParameter(ApiDescription api, ApiParameterDescription param, XmlCommentDocumentationProvider docProvider) { string paramType = (param.Source.ToString().Equals(FROMURI)) ? QUERY : BODY; var parameter = new ResourceApiOperationParameter() { paramType = (paramType == "query" && api.RelativePath.IndexOf("{" + param.Name + "}") > -1) ? PATH : paramType, name = param.Name, description = param.Documentation, dataType = TypeParser.Parse(param.ParameterDescriptor.ParameterType), required = docProvider.GetRequired(param.ParameterDescriptor) }; parameter.allowMultiple = parameter.dataType.StartsWith("List["); parameter.allowableValues = CreateAllowableValues(param.ParameterDescriptor.ParameterType); CustomAttributeHelper.PrepareByOptionAttribute(parameter, param.ParameterDescriptor); return(parameter); }
public override void When() { Expected = 7; Actual = TypeParser.Parse <int>((object)7); }
private static IList <ResourceModelNode> CreateResourceModel(ApiParameterDescription param, Type modelType, XmlCommentDocumentationProvider docProvider) { lock (s_lock) { var result = new List <ResourceModelNode>(); ResourceModelNode rModel = null; if ((!modelType.IsEnum && !modelType.Equals(typeof(string)))) { if (modelType.IsGenericType) { modelType = modelType.GetGenericArguments().First(); return(CreateResourceModel(param, modelType, docProvider)); } if (s_cache.ContainsKey(modelType)) { result.AddRange(s_cache[modelType]); return(result); } rModel = new ResourceModelNode() { Id = TypeParser.Parse(modelType.Name) }; s_cache.Add(modelType, result); foreach (var typeProperty in modelType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { var property = new ResourceModelPropertyNode(); property.Id = TypeParser.Parse(typeProperty.Name); property.Type = TypeParser.Parse(typeProperty.PropertyType); if (typeProperty.PropertyType.IsValueType || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeProperty.PropertyType) == null) { rModel.Required.Add(property.Id); } if (property.Type.StartsWith("List[")) { property.Type = "array"; var itemType = typeProperty.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().FirstOrDefault(); if (itemType == null) { itemType = typeProperty.PropertyType; } property.DefineContainerType(itemType); } result.AddRange(CreateResourceModel(typeProperty.PropertyType, docProvider)); if (docProvider != null) { property.Description = docProvider.GetDocumentation(typeProperty); if (typeProperty.PropertyType.IsEnum) { property.AllowableValues = CreateAllowableValues(typeProperty.PropertyType); } else if ((typeProperty.PropertyType.IsClass || typeProperty.PropertyType.IsValueType) && typeof(string) != typeProperty.PropertyType) { result.AddRange(CreateResourceModel(typeProperty.PropertyType, docProvider)); } } rModel.Properties.Add(property); } if (rModel.Properties.Count > 0) { result.Add(rModel); } } return(result); } }
public override void When() { Expected = new DateTime(2014, 1, 1); Actual = TypeParser.Parse(typeof(DateTime), null, Expected); }
public override void When() { Expected = Formatting.Indented; Actual = TypeParser.Parse("Indented", Formatting.None); }
public override void When() { Expected = 7d; Actual = TypeParser.Parse <Nullable <double> >("7"); }
public override void When() { Expected = 7; Actual = TypeParser.Parse <int?>("7"); }
public AddInSchema Parse(XElement e) { if (e.Name != "schema") { throw new ArgumentException(); } var schema = new AddInSchema(); var typeParser = new TypeParser(); var entityParser = new AddInEntityParser(); schema.Types = new List <Type>(e.Element("types").Elements("type").Select(o => typeParser.Parse(o))); entityParser.types = schema.Types; schema.Entities = new List <AddInEntity>(e.Element("entities").Elements("entity").Select(x => (AddInEntity)entityParser.Parse(x))); return(schema); }
public override void When() { Expected = 0; Actual = TypeParser.Parse(typeof(int), (object)"0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"); }
public void DefineContainerType(Type type) { Items = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Items.Add("$ref", TypeParser.Parse(type)); }
public override void When() { Expected = 11d; Actual = TypeParser.Parse <double>(null, 11); }
public override void When() { Expected = 0d; Actual = TypeParser.Parse(typeof(double), (object)"blarg"); }
public override void When() { Expected = null; Actual = TypeParser.Parse <DateTime?>(null); }
public override void When() { Expected = 14; Actual = TypeParser.Parse <int>(null, 14); }
public override void When() { Expected = "test string"; Actual = TypeParser.Parse <string>((object)"test string"); }
public override void When() { Expected = ""; Actual = TypeParser.Parse <string>(null, ""); }
public override void When() { Expected = DateTime.Today; Actual = TypeParser.Parse <DateTime?>(Expected.ToString()); }