// example based on the MSDN Explicit Interface Implementation Sample (explicit.cs)
        public static void GenExplicit2(AssemblyGen ag)
            var st  = ag.StaticFactory;
            var exp = ag.ExpressionFactory;

            ITypeMapper m = ag.TypeMapper;
            // Declare the English units interface:
            TypeGen IEnglishDimensions = ag.Interface("IEnglishDimensions");
                IEnglishDimensions.Method(typeof(float), "Length");
                IEnglishDimensions.Method(typeof(float), "Width");

            // Declare the metric units interface:
            TypeGen IMetricDimensions = ag.Interface("IMetricDimensions");
                IMetricDimensions.Method(typeof(float), "Length");
                IMetricDimensions.Method(typeof(float), "Width");

            // Declare the "Box" class that implements the two interfaces:
            // IEnglishDimensions and IMetricDimensions:
            TypeGen Box = ag.Class("Box", typeof(object), IEnglishDimensions, IMetricDimensions);
                FieldGen lengthInches = Box.Field(typeof(float), "lengthInches");
                FieldGen widthInches  = Box.Field(typeof(float), "widthInches");

                CodeGen g = Box.Public.Constructor()
                            .Parameter(typeof(float), "length")
                            .Parameter(typeof(float), "width")
                    g.Assign(lengthInches, g.Arg("length"));
                    g.Assign(widthInches, g.Arg("width"));
                // Explicitly implement the members of IEnglishDimensions:
                g = Box.MethodImplementation(IEnglishDimensions, typeof(float), "Length");
                g = Box.MethodImplementation(IEnglishDimensions, typeof(float), "Width");
                // Explicitly implement the members of IMetricDimensions:
                g = Box.MethodImplementation(IMetricDimensions, typeof(float), "Length");
                    g.Return(lengthInches * 2.54f);
                g = Box.MethodImplementation(IMetricDimensions, typeof(float), "Width");
                    g.Return(widthInches * 2.54f);
                g = Box.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main");
                    // Declare a class instance "myBox":
                    var myBox = g.Local(exp.New(Box, 30.0f, 20.0f));
                    // Declare an instance of the English units interface:
                    var eDimensions = g.Local(myBox.Cast(IEnglishDimensions));
                    // Declare an instance of the metric units interface:
                    var mDimensions = g.Local(myBox.Cast(IMetricDimensions));
                    // Print dimensions in English units:
                    g.WriteLine("Length(in): {0}", eDimensions.Invoke("Length"));
                    g.WriteLine("Width (in): {0}", eDimensions.Invoke("Width"));
                    // Print dimensions in metric units:
                    g.WriteLine("Length(cm): {0}", mDimensions.Invoke("Length"));
                    g.WriteLine("Width (cm): {0}", mDimensions.Invoke("Width"));
        /// <summary>
        ///   Create a wrapper class for a generic interface with more general type parameters than the wrapped interface.
        ///   Downcasts to the correct more specific type are generated where necessary.
        ///   This of course breaks type safety, and only calls to the class with the correct orginal types will work.
        ///   Incorrect calls will throw <see cref = "InvalidCastException" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   This is useful during reflection, when you don't want to know about specific types, but you can guarantee
        ///   that a certain call will always be done with objects of the correct type.
        ///   TODO: This non-generic method is only needed since RunSharp can't call generic methods, needed to generate wrappers recursively.
        ///   TODO: Possibly Castle DynamicProxy could replace this if it allows creating 'non-matching' proxies and thus support the downcasting.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name = "typeToCreate">The less-specific generic type of the wrapper which will be generated.</param>
        /// <param name = "o">The object to wrap, which should implement the desired interface, with arbitrary type parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of the specified type which wraps the given object.</returns>
        public static object CreateGenericInterfaceWrapper(Type typeToCreate, object o)

            Type typeToCreateGeneric = typeToCreate.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
            Type innerType           = o.GetType();
            Type innerMatchingType   = innerType.GetMatchingGenericType(typeToCreateGeneric);

            // Implement passed type and redirect all public calls to inner instance.
            var     assembly = new AssemblyGen("Whathecode.System.RunSharp");
            TypeGen type     = assembly.Public.Class("Wrapped" + typeToCreate.Name, typeof(object), typeToCreate);
                const string inner = "inner";

                FieldGen innerInstance  = type.Private.Field(innerType, "_innerInstance");
                FieldGen returnCached   = type.Private.Field(typeof(Dictionary <int, object>), "_returnCached");
                FieldGen returnWrappers = type.Private.Field(typeof(Dictionary <int, object>), "_returnWrappers");

                // Create constructor which takes the wrapped instance as an argument.
                ConstructorGen constructor = type.Public.Constructor();
                    constructor.Parameter(innerType, inner);

                    CodeGen code = constructor.GetCode();
                        code.Assign(innerInstance, code.Arg(inner));
                        code.Assign(returnCached, Exp.New(typeof(Dictionary <int, object>)));
                        code.Assign(returnWrappers, Exp.New(typeof(Dictionary <int, object>)));

                // Create methods.
                int          methodCount     = 0;
                MethodInfo[] innerMethods    = innerMatchingType.GetFlattenedInterfaceMethods(ReflectionHelper.FlattenedInstanceMembers).ToArray();
                MethodInfo[] toCreateMethods = typeToCreate.GetFlattenedInterfaceMethods(ReflectionHelper.FlattenedInstanceMembers).ToArray();
                MethodInfo[] genericMethods  = typeToCreateGeneric.GetFlattenedInterfaceMethods(ReflectionHelper.FlattenedInstanceMembers).ToArray();
                foreach (var method in innerMethods
                         .Zip(toCreateMethods, genericMethods,
                              (matching, toCreate, generic) => new
                    Id = methodCount++,
                    Matching = matching,
                    ToCreate = toCreate,
                    Generic = generic
                         .Where(z => z.Matching.IsPublic || z.Matching.IsFamily))
                    // TODO: Not quite certain why override is required for extended interfaces (DeclaringType != typeTocreate),
                    //       but this seems to work.
                    MethodInfo toCreate  = method.ToCreate;
                    MethodGen  methodGen = toCreate.DeclaringType == typeToCreate
                                                ? type.MethodImplementation(typeToCreate, toCreate.ReturnType, toCreate.Name)
                                                : type.Public.Override.Method(toCreate.ReturnType, toCreate.Name);

                        ParameterInfo[] toCreateParameters = toCreate.GetParameters();
                        var             parameters         = toCreateParameters
                                                             .Select(p =>
                            var info = methodGen.BeginParameter(p.ParameterType, p.Name);

                        CodeGen code = methodGen.GetCode();
                            // Cast arguments to the type of the inner instance.
                            Operand[] args     = parameters.Select(p => code.Arg(p.Name)).ToArray();
                            Operand[] castArgs = { };
                            if (args.Length > 0)
                                Type[] parameterTypes = method.Matching.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType).ToArray();
                                // TODO: When searching for generic methods, GetMethod returns null. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4035719/getmethod-for-generic-method
                                //       Even when the correct method is found through custom filtering, RunSharp does not seem to be able to create generic methods yet.
                                MethodInfo methodToCall
                                         = innerType.GetMethod(toCreate.Name, ReflectionHelper.FlattenedInstanceMembers, parameterTypes);
                                castArgs = methodToCall.GetParameters()
                                           .Select((p, index) => args[index].Cast(typeof(object)).Cast(p.ParameterType)).ToArray();

                            // Call inner instance and return value when needed.
                            if (toCreate.ReturnType != typeof(void))
                                Operand result = innerInstance.Invoke(toCreate.Name, castArgs);

                                // Wrappers will recursively need to be created for generic return types.
                                Type genericReturnType = method.Generic.ReturnType;
                                if (genericReturnType.IsGenericType && genericReturnType.ContainsGenericParameters && genericReturnType.IsInterface)
                                    // Check whether a new result is returned.
                                    Operand innerCached = code.Local(typeof(object));
                                    code.If(returnCached.Invoke("TryGetValue", method.Id, innerCached.Ref()));
                                        code.If((innerCached == result).LogicalNot());
                                            code.Invoke(returnWrappers, "Remove", method.Id);
                                            code.Invoke(returnCached, "Remove", method.Id);
                                            code.Invoke(returnCached, "Add", method.Id, result);
                                        code.Invoke(returnCached, "Add", method.Id, result);

                                    // Check whether a wrapper needs to be generated.
                                    Operand wrappedCached = code.Local(typeof(object));
                                    code.If(returnWrappers.Invoke("TryGetValue", method.Id, wrappedCached.Ref()).LogicalNot());
                                        Operand proxied = Static.Invoke(typeof(Proxy), "CreateGenericInterfaceWrapper", toCreate.ReturnType, result);
                                        code.Assign(wrappedCached, proxied);
                                        code.Invoke(returnWrappers, "Add", method.Id, wrappedCached);
                                    // A simple cast will work.
                                    // TODO: Throw proper exception when this is known to fail. E.g. generic type which is not an interface?
                                code.Invoke(innerInstance, toCreate.Name, castArgs);
            Type wrapperType = type.GetCompletedType(true);

            return(Activator.CreateInstance(wrapperType, new[] { o }));