/// <summary>
 /// Invoked when <see cref="ToDTO"/> operation is about to return.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dto"><see cref="TypeCodeDTO"/> converted from <see cref="JobsInABA.DAL.Entities.TypeCode"/>.</param>
 static partial void OnDTO(this JobsInABA.DAL.Entities.TypeCode entity, TypeCodeDTO dto)
     if (entity.ClassType != null)
         dto.ClassType = ClassTypeAssembler.ToDTO(entity.ClassType);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this instance of <see cref="TypeCode"/> to an instance of <see cref="TypeCodeDTO"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"><see cref="TypeCode"/> to convert.</param>
        public static TypeCodeDTO ToDTO(this JobsInABA.DAL.Entities.TypeCode entity)
            if (entity == null)

            var dto = new TypeCodeDTO();

            dto.TypeCodeID       = entity.TypeCodeID;
            dto.Name             = entity.Name;
            dto.Code             = entity.Code;
            dto.Description      = entity.Description;
            dto.ClassTypeID      = entity.ClassTypeID;
            dto.ParentTypeCodeID = entity.ParentTypeCodeID;


        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this instance of <see cref="TypeCodeDTO"/> to an instance of <see cref="TypeCode"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dto"><see cref="TypeCodeDTO"/> to convert.</param>
        public static JobsInABA.DAL.Entities.TypeCode ToEntity(this TypeCodeDTO dto)
            if (dto == null)

            var entity = new JobsInABA.DAL.Entities.TypeCode();

            entity.TypeCodeID       = dto.TypeCodeID;
            entity.Name             = dto.Name;
            entity.Code             = dto.Code;
            entity.Description      = dto.Description;
            entity.ClassTypeID      = dto.ClassTypeID;
            entity.ParentTypeCodeID = dto.ParentTypeCodeID;


        public static AddressDataModel ToDataModel(AddressDTO dto)
            AddressDataModel datamodel = new AddressDataModel();

            if (dto != null)
                datamodel.AddressID     = dto.AddressID;
                datamodel.Title         = dto.Title;
                datamodel.Line1         = dto.Line1;
                datamodel.Line2         = dto.Line2;
                datamodel.Line3         = dto.Line3;
                datamodel.City          = dto.City;
                datamodel.State         = dto.State;
                datamodel.ZipCode       = dto.ZipCode;
                datamodel.AddressTypeID = dto.AddressTypeID;
            if (dto.Country != null)
                CountryDTO countrydto = dto.Country;
                datamodel.CountryID = countrydto.CountryID;
                datamodel.AddressCountryAbbreviation = countrydto.Abbreviation;
                datamodel.AddressCountryCode         = countrydto.Code;
                datamodel.AddressCountryName         = countrydto.Name;
                datamodel.AddressCountryPhoneCode    = countrydto.PhoneCode;

            if (dto.TypeCode != null)
                TypeCodeDTO typecodedto = dto.TypeCode;
                datamodel.AddressTypeID                   = typecodedto.TypeCodeID;
                datamodel.AddressTypeCode                 = typecodedto.Code;
                datamodel.AddressTypeCodeClassTypeID      = typecodedto.ClassTypeID;
                datamodel.AddressTypeCodeDescription      = typecodedto.Description;
                datamodel.AddressTypeCodeName             = typecodedto.Name;
                datamodel.AddressTypeCodeParentTypeCodeID = typecodedto.ParentTypeCodeID;

 /// <summary>
 /// Invoked when <see cref="ToEntity"/> operation is about to return.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity"><see cref="JobsInABA.DAL.Entities.TypeCode"/> converted from <see cref="TypeCodeDTO"/>.</param>
 static partial void OnEntity(this TypeCodeDTO dto, JobsInABA.DAL.Entities.TypeCode entity)
 /// <summary>
 /// Invoked when <see cref="ToDTO"/> operation is about to return.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dto"><see cref="TypeCodeDTO"/> converted from <see cref="TypeCode"/>.</param>
 static partial void OnDTO(this JobsInABA.DAL.Entities.TypeCode entity, TypeCodeDTO dto);