public void Execute(CodeGenerationInfo cgInfo) { Debug.WriteLine("Begun TI for function {0}", cgInfo.FuncMetadata.Declaration); _cgInfo = cgInfo; _worklist.Clear(); ++_passNumber; InitializeSymbolTypes(); _typeCalculator = new TypeCalculator(); _typeCalculator.Execute(cgInfo); while (_worklist.Count > 0) { var exp = _worklist.Dequeue(); VisitNode(exp); } ///It may happen that even after TI, still some symbol.ValueType==Unknown ///In these cases, we just assign a default type to them and see if any types change foreach (var symbol in _cgInfo.FuncMetadata.Scope.Symbols) { if (GetType(symbol) == mdr.ValueTypes.Unknown) { SetType(symbol, mdr.ValueTypes.DValueRef); } } while (_worklist.Count > 0) { var exp = _worklist.Dequeue(); VisitNode(exp); } Debug.WriteLine("Ended TI for function {0}", cgInfo.FuncMetadata.Declaration); }
public override void Visit(GuardedCast node) { //UpdateType(node, TypeCalculator.GetType(node, _cgInfo.FuncCode.Profiler)); Profiler profile; _typeCalculator.GuardedCastProfile.TryGetValue(node, out profile); UpdateType(node, TypeCalculator.GetType(node, profile)); }
public void TestgetTypesImmuneToItWith1Type() { Type type1check = Type.Flying; String Expected = " "; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); string check = tc.getTypesImmuneToIt(type1check); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public void TestGetTypesSuperEffectiveAgainstWith1Type() { Type type1check = Type.Fighting; String Expected = "Flying Psychic Fairy"; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); string check = tc.getTypesSuperEffectiveAgainst(type1check); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public void TestGetNotVeryEffectiveAgainstWith1Type() { Type type1check = Type.Fire; String Expected = "Rock Fire Water Dragon"; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); string check = tc.getNotVeryEffectiveAgainst(type1check); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public void TestgetTypesNotVeryEffectiveAgainstWith1Type() { Type type1check = Type.Ice; String Expected = "Steel Fire Water Ice"; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); string check = tc.getTypesNotVeryEffectiveAgainst(type1check); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public void TestgetSuperEffectiveAgainstWith1Type() { Type type1check = Type.Fighting; String Expected = "Normal Rock Steel Ice Dark"; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); string check = tc.getSuperEffectiveAgainst(type1check); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public void TestgetImmuneToWith1Type() { Type type1check = Type.Steel; String Expected = "Poison"; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); string check = tc.getImmuneTo(type1check); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public void TestGetTypesSuperEffectiveAgainstWith2Type() { Type type1check = Type.Dragon; Type type2check = Type.Dark; String Expected = "Fighting Bug Ice Dragon Fairy"; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); string check = tc.getTypesSuperEffectiveAgainst(type1check, type2check); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public void TestgetTypesNotVeryEffectiveAgainstWith2Type() { Type type1check = Type.Grass; Type type2check = Type.Water; String Expected = "Ground Steel Water"; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); string check = tc.getTypesNotVeryEffectiveAgainst(type1check, type2check); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public void TestGetNotVeryEffectiveAgainstWith2Type() { Type type1check = Type.Poison; Type type2check = Type.Water; String Expected = "Poison Ghost Steel Water Dragon"; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); string check = tc.getNotVeryEffectiveAgainst(type1check, type2check); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public void TestgetTypesImmuneToItWith2Type() { Type type1check = Type.Psychic; Type type2check = Type.Ground; String Expected = " Flying Dark "; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); string check = tc.getTypesImmuneToIt(type1check, type2check); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public void TestgetEffectivenessAgainstWith1Type() { Type type1check = Type.Ghost; Type Against = Type.Normal; float Expected = 0.0f; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); float check = tc.getEffectivenessAgainst(type1check, Against); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public void TestgetImmuneToWith2Type() { Type type1check = Type.Ghost; Type type2check = Type.Rock; String Expected = "Normal Fighting"; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); string check = tc.getImmuneTo(type1check, type2check); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public override void Visit(WriteTemporaryExpression node) { var oldType = GetType(node); UpdateType(node, TypeCalculator.GetType(node)); if (HasTypeChanged(node, oldType)) { VisitNodes(node.Users); } }
public void TestCombineEffectivenesswith2EffectsAgainst() { Type type1check = Type.Ice; Type Type2check = Type.Rock; float[] Expected = { 1.0f, 0.5f, 4.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); float[] check = tc.CombineEffectiveness(type1check, Type2check); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public void TestgetDualTypeEffectivenessAgainstwith2EffectsAgainst() { Type type1check = Type.Steel; Type Type2check = Type.Psychic; Type Against1 = Type.Normal; float Expected = 1.0f; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); float check = tc.getDualTypeEffectivenessAgainst(type1check, Type2check, Against1); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public void TestgetEffectivenessAgainstDualTypewith2EffectsAgainst() { Type type1check = Type.Poison; Type Against1 = Type.Normal; Type Against2 = Type.Grass; float Expected = 2.0f; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); float check = tc.getEffectivenessAgainstDualType(type1check, Against1, Against2); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
private void BtnNatCalculator_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MsText.Text != "") { value2 = Convert.ToDouble(MsText.Text); switch (tc) { case TypeCalculator.jam: MsText.Text = (value1 + value2).ToString(); ClaerValues(); break; case TypeCalculator.menha: MsText.Text = (value1 - value2).ToString(); ClaerValues(); break; case TypeCalculator.zarb: MsText.Text = (value1 * value2).ToString(); ClaerValues(); break; case TypeCalculator.taghsim: if (value2 == 0) { MessageBox.Show("عدد بر صفر تقسیم نمیشود"); ClaerValues(); } else { MsText.Text = (value1 / value2).ToString(); ClaerValues(); } break; case break; case TypeCalculator.pow: MsText.Text = (Math.Pow(value1, value2)).ToString(); ClaerValues(); break; default: break; } tc =; } else { ClaerValues(); tc =; } }
public void TestgetEffectivenessAgainstwith2EffectsAgainst() { Type type1check = Type.Flying; Type Type2check = Type.Ghost; Type Against1 = Type.Ground; Type Against2 = Type.Poison; float Expected = 1.0f; TypeCalculator tc = new TypeCalculator(); float check = tc.getEffectivenessAgainst(type1check, Type2check, Against1, Against2); Assert.AreEqual(Expected, check); }
public override void Visit(WriteIdentifierExpression node) { //TODO: Double check the alg var oldType = GetType(node); UpdateType(node, TypeCalculator.GetType(node)); var newType = GetType(node); if (HasTypeChanged(node, oldType) || (GetType(node.Symbol) != newType)) { UpdateType(node.Symbol, GetType(node)); } }
void UpdateType(Expression expression, mdr.ValueTypes type) { var oldType = GetType(expression); var newType = TypeCalculator.ResolveType(oldType, type); if (oldType != newType) { m.Util.Diagnose.Debug.WriteLine("---->> Type of the expression {0} changed to {1}", expression.ToString(), newType.ToString()); SetType(expression, newType); if (type == mdr.ValueTypes.Unknown) { Enqueue(expression); } else { VisitUser(expression); } } }
public void SetTypeToUnknown() { //arrange TypeCalculator calculator = new TypeCalculator(); CelestialObject celestial = new CelestialObject() { Name = "Z0 CVSO 30", Mass = 1.2e30, EquatorialDiameter = 90000000, SurfaceTemperature = 1000, DiscoveryDate = new DateTime(2017 - 12 - 10), DiscoverySourceId = 1 }; //act calculator.SetCelestialObjectType(celestial); //asert Assert.That(celestial.Type, Is.EqualTo("Unknown")); }
public void SetTypeToStar() { //arrange TypeCalculator calculator = new TypeCalculator(); CelestialObject celestial = new CelestialObject() { Name = "V774 Sagittarii", Mass = 7.634e31, EquatorialDiameter = 1.6710622e10, SurfaceTemperature = 5800, DiscoveryDate = new DateTime(2017 - 12 - 10), DiscoverySourceId = 1 }; //act calculator.SetCelestialObjectType(celestial); //asert Assert.That(celestial.Type, Is.EqualTo("Star")); }
public void SetTypeToPlanet() { //arrange TypeCalculator calculator = new TypeCalculator(); CelestialObject celestial = new CelestialObject() { Name = "OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb", Mass = 3.17237e25, EquatorialDiameter = 21557978, SurfaceTemperature = 200, DiscoveryDate = new DateTime(2017 - 12 - 10), DiscoverySourceId = 1 }; //act calculator.SetCelestialObjectType(celestial); //asert Assert.That(celestial.Type, Is.EqualTo("Planet")); }
public void SetTypeToBlackhole() { //arrange TypeCalculator calculator = new TypeCalculator(); CelestialObject celestial = new CelestialObject() { Name = "X1 Messier 87", Mass = 1.3e40, EquatorialDiameter = 11600000, SurfaceTemperature = 2000, DiscoveryDate = new DateTime(2017 - 12 - 10), DiscoverySourceId = 1 }; //act calculator.SetCelestialObjectType(celestial); //asert Assert.That(celestial.Type, Is.EqualTo("Blackhole")); }
private void BtnMainCalc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Oprator = sender.ToString().Substring(sender.ToString().Length - 1, 1); if (MsText.Text == "" && Oprator == "-") { MsText.Text = "-"; } else { switch (Oprator) { case "/": tc = TypeCalculator.taghsim; value1 = Convert.ToDouble(MsText.Text); Tcn = true; break; case "*": tc = TypeCalculator.zarb; value1 = Convert.ToDouble(MsText.Text); Tcn = true; break; case "-": tc = TypeCalculator.menha; value1 = Convert.ToDouble(MsText.Text); Tcn = true; break; case "+": tc = TypeCalculator.jam; value1 = Convert.ToDouble(MsText.Text); Tcn = true; break; default: break; } } }
void UpdateType(JSSymbol symbol, mdr.ValueTypes type) { if (type == mdr.ValueTypes.Unknown) { return; } var oldType = GetType(symbol); var newType = TypeCalculator.ResolveType(oldType, type); switch (newType) { case mdr.ValueTypes.Undefined: case mdr.ValueTypes.Null: case mdr.ValueTypes.Unknown: newType = mdr.ValueTypes.DValueRef; //All of these cases are handled by a DValue break; case mdr.ValueTypes.DValue: if (symbol.IsParameter) { //We already have a DValue as argument, so just need to point to that and use its storage newType = mdr.ValueTypes.DValueRef; } break; } if (oldType != newType) { m.Util.Diagnose.Debug.WriteLine("---->> Type of the symbol {0} changed to {1}", symbol.Name.ToString(), newType.ToString()); SetType(symbol, newType); //symbol.Types.Add(type); foreach (var r in symbol.Readers) { Enqueue(r); } } }
private void BtnPow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { value1 = double.Parse(MsText.Text); tc = TypeCalculator.pow; Tcn = true; }
public CelestialObjectController(IMapper mapper, ICatalogRepository catalogRepository, TypeCalculator typeCalculator) { _mapper = mapper; _catalogRepository = catalogRepository; _typeCalculator = typeCalculator; }