private void BuildTypedSetterForNullable( MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType, Type memberType) { Type methodType = mi.DeclaringType; MethodInfo setMethod = null; if (mi is PropertyInfo) { setMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetSetMethod(); if (setMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { setMethod = _type.GetMethod("set_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (setMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(setMethod)) { return; } } } Type setterType = (memberType.IsEnum ? Enum.GetUnderlyingType(memberType) : memberType); MethodInfo methodInfo = _memberAccessor.GetMethod("Set" + setterType.Name, typeof(object), setterType); if (methodInfo == null) { return; } MethodBuilderHelper method = nestedType.DefineMethod(methodInfo); EmitHelper emit = method.Emitter; emit .ldarg_1 .castType(methodType) .ldarg_2 .newobj(typeof(Nullable <>).MakeGenericType(memberType), memberType) .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) { emit.stfld((FieldInfo)mi); } else { emit.callvirt(setMethod); } emit .ret() ; }
private void CreateProperty(TypeBuilderHelper typeBuilderHelper) { var dbObjectContainerField = typeBuilderHelper.DefineField("dbObjectContainer", typeof(DbObjectContainer), FieldAttributes.Private); var objectContainerProperty = typeBuilderHelper.TypeBuilder.DefineProperty("DbObjectContainer", PropertyAttributes.HasDefault, typeof(DbObjectContainer), new[] { typeof(DbObjectContainer) }); var attributes = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.HideBySig; var objectContainerGetMethod = typeBuilderHelper.DefineMethod("get_DbObjectContainer", attributes, typeof(DbObjectContainer), Type.EmptyTypes); var objectContainerGetMethodEmit = objectContainerGetMethod.Emitter; objectContainerGetMethodEmit .ldarg_0 .ldfld(dbObjectContainerField) .ret(); var objectContainerSetMethod = typeBuilderHelper.DefineMethod("set_DbObjectContainer", attributes, null, typeof(DbObjectContainer)); var objectContainerSetMethodEmit = objectContainerSetMethod.Emitter; objectContainerSetMethodEmit .ldarg_0 .ldarg_1 .stfld(dbObjectContainerField) .ret(); objectContainerProperty.SetGetMethod(objectContainerGetMethod); objectContainerProperty.SetSetMethod(objectContainerSetMethod); }
public Type Build(AssemblyBuilderHelper assemblyBuilder) { if (assemblyBuilder == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyBuilder"); } // Check InternalsVisibleToAttributes of the source type's assembly. // Even if the sourceType is public, it may have internal fields and props. // _friendlyAssembly = false; // Usually, there is no such attribute in the source assembly. // Therefore we do not cache the result. // var attributes = _originalType.Type.Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InternalsVisibleToAttribute), true); foreach (InternalsVisibleToAttribute visibleToAttribute in attributes) { var an = new AssemblyName(visibleToAttribute.AssemblyName); if (AssemblyName.ReferenceMatchesDefinition(assemblyBuilder.AssemblyName, an)) { _friendlyAssembly = true; break; } } if (!_originalType.Type.IsVisible && !_friendlyAssembly) { return(typeof(ExprTypeAccessor <,>).MakeGenericType(_type, _originalType)); } var typeName = GetTypeName(); _typeBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineType(typeName, _accessorType); _typeBuilder.DefaultConstructor.Emitter .ldarg_0 .call(TypeHelper.GetDefaultConstructor(_accessorType)) ; BuildCreateInstanceMethods(); BuildTypeProperties(); BuildMembers(); BuildObjectFactory(); _typeBuilder.DefaultConstructor.Emitter .ret() ; var result = _typeBuilder.Create(); foreach (TypeBuilderHelper tb in _nestedTypes) { tb.Create(); } return(result); }
private void BuildTypedSetter( MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType, Type memberType, string typedPropertyName) { Type methodType = mi.DeclaringType; MethodInfo setMethod = null; if (mi is PropertyInfo) { setMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetSetMethod(); if (setMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { setMethod = _type.GetMethod("set_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (setMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(setMethod)) { return; } } } MethodInfo methodInfo = _memberAccessor.GetMethod("Set" + typedPropertyName, typeof(object), memberType); if (methodInfo == null) { return; } MethodBuilderHelper method = nestedType.DefineMethod(methodInfo); EmitHelper emit = method.Emitter; emit .ldarg_1 .castType(methodType) .ldarg_2 .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) { emit.stfld((FieldInfo)mi); } else { emit.callvirt(setMethod); } emit .ret() ; }
private void DefineType(IEnumerable <string> langs) { var tb = TypeBuilderHelper.Define("TTT", typeof(Record)); langs.ToList().ForEach(l => { tb.DefineProperty(l.Replace("-", "_"), typeof(string)); }); this.TmpType = tb.CreateType(); }
private void BuildMember(MemberInfo mi) { TypeBuilderHelper nestedType = _typeBuilder.DefineNestedType( "Accessor$" + mi.Name, TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate, typeof(MemberAccessor)); ConstructorBuilderHelper ctorBuilder = BuildNestedTypeConstructor(nestedType); BuildGetter(mi, nestedType); BuildSetter(mi, nestedType); BuildInitMember(mi, ctorBuilder); Type type = mi is FieldInfo ? ((FieldInfo)mi).FieldType : ((PropertyInfo)mi).PropertyType; BuildIsNull(mi, nestedType, type); if (type.IsEnum) { type = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type); } string typedPropertyName = type.Name; if (type.IsGenericType) { Type underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type); if (underlyingType != null) { BuildTypedGetterForNullable(mi, nestedType, underlyingType); BuildTypedSetterForNullable(mi, nestedType, underlyingType); if (underlyingType.IsEnum) { underlyingType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(underlyingType); type = typeof(Nullable <>).MakeGenericType(underlyingType); } typedPropertyName = "Nullable" + underlyingType.Name; } else { typedPropertyName = null; } } if (typedPropertyName != null) { BuildTypedGetter(mi, nestedType, typedPropertyName); BuildTypedSetter(mi, nestedType, type, typedPropertyName); } BuildCloneValueMethod(mi, nestedType, type); // FW 1.1 wants nested types to be created before parent. // _nestedTypes.Add(nestedType); }
/// <summary> /// 映射物理表 /// </summary> /// <param name="absTable">抽象表类型</param> /// <param name="targetTableName">目标物理表名</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Type MapTable(Type absTable, string targetTableName) { var config = TypeBuilderHelper.GetConfig(absTable); config.AssemblyName = "EFCore.Sharding"; config.Attributes.RemoveAll(x => x.Attribute == typeof(TableAttribute)); config.FullName = $"EFCore.Sharding.{targetTableName}"; return(TypeBuilderHelper.BuildType(config)); }
private void BuildTypedGetter( MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType, string typedPropertyName) { var methodType = mi.DeclaringType; var getMethod = null as MethodInfo; if (mi is PropertyInfo) { getMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetGetMethod(); if (getMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { getMethod = _type.GetMethod("get_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (getMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(getMethod)) { return; } } } var methodInfo = _memberAccessor.GetMethod("Get" + typedPropertyName, typeof(object)); if (methodInfo == null) { return; } var method = nestedType.DefineMethod(methodInfo); var emit = method.Emitter; emit .ldarg_1 .castType(methodType) .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) { emit.ldfld((FieldInfo)mi); } else { emit.callvirt(getMethod); } emit .ret() ; }
/// <summary> /// 映射物理表 /// </summary> /// <param name="absTable">抽象表类型</param> /// <param name="targetTableName">目标物理表名</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Type MapTable(Type absTable, string targetTableName) { var config = TypeBuilderHelper.GetConfig(absTable); //实体必须放到Entity层中,不然会出现莫名调试BUG,原因未知 config.AssemblyName = "Coldairarrow.Entity"; config.Attributes.RemoveAll(x => x.Attribute == typeof(TableAttribute)); config.FullName = $"Coldairarrow.Entity.{targetTableName}"; return(TypeBuilderHelper.BuildType(config)); }
public void LinqJoin() { using (var db = Helper.CreatePCORIDataContext(ConnectionString)) { var query = db.ReportedOutcomeCommonMeasures .Join(db.Encounters, pro => pro.PatientID, enc => enc.PatientID, (pro, enc) => new { PRO = pro, ENC = enc }); Logger.Debug(query.Expression.ToString()); var pe_pro = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ReportedOutcome), "pro"); var pe_enc = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Encounter), "enc"); var joinType = TypeBuilderHelper.CreateType("PRO_Enc", new IPropertyDefinition[] { new TypedPropertyDefinition <ReportedOutcome> { Name = "PRO" }, new TypedPropertyDefinition <Encounter> { Name = "ENC" } }); var joinBindings = new[] { Expression.Bind(joinType.GetProperty("PRO"), pe_pro), Expression.Bind(joinType.GetProperty("ENC"), pe_enc) }; var resultSelector = Expression.Lambda( Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(joinType), joinBindings), pe_pro, pe_enc ); var joinCall = Expression.Call( typeof(Queryable), "Join", new Type[] { typeof(ReportedOutcome), typeof(Encounter), typeof(string), joinType }, new Expression[] { db.ReportedOutcomeCommonMeasures.AsQueryable().Expression, db.Encounters.AsQueryable().Expression, Expression.Quote(Expression.Lambda(Expression.Property(pe_pro, "PatientID"), pe_pro)), Expression.Quote(Expression.Lambda(Expression.Property(pe_enc, "PatientID"), pe_enc)), Expression.Quote(resultSelector) } ); Logger.Debug(joinCall.ToString()); } }
public Type Build(AssemblyBuilderHelper assemblyBuilder) { if (assemblyBuilder == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyBuilder"); // Check InternalsVisibleToAttributes of the source type's assembly. // Even if the sourceType is public, it may have internal fields and props. // _friendlyAssembly = false; // Usually, there is no such attribute in the source assembly. // Therefore we do not cache the result. // var attributes = _originalType.Type.Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InternalsVisibleToAttribute), true); foreach (InternalsVisibleToAttribute visibleToAttribute in attributes) { var an = new AssemblyName(visibleToAttribute.AssemblyName); if (AssemblyName.ReferenceMatchesDefinition(assemblyBuilder.AssemblyName, an)) { _friendlyAssembly = true; break; } } if (!_originalType.Type.IsVisible && !_friendlyAssembly) return typeof (ExprTypeAccessor<,>).MakeGenericType(_type, _originalType); var typeName = GetTypeName(); _typeBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineType(typeName, _accessorType); _typeBuilder.DefaultConstructor.Emitter .ldarg_0 .call (TypeHelper.GetDefaultConstructor(_accessorType)) ; BuildCreateInstanceMethods(); BuildTypeProperties(); BuildMembers(); BuildObjectFactory(); _typeBuilder.DefaultConstructor.Emitter .ret() ; var result = _typeBuilder.Create(); foreach (TypeBuilderHelper tb in _nestedTypes) tb.Create(); return result; }
public static void UpdateType(string typeName, TypeBuilderHelper typeBuilderHelper, FieldInfo[] fieldInfos) { //Serialize var serializerEmit = typeBuilderHelper.DefineMethod(typeof(ISerializable).GetMethod("Serialize", new Type[] { typeof(BinaryWriter), typeof(IDictionary <object, int>), typeof(int) })).Emitter; var deserializeEmit = typeBuilderHelper.DefineMethod(typeof(ISerializable).GetMethod("Deserialize", new Type[] { typeof(BinaryReader), typeof(IDictionary <int, object>) })).Emitter; //Write type name so we can construct it again serializerEmit .ldarg_1 .ldstr(typeName) .call(typeof(BinaryWriter).GetMethod("Write", new[] { typeof(string) })) //Add current object to the object graph .ldarg_2 .ldarg_0 .ldarg_3 .call(typeof(IDictionary <object, int>).GetMethod("Add", new[] { typeof(object), typeof(int) })) .ldarg_3 .ldc_i4_1 .add .starg(3); //Serialize/Deserialize properties foreach (var fieldInfo in fieldInfos) { var fieldType = fieldInfo.FieldType; if (fieldType.IsPrimitive || fieldType == typeof(string) || fieldType == typeof(DateTime) || fieldType == typeof(decimal)) { primitiveSerializeEmitter.Emit(fieldInfo, ref serializerEmit, ref deserializeEmit); } else if (fieldType.IsArray) { arraySerializeEmitter.Emit(fieldInfo, ref serializerEmit, ref deserializeEmit); } else if (fieldType.IsGenericType && (fieldType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IDictionary <,>) || fieldType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Dictionary <,>))) { dictGenericEmitter.Emit(fieldInfo, ref serializerEmit, ref deserializeEmit); } else if (fieldType.IsGenericType && (fieldType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IList <>) || fieldType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List <>))) { iListGenericEmitter.Emit(fieldInfo, ref serializerEmit, ref deserializeEmit); } else if (fieldType.IsClass) { objectGenericEmitter.Emit(fieldInfo, ref serializerEmit, ref deserializeEmit); } } serializerEmit.ret(); deserializeEmit.ret(); }
private static ConstructorBuilderHelper BuildNestedTypeConstructor(TypeBuilderHelper nestedType) { Type[] parameters = { typeof(TypeAccessor), typeof(MemberInfo) }; var ctorBuilder = nestedType.DefinePublicConstructor(parameters); ctorBuilder.Emitter .ldarg_0 .ldarg_1 .ldarg_2 .call(TypeHelper.GetConstructor(typeof(MemberAccessor), parameters)) .ret() ; return(ctorBuilder); }
public static Type MapTable(Type absTable, string targetTableName) { var config = TypeBuilderHelper.GetConfig(absTable); config.AssemblyName = "EFCore.Sharding"; var theTableAttribute = config.Attributes .Where(x => x.Attribute == typeof(TableAttribute)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (theTableAttribute != null) { theTableAttribute.ConstructorArgs[0] = targetTableName; } config.FullName = $"EFCore.Sharding.{targetTableName}"; return(TypeBuilderHelper.BuildType(config)); }
public Type Build(AssemblyBuilderHelper assemblyBuilder) { _typeBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineType(GetTypeName(), typeof(DuckType), _interfaceType); if (!BuildMembers(_interfaceType)) { return(null); } foreach (Type t in _interfaceType.GetInterfaces()) { if (!BuildMembers(t)) { return(null); } } return(_typeBuilder.Create()); }
/// <summary> /// Get the type of the schema. If it is an array, get the array type. /// </summary> /// <param name="schema">The JSON schema.</param> /// <param name="ns">The namespace.</param> /// <returns>The type of the schema.</returns> public static Type GetType(JsonSchema schema, string ns = "") { string toRet = DEFAULT_TYPE; var builder = new TypeBuilderHelper(ns); // Set the type to the type if it is not an array if (!IsArray(schema)) { if (schema.Title != null) { return(builder.GetCustomType(schema.Title, true)); } if (schema.Type != null) { toRet = TypeUtils.GetPrimitiveTypeAsString(schema.Type); } } else { // Set the type to the title if it exists if (schema.Title != null) { return(builder.GetCustomType(schema.Title, true)); } if (schema.Items != null && schema.Items.Count > 0) { // Set the type to the title of the items if (schema.Items[0].Title != null) { return(builder.GetCustomType(schema.Items[0].Title, true)); } // Set the type to the type of the items if (schema.Items[0].Type != null) { toRet = TypeUtils.GetPrimitiveTypeAsString(schema.Items[0].Type); } } } return(Type.GetType(toRet, true)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //IRepository db1 = DbFactory.GetRepository("oracle", DatabaseType.Oracle); //IRepository db2 = DbFactory.GetRepository("oracle2", DatabaseType.Oracle); //var list = db1.GetList<Base_User>(); //var list2 = db2.GetList<Base_User>(); var db = DbFactory.GetRepository(); db.HandleSqlLog = Console.WriteLine; string tableName = "Base_User1"; var typeConfig = TypeBuilderHelper.GetConfig(typeof(Base_User)); typeConfig.FullName = tableName; typeConfig.Attributes[0].ConstructorArgs[0] = tableName; var type = TypeBuilderHelper.BuildType(typeConfig); var type2 = TypeBuilderHelper.BuildType(typeConfig); var properties = type.GetProperties(); Console.WriteLine(type == type2); Base_User base_User = new Base_User { Id = GuidHelper.GenerateKey(), UserId = GuidHelper.GenerateKey(), UserName = GuidHelper.GenerateKey() }; Base_User base_User2 = new Base_User { Id = GuidHelper.GenerateKey(), UserId = GuidHelper.GenerateKey(), UserName = GuidHelper.GenerateKey() }; db.Insert(base_User.ToJson().ToObject(type)); db.Insert(base_User2.ChangeType(type2)); Console.WriteLine("完成"); Console.ReadLine(); }
private void BuildTypedGetterForNullable( MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType, Type memberType) { var methodType = mi.DeclaringType; var getMethod = null as MethodInfo; if (mi is PropertyInfo) { getMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetGetMethod(); if (getMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { getMethod = _type.GetMethod("get_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (getMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(getMethod)) { return; } } } var setterType = (memberType.IsEnum ? Enum.GetUnderlyingType(memberType) : memberType); var methodInfo = _memberAccessor.GetMethod("Get" + setterType.Name, typeof(object)); if (methodInfo == null) { return; } var method = nestedType.DefineMethod(methodInfo); var nullableType = typeof(Nullable <>).MakeGenericType(memberType); var emit = method.Emitter; emit .ldarg_1 .castType(methodType) .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) { emit.ldflda((FieldInfo)mi); } else { var locNullable = emit.DeclareLocal(nullableType); emit .callvirt(getMethod) .stloc(locNullable) .ldloca(locNullable) ; } emit .call(nullableType, "get_Value") .ret() ; }
private void BuildCloneValueMethod( MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType, Type memberType ) { var methodType = mi.DeclaringType; var getMethod = null as MethodInfo; var setMethod = null as MethodInfo; if (mi is PropertyInfo) { getMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetGetMethod(); if (getMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { getMethod = _type.GetMethod("get_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (getMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(getMethod)) { return; } } setMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetSetMethod(); if (setMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { setMethod = _type.GetMethod("set_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (setMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(setMethod)) { return; } } } var method = nestedType.DefineMethod(_memberAccessor.GetMethod("CloneValue", typeof(object), typeof(object))); var emit = method.Emitter; emit .ldarg_2 .castType(methodType) .ldarg_1 .castType(methodType) .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) { emit.ldfld((FieldInfo)mi); } else { emit.callvirt(getMethod); } if (typeof(string) != memberType && TypeHelper.IsSameOrParent(typeof(ICloneable), memberType)) { if (memberType.IsValueType) { emit .box(memberType) .callvirt(typeof(ICloneable), "Clone") .unbox_any(memberType) ; } else { var valueIsNull = emit.DefineLabel(); emit .dup .brfalse_s(valueIsNull) .callvirt(typeof(ICloneable), "Clone") .castclass(memberType) .MarkLabel(valueIsNull) ; } } if (mi is FieldInfo) { emit.stfld((FieldInfo)mi); } else { emit.callvirt(setMethod); } emit .ret() ; }
private void BuildTypedGetterForNullable( MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType, Type memberType) { var methodType = mi.DeclaringType; var getMethod = null as MethodInfo; if (mi is PropertyInfo) { getMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetGetMethod(); if (getMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { getMethod = _type.GetMethod("get_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (getMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(getMethod)) return; } } var setterType = (memberType.IsEnum ? Enum.GetUnderlyingType(memberType) : memberType); var methodInfo = _memberAccessor.GetMethod("Get" + setterType.Name, typeof(object)); if (methodInfo == null) return; var method = nestedType.DefineMethod(methodInfo); var nullableType = typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(memberType); var emit = method.Emitter; emit .ldarg_1 .castType (methodType) .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) { emit.ldflda ((FieldInfo)mi); } else { var locNullable = emit.DeclareLocal(nullableType); emit .callvirt (getMethod) .stloc (locNullable) .ldloca (locNullable) ; } emit .call(nullableType, "get_Value") .ret() ; }
private void BuildTypedGetter( MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType, string typedPropertyName) { var methodType = mi.DeclaringType; var getMethod = null as MethodInfo; if (mi is PropertyInfo) { getMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetGetMethod(); if (getMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { getMethod = _type.GetMethod("get_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (getMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(getMethod)) return; } } var methodInfo = _memberAccessor.GetMethod("Get" + typedPropertyName, typeof(object)); if (methodInfo == null) return; var method = nestedType.DefineMethod(methodInfo); var emit = method.Emitter; emit .ldarg_1 .castType (methodType) .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) emit.ldfld ((FieldInfo)mi); else emit.callvirt(getMethod); emit .ret() ; }
private static ConstructorBuilderHelper BuildNestedTypeConstructor(TypeBuilderHelper nestedType) { Type[] parameters = { typeof(TypeAccessor), typeof(MemberInfo) }; var ctorBuilder = nestedType.DefinePublicConstructor(parameters); ctorBuilder.Emitter .ldarg_0 .ldarg_1 .ldarg_2 .call (TypeHelper.GetConstructor(typeof(MemberAccessor), parameters)) .ret() ; return ctorBuilder; }
private void CreateInsertFunction(Type type, TypeBuilderHelper helper) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void CreateReadObjectFunction(Type type, TypeBuilderHelper helper) { }
private void BuildGetter(MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType) { Type methodType = mi.DeclaringType; MethodInfo getMethod = null; if (mi is PropertyInfo) { getMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetGetMethod(); if (getMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { getMethod = _type.GetMethod("get_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (getMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(getMethod)) { return; } } } MethodBuilderHelper method = nestedType.DefineMethod( _memberAccessor.GetMethod("GetValue", typeof(object))); EmitHelper emit = method.Emitter; emit .ldarg_1 .castType(methodType) .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) { FieldInfo fi = (FieldInfo)mi; emit .ldfld(fi) .boxIfValueType(fi.FieldType) ; } else { PropertyInfo pi = (PropertyInfo)mi; emit .callvirt(getMethod) .boxIfValueType(pi.PropertyType) ; } emit .ret() ; nestedType.DefineMethod(_memberAccessor.GetProperty("HasGetter").GetGetMethod()).Emitter .ldc_i4_1 .ret() ; }
private void CreateUpdateFunction(Type type, TypeBuilderHelper typeBuilderHelper) { var classMetadata = ClassMetaDataManager.Instace.GetClassMetaData(type); var properties = classMetadata.Properties; var mappingTable = classMetadata.MappingTable; var methodEmit = typeBuilderHelper.DefineMethod(typeof(IDbFunctionHelper).GetMethod("Update")).Emitter; var resultLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(typeof(int)); var commandLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(typeof(DbCommand)); var commandParameters = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(typeof(DbParameterCollection)); var queryBuilder = new StringBuilder("UPDATE " + mappingTable + " SET "); var objectNotDirtyLabel = methodEmit.DefineLabel(); foreach (var mappingInfo in properties.Values) { if (mappingInfo.MappingField != "Id") { queryBuilder.Append(mappingInfo.MappingField + "=@" + mappingInfo.MappingField + ", "); } } var tmpString = queryBuilder.ToString(0, queryBuilder.Length - 2); queryBuilder.Length = 0; queryBuilder.Append(tmpString); queryBuilder.Append(" WHERE Id = @Id"); methodEmit .ldarg_1 .call(typeof(IDbObject).GetMethod("get_IsDirty")) .brfalse(objectNotDirtyLabel) .ldc_i4_0 .stloc(resultLocal) .ldarg_2 .call(typeof(DbConnection).GetMethod("CreateCommand")) .stloc(commandLocal) .ldloc(commandLocal) .ldstr(queryBuilder.ToString()) .call(typeof(DbCommand).GetMethod("set_CommandText")) .ldloc(commandLocal) .call(typeof(DbCommand).GetMethod("get_Parameters")) .stloc(commandParameters); foreach (var mappingInfo in properties.Values) { var propertyInfo = mappingInfo.PropertyInfo; var mappingField = mappingInfo.MappingField; var propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType; if (propertyType.IsPrimitive || propertyType == typeof(string) || propertyType == typeof(DateTime) || propertyType == typeof(decimal)) { methodEmit .ldloc(commandParameters) .ldstr("@" + mappingField) //Param 1 for MySqlParameter constructor .ldarg_1 .call(propertyInfo.GetGetMethod()) //Param 2 for MySqlParameter constructor .newobj(typeof(MySqlParameter), typeof(string), typeof(object)) // Param for Add of DbParameterCollection .call(typeof(DbParameterCollection).GetMethod("Add", new[] { typeof(object) })) ; } else //Property that need to be convert to byte array before set { var propetyValueLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(propertyType); var dbSerializerHelperLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(typeof(DbSerializerHelper)); var memoryStreamLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(typeof(MemoryStream)); var propertyByteArray = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(typeof(byte[])); methodEmit .ldarg_1 .call(propertyInfo.GetGetMethod()) .stloc(propetyValueLocal) .newobj(typeof(MemoryStream), Type.EmptyTypes) .stloc(memoryStreamLocal); methodEmit.BeginExceptionBlock(); methodEmit .ldloc(memoryStreamLocal) .newobj(typeof(BinaryWriter), typeof(Stream)) .newobj(typeof(DbSerializerHelper), typeof(BinaryWriter)) .stloc(dbSerializerHelperLocal) .ldloc(dbSerializerHelperLocal) .ldarg_1 .call(propertyInfo.GetGetMethod()) .call(typeof(DbSerializerHelper).GetMethod("Write", new[] { propertyType })) .ldloc(memoryStreamLocal) .call(typeof(MemoryStream).GetMethod("ToArray")) .stloc(propertyByteArray) .ldloc(commandParameters) .ldstr("@" + mappingField) .ldloc(propertyByteArray) .newobj(typeof(MySqlParameter), typeof(string), typeof(object)) // Param for Add of DbParameterCollection .call(typeof(DbParameterCollection).GetMethod("Add", new[] { typeof(object) })) .BeginFinallyBlock() .ldloc(memoryStreamLocal) .call(typeof(IDisposable).GetMethod("Dispose")) .EndExceptionBlock() ; } } methodEmit .ldloc(commandLocal) .call(typeof(DbCommand).GetMethod("ExecuteNonQuery")) .stloc(resultLocal) .ldarg_1 .ldc_bool(false) .call(typeof(IDbObject).GetMethod("set_IsDirty")) .MarkLabel(objectNotDirtyLabel); //Update relation var relations = classMetadata.RelationProperties; LocalBuilder queryExecutorLocal = null; if (relations.Count > 0) { queryExecutorLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(typeof(IQueryExecutor)); var dbObjectContainerField = typeBuilderHelper.TypeBuilder.GetField("dbObjectContainer"); methodEmit .ldfld(dbObjectContainerField) .call(typeof(DbObjectContainer).GetMethod("get_QueryExecutor")) .stloc(queryExecutorLocal); } foreach (var relationInfo in relations.Values) { var propertyInfo = relationInfo.PropertyInfo; var propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType; var elementType = propertyType.IsGenericType ? propertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0] : propertyType; var listPersistentDbObjectLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(typeof(IList <long>)); var listCurrentType = typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(elementType); var addElementMethod = typeof(ICollection <>).MakeGenericType(elementType).GetMethod("Add"); var countElementMethod = typeof(ICollection <>).MakeGenericType(elementType).GetMethod("Count"); var listConstructorMethod = listCurrentType.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(IEnumerable <>).MakeGenericType(elementType) }); var listCurrentDbObjectLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(listCurrentType); var mappingColumn = relationInfo.PartnerKey; var relationCommandLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(typeof(DbCommand)); var readerLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(typeof(DbDataReader)); var relationTimeInfoLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(typeof(TimeRelationInfo)); var commandText = "SELECT " + mappingColumn + " FROM " + mappingTable + " WHERE Id = @Id"; methodEmit .ldarg_2 .call(typeof(DbConnection).GetMethod("CreateCommand")) .stloc(relationCommandLocal) .ldloc(relationCommandLocal) .ldstr(commandText) .call(typeof(DbCommand).GetMethod("set_CommandText")) .ldloc(relationCommandLocal) .call(typeof(DbCommand).GetMethod("ExecuteReader")) .stloc(readerLocal) .ldstr(mappingColumn) .ldloc(readerLocal) .call(typeof(DbSerializerHelper).GetMethod("ReadRelationTimeInfo")) .stloc(relationTimeInfoLocal) .ldloc(relationTimeInfoLocal) .ldfld(typeof(TimeRelationInfo).GetField("idList")) .stloc(listPersistentDbObjectLocal) ; if (relationInfo.RelationKind == RelationInfo.RELATION_1_1) { methodEmit .newobj(listCurrentType, Type.EmptyTypes) .stloc(listCurrentDbObjectLocal) .ldloc(listCurrentDbObjectLocal) .ldarg_1 .call(propertyInfo.GetGetMethod()) .call(addElementMethod) ; } else { methodEmit .ldarg_1 .call(propertyInfo.GetGetMethod()) .newobj(listConstructorMethod) .stloc(listCurrentDbObjectLocal) ; } var lenLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(typeof(int)); var iLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(typeof(int)); var beginForLabel = methodEmit.DefineLabel(); var beginForBodyLabel = methodEmit.DefineLabel(); var itemLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(elementType); var itemIdLocal = methodEmit.DeclareLocal(typeof(long)); var itemNullLabel = methodEmit.DefineLabel(); var getCurrentObjectElementMethod = listCurrentType.GetMethod("get_Item", new[] { typeof(int) }); var listPersistentContainCurrentElementLabel = methodEmit.DefineLabel(); var listPersistentNotContainCurrentElementLabel = methodEmit.DefineLabel(); methodEmit .ldloc(listCurrentDbObjectLocal) .call(countElementMethod) .stloc(lenLocal) .ldc_i4_0 .stloc(iLocal) .br(beginForLabel) .MarkLabel(beginForBodyLabel) .ldloc(listCurrentDbObjectLocal) .ldloc(iLocal) .call(getCurrentObjectElementMethod) .stloc(itemLocal) .ldloc(itemLocal) .brfalse(itemNullLabel) .ldloc(itemLocal) .call(typeof(IDbObject).GetMethod("get_Id")) .stloc(itemIdLocal) .ldloc(listPersistentDbObjectLocal) .ldloc(itemIdLocal) .call(typeof(ICollection <long>).GetMethod("Contain")) .brtrue(listPersistentContainCurrentElementLabel) .ldloc(queryExecutorLocal) .ldloc(itemLocal) .ldnull .call(typeof(IQueryExecutor).GetMethod("Insert", new[] { typeof(IDbObject), typeof(IsolationLevel?), typeof(long), typeof(string) })) .br(listPersistentNotContainCurrentElementLabel) .MarkLabel(listPersistentContainCurrentElementLabel) .MarkLabel(listPersistentNotContainCurrentElementLabel) .MarkLabel(itemNullLabel) .ldloc(iLocal) .ldc_i4_1 .add .stloc(iLocal) .MarkLabel(beginForLabel) .ldloc(iLocal) .ldloc(lenLocal) .blt(beginForBodyLabel) ; } }
private void BuildSetter(MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType) { var methodType = mi.DeclaringType; var setMethod = null as MethodInfo; if (mi is PropertyInfo) { setMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetSetMethod(); if (setMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { setMethod = _type.GetMethod("set_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (setMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(setMethod)) return; } } //else if (((FieldInfo)mi).IsLiteral) // return; var method = nestedType.DefineMethod(_memberAccessor.GetMethod("SetValue", typeof(object), typeof(object))); var emit = method.Emitter; emit .ldarg_1 .castType (methodType) .ldarg_2 .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) { var fi = (FieldInfo)mi; emit .CastFromObject (fi.FieldType) .stfld (fi) ; } else { var pi = (PropertyInfo)mi; emit .CastFromObject (pi.PropertyType) .callvirt (setMethod) ; } emit .ret() ; nestedType.DefineMethod(_memberAccessor.GetProperty("HasSetter").GetGetMethod()).Emitter .ldc_i4_1 .ret() ; }
private static Type EnsureDelegateType(BuildContext context, MethodInfo method) { // The delegate should be defined as inner type of context.TypeBuilder. // It's possible, but we can not define and use newly defined type as Emit target in its owner type. // To solve this problem, we should create a top level delegate and make sure its name is unique. // string delegateName = context.TypeBuilder.TypeBuilder.FullName + "$" + method.Name + "$Delegate"; Type delegateType = (Type)context.Items[delegateName]; if (delegateType == null) { ParameterInfo[] pi = method.GetParameters(); Type[] parameters = new Type[pi.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < pi.Length; i++) { parameters[i] = pi[i].ParameterType; } const MethodImplAttributes mia = MethodImplAttributes.Runtime | MethodImplAttributes.Managed; const MethodAttributes ma = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.NewSlot | MethodAttributes.Virtual; TypeBuilderHelper delegateBuilder = context.AssemblyBuilder.DefineType(delegateName, TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.NotPublic | TypeAttributes.Sealed | TypeAttributes.AnsiClass | TypeAttributes.AutoClass, typeof(MulticastDelegate)); // Create constructor // ConstructorBuilderHelper ctorBuilder = delegateBuilder.DefineConstructor( MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName, CallingConventions.Standard, typeof(object), typeof(IntPtr)); ctorBuilder.ConstructorBuilder.SetImplementationFlags(mia); MethodBuilderHelper methodBuilder; // Define the BeginInvoke method for the delegate // Type[] beginParameters = new Type[parameters.Length + 2]; Array.Copy(parameters, 0, beginParameters, 0, parameters.Length); beginParameters[parameters.Length] = typeof(AsyncCallback); beginParameters[parameters.Length + 1] = typeof(object); methodBuilder = delegateBuilder.DefineMethod("BeginInvoke", ma, typeof(IAsyncResult), beginParameters); methodBuilder.MethodBuilder.SetImplementationFlags(mia); // Define the EndInvoke method for the delegate // methodBuilder = delegateBuilder.DefineMethod("EndInvoke", ma, method.ReturnType, typeof(IAsyncResult)); methodBuilder.MethodBuilder.SetImplementationFlags(mia); // Define the Invoke method for the delegate // methodBuilder = delegateBuilder.DefineMethod("Invoke", ma, method.ReturnType, parameters); methodBuilder.MethodBuilder.SetImplementationFlags(mia); context.Items[delegateName] = delegateType = delegateBuilder.Create(); } return(delegateType); }
private JsonSchemaWrapper ResolveSchemaHelper(Uri curr, Uri parent, string data) { var definition = new { csharpType = string.Empty, csharpInterfaces = new string[] { }, properties = new Dictionary <string, JObject>() }; var deserialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(data, definition); var dependencies = new List <JsonSchemaWrapper>(); MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(data, @"\""\$ref\""\s*:\s*\""(.*.json)\"""); foreach (Match match in matches) { // Get the full path to the file, and change the reference to match var currPath = new Uri(match.Groups[1].Value, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); var currUri = IoUtils.GetAbsoluteUri(parent, currPath, true); JsonSchemaWrapper schema; if (!_schemas.ContainsKey(currUri)) { schema = ResolveSchemaHelper(parent, currUri); _schemas.Add(currUri, schema); } else { schema = _schemas[currUri]; } // Add schema to dependencies dependencies.Add(schema); } // Go through properties to see if there needs to be more resolving if (deserialized != null && != null) { foreach (var s in { var properties = s.Value.Properties(); // Check that the property also has a top level key called properties or items foreach (var prop in properties) { var isProp = prop.Name.Equals("properties"); var isItem = prop.Name.Equals("items"); // TODO ehhhh let's avoid hardcoding this if (isProp || (isItem && prop.Value.ToString().Contains("\"properties\""))) { var propData = isProp ? s.Value.ToString() : prop.Value.ToString(); // Create dummy internal Uri var dummyUri = new Uri(new Uri(curr + "/"), s.Key); JsonSchemaWrapper schema = ResolveSchemaHelper(dummyUri, curr, propData); if (!_schemas.ContainsKey(dummyUri)) { _schemas.Add(dummyUri, schema); } } } } } // Set up schema and wrapper to return JsonSchema parsed; try { parsed = JsonSchema.Parse(StandardizeReferences(parent, data), _resolver); } catch (Exception) { _log.Error("Could not parse the schema: " + curr + "\nMake sure your schema is compatible." + "Examine the stack trace below."); throw; } parsed.Id = curr.ToString(); parsed.Title = parsed.Title.SanitizeIdentifier(); var toReturn = new JsonSchemaWrapper(parsed) { Namespace = _ns, Dependencies = dependencies }; // If csharpType is specified if (deserialized != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(deserialized.csharpType)) { // Create directories and set namespace int lastIndex = deserialized.csharpType.LastIndexOf('.'); string cType = deserialized.csharpType.Substring(lastIndex == -1 ? 0 : lastIndex + 1); toReturn.Namespace = deserialized.csharpType.Substring(0, lastIndex); toReturn.Schema.Title = cType; if (_createDirs) { IoUtils.CreateDirectoryFromNamespace(_baseDir, toReturn.Namespace); } } // If csharpInterfaces is specified if (deserialized != null && deserialized.csharpInterfaces != null) { foreach (string s in deserialized.csharpInterfaces) { // Try to resolve the type Type t = Type.GetType(s, false); // If type cannot be found, create a new type if (t == null) { var builder = new TypeBuilderHelper(toReturn.Namespace); t = builder.GetCustomType(s, !s.Contains(".")); } toReturn.Interfaces.Add(t); } } return(toReturn); }
private void BuildGetter(MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType) { var methodType = mi.DeclaringType; var getMethod = null as MethodInfo; if (mi is PropertyInfo) { getMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetGetMethod(); if (getMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { getMethod = _type.GetMethod("get_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (getMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(getMethod)) return; } } var method = nestedType.DefineMethod(_memberAccessor.GetMethod("GetValue", typeof(object))); var emit = method.Emitter; emit .ldarg_1 .castType (methodType) .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) { var fi = (FieldInfo)mi; emit .ldfld (fi) .boxIfValueType (fi.FieldType) ; } else { if (methodType.IsValueType) { var loc = emit.DeclareLocal(methodType); emit .stloc ((byte)loc.LocalIndex) .ldloca_s ((byte)loc.LocalIndex); } var pi = (PropertyInfo)mi; emit .callvirt (getMethod) .boxIfValueType (pi.PropertyType) ; } emit .ret() ; nestedType.DefineMethod(_memberAccessor.GetProperty("HasGetter").GetGetMethod()).Emitter .ldc_i4_1 .ret() ; }
private void BuildSetter(MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType) { var methodType = mi.DeclaringType; var setMethod = null as MethodInfo; if (mi is PropertyInfo) { setMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetSetMethod(); if (setMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { setMethod = _type.GetMethod("set_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (setMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(setMethod)) { return; } } } //else if (((FieldInfo)mi).IsLiteral) // return; var method = nestedType.DefineMethod(_memberAccessor.GetMethod("SetValue", typeof(object), typeof(object))); var emit = method.Emitter; emit .ldarg_1 .castType(methodType) .ldarg_2 .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) { var fi = (FieldInfo)mi; emit .CastFromObject(fi.FieldType) .stfld(fi) ; } else { var pi = (PropertyInfo)mi; emit .CastFromObject(pi.PropertyType) .callvirt(setMethod) ; } emit .ret() ; nestedType.DefineMethod(_memberAccessor.GetProperty("HasSetter").GetGetMethod()).Emitter .ldc_i4_1 .ret() ; }
private void BuildIsNull( MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType, Type memberType) { var methodType = mi.DeclaringType; var getMethod = null as MethodInfo; var isNullable = TypeHelper.IsNullable(memberType); var isValueType = (!isNullable && memberType.IsValueType); if (!isValueType && mi is PropertyInfo) { getMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetGetMethod(); if (getMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { getMethod = _type.GetMethod("get_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (getMethod == null) return; } } var methodInfo = _memberAccessor.GetMethod("IsNull"); if (methodInfo == null) return; var method = nestedType.DefineMethod(methodInfo); var emit = method.Emitter; if (isValueType) { emit .ldc_i4_0 .end() ; } else { LocalBuilder locObj = null; if (isNullable) locObj = method.Emitter.DeclareLocal(memberType); emit .ldarg_1 .castType (methodType) .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) emit.ldfld ((FieldInfo)mi); else emit.callvirt(getMethod); if (isNullable) { emit .stloc(locObj) .ldloca(locObj) .call(memberType, "get_HasValue") .ldc_i4_0 .ceq .end(); } else { emit .ldnull .ceq .end(); } } emit .ret() ; }
private void BuildIsNull( MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType, Type memberType) { var methodType = mi.DeclaringType; var getMethod = null as MethodInfo; var isNullable = TypeHelper.IsNullable(memberType); var isValueType = (!isNullable && memberType.IsValueType); if (!isValueType && mi is PropertyInfo) { getMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetGetMethod(); if (getMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { getMethod = _type.GetMethod("get_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (getMethod == null) { return; } } } var methodInfo = _memberAccessor.GetMethod("IsNull"); if (methodInfo == null) { return; } var method = nestedType.DefineMethod(methodInfo); var emit = method.Emitter; if (isValueType) { emit .ldc_i4_0 .end() ; } else { LocalBuilder locObj = null; if (isNullable) { locObj = method.Emitter.DeclareLocal(memberType); } emit .ldarg_1 .castType(methodType) .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) { emit.ldfld((FieldInfo)mi); } else { emit.callvirt(getMethod); } if (isNullable) { emit .stloc(locObj) .ldloca(locObj) .call(memberType, "get_HasValue") .ldc_i4_0 .ceq .end(); } else { emit .ldnull .ceq .end(); } } emit .ret() ; }
private void BuildCloneValueMethod( MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType, Type memberType ) { var methodType = mi.DeclaringType; var getMethod = null as MethodInfo; var setMethod = null as MethodInfo; if (mi is PropertyInfo) { getMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetGetMethod(); if (getMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { getMethod = _type.GetMethod("get_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (getMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(getMethod)) return; } setMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetSetMethod(); if (setMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { setMethod = _type.GetMethod("set_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (setMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(setMethod)) return; } } var method = nestedType.DefineMethod(_memberAccessor.GetMethod("CloneValue", typeof(object), typeof(object))); var emit = method.Emitter; emit .ldarg_2 .castType (methodType) .ldarg_1 .castType (methodType) .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) emit.ldfld ((FieldInfo)mi); else emit.callvirt(getMethod); if (typeof(string) != memberType && TypeHelper.IsSameOrParent(typeof(ICloneable), memberType)) { if (memberType.IsValueType) emit .box (memberType) .callvirt (typeof(ICloneable), "Clone") .unbox_any (memberType) ; else { var valueIsNull = emit.DefineLabel(); emit .dup .brfalse_s (valueIsNull) .callvirt (typeof(ICloneable), "Clone") .castclass (memberType) .MarkLabel (valueIsNull) ; } } if (mi is FieldInfo) emit.stfld ((FieldInfo)mi); else emit.callvirt(setMethod); emit .ret() ; }
private void BuildMember(MemberInfo mi) { bool isValueType = _originalType.IsValueType; TypeBuilderHelper nestedType = _typeBuilder.DefineNestedType( "Accessor$" + mi.Name, TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate, typeof(MemberAccessor)); ConstructorBuilderHelper ctorBuilder = BuildNestedTypeConstructor(nestedType); BuildGetter(mi, nestedType); if (!isValueType) { BuildSetter(mi, nestedType); } BuildInitMember(mi, ctorBuilder); Type type = mi is FieldInfo ? ((FieldInfo)mi).FieldType : ((PropertyInfo)mi).PropertyType; BuildIsNull(mi, nestedType, type); if (type.IsEnum) { type = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type); } string typedPropertyName = type.Name; if (type.IsGenericType) { Type underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type); if (underlyingType != null) { BuildTypedGetterForNullable(mi, nestedType, underlyingType); if (!isValueType) { BuildTypedSetterForNullable(mi, nestedType, underlyingType); } if (underlyingType.IsEnum) { // Note that PEVerify will complain on using Nullable<SomeEnum> as Nullable<Int32>. // It works in the current CLR implementation, bu may not work in future releases. // underlyingType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(underlyingType); type = typeof(Nullable <>).MakeGenericType(underlyingType); } typedPropertyName = "Nullable" + underlyingType.Name; } else { typedPropertyName = null; } } if (typedPropertyName != null) { BuildTypedGetter(mi, nestedType, typedPropertyName); if (!isValueType) { BuildTypedSetter(mi, nestedType, type, typedPropertyName); } } if (!isValueType) { BuildCloneValueMethod(mi, nestedType, type); } // FW 1.1 wants nested types to be created before parent. // _nestedTypes.Add(nestedType); }
private void BuildTypedSetterForNullable( MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType, Type memberType) { var methodType = mi.DeclaringType; var setMethod = null as MethodInfo; if (mi is PropertyInfo) { setMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetSetMethod(); if (setMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { setMethod = _type.GetMethod("set_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (setMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(setMethod)) return; } } var setterType = (memberType.IsEnum ? Enum.GetUnderlyingType(memberType) : memberType); var methodInfo = _memberAccessor.GetMethod("Set" + setterType.Name, typeof(object), setterType); if (methodInfo == null) return; var method = nestedType.DefineMethod(methodInfo); var emit = method.Emitter; emit .ldarg_1 .castType (methodType) .ldarg_2 .newobj (typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(memberType), memberType) .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) emit.stfld ((FieldInfo)mi); else emit.callvirt(setMethod); emit .ret() ; }
public Type Build(Type sourceType, AssemblyBuilderHelper assemblyBuilder) { if (sourceType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceType"); } if (assemblyBuilder == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyBuilder"); } // Check InternalsVisibleToAttributes of the source type's assembly. // Even if the sourceType is public, it may have internal fields and props. // _friendlyAssembly = false; // Usually, there is no such attribute in the source assembly. // Therefore we do not cache the result. // object[] attributes = sourceType.Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InternalsVisibleToAttribute), true); foreach (InternalsVisibleToAttribute visibleToAttribute in attributes) { AssemblyName an = new AssemblyName(visibleToAttribute.AssemblyName); if (AssemblyName.ReferenceMatchesDefinition(assemblyBuilder.AssemblyName, an)) { _friendlyAssembly = true; break; } } if (!sourceType.IsVisible && !_friendlyAssembly) { throw new TypeBuilderException(string.Format("Can not build type accessor for non-public type '{0}'.", sourceType.FullName)); } string typeName = GetTypeAccessorClassName(_type); _typeBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineType(typeName, _accessorType); _typeBuilder.DefaultConstructor.Emitter .ldarg_0 .call(TypeHelper.GetDefaultConstructor(_accessorType)) ; BuildCreateInstanceMethods(); BuildTypeProperties(); BuildMembers(); BuildObjectFactory(); _typeBuilder.DefaultConstructor.Emitter .ret() ; Type result = _typeBuilder.Create(); foreach (TypeBuilderHelper tb in _nestedTypes) { tb.Create(); } return(result); }
private void BuildGetter(MemberInfo mi, TypeBuilderHelper nestedType) { var methodType = mi.DeclaringType; var getMethod = null as MethodInfo; if (mi is PropertyInfo) { getMethod = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetGetMethod(); if (getMethod == null) { if (_type != _originalType) { getMethod = _type.GetMethod("get_" + mi.Name); methodType = _type; } if (getMethod == null || !IsMethodAccessible(getMethod)) { return; } } } var method = nestedType.DefineMethod(_memberAccessor.GetMethod("GetValue", typeof(object))); var emit = method.Emitter; emit .ldarg_1 .castType(methodType) .end(); if (mi is FieldInfo) { var fi = (FieldInfo)mi; emit .ldfld(fi) .boxIfValueType(fi.FieldType) ; } else { if (methodType.IsValueType) { var loc = emit.DeclareLocal(methodType); emit .stloc((byte)loc.LocalIndex) .ldloca_s((byte)loc.LocalIndex); } var pi = (PropertyInfo)mi; emit .callvirt(getMethod) .boxIfValueType(pi.PropertyType) ; } emit .ret() ; nestedType.DefineMethod(_memberAccessor.GetProperty("HasGetter").GetGetMethod()).Emitter .ldc_i4_1 .ret() ; }
/// <summary> /// Try to get the DTO type from the parameters. If the DTO is not found, but an entity type is found, then clone the entity type to create a new DTO type.. /// </summary> /// <param name="dtoTypeName">Name of the dto type.</param> /// <param name="dtoName">Name of the dto.</param> /// <param name="path">The path.</param> /// <param name="entityName">Name of the entity.</param> /// <param name="entityTypeName">Name of the entity type.</param> /// <returns></returns> private static Type GetDtoType(string dtoTypeName, string dtoName, string path, string entityName, string entityTypeName) { Type result = null; Type entityType = null; // Search by type name if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtoTypeName)) { result = TypesManager.ResolveType(dtoTypeName); if (result != null) { return(result); } } ISecurityManager securityManager = IoC.Get <ISecurityManager>(); // Search by dto name if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtoTypeName)) { IMetamodelEntity metamodelEntity = securityManager.MetamodelManager.GetEntityByDtoName(dtoName); if (metamodelEntity != null) { foreach (Type type in metamodelEntity.DtoTypes) { if (dtoName.ToLower().Equals(type.Name.ToLower())) { return(type); } } } } // search by entity name if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityName)) { IMetamodelEntity metamodelEntity = securityManager.MetamodelManager.GetEntityByName(entityName); if (metamodelEntity != null) { if (metamodelEntity.DtoTypes.Count > 0) { return(metamodelEntity.DtoTypes[0]); } else { entityType = metamodelEntity.EntityType; } } } // search by entity type if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityTypeName)) && (entityType == null)) { entityType = TypesManager.ResolveType(entityTypeName); if (entityType != null) { IMetamodelEntity metamodelEntity = securityManager.MetamodelManager.GetEntity(entityType); if ((metamodelEntity != null) && (metamodelEntity.DtoTypes.Count > 0)) { return(metamodelEntity.DtoTypes[0]); } } } // If not found in own metamodel, because is not loaded into the system... but we can get the entity type by name from the telerik metamodel? if ((entityType == null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityName))) { entityType = securityManager.Scanner.FindEntityTypeInMetamodel(entityName); } if ((entityType == null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))) { entityType = securityManager.Scanner.FindEntityTypeInMetamodel(path); } if (entityType == null) { return(null); } result = TypeBuilderHelper.CloneCommonType(entityType, AppDomain.CurrentDomain, "Supido.Business.Dto", "SupidoDynamicModule", entityType.Name + "Dto"); securityManager.Scanner.ProcessDynamicDto(result, entityType); return(result); }