        private static async Task AuthorizeAndSaveTokenAsync()
            // Create the TwinfieldApi
            var twinfieldApi = new TwinfieldApi(oauthClientSettings);

            // First get the authorization URL
            Console.WriteLine("Send the user to the following URL:");

            // Catch the authorization code in your own program, and paste it here
            Console.Write("\n\nEnter the code: ");
            var authenticationCode = Console.ReadLine();

            // Get the access token
            await twinfieldApi
            .SetAccessTokenByAuthorizationCodeAsync(authenticationCode, redirectUrl);

            // Store the access token in KeyVault
            var accessToken = twinfieldApi.Token;

            Console.WriteLine("Saving access token to KeyVault..");
            await StoreAccesstokenInKeyVaultAsync(accessToken);

        public static async Task Run()
            // Create the TwinfieldApi
            twinfieldApi = new TwinfieldApi(oauthClientSettings);

            // You can also provide an HttpClient:
            // twinfieldApi = new TwinfieldApi(httpClient, oauthClientSettings);

            // Authorization flow
            await Example1();

            Console.WriteLine($"Auth code: {accessToken.Accesstoken}");

            // Instead of authenticating, you can also set the access token
            twinfieldApi.Token = accessToken;

            // Check if the token should be refreshed
            await Example2();

            Console.WriteLine($"Auth code: {accessToken.Accesstoken}");

            // Always try to catch a TokenExpiredException when calling the API
                // Get offices list and select the first
                await Example3();

                // Get the fields for the balance sheet
                await Example4();

                // Get the fields for profit and loss
                await Example5();

                // Example 6: Get the general ledger request options
                // Example 7: Get a valid request, including range
                // Example 9: Reading data from the general ledger
                var requestOptions = await Example6();

                var minimalRequestOptions = Example7(requestOptions);
                await Example9(minimalRequestOptions);

                // Example 8: Narrowing down the result of Example #6 even more
                // Example 9: Reading data from the general ledger
                minimalRequestOptions = Example8(requestOptions);
                await Example9(minimalRequestOptions);

                // Read data from the general ledger, based on the minimum request options.
                await Example10();
            catch (TokenExpiredException)
                // Refresh the token and retry
        private static async Task LoadTokenFromKeyVaultandRunDemoAsync(bool canRetry = true)
            // Create the TwinfieldApi
            var twinfieldApi = new TwinfieldApi(oauthClientSettings)
                Token = await GetAccessTokenFromKeyVaultAsync()

            // Check if the token should be refreshed
            if (twinfieldApi.Token.IsExpired())
                Console.WriteLine("Token expired, refreshing..");
                await twinfieldApi.RefreshTokenAsync();
                await StoreAccesstokenInKeyVaultAsync(twinfieldApi.Token);

                // The token should be good, make some calls to Twinfield now
                var officeList = await twinfieldApi.ServiceFactory.ProcessXmlDataService.GetOfficeList();

                Console.WriteLine($"List of all {officeList.Count} offices:");
                foreach (var o in officeList)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0,10} {1,20} {2}", o.Code, o.ShortName, o.Name);

                // And place the rest of your logic here, including extra calls to Twinfield
            catch (TokenExpiredException)
                if (canRetry)
                    // Refresh the token
                    await twinfieldApi.RefreshTokenAsync();
                    await StoreAccesstokenInKeyVaultAsync(twinfieldApi.Token);

                    // Retry (once)
                    await LoadTokenFromKeyVaultandRunDemoAsync(false);
                    // Token could not be refreshed. Throw exception and quit.