public TurnActionModel(TurnActionModel ta)
     //GameStateManager generates a TurnActionModel for each PlayFieldModel
     //All players recieve the field and check if the turnActionModel has their guid
     //if it has their guid it is their turn
     //The player on their turn fills a subclass of TurnActionModel for the move they want to make using the information in this TurnActionModel
     //The player then sends that back to the service and GameStateManager does the move
     playerGuids = ta.playerGuids;//List of players who can use the actions listed
     serverGuid  = ta.serverGuid;
     currentPlayFieldModelGuid         = ta.currentPlayFieldModelGuid;
     thisTurnactionGuid                = ta.thisTurnactionGuid;//server side generated
     typesOfActionListedPlayersCanTake = ta.typesOfActionListedPlayersCanTake;
     typeOfActionToTake                = ta.typeOfActionToTake;
     actionTaken = ta.actionTaken;
 public TurnActionModel(List <Guid> playerGuidsP, Guid serverGuidP, Guid currentPlayFieldModelGuidP, Guid guidOfThisTurnAction,
                        List <TurnActionTypes> typesOfActionsAllowedForPlayersListed, TurnActionTypes typeOfActionToTake, bool actionTaken)
     //GameStateManager generates a TurnActionModel for each PlayFieldModel
     //All players recieve the field and check if the turnActionModel has their guid
     //if it has their guid it is their turn
     //The player on their turn fills a subclass of TurnActionModel for the move they want to make using the information in this TurnActionModel
     //The player then sends that back to the service and GameStateManager does the move
     playerGuids = playerGuidsP;//List of players who can use the actions listed
     serverGuid  = serverGuidP;
     currentPlayFieldModelGuid         = currentPlayFieldModelGuidP;
     thisTurnactionGuid                = guidOfThisTurnAction;//server side generated
     typesOfActionListedPlayersCanTake = typesOfActionsAllowedForPlayersListed;
     this.typeOfActionToTake           = typeOfActionToTake;
     this.actionTaken = actionTaken;
 public TurnActionModel(TurnActionModel ta)
     //GameStateManager generates a TurnActionModel for each PlayFieldModel
     //All players recieve the field and check if the turnActionModel has their guid
     //if it has their guid it is their turn
     //The player on their turn fills a subclass of TurnActionModel for the move they want to make using the information in this TurnActionModel
     //The player then sends that back to the service and GameStateManager does the move
     playerGuids = ta.playerGuids;//List of players who can use the actions listed
     serverGuid = ta.serverGuid;
     currentPlayFieldModelGuid = ta.currentPlayFieldModelGuid;
     thisTurnactionGuid = ta.thisTurnactionGuid;//server side generated
     typesOfActionListedPlayersCanTake = ta.typesOfActionListedPlayersCanTake;
     typeOfActionToTake = ta.typeOfActionToTake;
     actionTaken = ta.actionTaken;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines what state the game is currently in and sets the appropriate possible next states for the move being played and calls doAppropriateAction to play the move
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lastState"></param>
        /// <param name="currentState"></param>
        /// <param name="nextState"></param>
        /// <param name="playerPerformingAction"></param>
        /// <param name="typeOfActionToPerform"></param>
        /// <param name="cardsAndPlayersInvolved"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BoolResponseBox evaluateMove(PlayFieldModel lastState, PlayFieldModel currentState, PlayFieldModel nextState, PlayerModel playerPerformingAction, TurnActionTypes typeOfActionToPerform, MoveInfo cardsAndPlayersInvolved)
            BoolResponseBox result;

            #region Draw2State

            if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_2_Cards) == 0)
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//Action cards not playable at this phase
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//No cards playable at this phase
                //Just Say No card played by off turn player
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;
                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//No cards can be rearranged at this phase
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//Only action allowable at this phase
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_2_Cards;
                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());

            #endregion Draw2State

            #region Draw5State

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_5_Cards) == 0)
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//Action cards not playable at this phase
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//No cards playable at this phase
                //Just Say No card played by off turn player
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;
                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//No cards can be rearranged at this phase
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//Only action allowable at this phase
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_5_Cards;
                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());

            #endregion Draw5State

            #region Turn Started Cards Drawn 0 Cards Played

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played) == 0)
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;//No cards playable at this phase
                //Just Say No card played by off turn player
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No;
                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//No cards can be rearranged at this phase
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;//Only action allowable at this phase
                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());

            #endregion Turn Started Cards Drawn 0 Cards Played

            #region 0 Cards Played Just Say Noable Card Played

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No) == 0)
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;

                //Player used Just Say No
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No;
                //Player did not play just say no and is dealbreakered or sly dealed or forced dealed
                Statephase JustSayNoNotUsed = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;

                //Player has to pay rent or Birthday or Debt Collector
                Statephase PayDebt = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Play
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;//cards playable at this phase

                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//cards can be rearranged at this phase
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//not allowable at this phase
                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                //In this state players may be required to pay rent, birthday or debt collector money or use a just say no
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());

            #endregion 0 Cards Played Just Say Noable Card Played

            #region 0 Cards Played Just Say Noable Card Just Say No'd

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No) == 0)
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;

                //Player used Just Say No
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;
                //Player did not play just say no and is dealbreakered or sly dealed or forced dealed
                Statephase JustSayNoNotUsed = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;

                //Player has to pay rent or Birthday or Debt Collector
                Statephase PayDebt = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Play
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase except just say no
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;//cards playable at this phase

                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//cards can be rearranged at this phase
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//not allowable at this phase
                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                //In this state players may be required to pay rent, birthday or debt collector money or use a just say no
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());

            #endregion 0 Cards Played Just Say Noable Card Just Say No'd

            #region 1 Card Played State

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played) == 0)
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played;//cards playable at this phase
                //Just Say No card played by off turn player
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No;
                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;//cards can be rearranged at this phase
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;//not allowable at this phase
                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());

            #endregion 1 Card Played State

            #region 1 Card Played Just Say Noable Card Played

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No) == 0)
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;

                //Player used Just Say No
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No;
                //Player did not play just say no and is dealbreakered or sly dealed or forced dealed
                Statephase JustSayNoNotUsed = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;

                //Player has to pay rent or Birthday or Debt Collector
                Statephase PayDebt = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Play
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played;//cards playable at this phase

                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//cards can be rearranged at this phase
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//not allowable at this phase
                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                //In this state players may be required to pay rent, birthday or debt collector money or use a just say no
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());

            #endregion 1 Card Played Just Say Noable Card Played

            #region 1 Card Played Just Say Noable Card Just Say No'd

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No) == 0)
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;

                //Player used Just Say No
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;
                //Player did not play just say no and is dealbreakered or sly dealed or forced dealed
                Statephase JustSayNoNotUsed = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;

                //Player has to pay rent or Birthday or Debt Collector
                Statephase PayDebt = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Play
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played;//cards playable at this phase

                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//cards can be rearranged at this phase
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//not allowable at this phase
                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                //In this state players may be required to pay rent, birthday or debt collector money or use a just say no
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());

            #endregion 1 Card Played Just Say Noable Card Just Say No'd

            #region 2 Cards Played State

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played) == 0)
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards playable at this phase
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only;//cards playable at this phase
                //Just Say No card played by off turn player
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No;
                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played;//cards can be rearranged at this phase
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played;//not allowable at this phase
                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);

                Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played;
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());

            #endregion 2 Cards Played State

            #region 2 Cards Played State Just Say Noable Card Played

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No) == 0)
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;

                //Player used Just Say No
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No;
                //Player did not play just say no and is dealbreakered or sly dealed or forced dealed
                Statephase JustSayNoNotUsed = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;

                //Player has to pay rent or Birthday or Debt Collector
                Statephase PayDebt = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Play
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only;//cards playable at this phase

                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//cards can be rearranged at this phase
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//not allowable at this phase
                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                //In this state players may be required to pay rent, birthday or debt collector money or use a just say no
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());

            #endregion 2 Cards Played State Just Say Noable Card Played

            #region 2 Cards Played State Just Say Noable Card just Say No'd

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Just_Say_No_Used_By_Oppostion_Ask_Player_On_Turn_Just_Say_No) == 0)
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;

                //Player used Just Say No
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;
                //Player did not play just say no and is dealbreakered or sly dealed or forced dealed
                Statephase JustSayNoNotUsed = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;

                //Player has to pay rent or Birthday or Debt Collector
                Statephase PayDebt = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Play
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played_Ask_Just_Say_No;//Action cards not playable at this phase except just say no
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only;//cards playable at this phase

                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//cards can be rearranged at this phase
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//not allowable at this phase
                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                //In this state players may be required to pay rent, birthday or debt collector money or use a just say no
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());

            #endregion 2 Cards Played State Just Say Noable Card just Say No'd

            #region 3 Cards Played State

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only) == 0)
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//Action cards not playable at this phase
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//cards not playable at this phase
                //Just Say No card played by off turn player
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;
                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only;//cards can be rearranged at this phase
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Invalid_Action_For_Turn;//not allowable at this phase

                Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only;
                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());

            #endregion 3 Cards Played State

            #region Too many cards in hand at end of turn states

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards) == 0)
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards;
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards;
                //Just Say No card played by off turn player
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards;
                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards;
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards;//not allowable at this phase
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards;

                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());
            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards) == 0)
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards;
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards;
                //Just Say No card played by off turn player
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards;
                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards;
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards;//not allowable at this phase
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards;

                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());
            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards) == 0)
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards;
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards;
                //Just Say No card played by off turn player
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards;
                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards;
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards;//not allowable at this phase
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;

                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());
            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards) == 0)
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;
                //Just Say No card played by off turn player
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;
                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;//not allowable at this phase
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Ended_8_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_1_Card;

                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());
            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_8_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_1_Card) == 0)
                //Action card that can be just say no carded next state
                Statephase justSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;
                //Any move that plays a card excluding justSayNo move next state
                Statephase notJustSayNoAble = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;
                //Just Say No card played by off turn player
                Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;
                //Property card rearranging next state
                Statephase rearrangeProperties = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;
                Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;//not allowable at this phase
                Statephase discard = Statephase.Turn_Ended_7_Or_Less_Cards_In_Hand_Setup_NextPlayer;

                BoolResponseBox isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase = checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(typeOfActionToPerform, playerPerformingAction, currentState);
                if (isMoveTypeAllowableAtCurrentPhase.success)
                    //type of move is allowable at this point for this player. Check if move is doable ex is a set stealable
                    result = doAppropriateAction(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, typeOfActionToPerform, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble, rearrangeProperties, drawCardsAtTurnStart, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, cardsAndPlayersInvolved, discard);

                    return result;//True if action performed, False if not
                    //No other actionTypes are allowable in this state
                    return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Player:" + + " is not able to perform " + typeOfActionToPerform + " at this state:" + currentState.currentPhase.ToString());

            #endregion Too many cards in hand at end of turn states

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Game_Over) == 0)
                return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Game is over, move not possible");
                return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Game is in an invalid state");
 public bool isActionAllowedForPlayer(TurnActionTypes turnActionToDo, Guid playerGuid, PlayFieldModel currentState)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        public bool playPropertyCardToNewSet(Guid gameGuid, bool isOrientedUp, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameStateActionShouldBeAppliedOnGuid, TurnActionTypes actionType, int propertyCardID)
            PlayFieldModel lastState    = getPreviousState();
            PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState();
            PlayFieldModel nextState    = null;
            PlayerModel    playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState);
            PropertyCard   playedcard = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(propertyCardID) as PropertyCard;

            if (playedcard != null && checkIfCardInHand(playedcard, playerModelAtCurrentState) != null)
                MoveInfo playPropertyCardFromHand = new MoveInfo();
                playPropertyCardFromHand.playerWhoseTurnItIs            = playerGuid;
                playPropertyCardFromHand.playerMakingMove               = playerGuid;
                playPropertyCardFromHand.moveBeingMade                  = TurnActionTypes.PlayPropertyCardFromHand;
                playPropertyCardFromHand.idOfCardBeingUsed              = propertyCardID;
                playPropertyCardFromHand.isPropertyToPlayOrientedUp     = isOrientedUp;
                playPropertyCardFromHand.addPropertyToPlayToExistingSet = false;//Add to new set

                BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, playPropertyCardFromHand.moveBeingMade, playPropertyCardFromHand);
            return(new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players hand or is not a property card").success);
 public bool doAction(Guid gameGuid, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameStateActionShouldBeAppliedOnGuid, TurnActionTypes actionType)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
        public bool playActionCardPassGo(int passGoCardID, Guid serverGuid, Guid playerGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid, TurnActionTypes turnActionTypes)
            Card cardInHandToBePlayed = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(passGoCardID);
            //Get the reference to the players playerModel in the current PlayFieldModel

            PlayerModel player = getPlayerModel(playerGuid, serverGuid, playfieldModelInstanceGuid);
            //Get the reference to the Card in the current PlayFieldModel
            if (cardInHandToBePlayed != null && cardInHandToBePlayed is ActionCard && ((ActionCard)cardInHandToBePlayed).actionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.PassGo) == 0)
                Card card = removeCardFromHand(cardInHandToBePlayed, player);
                if (card != null)
                    ActionCard actionCard = card as ActionCard;
                    //Change state on success

                    //Put card in discard pile
                    updateState(TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard, ActionCardAction.PassGo, getCurrentPlayFieldModel(), player.guid);
                    return true;
                return false;
                //Card not in players hand, can't be discarded not an actioncard
                return false;
 public bool playDebtCollector(int debtCollectorCardID, Guid guid, Guid guid_2, Guid guid_3, Guid guid_4, TurnActionTypes turnActionTypes)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 private void updateStateForPropertyPlayedToSet(TurnActionTypes actionToAttemptToPerform, PlayFieldModel currentState, Guid playerWhoPerformedActionGuid, PlayerModel playerWhoPerformedAction, PlayFieldModel newState)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public bool isActionAllowedForPlayer(TurnActionTypes turnActionToDo, Guid playerGuid, PlayFieldModel currentState)
     TurnActionTypes tAT = turnActionToDo;
     PlayerModel playerAttemptingAction = getPlayerModel(playerGuid, monopolyDeal.MONOPOLY_DEAL_GAME_GUID, currentState.thisPlayFieldModelInstanceGuid);
     if (playerAttemptingAction != null)
         foreach (TurnActionTypes t in playerAttemptingAction.actionsCurrentlyAllowed)
             if (t.CompareTo(tAT) == 0)
                 //Action is in allowable list for player
                 return true;
     return false; //Action not allowable
        private void updateStateActionCardPassGo(TurnActionTypes actionToAttemptToPerform, PlayFieldModel currentState, Guid playerWhoPerformedAction, PlayerModel player, PlayFieldModel newState)
            //action is valid for player at this time
            List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
            List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();

            onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, newState);
            //updateStateForPropertyPlayedToSet(actionToAttemptToPerform, currentState, playerWhoPerformedAction, player, newState);
            //Change phase
            updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);
        public bool playPropertyCardToNewSet(Guid gameGuid, bool isOrientedUp, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameStateActionShouldBeAppliedOnGuid, TurnActionTypes actionType, int propertyCardID)
            PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState();
            PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState();
            PlayFieldModel nextState = null;
            PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState);
            PropertyCard playedcard = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(propertyCardID) as PropertyCard;
            if (playedcard != null && checkIfCardInHand(playedcard, playerModelAtCurrentState) != null)
                MoveInfo playPropertyCardFromHand = new MoveInfo();
                playPropertyCardFromHand.playerWhoseTurnItIs = playerGuid;
                playPropertyCardFromHand.playerMakingMove = playerGuid;
                playPropertyCardFromHand.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.PlayPropertyCardFromHand;
                playPropertyCardFromHand.idOfCardBeingUsed = propertyCardID;
                playPropertyCardFromHand.isPropertyToPlayOrientedUp = isOrientedUp;
                playPropertyCardFromHand.addPropertyToPlayToExistingSet = false;//Add to new set

                BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, playPropertyCardFromHand.moveBeingMade, playPropertyCardFromHand);
                return result.success;
            return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players hand or is not a property card").success;
        public bool playActionCardPassGo(int passGoCardID, Guid serverGuid, Guid playerGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid, TurnActionTypes turnActionTypes)
            PlayFieldModel lastState = getPreviousState();
            PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState();
            PlayFieldModel nextState = null;
            PlayerModel playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState);
            ActionCard playedPassGo = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(passGoCardID) as ActionCard;
            if (playedPassGo != null && checkIfCardInHand(playedPassGo, playerModelAtCurrentState) != null)
                MoveInfo playPassGo = new MoveInfo();
                playPassGo.playerWhoseTurnItIs = playerGuid;
                playPassGo.playerMakingMove = playerGuid;
                playPassGo.moveBeingMade = TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard;
                playPassGo.idOfCardBeingUsed = passGoCardID;
                playPassGo.actionCardActionType = ActionCardAction.PassGo;

                BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, playPassGo.moveBeingMade, playPassGo);
                return result.success;
            return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players hand or is not a Action Card").success;
 public TurnActionModel(List<Guid> playerGuidsP, Guid serverGuidP, Guid currentPlayFieldModelGuidP, Guid guidOfThisTurnAction,
     List<TurnActionTypes> typesOfActionsAllowedForPlayersListed, TurnActionTypes typeOfActionToTake, bool actionTaken)
     //GameStateManager generates a TurnActionModel for each PlayFieldModel
     //All players recieve the field and check if the turnActionModel has their guid
     //if it has their guid it is their turn
     //The player on their turn fills a subclass of TurnActionModel for the move they want to make using the information in this TurnActionModel
     //The player then sends that back to the service and GameStateManager does the move
     playerGuids = playerGuidsP;//List of players who can use the actions listed
     serverGuid = serverGuidP;
     currentPlayFieldModelGuid = currentPlayFieldModelGuidP;
     thisTurnactionGuid = guidOfThisTurnAction;//server side generated
     typesOfActionListedPlayersCanTake = typesOfActionsAllowedForPlayersListed;
     this.typeOfActionToTake = typeOfActionToTake;
     this.actionTaken = actionTaken;
 public bool playPropertyCardToNewSet(Guid gameGuid, bool isOrientedUp, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameStateActionShouldBeAppliedOnGuid, TurnActionTypes actionType, int propertyCardID)
     //Get CurrentPlayFieldModelState
     currentPlayFieldModel = getCurrentPlayFieldModel();
     PlayerModel player = getPlayerByGuid(playerGuid, currentPlayFieldModel);
     if (checkIfActionIsForThisState(actionType, gameStateActionShouldBeAppliedOnGuid, playerGuid, gameGuid))
         if (actionType.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayPropertyCard_New_Set) == 0)
             foreach (Card c in player.hand.cardsInHand)
                 if (c.cardID == propertyCardID && c is PropertyCard)
                     Card card = removeCardFromHand(c, player);
                     if (card != null)
                         PropertyCard cP = c as PropertyCard;
                         PropertyCardSet ps = new PropertyCardSet(cP);
                         updateState(TurnActionTypes.PlayPropertyCard_New_Set, ActionCardAction.NotAnActionCard, currentPlayFieldModel, player.guid);
                         return true;
     return false;
 public bool isActionAllowedForPlayer(TurnActionTypes turnActionToDo, Guid playerGuid, PlayFieldModel currentState)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 private bool checkIfActionIsForThisState(TurnActionTypes ta, Guid stateGuid, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameGuid)
     PlayerModel player = getPlayerModel(playerGuid, gameGuid, stateGuid);
     foreach (TurnActionTypes t in player.actionsCurrentlyAllowed)
         if (t.CompareTo(ta) == 0)
             return true;
     return false;
        public bool playActionCardPassGo(int passGoCardID, Guid serverGuid, Guid playerGuid, Guid playfieldModelInstanceGuid, TurnActionTypes turnActionTypes)
            PlayFieldModel lastState    = getPreviousState();
            PlayFieldModel currentState = getCurrentState();
            PlayFieldModel nextState    = null;
            PlayerModel    playerModelAtCurrentState = move.getPlayerModel(playerGuid, currentState);
            ActionCard     playedPassGo = monopolyDeal.deck.getCardByID(passGoCardID) as ActionCard;

            if (playedPassGo != null && checkIfCardInHand(playedPassGo, playerModelAtCurrentState) != null)
                MoveInfo playPassGo = new MoveInfo();
                playPassGo.playerWhoseTurnItIs  = playerGuid;
                playPassGo.playerMakingMove     = playerGuid;
                playPassGo.moveBeingMade        = TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard;
                playPassGo.idOfCardBeingUsed    = passGoCardID;
                playPassGo.actionCardActionType = ActionCardAction.PassGo;

                BoolResponseBox result = move.evaluateMove(lastState, currentState, nextState, playerModelAtCurrentState, playPassGo.moveBeingMade, playPassGo);
            return(new BoolResponseBox(false, "Selected Card is not in players hand or is not a Action Card").success);
        private void updateState(TurnActionTypes actionToAttemptToPerform, ActionCardAction actionCardType, PlayFieldModel currentState, Guid playerWhoPerformedAction)
            PlayerModel player = getPlayerByGuid(playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState);

            PlayFieldModel newState = copyPlayFieldModel(currentState);

            //List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
            //List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();

            #region draw2state

            //draw 2 on turn start state
            if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_2_Cards) == 0)
                if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.drawTwoCardsAtStartOfTurn) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time

                        //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;

                        //player has drawn their two cards, Now can play up to three cards on their turn
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, newState);
                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

            #endregion draw2state

            #region draw5state

            //draw 5 on turn start state
            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_5_Cards) == 0)
                if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.drawFiveCardsAtStartOfTurn) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time

                        //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played;
                        //player has drawn their five cards as they started the turn with zero cards, Now can play up to three cards on their turn
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, newState);
                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

            #endregion draw5state

            #region Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played

            //draw 2 on turn start state
            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played) == 0)
                #region bankActionCard

                if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.BankActionCard) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time

                        //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state
                        //Not an action so cant be just say no'd
                        //Change phase
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;

                        //player has drawn their two cards, Now can play up to three cards on their turn on
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, newState);
                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion bankActionCard

                #region endTurn

                else if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.EndTurn) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state
                        //Not an action so cant be just say no'd
                        //Change phase
                        switch (player.hand.cardsInHand.Count)
                            case 8:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_8_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_1_Card;
                            case 9:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;
                            case 10:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards;
                            case 11:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards;
                            case 12:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards;
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_7_Or_Less_Cards_In_Hand_Setup_NextPlayer;
                                    if (getPlayerByGuid(newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, newState).hand.cardsInHand.Count == 0)
                                        //Player has 0 cards draws 5 on turn start instead of 2
                                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_5_Cards;
                                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);
                                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_2_Cards;
                                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);


                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion endTurn

                #region playPropertyToNewSet

                else if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayPropertyCard_New_Set) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();

                        onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, newState);
                        //updateStateForPropertyPlayedToSet(actionToAttemptToPerform, currentState, playerWhoPerformedAction, player, newState);
                        //Change phase
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;
                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion playPropertyToNewSet

                //Play Action

                #region Actions unable to be just say no carded

                #region pass Go

                else if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard) == 0 && actionCardType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.PassGo) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played;
                        updateStateActionCardPassGo(actionToAttemptToPerform, currentState, playerWhoPerformedAction, player, newState);

                #endregion pass Go

                #endregion Actions unable to be just say no carded

            #endregion Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_0_Cards_Played

            #region Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played) == 0)
                #region bankActionCard

                if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.BankActionCard) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time

                        //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state
                        //Not an action so cant be just say no'd
                        //Change phase
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played;

                        //player has drawn their two cards, Now can play up to three cards on their turn
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, newState);
                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion bankActionCard

                #region endTurn

                else if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.EndTurn) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state
                        //Not an action so cant be just say no'd
                        //Change phase
                        switch (player.hand.cardsInHand.Count)
                            case 8:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_8_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_1_Card;
                            case 9:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;
                            case 10:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards;
                            case 11:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards;
                            case 12:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards;
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_7_Or_Less_Cards_In_Hand_Setup_NextPlayer;
                                    if (getPlayerByGuid(newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, newState).hand.cardsInHand.Count == 0)
                                        //Player has 0 cards draws 5 on turn start instead of 2
                                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_5_Cards;
                                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_2_Cards;


                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion endTurn

                #region playPropertyToNewSet

                else if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayPropertyCard_New_Set) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();

                        onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, newState);
                        //updateStateForPropertyPlayedToSet(actionToAttemptToPerform, currentState, playerWhoPerformedAction, player, newState);
                        //Change phase
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played;
                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion playPropertyToNewSet

                //Play Action

                #region Actions unable to be just say no carded

                #region pass Go

                else if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard) == 0 && actionCardType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.PassGo) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played;
                        updateStateActionCardPassGo(actionToAttemptToPerform, currentState, playerWhoPerformedAction, player, newState);

                #endregion pass Go

                #endregion Actions unable to be just say no carded

            #endregion Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_1_Cards_Played

            #region Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played) == 0)
                //Actions that can be taken on this phase

                #region bankActionCard

                if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.BankActionCard) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time

                        //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state
                        //Not an action so cant be just say no'd
                        //Change phase
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only;

                        //player has drawn their two cards, Now can play up to three cards on their turn
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion bankActionCard

                #region endTurn

                else if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.EndTurn) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state
                        //Not an action so cant be just say no'd
                        //Change phase
                        switch (player.hand.cardsInHand.Count)
                            case 8:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_8_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_1_Card;
                            case 9:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;
                            case 10:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards;
                            case 11:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards;
                            case 12:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards;
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_7_Or_Less_Cards_In_Hand_Setup_NextPlayer;
                                    if (getPlayerByGuid(newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, newState).hand.cardsInHand.Count == 0)
                                        //Player has 0 cards draws 5 on turn start instead of 2
                                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_5_Cards;
                                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_2_Cards;


                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion endTurn

                #region playPropertyToNewSet

                else if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayPropertyCard_New_Set) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        //onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, newState);
                        //updateStateForPropertyPlayedToSet(actionToAttemptToPerform, currentState, playerWhoPerformedAction, player, newState);
                        //Change phase
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only;
                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion playPropertyToNewSet

                //Play Action

                #region Actions unable to be just say no carded

                #region pass Go

                else if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard) == 0 && actionCardType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.PassGo) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only;
                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion pass Go

                #endregion Actions unable to be just say no carded

            #endregion Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_2_Cards_Played

            #region Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only

            //draw 2 on turn start state
            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only) == 0)
                #region endTurn

                if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.EndTurn) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state
                        //Not an action so cant be just say no'd
                        //Change phase
                        switch (player.hand.cardsInHand.Count)
                            case 8:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_8_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_1_Card;
                            case 9:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;
                                    onTurn.Add(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card); //Replace with Discard_2_Cards when discarding 2 cards at a time is supported
                            case 10:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards;
                                    onTurn.Add(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card);//Replace with Discard_3_Cards when discarding 2 cards at a time is supported
                            case 11:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards;
                                    onTurn.Add(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card);//Replace with Discard_4_Cards when discarding 2 cards at a time is supported
                            case 12:
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards;
                                    onTurn.Add(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card);//Replace with Discard_5_Cards when discarding 2 cards at a time is supported
                                    newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_7_Or_Less_Cards_In_Hand_Setup_NextPlayer;
                                    if (getPlayerByGuid(newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, newState).hand.cardsInHand.Count == 0)
                                        //Player has 0 cards draws 5 on turn start instead of 2
                                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_5_Cards;
                                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_2_Cards;


                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion endTurn

                //Play Action

            #endregion Turn_Started_Cards_Drawn_3_Cards_Played_Swap_Properties_Or_End_Turn_Only

            #region Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards) == 0)
                #region discard1Card

                if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time

                        //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state
                        //Not an action so cant be just say no'd
                        //Change phase
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards;
                        //player has drawn their two cards, Now can play up to three cards on their turn
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, newState);
                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion discard1Card

            #endregion Turn_Ended_12_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_5_Cards

            #region Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards) == 0)
                #region discard1Card

                if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time

                        //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state
                        //Not an action so cant be just say no'd
                        //Change phase
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards;

                        //player has drawn their two cards, Now can play up to three cards on their turn
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, newState);
                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion discard1Card

            #endregion Turn_Ended_11_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_4_Cards

            #region Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards) == 0)
                #region discard1Card

                if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time

                        //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state
                        //Not an action so cant be just say no'd
                        //Change phase
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards;

                        //player has drawn their two cards, Now can play up to three cards on their turn
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, newState);
                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion discard1Card

            #endregion Turn_Ended_10_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_3_Cards

            #region Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards) == 0)
                #region discard1Card

                if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time

                        //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state
                        //Not an action so cant be just say no'd
                        //Change phase
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_8_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_1_Card;

                        //player has drawn their two cards, Now can play up to three cards on their turn
                        List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                        onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, newState);
                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion discard1Card

            #endregion Turn_Ended_9_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_2_Cards

            #region Turn_Ended_8_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_1_Card

            else if (currentState.currentPhase.CompareTo(Statephase.Turn_Ended_8_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_1_Card) == 0)
                #region discard1Card

                if (actionToAttemptToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card) == 0)
                    //Move was a valid move at current state
                    //Check if move is valid for player
                    List<TurnActionTypes> notOnTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                    List<TurnActionTypes> onTurn = new List<TurnActionTypes>();
                    if (isActionAllowedForPlayer(actionToAttemptToPerform, playerWhoPerformedAction, currentState))
                        //action is valid for player at this time

                        //Could perform the action here instead, for now just change the phase of the state
                        //Not an action so cant be just say no'd
                        //Change phase
                        newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Ended_7_Or_Less_Cards_In_Hand_Setup_NextPlayer;
                        if (getPlayerByGuid(newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs, newState).hand.cardsInHand.Count == 0)
                            //Player has 0 cards draws 5 on turn start instead of 2
                            newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_5_Cards;
                            newState.currentPhase = Statephase.Turn_Started_Draw_2_Cards;

                        //player has drawn their two cards, Now can play up to three cards on their turn

                        //onTurn = setAllowableActionsOnTurn(onTurn, newState);
                        updateAllowableStates(newState, notOnTurn, onTurn, newState.guidOfPlayerWhosTurnItIs);

                #endregion discard1Card

            #endregion Turn_Ended_8_Cards_In_Hand_Discard_1_Card
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if a move is valid for the current player and state
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="turnActionToDo"></param>
 /// <param name="player"></param>
 /// <param name="currentState"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private BoolResponseBox checkIfMoveAllowedAtThisState(TurnActionTypes turnActionToDo, PlayerModel player, PlayFieldModel currentState)
     TurnActionTypes tAT = turnActionToDo;
     PlayerModel playerAttemptingAction = player;
     if (monopolyDeal.gameOver)
         return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Can not perform action as game is over");
     if (playerAttemptingAction != null)
         foreach (TurnActionTypes t in playerAttemptingAction.actionsCurrentlyAllowed)
             if (t.CompareTo(tAT) == 0)
                 //Action is in allowable list for player
                 return new BoolResponseBox(true, + " is allowed to :" + turnActionToDo.ToString() + " at current phase");
     return new BoolResponseBox(false, + " is not allowed to :" + turnActionToDo.ToString() + " at current phase"); ; //Action not allowable
 public bool doAction(Guid gameGuid, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameStateActionShouldBeAppliedOnGuid, TurnActionTypes actionType)
     ///Returns false if action not carried out
     //Get CurrentPlayFieldModelState
     currentPlayFieldModel = getCurrentPlayFieldModel();
     if (checkIfActionIsForThisState(actionType, gameStateActionShouldBeAppliedOnGuid, playerGuid, gameGuid))
         if (actionType.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.drawTwoCardsAtStartOfTurn) == 0)
             drawTwoCardsAtTurnStart(getPlayerByGuid(playerGuid, currentPlayFieldModel));
         if (actionType.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.drawFiveCardsAtStartOfTurn) == 0)
             drawFiveCards(getPlayerByGuid(playerGuid, currentPlayFieldModel));
         if (actionType.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.EndTurn) == 0)
             endTurn(getPlayerByGuid(playerGuid, currentPlayFieldModel), gameStateActionShouldBeAppliedOnGuid);
         if (actionType.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayPropertyCard_New_Set) == 0)
             //playPropertyCardToNewSet(getPlayerByGuid(playerGuid, currentPlayFieldModel));
         //turn action is for this playfieldmodel
     return true;
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the type of action to perform and calls the correct method to perform it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lastState">The state previous to the current state.</param>
        /// <param name="currentState">The current state.</param>
        /// <param name="nextState">A reference for the next state</param>
        /// <param name="playerPerformingAction">The Guid of the player who is performing the action.</param>
        /// <param name="typeOfActionToPerform">The type of action the player is performing.</param>
        /// <param name="justSayNoAble">The StatePhase the state should be if the action is performed and is able to be Just Say No'd</param>
        /// <param name="notJustSayNoAble">The StatePhase the state should be if the action is performed and is not able to be Just Say No'd</param>
        /// <param name="rearrangeProperties">The StatePhase the state should be if the action is performed is to move properties between sets</param>
        /// <param name="drawCardsAtTurnStart">The StatePhase the state should be if the action is performed is to draw cards at the start of a turn</param>
        /// <param name="JustSayNoUsedByOpposition">The StatePhase the state should be if the action is performed and is a player using a Just Say No card against an Action Card affecting them played by the player who is on their turn</param>
        /// <param name="moveInformation">The MoveInfo containing the information required to perform the action.</param>
        /// <param name="discard">The StatePhase the state should be if the action is performed is to end a turn and the player has to discard cards</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private BoolResponseBox doAppropriateAction(PlayFieldModel lastState, PlayFieldModel currentState, PlayFieldModel nextState, PlayerModel playerPerformingAction, TurnActionTypes typeOfActionToPerform, Statephase justSayNoAble, Statephase notJustSayNoAble, Statephase rearrangeProperties, Statephase drawCardsAtTurnStart, Statephase JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, MoveInfo moveInformation, Statephase discard)
            if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.drawTwoCardsAtStartOfTurn) == 0)
                return draw2CardsAtStartOfTurn(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, drawCardsAtTurnStart);
            else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.drawFiveCardsAtStartOfTurn) == 0)
                return draw5CardsAtStartOfTurn(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, drawCardsAtTurnStart);
            else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.EndTurn) == 0)
                return endTurn(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction);
            else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.MovePropertyCard) == 0)
                return movePropertyCard(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, rearrangeProperties);
            else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayPropertyCardFromHand) == 0)
                return playPropertyCardFromHand(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, notJustSayNoAble);
            else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayPropertyCard_New_Set) == 0)
                return playPropertyCardFromHandToNewSet(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, notJustSayNoAble);
            else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.BankActionCard) == 0)
                return playCardFromHandToBank(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, notJustSayNoAble);
            else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.BankMoneyCard) == 0)
                return playCardFromHandToBank(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, notJustSayNoAble);
            else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.Discard_1_Card) == 0)
                return discard1Card(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, discard);
            else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PayDebt) == 0)
                return payDebt(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble);
            else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.Dont_Play_Just_Say_No) == 0)
                return doNotPlayJustSayNo(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, moveInformation, justSayNoAble, notJustSayNoAble);

            else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayActionCard) == 0 || typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayCard) == 0)
                if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.PassGo) == 0)
                    Statephase nextStatePhase = notJustSayNoAble;
                    return playActionCardPassGo(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation);
                else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.DebtCollector) == 0)
                    Statephase nextStatePhase = justSayNoAble;
                    return playActionCardDebtCollector(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation);
                else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.ItsMyBirthday) == 0)
                    Statephase nextStatePhase = justSayNoAble;
                    return playActionCardItsMyBirthday(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation);
                else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.JustSayNo) == 0)
                    Statephase nextStatePhase = notJustSayNoAble;//TODO switch to justsaynoable
                    return playActionCardJustSayNo(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, justSayNoAble, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, moveInformation);
                else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.RentMultiColor) == 0)
                    Statephase nextStatePhase = justSayNoAble;
                    return playActionCardRentMultiColor(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation);
                else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.RentStandard) == 0)
                    Statephase nextStatePhase = justSayNoAble;
                    return playActionCardRentStandard(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation);
                else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.SlyDeal) == 0)
                    Statephase nextStatePhase = justSayNoAble;
                    return playActionCardSlyDeal(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation);
                else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.ForcedDeal) == 0)
                    Statephase nextStatePhase = justSayNoAble;
                    return playActionCardForcedDeal(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation);
                else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.DealBreaker) == 0)
                    Statephase nextStatePhase = justSayNoAble;
                    return playActionCardDealBreaker(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation);
                else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.House) == 0)
                    Statephase nextStatePhase = notJustSayNoAble;
                    return playActionCardHouse(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation);
                else if (moveInformation.actionCardActionType.CompareTo(ActionCardAction.Hotel) == 0)
                    Statephase nextStatePhase = notJustSayNoAble;
                    return playActionCardHotel(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, moveInformation);
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            else if (typeOfActionToPerform.CompareTo(TurnActionTypes.PlayJustSayNo) == 0)
                Statephase nextStatePhase = notJustSayNoAble;//should be just say noable
                return playActionCardJustSayNo(currentState, nextState, playerPerformingAction, nextStatePhase, justSayNoAble, JustSayNoUsedByOpposition, moveInformation);
                return new BoolResponseBox(false, "Unsupported action:" + typeOfActionToPerform.ToString());
 public bool doAction(Guid gameGuid, Guid playerGuid, Guid gameStateActionShouldBeAppliedOnGuid, TurnActionTypes actionType)
     throw new NotSupportedException();