public static bool CleanCache() { TsCaching.SaveLastSpaceOccupied(0L); if (TsCaching.useCustomCacheOnly) { return(CustomCaching.CleanCache()); } return(Caching.CleanCache()); }
private void OnDownload_PredownloadMarking(IDownloadedItem wItem, object obj) { if (!wItem.isSuccess || wItem.isCanceled) { TsLog.LogWarning("Failed~! OnDownload_PredownloadMarking() wItem= {0}", new object[] { wItem.assetPath }); return; } bool flag = TsCaching.IsVersionCached(wItem.url, wItem.version, wItem.UseCustomCache); if (flag) { TsCaching.MarkAsUsed(wItem.url, wItem.version, wItem.UseCustomCache); } }
public void SetPlatformPath() { string text = string.Empty; if (TsPlatform.IsEditor) { text = string.Format("{0}/Mobile/", NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.basePath); } else if (TsPlatform.IsIPhone) { text = string.Format("{0}/at2/cacheroot/", TsPlatform.Operator.GetFileDir()); } else if (TsPlatform.IsAndroid) { text = string.Format("{0}/at2/cacheroot/", TsPlatform.Operator.GetFileDir()); } else { TsLog.Assert(false, "Unknown Platform", new object[0]); } this.m_strLocalFilePath = text; Option.SetProtocolRootPath(Protocol.FILE, text); UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("StageNPatchLauncher : " + text); this.m_strWebPath = Option.GetProtocolRootPath(Protocol.HTTP); TsLog.LogWarning("HttpPath[{0}] Cachepath[{1}]", new object[] { this.m_strWebPath, text }); TsPlatform.FileLog("HttpPath = " + this.m_strWebPath + ", CacheDpath = " + text); NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.localWWW = true; NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.useCache = true; TsCaching.InitiailzeCustomCaching(this.m_strWebPath, text); Caching.maximumAvailableDiskSpace = (long)(1048576 * StageNPatchLauncher.UNITY_CACHE_SIZE); if (TsPlatform.IsAndroid) { NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.STR_MOBILE_VER = TsPlatform.APP_VERSION_AND; } else if (TsPlatform.IsIPhone || TsPlatform.IsIPad()) { NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.STR_MOBILE_VER = TsPlatform.APP_VERSION_IOS; } }
private void SetAuthorizeInfo() { switch (NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.GetCurrentServiceArea()) { case eSERVICE_AREA.SERVICE_WEBPLAYER_KORQA: Debug.Log("Cache Authorize Inner Domain - " + NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.basePath); if (!TsCaching.Authorize("ndoorsat2_test_devkorea", "", this.nCacheSize, -1, "9ed99fec890dc6ff08a55a1bb3a2ee35f230beea1978e8e35deaa9f43081ec73bcba689108e4299aff7bbb924471afed5603c143933d21162b581206058fb66850f9e421912f7c302aab9bdd99b5a71c7b238adffe9f7b027844c652ddd30ca4b822109cc41980c007de1c02559ae3c08837bf7507ad521ba3cc2ae7d1e2a58a")) { Debug.LogWarning("Cache Authorize [name = ndoorsat2_test_devkorea] Error!!"); } break; case eSERVICE_AREA.SERVICE_WEBPLAYER_KORLIVE: Debug.Log("Cache Authorize Outer Domain - " + NrTSingleton <NrGlobalReference> .Instance.basePath); if (!TsCaching.Authorize("ndoorsat2_service_livekorea", "", this.nCacheSize, -1, "5b180632c670ec79f15aa72bcca1218cae3b598d381a28dec47935a19144f299082dfcd9c33c2c6306ba26c8a7cf42c681a21bd48d8bc605424fcd022f6df5f0b36aa8d21231403dc1c65aa6efa49d4c2b351e9f67e3cebb589cc4ef39f18655170eebf16e9a38e315aa185f54db6062ba1d5a84e8a50b96a17227cc28c88f23")) { Debug.LogWarning("Cache Authorize [name = ndoorsat2_out_livetest] Error!!"); } break; } }
private void _CheckCaching() { this.m_cacheChecked = true; this.isCacheHit = false; this.useLoadFromCacheOrDownload = false; if (this.m_protocol == Protocol.FILE) { return; } if (Option.localWWW) { this.m_protocol = Protocol.FILE; return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.anotherURL)) { return; } if (!Option.useCache) { return; } if (this.m_kItem == null) { return; } if (!this.m_kItem.bUseCustomCache && !this.isUnityAsset) { return; } this.useLoadFromCacheOrDownload = true; string url = Option.GetProtocolRootPath(this.m_protocol) + this.assetPath; if (TsCaching.IsVersionCached(url, this.m_kItem.nVersion, this.m_kItem.bUseCustomCache)) { this.isCacheHit = true; } }
public static bool IsVersionCached(Protocol protocol, string path, bool markAsUsed) { path = path.ToLower(); string text = Option.GetProtocolRootPath(protocol) + path; string text2 = "/" + path; PatchFileInfo patchFileInfo = PatchFinalList.Instance.GetPatchFileInfo(text2); if (patchFileInfo == null) { TsLog.LogWarning("TsBundle.WWWItem.IsVersionCached Warning! - Key:{0}", new object[] { text2.ToString() }); return(false); } bool flag = TsCaching.IsVersionCached(text, patchFileInfo.nVersion, patchFileInfo.bUseCustomCache); if (flag && markAsUsed) { TsCaching.MarkAsUsed(text, patchFileInfo.nVersion, patchFileInfo.bUseCustomCache); } return(flag); }
private static void CallbackSaveAssetBundle(IDownloadedItem wItem, object obj) { try { CustomCaching.CacheItem cacheItem = obj as CustomCaching.CacheItem; if (cacheItem == null) { TsLog.LogWarning("CacheItem not found. (assetPath=\"{0}\")", new object[] { wItem.assetPath }); } else if (!wItem.isCanceled && string.IsNullOrEmpty(wItem.errorString)) { string text = string.Format("{0}{1}", CustomCaching._locRoot, wItem.assetPath); string[] array = text.Split(new char[] { '/' }); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length - 1; i++) { stringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", array[i], '/'); string path = stringBuilder.ToString(); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } } try { if (wItem.rawBytes == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(string.Format("[CustomCache] wItem.rawBytes is null. (path=\"{0}\")\n", wItem.assetPath)); } cacheItem.isExistLocalFile = false; if (File.Exists(text)) { File.Delete(text); } using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(text)) { using (BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(fileStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { byte[] rawBytes = wItem.rawBytes; binaryWriter.Write(rawBytes, 0, rawBytes.Length); long num = (long)rawBytes.Length; CustomCaching._spaceOccupied += cacheItem.size; if (num != cacheItem.size) { TsLog.LogError("Not Match File={0} OrgSize={1} DownSize={2}", new object[] { wItem.assetPath, cacheItem.size, num }); if (CustomCaching._cacheList.ContainsKey(cacheItem.url)) { CustomCaching._cacheList.Remove(cacheItem.url); } if (File.Exists(text)) { File.Delete(text); } } else if (!CustomCaching._cacheList.ContainsKey(cacheItem.url)) { CustomCaching._cacheList.Add(wItem.assetPath, cacheItem); } else { CustomCaching._cacheList.Remove(cacheItem.url); CustomCaching._cacheList.Add(wItem.assetPath, cacheItem); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { CustomCaching._RemoveCacheItem(cacheItem.url); TsLog.Assert(false, "Cache file save error! (Path=\"{1}\") : {0}", new object[] { ex, text }); } cacheItem.wref = null; } else { CustomCaching._RemoveCacheItem(cacheItem.url); TsLog.LogError("CustomCaching. Error file saving (url=\"{0}\", error={1}, canceled={2})", new object[] { cacheItem.url, wItem.errorString, wItem.isCanceled }); } TsCaching.SaveCacheList(); } catch (Exception obj2) { TsLog.LogWarning(obj2); } }
public static void SaveLastSpaceOccupied() { TsCaching.SaveLastSpaceOccupied(Caching.spaceOccupied); }
public void _InternalOnly_ChangeStateSuccess() { this.wiState = WWWItem.StateWI.SUCCESS; this.safeBundle = null; this.safeBytes = null; this.safeString = null; this.safeAudioClip = null; if (this.useLoadFromCacheOrDownload) { this.safeSize = ((this.m_kItem == null) ? 0 : this.m_kItem.nFileSize); } else { this.safeSize = ((this.m_www == null) ? 0 : this.m_www.size); } bool flag = !this.isCacheHit && this.itemType == ItemType.UNDEFINED && this.UseCustomCache; if (flag) { if (Option.EnableTrace) { TsLog.LogWarning("[TsBundle] set RawBytes => Cache Hit[{0}], Use[{1}] (AssetPath=\"{2}\", Stack=\"{3}\", Type={4})", new object[] { this.isCacheHit, this.useLoadFromCacheOrDownload, this.assetPath, this.stackName, this.itemType }); } this.rawBytes = this.m_www.bytes; } try { if (this.itemType == ItemType.USER_STRING) { this.safeString = this.m_www.text; if (this.safeString == null) { this._InternalOnly_ChangeStateErrorOrRetry("fail to access www.text."); } } else if (this.itemType == ItemType.USER_BYTESA) { this.safeBytes = ((this.rawBytes == null) ? this.m_www.bytes : this.rawBytes); if (this.safeBytes == null) { this._InternalOnly_ChangeStateErrorOrRetry("fail to access www.bytes."); } } else if (this.itemType == ItemType.USER_AUDIO) { this.safeAudioClip = this.m_www.GetAudioClip(false, true); if (null == this.safeAudioClip) { this._InternalOnly_ChangeStateErrorOrRetry("fail to access www.AudioClip."); } } else if (this.itemType == ItemType.UNDEFINED) { if (this.refCnt == 1) { this.Dispose(); } if (this.m_kItem != null) { TsCaching.MarkAsUsed(this.assetPath, this.m_kItem.nVersion, this.m_kItem.bUseCustomCache); } } else { this.safeBundle = this.m_www.assetBundle; if (null == this.safeBundle) { this._InternalOnly_ChangeStateErrorOrRetry("fail to access www.assetBundle."); throw new NullReferenceException(); } this.mainAsset = this.safeBundle.mainAsset; TsFix.AudioSourceWarning(this.mainAsset as GameObject); if (this.loadAll) { this.subBundles = this.safeBundle.LoadAll(); UnityEngine.Object[] subBundles = this.subBundles; for (int i = 0; i < subBundles.Length; i++) { UnityEngine.Object @object = subBundles[i]; TsFix.AudioSourceWarning(@object as GameObject); } } } if (Option.EnableTrace) { bool flag2 = false; int num = -1; if (this.m_kItem != null) { string url = Helper.FullURL(this.assetPath); num = this.m_kItem.nVersion; flag2 = TsCaching.IsVersionCached(url, num, this.m_kItem.bUseCustomCache); } TsLog.Log("[TsBundle] download => success (AssetPath=\"{0}\", Stack=\"{1}\", Type={2}, Version={3}, RefCnt={4}, LoadFromCacheOrDownload={5}, Disposed={6}), Cached => {7}\r\nCallStack={8}", new object[] { this.assetPath, this.stackName, this.itemType, num, this.refCnt, this.useLoadFromCacheOrDownload, this.m_www == null, (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.anotherURL) || this.useLoadFromCacheOrDownload) ? flag2.ToString() : "(ignore)" }); } } catch (Exception ex) { TsLog.LogError("[TsBundle] Unity Assetbundle access exception! (Protocol=\"{0}\", AssetPath=\"{1}\", Stack=\"{2}\", Type={3}) => {4}\r\nCallStack={5}", new object[] { Option.GetProtocolRootPath(this.m_protocol), this.assetPath, this.stackName, this.itemType, ex.ToString(), this.RequestCallStack }); this._InternalOnly_ChangeStateErrorOrRetry("Exception! Unity Assetbundle access violation!"); } if (!this.useLoadFromCacheOrDownload && !this.isCacheHit && 0 < this.safeSize) { Holder.DbgAddWWWItemStat(this.assetPath, this.safeSize); if (WWWItem.OnIncreaseSizeOfDownload != null) { WWWItem.OnIncreaseSizeOfDownload(this.safeSize); } } }
public void _InternalOnly_ChangeStateRequest() { if (this.wiState != WWWItem.StateWI.UNLOADED) { if (this.wiState != WWWItem.StateWI.DESTROIED) { this.retryRequested = false; this.wiState = WWWItem.StateWI.REQUESTED; string text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.anotherURL)) { if (Option.usePatchDir && this.m_protocol == Protocol.HTTP && this.m_kItem != null) { string protocolRootPath = Option.GetProtocolRootPath(this.m_protocol); string format = string.Empty; if (protocolRootPath[protocolRootPath.Length - 1] == '/') { if (this.assetPath[0] == '/') { format = "{0}{1}{2}"; } else { format = "{0}{1}/{2}"; } } else if (this.assetPath[0] == '/') { format = "{0}/{1}{2}"; } else { format = "{0}/{1}/{2}"; } text = string.Format(format, protocolRootPath, this.m_kItem.VersionDir, this.assetPath); } else { text = Option.GetProtocolRootPath(this.m_protocol) + this.assetPath; } } else { text = this.anotherURL; } if (this.m_protocol == Protocol.HTTP && 0 < this.retryCnt) { if (text.Contains("?r=")) { text = string.Format("{0}{1}", text, this.retryCnt); } else { text = string.Format("{0}?r={1}{2}", text, (int)(UnityEngine.Random.value * 1000000f), this.retryCnt); } TsLog.Log("[TsBundle] TsBundle:Retry = \"{0}\"", new object[] { text }); } if (Option.EnableTrace) { TsLog.Log("[TsBundle] www loading (AssetPath=\"{0}\", Stack=\"{1}\", Type={2}, Size={3:#,###,###,###}, UnloadReserved={4}, RefCount={5} ) {6}", new object[] { this.assetPath, this.stackName, this.itemType, (this.m_kItem != null) ? this.m_kItem.nFileSize : 0, this.DebugUnloadReserved, this.refCnt, (this.m_kItem != null) ? ((!TsCaching.IsVersionCached(text, this.m_kItem.nVersion, this.m_kItem.bUseCustomCache)) ? "<<will download>>" : "<<Cached>>") : "<<not listed>>" }); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.anotherURL)) { UsingAssetRecorder.RecordFile(this.assetPath); } this._ReleaseLoadedAsset(); if (this.useLoadFromCacheOrDownload) { if (!this.inUndefinedStack) { this.m_www = Holder.CancelPreDownload(this.assetPath); } if (this.m_www == null) { this.m_www = TsCaching.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(text, this.m_kItem.nVersion, (long)this.m_kItem.nFileSize, this.m_kItem.bUseCustomCache, this); } if (!this.isCacheHit) { Holder.DbgAddWWWItemStat(this.assetPath, this.m_kItem.nFileSize); if (0 < this.m_kItem.nFileSize && WWWItem.OnIncreaseSizeOfDownload != null) { WWWItem.OnIncreaseSizeOfDownload(this.m_kItem.nFileSize); } } } else { Holder.DbgAddWWWItemStat(this.assetPath, 0); this.m_www = new WWW(text); } this.retryCnt++; return; } } try { if (Option.EnableTrace) { TsLog.Log("[TsBundle] cannot request download, already unloaded bundle (AssetPath=\"{0}\", Stack=\"{1}\", Type={2}, SIze={3:#,###,###,###})\n\rCallStack={4}", new object[] { this.assetPath, this.stackName, this.itemType, (this.m_kItem != null) ? this.m_kItem.nFileSize : 0, this.RequestCallStack }); } } catch (Exception arg) { TsLog.Log("[TsBundle] " + arg, new object[0]); } }