public static Dictionary <string, float> ComputeAttraction(City city, TripRecordContext context) { Progress progress = new Progress(1000, context.Count); Dictionary <string, float> attraction = new Dictionary <string, float>(); //Process Console.WriteLine(">Processing Attraction Heat Map<"); progress.Start(); foreach (var date in context) { var trips = context.Get(date); foreach (var trip in trips) { var region = city.FindRegion(trip.Pickup_Latitude, trip.Pickup_Longitude)?.UID; if (region != null) { attraction[region] = attraction.GetOrCreate(region) + 1; } region = city.FindRegion(trip.Dropoff_Latitude, trip.Dropoff_Longitude)?.UID; if (region != null) { attraction[region] = attraction.GetOrCreate(region) + 1; } }; } progress.Stop(); //Save Console.WriteLine(">Saving Attraction Heat Map<"); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(NYCConst.Base_Dir, "Attraction.json"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(attraction)); return(attraction); }
static void ProcessTrips(TripRecordContext context, City nyc, Dictionary <DateTime, Weather> WeatherData) { bool processEdges = true; bool processGlobals = true; bool processNodes = true; StreamWriter wNode = null; StreamWriter wGlobal = null; StreamWriter wEdge = null; Progress progress; Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); int edgeCounter = 0; #region ProcessingTrips Console.WriteLine(">Starting Process<"); stopwatch.Restart(); if (processNodes) { wNode = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(Constants.Root_Dir, "node.csv")); wNode.WriteLine(string.Join(',', "ID", "LandUse", "Population", "MedianIncome", "PopDensity", "BachelorHigher", "Popularity", "Rating", "Places", "OutFlow")); } if (processGlobals) { wGlobal = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(Constants.Root_Dir, "global.csv")); wGlobal.WriteLine(string.Join(',', "Month", "DayofWeek", "Period", "TempAvg", "Precipitation", "Snow")); } foreach (DateTime date in context) { var trips = context.Get(date); var tripsByPeriod = trips.GroupBy(t => t.Period); var weather = WeatherData[date]; Console.WriteLine(">Processing {0}", date); progress = new Progress(1000, trips.Count()); progress.Start(); foreach (var period in tripsByPeriod) { //Count the number of pickups and dropoffs per zone Dictionary <string, int> Pickups = new Dictionary <string, int>(); //Dictionary<string, int> Dropoffs = new Dictionary<string, int>(); Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, int> EdgeFlow = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, int>(); if (processEdges) { wEdge = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(Constants.Root_Dir, string.Format("Edges/edges_{0}.csv", edgeCounter++))); wEdge.WriteLine(string.Join(',', "SenderID", "ReceiverID", "Distance", "InFlow")); wEdge.AutoFlush = true; } #region FindContainingRegion var sortedTrips = period.OrderBy(t => t.TimeStamp).ToArray(); //Find containing region for every trip record foreach (var trip in sortedTrips) { if (trip.IsValid) { var pickupRegion = nyc.FindRegion(trip.Pickup_Latitude, trip.Pickup_Longitude); var dropoffRegion = nyc.FindRegion(trip.Dropoff_Latitude, trip.Dropoff_Longitude); //aggrigate pickup & dropoffcounts per region if (pickupRegion != null && dropoffRegion != null) { Pickups[pickupRegion.UID] = Pickups.GetOrCreate(pickupRegion.UID) + 1; //Dropoffs[dropoffRegion.UID] = Dropoffs.GetOrCreate(dropoffRegion.UID) + 1; var edge = new Tuple <int, int>(pickupRegion.Idx, dropoffRegion.Idx); //nyc.GetEdge(pickupRegion, dropoffRegion); EdgeFlow[edge] = EdgeFlow.GetOrCreate(edge) + 1; } }; } #endregion #region SaveDataToFile //Save Node results to file if (processNodes) { foreach (var region in nyc) { /** * NODE FIELDS: * "ID", "LandUse", * "Population", "MedianIncome", "PopDensity", "BachelorHigher", "Popularity", "Rating", "Places" * "OutFlow" */ wNode.WriteLine(string.Join(',', region.Idx, region.LandUse, region.Population / NYCConst.TotalPopulation, region.MedianIncome, region.PopDensity, region.BachelorHigher, region.Popularity, region.Rating, region.Places, Pickups.GetOrCreate(region.UID))); } wNode.Flush(); } //Save Edge results to file if (processEdges) { foreach (var edge in EdgeFlow) { /** * EDGE FIELD: * "SenderID", "ReceiverID", "Distance", "InFlow" */ var dist = nyc.Distance(edge.Key.Item1, edge.Key.Item2) / 3280.84; wEdge.WriteLine(string.Join(',', edge.Key.Item1, edge.Key.Item2, dist, edge.Value)); } wEdge.Flush(); wEdge.Close(); } //Save Global results to file /** * GLOBAL FIELD: * "Month", "DayofWeek", "Period", "Temp Avg", "Precipitation", "Snow" */ if (processGlobals) { wGlobal.WriteLine(string.Join(',', date.Month, (int)date.DayOfWeek, period.Key, weather.TempAvg, weather.Precipitation, weather.SnowDepth)); wGlobal.Flush(); } #endregion } progress.Stop(); } if (processGlobals) { wGlobal.Close(); } if (processNodes) { wNode.Close(); } Console.WriteLine("Execution Time: {0} Seconds\n", (float)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000); #endregion }