void Update() { woodValueText.text = "Wood: " + playerTribe.GetResourceAmount("wood"); rockValueText.text = "Rocks: " + playerTribe.GetResourceAmount("rock"); workerValueText.text = "Workers: " + playerTribe.GetCharacterCount(); foreach (CharacterBehaviour cb in playerTribe.GetCharacters()) { string text = cb.GetName(); if (cb.CarriedResourceType() != "") { text += "\nGathered " + cb.CarriedResourceType() + ": " + cb.CarriedResourceAmount(); } cb.nameTextMesh.text = text; } messagesText.text = ""; for (int i = messages.Length - 1; i > lastMsgRows - 1; i--) { messagesText.text += messages[i] + (i > lastMsgRows ? "\n" : ""); } latestMessageText.text = ""; for (int i = lastMsgRows - 1; i > 0; i--) { latestMessageText.text += messages[i] + (i > 0 ? "\n" : ""); } latestMessageText.text += messages [0]; if (lastPostTime + messageCooldown < Time.fixedTime && messageCooldown > 0 && !freeze) { PostMessage("", false); } if (!started) { started = true; PostMessage("Press the button on the right (and slightly above) to continue.", true); } }