public int MaxSumSubmatrix(int[][] matrix, int k) { // Inspired by // This problem can be converted to sub-problems of a problem similar to "53. Maximum Subarray". // Each number in the 1-dimension array represents a subarray of a row, because this number // is accumulated from the numbers in that subarray. // The problem becomes "Find the subarray which has the largest sum but less than k". // We can use the "prefix sum" technique. For each current sum j so far, find a previous minimum // sum i such that j - i <= k. int m = matrix.Length; int n = matrix[0].Length; int result = int.MinValue; // Time complexity is O[n^2 * m * log(m)], so if n is larger than m, we'd better swap m and n. for (int left = 0; left < n; left++) { int[] nums = new int[m]; for (int right = left; right < n; right++) { for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { nums[i] += matrix[i][right]; } var set = new TreeSet <int>() { 0 }; int j = 0; foreach (int num in nums) { // Find the minimum i such that num[j] - num[i] <= k. j += num; if (set.Ceiling(j - k, out int i)) { result = Math.Max(result, j - i); } set.Add(j); } } } return(result); }