protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection conn = TravelExperts1DB.GetConnection(); try { conn.Open(); string checkUser = "******" + txtCustUserName.Text + "'"; SqlCommand userCmd = new SqlCommand(checkUser, conn); int temp = Convert.ToInt32(userCmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); if (temp == 1) { string cryptPassword = EncryptDB.Encrypt(txtCustPassword.Text); string checkPassword = "******" + cryptPassword + "'"; SqlCommand passCmd = new SqlCommand(checkPassword, conn); string password = passCmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString().Replace(" ", ""); if (password == cryptPassword) { Session["Login"] = txtCustUserName.Text; Response.Write("Password is correct"); Response.Redirect("User.aspx"); } else { Response.Write("Password is not correct"); } } else { Response.Write("Username is not correct"); } } catch //(Exception ex) { Response.Write("Password is not correct"); //NEED TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX IF PASSWORD IS NOT IN DATABASE //throw ex; } finally { conn.Close(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Login"] != null) { string custUserName = Session["Login"].ToString(); SqlConnection conn = TravelExperts1DB.GetConnection(); string getCustFirstName = "SELECT CustFirstName from Customers where CustUserName = @CustUserName"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(getCustFirstName, conn); SqlParameter input = new SqlParameter(); input.ParameterName = "@CustUserName"; input.Value = custUserName; cmd.Parameters.Add(input); try { conn.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader; myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); string name = ""; while (myReader.Read()) { name = (myReader["CustFirstName"].ToString()); lblWelcome.Text += name; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { conn.Close(); } } else { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } }
protected void btnCustRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool UserNameChecked = false; bool insert = false; List <string> userNames = CustomersDB.GetUserNames(); // replace with user name list foreach (string username in userNames) { if (txtCustUserName.Text == username) { Response.Write("User name is already taken. Please choose another user name"); UserNameChecked = false; break; } else { UserNameChecked = true; } } if (Page.IsValid && UserNameChecked) { string cryptPassword = EncryptDB.Encrypt(txtCustPassword.Text); Customer cust = new Customer(txtCustFirstName.Text, txtCustLastName.Text, txtCustAddress.Text, txtCustCity.Text, ddlCustProv.SelectedValue.ToString(), txtCustPostal.Text, ddlCustCountry.SelectedValue.ToString(), txtCustHomePhone.Text, txtCustBusPhone.Text, txtCustEmail.Text, txtCustUserName.Text, cryptPassword.ToString().Trim()); SqlConnection conn = TravelExperts1DB.GetConnection(); try { conn.Open(); insert = CustomersDB.CreateCustomer(cust); if (insert) { Response.Redirect("http://localhost:61652/Login.aspx"); //Response.Write("Registration successful"); } //else // Response.Write("Registration unsuccessful"); } catch (Exception) { //Response.Write("User name is already taken. Please choose another user name"); //throw ex; Response.Write("Registration unsuccessful"); } finally { conn.Close(); } } //else //{ // Response.Write("Registration unsuccessful"); //} }