private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("TrapSquare")) { trapUI.UpdateTrapUIDetails(trapState, trapGnomeOn, selectedTrap); if (other.gameObject.GetComponent <TrapPlacementArea>() && !currentTrapLocation) { currentTrapLocation = other.gameObject.GetComponent <TrapPlacementArea>(); trapGnomeOn = currentTrapLocation.currentTrap; } // check to if there is a trap here... // if not allow the user to place a trap here.... if (currentTrapLocation && !other.gameObject.GetComponent <TrapPlacementArea>().hasTrap) { trapState = TrapStates.PlaceTrap; } else if (currentTrapLocation && other.gameObject.GetComponent <TrapPlacementArea>().hasTrap) { // else allow the user to pickup what is there. trapState = TrapStates.PickupTrap; } // updates the trap location if (trapGnomeOn != currentTrapLocation.currentTrap) { trapGnomeOn = currentTrapLocation.currentTrap; } } }
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other) { if (_trapState == TrapStates.NONE) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player") { _trapState = TrapStates.TRIGGERED; } } }
private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { // resets the current trap and gnome state on exit if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("TrapSquare")) { trapState = TrapStates.NoTraps; currentTrapLocation = null; trapGnomeOn = TrapTypes.None; trapUI.HideTrapUI(); } }
private void Update() { switch (currState) { case TrapStates.INACTIVE: // Out of view currTime += Time.deltaTime; if (currTime >= timeToDeploy) { attackBox.enabled = false; trapAnimation.SetBool("isAttacking", false); currState = TrapStates.DEPLOYING; currTime = 0f; } break; case TrapStates.DEPLOYING: // Moving into pos currTime += Time.deltaTime; MoveToPosition(setTrapPos.position, TrapStates.WAITING); break; case TrapStates.WAITING: // Preparing to attack currTime += Time.deltaTime; if (currTime >= timeToStrike) { attackBox.enabled = true; trapAnimation.SetBool("isAttacking", true); currState = TrapStates.ATTACK; currTime = 0f; } break; case TrapStates.ATTACK: if (trapAnimation.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("DONE")) { currState = TrapStates.RETREAT; } break; case TrapStates.RETREAT: MoveToPosition(origPos, TrapStates.INACTIVE); break; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { switch (_trapState) { case TrapStates.NONE: //Check collider break; case TrapStates.TRIGGERED: _animator.SetBool("startAnimation", true); _trapState = TrapStates.INACTIVE; break; case TrapStates.ANIMATING: break; case TrapStates.INACTIVE: break; } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the trap UI /// </summary> /// <param name="state">The state of the trap</param> /// <param name="type">The type of trap on the trap currently</param> /// <param name="userTrap">The trap type the user has active</param> public void UpdateTrapUIDetails(TrapStates state, TrapTypes type, TrapTypes userTrap) { if (state.Equals(TrapStates.PlaceTrap)) { prefabInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>()[0].text = "Place " + userTrap.ToString() + " Trap"; } else if (state.Equals(TrapStates.PickupTrap)) { prefabInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>()[0].text = "Pickup " + type.ToString() + " Trap"; } prefabInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>()[1].text = userTrap.ToString() + " Trap Selected"; if (isGamepad) { if (state.Equals(TrapStates.PlaceTrap)) { prefabInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>()[2].text = controllerPlace; } else if (state.Equals(TrapStates.PickupTrap)) { prefabInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>()[2].text = controllerPickup; } prefabInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>()[3].text = controllerToggle; } else { if (state.Equals(TrapStates.PlaceTrap)) { prefabInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>()[2].text = keyboardPlace; } else if (state.Equals(TrapStates.PickupTrap)) { prefabInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>()[2].text = keyboardPickup; } prefabInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>()[3].text = keyboardToggle; } }
private void MoveToPosition(Vector2 destination, TrapStates stateToEndIn) { if (Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Distance(destination, trapRB.position)) >= 0.1f && currTime < 1.5f) { Vector2 newVelocity = (destination - trapRB.position) * Time.deltaTime; if (hasBeenSetOff == true) { trapRB.velocity = newVelocity.normalized * captureSpeed; } else { trapRB.velocity = newVelocity.normalized * moveSpeed; } } else { currTime = 0f; trapRB.velocity =; trapRB.angularVelocity = 0f; currState = stateToEndIn; } }
private void Start() { origPos = trapRB.position; currState = TrapStates.INACTIVE; }
public void Begin() { animHandler.PlayActivationAnimation(); state = TrapStates.casting; }
public void Finish() { activationTimer = activationInterval; state = TrapStates.idling; }
public void setInactive() { _trapState = TrapStates.INACTIVE; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { _trapState = TrapStates.NONE; _collider = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); _animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); }