        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the situation where the user didn't select any objects on step 1. Show message to user, move transfer state back to
        /// previous step, and re-render the page. This function is only relevant when the page requests the user make a selection
        /// and no selection was made. It is not intended for and in fact throws an exception in situations where the user made a
        /// selection on a previous page and is then transferred to this page.
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleUserNotSelectingAnyObjects()
            string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "<p class='gsp_msgwarning'><span class='gsp_bold'>{0} </span>{1}</p>", Resources.GalleryServerPro.Task_No_Objects_Selected_Hdr, Resources.GalleryServerPro.Task_No_Objects_Selected_Dtl);

            phMsg.Controls.Add(new System.Web.UI.LiteralControl(msg));

            if (this.TransObjectState == TransferObjectState.ObjectsCopyStep2)
                this._transferState = TransferObjectState.ObjectsCopyStep1;
            else if (this.TransObjectState == TransferObjectState.ObjectsMoveStep2)
                this._transferState = TransferObjectState.ObjectsMoveStep1;
                throw new GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.WebException("The function HandleUserNotSelectingAnyObjects should never be invoked in cases where the user made a selection on a previous page and is then transferred to this page.");

		/// <summary>
		/// Handle the situation where the user didn't select any objects on step 1. Show message to user, move transfer state back to
		/// previous step, and re-render the page. This function is only relevant when the page requests the user make a selection
		/// and no selection was made. It is not intended for and in fact throws an exception in situations where the user made a 
		/// selection on a previous page and is then transferred to this page.
		/// </summary>
		private void HandleUserNotSelectingAnyObjects()
			string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "<p class='gsp_msgwarning'><span class='gsp_bold'>{0} </span>{1}</p>", Resources.GalleryServerPro.Task_No_Objects_Selected_Hdr, Resources.GalleryServerPro.Task_No_Objects_Selected_Dtl);
			phMsg.Controls.Add(new System.Web.UI.LiteralControl(msg));

			if (this.TransObjectState == TransferObjectState.ObjectsCopyStep2)
				this._transferState = TransferObjectState.ObjectsCopyStep1;
			else if (this.TransObjectState == TransferObjectState.ObjectsMoveStep2)
				this._transferState = TransferObjectState.ObjectsMoveStep1;
				throw new WebException("The function HandleUserNotSelectingAnyObjects should never be invoked in cases where the user made a selection on a previous page and is then transferred to this page.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Determine the current state of this page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns the current state of this page.</returns>
        private TransferObjectState GetTransferObjectState()
            // Is the album ID specified on the query string? Notice that we check for the presence of the "aid"
            // parameter instead of checking to see if the value is greater than 0. This is because we might get to
            // this page from a page showing a virtual album, in which case the aid parameter will be passed as
            // int.MinValue.
            bool isAlbumIdSpecified = Util.IsQueryStringParameterPresent("aid");

            int  mediaObjectId = Util.GetQueryStringParameterInt32("moid");
            bool?skipStep1     = Util.GetQueryStringParameterBoolean("skipstep1");
            //if (!skipStep1.HasValue)
            //  throw new GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.UnexpectedQueryStringException();

            TransferObjectState transferState = TransferObjectState.None;

            if ((!Page.IsPostBack) && (isAlbumIdSpecified) && (skipStep1.Value == false))
                // Not postback, must allow user to select objects to copy/move (step 1)
                if (this.TransType == TransferType.Copy)
                    transferState = TransferObjectState.ObjectsCopyStep1;
                    transferState = TransferObjectState.ObjectsMoveStep1;
            else if ((!Page.IsPostBack) && (isAlbumIdSpecified) && (this.TransType == TransferType.Move) && (skipStep1.Value == true))
                // Not postback, user selected 'Move album' link. We'll display the treeview to allow the user to select the destination album.
                transferState = TransferObjectState.AlbumMoveStep2;
            else if ((!Page.IsPostBack) && (isAlbumIdSpecified) && (this.TransType == TransferType.Copy) && (skipStep1.Value == true))
                // Not postback, user selected 'Copy album' link. We'll display the treeview to allow the user to select the destination album.
                transferState = TransferObjectState.AlbumCopyStep2;
            else if ((!Page.IsPostBack) && (mediaObjectId > 0))
                // Not postback, user already selected a media object to copy/move from a different web page,
                // We'll display the treeview to allow the user to select the destination album.
                if (this.TransType == TransferType.Copy)
                    transferState = TransferObjectState.MediaObjectCopyStep2;
                    transferState = TransferObjectState.MediaObjectMoveStep2;
            else if ((Page.IsPostBack) && (ViewState["ShowTreeView"] != null) && (ViewState["ShowTreeView"].ToString() == "1"))
                // This is a postback where we want to show the treeview control, thus allowing the user to select
                // the destination album to copy/move the objects to.
                if (this.TransType == TransferType.Copy)
                    transferState = TransferObjectState.ObjectsCopyStep2;
                    transferState = TransferObjectState.ObjectsMoveStep2;
            else if ((Page.IsPostBack) && (ViewState["ShowTreeView"] != null) && (ViewState["ShowTreeView"].ToString() == "0"))
                // This is a postback where we do not want to show the treeview control, which can only mean the user has
                // finished selecting the destination album and is ready to transfer the objects.
                transferState = TransferObjectState.ReadyToTransfer;

		/// <summary>
		/// Handle the situation where the user didn't select any objects on step 1. Show message to user, move transfer state back to
		/// previous step, and re-render the page. This function is only relevant when the page requests the user make a selection
		/// and no selection was made. It is not intended for and in fact throws an exception in situations where the user made a 
		/// selection on a previous page and is then transferred to this page.
		/// </summary>
		private void HandleUserNotSelectingAnyObjects()
			ClientMessage = new ClientMessageOptions
				Title = Resources.GalleryServerPro.Task_No_Objects_Selected_Hdr,
				Message = Resources.GalleryServerPro.Task_No_Objects_Selected_Dtl,
				Style = MessageStyle.Info

			if (this.TransObjectState == TransferObjectState.ObjectsCopyStep2)
				this._transferState = TransferObjectState.ObjectsCopyStep1;
			else if (this.TransObjectState == TransferObjectState.ObjectsMoveStep2)
				this._transferState = TransferObjectState.ObjectsMoveStep1;
				throw new WebException("The function HandleUserNotSelectingAnyObjects should never be invoked in cases where the user made a selection on a previous page and is then transferred to this page.");
