public void Test1(string input, string expected) { var dnaSequence = DnaSequence(input); var rnaSequence = new Transcriber().Transcribe(dnaSequence); Assert.AreEqual(RnaSequence(expected), rnaSequence); }
public async Task SaveAsync(Transcriber transcriber) { var objectToSave = new CosmosObject <Transcriber> { Id = $"{_objectType}::{transcriber.GuildId}::{transcriber.ChannelId}", Item = transcriber }; await _cosmosContainer.UpsertItemAsync(objectToSave, new PartitionKey(_objectType)); }
private static async Task <bool> TranscribeIdentifiedSpeakers(string meetingMinutesFilePath, SpeechIdentifier.SpeechIdentifier speechIdentifier, string wavFilePath, SpeechConfig config) { using (var meetingMinutesWriter = new StreamWriter(meetingMinutesFilePath)) { var recognitionResults = speechIdentifier.RecognitionResults.ToList(); var startIndex = 0; var currentResult = recognitionResults.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Succeeded); if (currentResult == null) { WriteLine("No recognized speaker identified. Skipping"); return(true); } for (var index = 0; index < recognitionResults.Count; index++) { var result = recognitionResults[index]; if (!result.Succeeded || result.Value.IdentifiedProfileId == default) { continue; } if (index != recognitionResults.Count - 1 && currentResult.Value.IdentifiedProfileId == result.Value.IdentifiedProfileId) { continue; } WriteLine("Transcribing from {0} to {1}", startIndex, index); var transcriber = new Transcriber(wavFilePath, meetingMinutesWriter); var person = GetSpeakerName(currentResult); currentResult = result; await transcriber.TranscribeSpeechFromAudioStream(config, person, startIndex, index); startIndex = index; } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Uses Voiceprints to perform speaker recognition while transcribing the audio file MeetingRecording. /// Creates a formatted text output file holding the transcription. /// Sets the Transcription property holding string of transcription text /// </summary> /// <returns>Boolean true if success, false otherwise.</returns> public Boolean Perform(int lineLength = 120) { try { //Wait synchronously for transcript to be finished and written to minutes file. Transcriber.DoTranscription().Wait(); } catch (Exception transcribeEx) { Console.Error.Write(">\tTranscription Failed: " + transcribeEx.Message); return(false); } /*Do speaker recognition concurrently for each TranscriptionOutput. */ Recognizer.DoSpeakerRecognition(Transcriber.TranscriptionOutputs).Wait(); MakeTranscription(lineLength); Console.WriteLine(">\tTranscription && Recognition Complete"); return(true); }
public async Task OnExecute(CommandContext command, [RemainingText] string commandArgs) { // Check if the user has permission to use this command. if (!Config.HasPermission(command.Member, "transcript")) { DiscordEmbed error = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "You do not have permission to use this command." }; await command.RespondAsync("", false, error); command.Client.Logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, "User tried to use the transcript command but did not have permission."); return; } Database.Ticket ticket; string strippedMessage = command.Message.Content.Replace(Config.prefix, ""); string[] parsedMessage = strippedMessage.Replace("<@!", "").Replace("<@", "").Replace(">", "").Split(); // If there are no arguments use current channel if (parsedMessage.Length < 2) { if (Database.TryGetOpenTicket(command.Channel.Id, out ticket)) { try { await Transcriber.ExecuteAsync(ticket.channelID.ToString(),; } catch (Exception) { DiscordEmbed error = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "ERROR: Could not save transcript file. Aborting..." }; await command.RespondAsync("", false, error); throw; } } else { DiscordEmbed error = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "This channel is not a ticket." }; await command.RespondAsync("", false, error); return; } } else { // Check if argument is numerical, if not abort if (!uint.TryParse(parsedMessage[1], out uint ticketID)) { DiscordEmbed error = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "Argument must be a number." }; await command.RespondAsync("", false, error); return; } // If the ticket is still open, generate a new fresh transcript if (Database.TryGetOpenTicketByID(ticketID, out ticket) && ticket?.creatorID == command.Member.Id) { try { await Transcriber.ExecuteAsync(ticket.channelID.ToString(),; } catch (Exception) { DiscordEmbed error = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "ERROR: Could not save transcript file. Aborting..." }; await command.RespondAsync("", false, error); throw; } } // If there is no open or closed ticket, send an error. If there is a closed ticket we will simply use the old transcript from when the ticket was closed. else if (!Database.TryGetClosedTicket(ticketID, out ticket) || (ticket?.creatorID != command.Member.Id && !Database.IsStaff(command.Member.Id))) { DiscordEmbed error = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "Could not find a closed ticket with that number which you opened." + (Config.HasPermission(command.Member, "list") ? "\n(Use the " + Config.prefix + "list command to see all your tickets)" : "") }; await command.RespondAsync("", false, error); return; } } string filePath = Transcriber.GetPath(; // Log it if the log channel exists DiscordChannel logChannel = command.Guild.GetChannel(Config.logChannel); if (logChannel != null) { DiscordEmbed logMessage = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = "Ticket " +"00000") + " transcript generated by " + command.Member.Mention + ".\n", Footer = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter { Text = '#' + command.Channel.Name } }; await logChannel.SendFileAsync(filePath, "", false, logMessage); } try { // Send transcript privately DiscordEmbed directMessage = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = "Transcript generated, " + command.Member.Mention + "!\n" }; await command.Member.SendFileAsync(filePath, "", false, directMessage); // Respond to message directly DiscordEmbed response = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = "Transcript sent, " + command.Member.Mention + "!\n" }; await command.RespondAsync("", false, response); } catch (UnauthorizedException) { // Send transcript privately DiscordEmbed error = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "Not allowed to send direct message to you, " + command.Member.Mention + ", please check your privacy settings.\n" }; await command.RespondAsync("", false, error); } }
public async Task OnExecute(CommandContext command) { // Check if the user has permission to use this command. if (!Config.HasPermission(command.Member, "close")) { DiscordEmbed error = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "You do not have permission to use this command." }; await command.RespondAsync("", false, error); command.Client.DebugLogger.LogMessage(LogLevel.Info, "SupportBoi", "User tried to use the close command but did not have permission.", DateTime.UtcNow); return; } ulong channelID = command.Channel.Id; string channelName = command.Channel.Name; // Check if ticket exists in the database if (!Database.TryGetOpenTicket(channelID, out Database.Ticket ticket)) { DiscordEmbed error = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "This channel is not a ticket." }; await command.RespondAsync("", false, error); return; } // Build transcript try { await Transcriber.ExecuteAsync(command.Channel.Id.ToString(),; } catch (Exception) { DiscordEmbed error = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "ERROR: Could not save transcript file. Aborting..." }; await command.RespondAsync("", false, error); throw; } string filePath = Transcriber.GetPath(; // Log it if the log channel exists DiscordChannel logChannel = command.Guild.GetChannel(Config.logChannel); if (logChannel != null) { DiscordEmbed logMessage = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = "Ticket " +"00000") + " closed by " + command.Member.Mention + ".\n", Footer = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter { Text = '#' + channelName } }; await logChannel.SendFileAsync(filePath, "", false, logMessage); } if (Config.closingNotifications) { DiscordEmbed message = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = "Ticket " +"00000") + " which you opened has now been closed, check the transcript for more info.\n", Footer = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter { Text = '#' + channelName } }; try { DiscordMember staffMember = await command.Guild.GetMemberAsync(ticket.creatorID); DiscordMessage dm = await staffMember.SendFileAsync(filePath, "", false, message); await dm.CreateReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji.FromName(command.Client, ":one:")); await dm.CreateReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji.FromName(command.Client, ":two:")); await dm.CreateReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji.FromName(command.Client, ":three:")); await dm.CreateReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji.FromName(command.Client, ":four:")); await dm.CreateReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji.FromName(command.Client, ":five:")); } catch (NotFoundException) { } catch (UnauthorizedException) { } } using (MySqlConnection c = Database.GetConnection()) { // Create an entry in the ticket history database MySqlCommand archiveTicket = new MySqlCommand(@"INSERT INTO ticket_history (id, created_time, closed_time, creator_id, assigned_staff_id, summary, channel_id, rating) VALUES (@id, @created_time, now(), @creator_id, @assigned_staff_id, @summary, @channel_id, @rating);", c); archiveTicket.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id",; archiveTicket.Parameters.AddWithValue("@created_time", ticket.createdTime); archiveTicket.Parameters.AddWithValue("@creator_id", ticket.creatorID); archiveTicket.Parameters.AddWithValue("@assigned_staff_id", ticket.assignedStaffID); archiveTicket.Parameters.AddWithValue("@summary", ticket.summary); archiveTicket.Parameters.AddWithValue("@channel_id", channelID); archiveTicket.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rating", 0); c.Open(); archiveTicket.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Delete the channel and database entry await command.Channel.DeleteAsync("Ticket closed."); MySqlCommand deletion = new MySqlCommand(@"DELETE FROM tickets WHERE channel_id=@channel_id", c); deletion.Parameters.AddWithValue("@channel_id", channelID); deletion.Prepare(); deletion.ExecuteNonQuery(); Sheets.DeleteTicketQueued(; } }
public async Task OnExecute(CommandContext command, [RemainingText] string commandArgs) { // Check if the user has permission to use this command. if (!Config.HasPermission(command.Member, "close")) { DiscordEmbed error = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "You do not have permission to use this command." }; await command.RespondAsync(error); command.Client.Logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, "User tried to use the close command but did not have permission."); return; } ulong channelID = command.Channel.Id; string channelName = command.Channel.Name; // Check if ticket exists in the database if (!Database.TryGetOpenTicket(channelID, out Database.Ticket ticket)) { DiscordEmbed error = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "This channel is not a ticket." }; await command.RespondAsync(error); return; } // Build transcript try { await Transcriber.ExecuteAsync(command.Channel.Id,; } catch (Exception) { DiscordEmbed error = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "ERROR: Could not save transcript file. Aborting..." }; await command.RespondAsync(error); throw; } // Log it if the log channel exists DiscordChannel logChannel = command.Guild.GetChannel(Config.logChannel); if (logChannel != null) { DiscordEmbed embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = "Ticket " +"00000") + " closed by " + command.Member.Mention + ".\n", Footer = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter { Text = '#' + channelName } }; using (FileStream file = new FileStream(Transcriber.GetPath(, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { DiscordMessageBuilder message = new DiscordMessageBuilder(); message.WithEmbed(embed); message.WithFiles(new Dictionary <string, Stream>() { { Transcriber.GetFilename(, file } }); await logChannel.SendMessageAsync(message); } } if (Config.closingNotifications) { DiscordEmbed embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = "Ticket " +"00000") + " which you opened has now been closed, check the transcript for more info.\n", Footer = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter { Text = '#' + channelName } }; try { DiscordMember staffMember = await command.Guild.GetMemberAsync(ticket.creatorID); using (FileStream file = new FileStream(Transcriber.GetPath(, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { DiscordMessageBuilder message = new DiscordMessageBuilder(); message.WithEmbed(embed); message.WithFiles(new Dictionary <string, Stream>() { { Transcriber.GetFilename(, file } }); await staffMember.SendMessageAsync(message); } } catch (NotFoundException) { } catch (UnauthorizedException) { } } Database.ArchiveTicket(ticket); // Delete the channel and database entry await command.Channel.DeleteAsync("Ticket closed."); Database.DeleteOpenTicket(; }
private static async Task CallCognitiveServices(MeetingMinutesUiPathArguments meetingMinutesUiPathArguments) { try { var wavFileCount = _audioWriter.WavFileCount; _audioWriter = new AudioWriter(OutputFolder); meetingMinutesUiPathArguments.KeyPhrasesFilePath = $"{wavFileCount}.keyphrases.txt"; meetingMinutesUiPathArguments.MinutesFilePath = $"{wavFileCount}.minutes.txt"; meetingMinutesUiPathArguments.SentimentFilePath = $"{wavFileCount}.sentiment.txt"; meetingMinutesUiPathArguments.TranscribedFilePath = $"{wavFileCount}.transcribed.txt"; var fullTranscribeSpeechPath = Combine(OutputFolder, meetingMinutesUiPathArguments.TranscribedFilePath); var meetingMinutesFilePath = Combine(OutputFolder, meetingMinutesUiPathArguments.MinutesFilePath); var keyExtractionFilePath = Combine(OutputFolder, meetingMinutesUiPathArguments.KeyPhrasesFilePath); var sentimentAnalysisFilePath = Combine(OutputFolder, meetingMinutesUiPathArguments.SentimentFilePath); var config = SpeechConfig.FromSubscription(Settings.SpeechServiceSubscriptionKey, "eastus"); config.SpeechRecognitionLanguage = "en-US"; WriteLine("===== Initializing Speech Identifier ====="); var speakerIdentifierHttpRequests = new List <Task>(); SpeechIdentifier.SpeechIdentifier speechIdentifier = new SpeechIdentifier.SpeechIdentifier(_audioWriter.OutputFilePath, speakerIdentifierHttpRequests); await speechIdentifier.IdentifySpeakers(); Task.WaitAll(speakerIdentifierHttpRequests.ToArray()); WriteLine("===== Done Speaker Identification ====="); WriteLine(); WriteLine("===== Transcribing Identified Speakers ====="); if (await TranscribeIdentifiedSpeakers(meetingMinutesFilePath, speechIdentifier, _audioWriter.OutputFilePath, config) ) { return; } WriteLine("===== Done Transcribing Identified Speakers ====="); WriteLine(); WriteLine("===== Transcribing entire audio ====="); using (var fullTranscribeSpeechWriter = new StreamWriter(fullTranscribeSpeechPath)) { var transcriber = new Transcriber(_audioWriter.OutputFilePath, fullTranscribeSpeechWriter); await transcriber.TranscribeSpeechFromWavFileInput(config); } WriteLine("===== Done Transcribing entire audio ====="); WriteLine(); WriteLine("===== Initializing Key Extraction and Sentiment Analysis ====="); var textAnalytics = new TextAnalytics.TextAnalytics(meetingMinutesFilePath, fullTranscribeSpeechPath); textAnalytics.KeyExtraction(keyExtractionFilePath); textAnalytics.SentimentAnalysis(sentimentAnalysisFilePath); WriteLine("===== Done Key Extraction and Sentiment Analysis ====="); WriteLine(); } catch (Exception e) { WriteLine(e); ReadLine(); throw; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string audioFile = null; string output = null; string userId = null; string token = null; string lang = null; try { // Parsing commandline arguments Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args) .WithParsed <Options>(opts => { audioFile = opts.AudioFile; output = opts.Output; userId = opts.UserId; token = opts.ApiToken; lang = opts.Language; }); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception thrown while parsing arguments: " + ex.Message); return; } Regex rx = new Regex(@"\b(https?://)?(www\.)?(youtube|youtu|youtube-nocookie|facebook|dailymotion|twitter)\.(com|be)\b", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Transcriber transcriber = new Transcriber(userId, token, lang); Task <string> resultTask = null; if (rx.Matches(audioFile).Count > 0) { resultTask = transcriber.TranscribeVideoLink(audioFile); } else { resultTask = transcriber.Transcribe(audioFile); } if (resultTask == null) { Console.WriteLine("Transcibing process failed."); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } if (resultTask.IsCanceled || resultTask.IsFaulted) { Console.WriteLine("Transcibing process failed."); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } if (!resultTask.IsCompleted) { resultTask.Wait(); } string result = resultTask.Result; if (result == null) { Console.WriteLine("Transcibing process failed."); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } if (output == null) { Console.WriteLine(result); } else { StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(output, false, Encoding.UTF8); writer.Write(result); writer.Close(); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); }