        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a 'ClaimTransaction', signs it and send a 'sendrawtransaction' RPC call to the connected node.
        /// This method does not put gas into claimable state. Can only claim 'unclaimable' amount.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override async Task <ClaimTransaction> ClaimGas(UInt160 changeAddress = null)
            var(claimable, amount) =
                await TransactionBuilderHelper.GetClaimable(AddressScriptHash.ToAddress(), _restService);

            if (amount <= 0)
                throw new WalletException("No GAS available to claim at this address");

            var tx = new ClaimTransaction();

            var references = new List <CoinReference>();

            foreach (var entry in claimable)
                references.Add(new CoinReference
                    PrevHash  = UInt256.Parse(entry.Txid),
                    PrevIndex = (ushort)entry.N,

            if (changeAddress == null)
                changeAddress = AddressScriptHash;
            var outputs = new List <TransactionOutput>
                new TransactionOutput
                    ScriptHash = changeAddress,
                    AssetId    = Utils.GasToken,
                    Value      = Fixed8.FromDecimal(amount),

            tx.Version    = 0;
            tx.Claims     = references.ToArray();
            tx.Inputs     = new CoinReference[0];
            tx.Outputs    = outputs.ToArray();
            tx.Attributes = new TransactionAttribute[0];

            var result = await SignAndSendTransaction(tx);

            return(result ? tx : null);