public string this[string columnName] { get { error = null; if (columnName == "Quantity") { if (Quantity <= 0 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Quantity.ToString())) { error = "Favor ingresar una cantidad correcta"; } } if (columnName == "TransactionAmount") { if (TransactionAmount <= 0 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TransactionAmount.ToString())) { error = "Favor ingresar una cantidad correcta"; } } if (columnName == "Justification") { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Justification)) { error = "Favor ingresar una justificacion"; } } return(error); } #endregion }
private async Task CreateTransactionAsync() { if (IsBusy) { return; } if (TransactionAmount.Validate() == false) { return; } if (CounteragentView == null) { DialogService.ShowInformationUserMessage(this, "Counteragent not set", "Cancel"); return; } if (TransactionAmount.Value > UserBalance) { DialogService.ShowInformationUserMessage(this, "Transaction amount greater than user balance.", "Cancel"); return; } if (Description == null) { Description = ""; } IsBusy = true; try { var authToken = _settingsService.AuthAccessToken; await _transactionsService.PostTransaction(authToken, CounteragentView.Value.UserId, TransactionAmount.Value, Description); DialogService.ShowInformationUserMessage(this, "Transfer Completed", "Ok"); await NavigationService.NavigationToBackAsync(); } catch (ServiceAuthenticationException ex) { Debug.WriteLine($"[RetrieveData] Error Retrieve Data: {ex}"); await LogoutAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine($"[RetrieveData] Error Retrieve Data: {ex}"); DialogService.ShowInformationUserMessage(this, "Unable to connect service, check for Internet availability", "Cancel"); } finally { IsBusy = false; } }
public override int GetHashCode() { var hashCode = 1253119681; hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + Type.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + DatePosted.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + TransactionAmount.GetHashCode(); hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + EqualityComparer <string> .Default.GetHashCode(Memo); return(hashCode); }
public override string ToString() { return("[TransactionLog: " + " ID = " + ID.ToString() + " UserID = " + UserID + " ReferenceNumber = " + ReferenceNumber + " Transactions = " + Transactions + " TransactionDate = " + TransactionDate + " TransactionType = " + TransactionType + " FromAccount = " + FromAccount + " ToAccount = " + ToAccount + " TransactionAmount = " + TransactionAmount.ToString() + " Remarks = " + Remarks + "]"); }
public void TransactionConstructorTest_DefaultConstructor_EqualsNewObject() { var expectedObject = new TransactionAmount(); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.CopperTotal, 0); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.PlatinumAmount, 0); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.GoldAmount, 0); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.SilverAmount, 0); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.CopperAmount, 0); var actualObject = new TransactionAmount(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedObject, actualObject); }
public void TransactionConstructorTest_ProvideTotalCopperInConstructor_EqualNewObject(int totalCopper, int platAmount, int goldAmount, int silverAmount, int copperAmount) { var expectedObject = new TransactionAmount(); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.CopperTotal, totalCopper); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.PlatinumAmount, platAmount); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.GoldAmount, goldAmount); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.SilverAmount, silverAmount); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.CopperAmount, copperAmount); var actualObject = new TransactionAmount(totalCopper); Assert.AreEqual(expectedObject, actualObject); }
public void GetHashCodeTest() { var expectedObject = new TransactionAmount(); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.CopperTotal, 10); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.PlatinumAmount, 0); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.GoldAmount, 0); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.SilverAmount, 0); expectedObject.CallNonPublicSetter(x => x.CopperAmount, 10); var actualObject = new TransactionAmount(10); Assert.AreEqual(expectedObject.GetHashCode(), actualObject.GetHashCode()); }
public void EqualsTest_ExpectedObjectReferencesActualObject_ExpectTrue() { //// Arrange TransactionAmount expectedObject = new TransactionAmount(100); //// Act TransactionAmount actualObject = expectedObject; //// Assert Assert.IsTrue(actualObject.Equals(expectedObject)); Assert.IsTrue(actualObject == expectedObject); }
public void EqualsTest_ExpectedObjectComparedToNull_ExpectUnequal() { //// Arrange TransactionAmount expectedObject = null; //// Act TransactionAmount actualObject = new TransactionAmount(10); //// Assert Assert.IsFalse(actualObject.Equals(expectedObject)); Assert.IsTrue(expectedObject != actualObject); }
private TransactionAmount make_TransactionAmount(PaymentModel paymentModel) { TransactionAmount transactionAmount = new TransactionAmount(); if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PublishEnvironment"].ToString() == "SIT" || ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PublishEnvironment"].ToString() == "UAT") { transactionAmount.paymentAmount = 100; } else { transactionAmount.paymentAmount = (int.Parse(paymentModel.PayableAmount) * 100); } transactionAmount.currency = "LKR"; return(transactionAmount); }
public async Task <EstimationDto> CreateEstimationAsync(string from, string to, decimal transferAmount, CancellationToken cxlToken) { if (!await _countryService.IsSupportedCountryAsync(from, to, cxlToken)) { throw new ArgumentException("Country not supported"); } TransactionAmount allowedAmount = await _paymentService.TransactionRangeAsync(from); if (transferAmount < allowedAmount.MinAmount || transferAmount > allowedAmount.MaxAmount) { throw new ArgumentException($"Transfer amount must be between {allowedAmount.MinAmount} and {allowedAmount.MaxAmount}"); } var fees = await _taxAndFeeService.GetFeeAsync(from, to, transferAmount, cxlToken); var applicableRate = await _exchangeService.GetExchangeRateAsync(from, to, cxlToken); var recieveAmount = Math.Round(applicableRate * transferAmount, Accuracy, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); var applicablePaymentModes = await _paymentService.GetPaymentModesAsync(from); var applicableTaxes = await _taxAndFeeService.GetTaxAsync(from, transferAmount, cxlToken); var estimation = new EstimationDto { EstimationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ExchangeRate = applicableRate, AmountToSend = transferAmount, AmountToRecieve = recieveAmount, Fees = fees, PaymentModes = applicablePaymentModes, Taxes = applicableTaxes }; await _estimationRepository.SaveEstimationAsync(estimation.EstimationId, EstimationDto.ToString(estimation)); return(estimation); }
//display transaction amount and type and date when converting to string public override string ToString() { return(TransactionAmount.ToString() + " " + TransactionType + " " + TransactionDate.ToShortDateString()); }
private void RaiseDisplayChanged() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (_state == ControlUnitState.Maintenance) { sb.AppendLine("OUT OF ORDER"); sb.AppendLine("Sales report: "); double total = 0; // calculate sales report for (int i = 0; i < ControlUnit.Instance.VendingProcessor.ProductSlots.Length; i++) { var p = ControlUnit.Instance.VendingProcessor.ProductSlots[i]; total += p.Price * p.TotalSold; sb.AppendLine(p.Name + ", sold " + p.TotalSold + "= £" + (p.Price * p.TotalSold).ToString("#0.00")); } sb.AppendLine("Total = £" + total.ToString("#0.00")); } else if (_state == ControlUnitState.Ready) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Error)) { sb.AppendLine("CHOOSE DRINK"); } else { sb.AppendLine(Error); } } else if (_state == ControlUnitState.Release || _state == ControlUnitState.Finalize) { sb.AppendLine("THANK YOU. . ."); } else if (_state == ControlUnitState.Transaction) { if (NoChange) { sb.AppendLine("NO CHANGE"); } else { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Error)) { sb.AppendLine("INSERT COINS PLEASE"); } else { sb.AppendLine(Error); } } } else { sb.AppendLine("ERROR!"); } if (_state == ControlUnitState.Transaction) // Show product name, cost, and current transaction amount { sb.AppendLine(ChosenProduct.Name); sb.AppendLine("Cost: £" + ChosenProduct.Price.ToString("#0.00")); sb.AppendLine("Cash Inserted : £" + TransactionAmount.ToString("#0.00")); } if (OnDisplayChanged != null) { OnDisplayChanged(sb.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a <see cref="T:System.String"/> that represents the current <see cref="T:System.Object"/>. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that represents the current <see cref="T:System.Object"/>. /// </returns> public override string ToString() { return(string.Format(Resources.Culture, Resources.InvestmentTransactionDisplay, Date.ToString("d", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), TextFirstLine, TransactionAmount.ToString("C2", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); }