public void ImportRatings() { ImportCancelled = false; List <Dictionary <string, string> > watchedMovies = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Reading IMDb ratings export..."); if (!ParseCSVFile(CSVFile)) { UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Failed to parse IMDb ratings file!", true); Thread.Sleep(2000); return; } if (ImportCancelled) { return; } // IMDb does not return the season and episode number for TV Episodes // so we should filter down to TV Shows and Movies only #region Movies var movies = RateItems.Where(r => r[IMDbFieldMapping.cType].ItemType() == IMDbType.Movie); if (movies.Count() > 0) { UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Importing {0} movie ratings to", movies.Count())); TraktRatingsResponse response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.RateMovies(GetRateMoviesData(movies)); if (response == null || response.Status != "success") { UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Error importing movie ratings to", true); Thread.Sleep(2000); } // add to list of movies to mark as watched watchedMovies.AddRange(movies); } if (ImportCancelled) { return; } #endregion #region TV Shows var shows = RateItems.Where(r => r[IMDbFieldMapping.cType].ItemType() == IMDbType.Show); if (shows.Count() > 0) { UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Importing {0} show ratings to", shows.Count())); TraktRatingsResponse response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.RateShows(GetRateShowsData(shows)); if (response == null || response.Status != "success") { UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Error importing show ratings to", true); Thread.Sleep(2000); } } if (ImportCancelled) { return; } #endregion #region Episodes var episodes = RateItems.Where(r => r[IMDbFieldMapping.cType].ItemType() == IMDbType.Episode); TraktRateEpisodes episodesRated = null; if (episodes.Count() > 0) { UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Importing {0} episode ratings to", episodes.Count())); episodesRated = GetRateEpisodeData(episodes); TraktRatingsResponse response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.RateEpisodes(episodesRated); if (response == null || response.Status != "success") { UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Error importing episodes ratings to", true); Thread.Sleep(2000); } } if (ImportCancelled) { return; } #endregion #region Mark as Watched #region Movies if (AppSettings.MarkAsWatched && watchedMovies.Count > 0) { // mark all movies as watched if rated UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Importing {0} IMDb Movies as Watched...", watchedMovies.Count)); TraktMovieSyncResponse watchedMoviesResponse = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.SyncMovieLibrary(GetWatchedMoviesData(watchedMovies), TraktSyncModes.seen); if (watchedMoviesResponse == null || watchedMoviesResponse.Status != "success") { UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Failed to send watched status for IMDb movies.", true); Thread.Sleep(2000); if (ImportCancelled) { return; } } } #endregion #region Episodes if (AppSettings.MarkAsWatched && episodesRated.Episodes.Count() > 0) { // mark all episodes as watched if rated UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Importing {0} IMDb Episodes as Watched...", episodesRated.Episodes.Count)); var watchedEpisodes = GetWatchedEpisodeData(episodesRated.Episodes); foreach (var showSyncData in watchedEpisodes) { if (ImportCancelled) { return; } // send the episodes from each show as watched UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Importing {0} episodes of {1} as watched...", showSyncData.EpisodeList.Count(), showSyncData.Title)); var watchedEpisodesResponse = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.SyncEpisodeLibrary(showSyncData, TraktSyncModes.seen); if (watchedEpisodesResponse == null || watchedEpisodesResponse.Status != "success") { UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to send watched status for IMDb '{0}' episodes.", showSyncData.Title), true); Thread.Sleep(2000); continue; } } } #endregion #endregion return; }
public void ImportRatings() { ImportCancelled = false; List <TMDbMovie> watchedMovies = new List <TMDbMovie>(); #region Session Id // check if we have a session id // note: request token if new is only valid for 60mins if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppSettings.TMDbSessionId)) { UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Getting TMDb Authentication Session Id..."); var sessionResponse = TMDbAPI.RequestSessionId(AppSettings.TMDbRequestToken); if (sessionResponse == null || !sessionResponse.Success) { UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Unable to get TMDb Authentication Session Id.", true); Thread.Sleep(2000); return; } AppSettings.TMDbSessionId = sessionResponse.SessionId; } if (ImportCancelled) { return; } #endregion #region Account Information UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Getting TMDb Account Id..."); var accountInfo = TMDbAPI.GetAccountId(AppSettings.TMDbSessionId); if (accountInfo == null) { UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Unable to get TMDb Account Id.", true); Thread.Sleep(2000); return; } if (ImportCancelled) { return; } #endregion #region Get Rated Movies UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Getting first batch of TMDb Rated Movies.."); var ratings = TMDbAPI.GetRatedMovies(accountInfo.Id.ToString(), AppSettings.TMDbSessionId, 1); if (ImportCancelled) { return; } #endregion #region Import Movie Ratings if (ratings.TotalResults == 0) { return; } UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("[{0}/{1}] Importing {2} TMDb Movie Ratings...", ratings.Page, ratings.TotalPages, ratings.Movies.Count)); var response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.RateMovies(GetRateMoviesData(ratings.Movies)); if (response == null || response.Status != "success") { UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Failed to send ratings for TMDb movies.", true); Thread.Sleep(2000); if (ImportCancelled) { return; } } // add to list of movies to mark as watched watchedMovies.AddRange(ratings.Movies); // get each page of movies for (int i = 2; i <= ratings.TotalPages; i++) { UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("[{0}/{1}] Getting next batch of TMDb Rated Movies...", ratings.Page, ratings.TotalPages)); ratings = TMDbAPI.GetRatedMovies(accountInfo.Id.ToString(), AppSettings.TMDbSessionId, i); if (ImportCancelled) { return; } UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("[{0}/{1}] Importing {2} TMDb Movie Ratings...", ratings.Page, ratings.TotalPages, ratings.Movies.Count)); response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.RateMovies(GetRateMoviesData(ratings.Movies)); if (response == null || response.Status != "success") { UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Failed to send ratings for TMDb movies.", true); Thread.Sleep(2000); if (ImportCancelled) { return; } } // add to list of movies to mark as watched watchedMovies.AddRange(ratings.Movies); } #endregion #region Mark As Watched if (AppSettings.MarkAsWatched && watchedMovies.Count > 0) { // mark all movies as watched if rated UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Importing {0} TMDb Movies as Watched...", watchedMovies.Count)); TraktMovieSyncResponse watchedResponse = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.SyncMovieLibrary(GetWatchedMoviesData(watchedMovies), TraktSyncModes.seen); if (watchedResponse == null || watchedResponse.Status != "success") { UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Failed to send watched status for TMDb movies.", true); Thread.Sleep(2000); if (ImportCancelled) { return; } } } #endregion return; }