        private async void BtnSave_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //_Routine.RoutineExercises = new HashSet<int>(_ViewModel.Exercises.Where(ex => ex.IsSelected)
            //    .Select(ex => ex.Exercise.Id).ToArray());

            //Was mache ich hier? Das verstehe ich momentan noch nicht:
            //Speichere ich über die Routine separat von den RoutineExercises?
            //Und die RoutineExercise über ihr eigenes Repository? Und wie mache ich das beim laden der Routine?
            //Oder speichere ich alles über die Routine und die Unit of Work speichert dann alles selber?

            _Routine.RoutineExercises = new List <RoutineExercise>();
            var exerciseIds = _ViewModel.Exercises.Where(ex => ex.IsSelected).Select(ex => ex.Exercise.Id);

            //ToDo: Not the duty of the View
            foreach (var id in exerciseIds)
                _Routine.RoutineExercises.Add(new RoutineExercise
                    Id         = TrainingContext.GetRoutineExerciseId(), //IdHelper.GetRoutineExerciseId(_Uow.Routines);
                    IdExercise = id,
                    IdRoutine  = _Routine.Id
            RoutineRepository.Instance.Add(_Routine); //_Uow.Routines.Add(_Routine);

            await this.Navigation.PopModalAsync();
        private async void BtnSave_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Routine routine;
            RoutineEditViewModel vm = (RoutineEditViewModel)BindingContext;

            routine = vm.Routine;

            if (routine.Title != entryTitle.Text)
                routine.Title = entryTitle.Text;

            routine.Description = entryDescription.Text;

            var choosenRoutineExercises = new List <RoutineExercise>();
            var exerciseIds             = vm.Exercises.Where(ex => ex.IsSelected).Select(ex => ex.Exercise.Id);

            //Add the selected exercises to the routine
            foreach (var id in exerciseIds)
                choosenRoutineExercises.Add(new RoutineExercise          //_Uow.Routines.Add(...)
                    Id         = TrainingContext.GetRoutineExerciseId(), //IdHelper.GetRoutineExerciseId(_Uow.Routines);
                    IdExercise = id,
                    IdRoutine  = routine.Id

            //This causes a PropertyChanged event on the routine which leads to an update of the Exercises
            //which is the collection that is represented in the ListView
            routine.RoutineExercises = choosenRoutineExercises;

            await this.Navigation.PopModalAsync();