        private void Request(NetMessageInfo info)
            MapPlayer sender = _player.Server[info.Sender.Id];

            if (_trading)
            else if (sender.Trade._requested && sender.Trade._target == _player)
                _target = sender;
                m_state = new TradingState()
                    InProgress = true,
                    ONE        = _player,
                    TWO        = sender,
                    ONE_Offer  = m_offer,
                    TWO_Offer  = sender.Trade.m_offer
                sender.Trade.m_state = m_state;
                sender.Trade._trading = _trading = true;
            else if (!_requested)
                _target    = sender;
                _requested = true;
                _regected = new TradeRejector(_player, _target);
 public void CmdLockOffer()
     // validate
     if (player.state == "TRADING")
         state = TradingState.Locked;
 public void ResetState()
     m_state    = null;
     _target    = null;
     _trading   = false;
     _regected  = null;
     _requested = false;
     lock (_lock) m_offer.Clear();
 public void Cleanup()
     // clear all trade related properties
     offerGold = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < offerItems.Count; ++i)
         offerItems[i] = -1;
     state       = TradingState.Free;
     requestFrom = "";
        private void BollingerBandStrategy(OHLC ohlc, DateTime date, StrategyParameters parameters)
            if (DataPoints.Count < 200)

            var rsiPeriod     = parameters.RsiPeriod;
            var rsiThreshold  = parameters.RsiThreshold;
            var stopLossRatio = parameters.StopLossRatio;

            //Calculate indicators
            var direction  = CalculateMovingAverage(200);
            var sellSignal = CalculateMovingAverage(5);
            var rsi        = CalculateRelativeStrengthIndex(rsiPeriod);
            var bb         = CalculateBollingerBands(20, 2);
            var percentB   = bb.PercentB;
            var bandwidth  = bb.Bandwidth;

            //Long Entry
            //When the price candle closes or is already above 200 day MA and RSI closes below 5 buy
            //Sell when closes above 5-period moving average
            if (State == TradingState.Initial)
                if (ohlc.High > direction && percentB > 100)
                    CreateOrder(ohlc, date, "Buy", $"<br/> %b {percentB:N0} <br/> bandwidth {bandwidth:N0} <br/> upper {bb.UpperBand:N0} <br/> lower {bb.LowerBand:N0}");
                    State = TradingState.MonitoringDownTrend;
            else if (State == TradingState.MonitoringDownTrend || State == TradingState.WaitingToSell)
                //Stop loss when BUY order loses more than 2% of its value
                var buyOrder = Orders.Last();
                if ((double)((buyOrder.Price - ohlc.Close) / buyOrder.Price) > stopLossRatio)
                    CreateOrder(ohlc, date, "Sell", $"Stop Loss <br/> %b {percentB:N0} <br/> bandwidth {bandwidth:N0} <br/> upper {bb.UpperBand:N0} <br/> lower {bb.LowerBand:N0}");
                    State = TradingState.Initial;
                    return;//Otherwise might sell twice

                //Limit profit on downward swing
                if (percentB < 0)
                    CreateOrder(ohlc, date, "Sell", $"%b hit over 100 <br/> %b {percentB:N0} <br/> bandwidth {bandwidth:N0} <br/> upper {bb.UpperBand:N0} <br/> lower {bb.LowerBand:N0}");
                    State = TradingState.Initial;
        protected override void OnRun()
            if (symbol == null || account == null || symbol.ConnectionId != account.ConnectionId)
                Log("Incorrect input parameters... Symbol or Account are not specified or they have diffent connections.", StrategyLoggingLevel.Error);

            threeMaIndicator = Core.Instance.Indicators.BuiltIn.MAS3(ShortMaPeriod, MiddleMaPeriod, LongMaPeriod, BARS_THREE_MA_INTERVAL);
            historicalData   = symbol.GetHistory(period, symbol.HistoryType, DateTime.UtcNow);

            tradingState     = TradingState.ExitMarket;
            longOrdersCount  = 0;
            shortOrdersCount = 0;
            maxPeriod        = Enumerable.Max(new double[] { ShortMaPeriod, MiddleMaPeriod, LongMaPeriod });
            symbol.NewQuote += OnNewQuote;
            symbol.NewLast  += OnNewLast;
        public override void HandleMessage(Yupi.Model.Domain.Habbo session, Yupi.Protocol.Buffers.ClientMessage request,
                                           Yupi.Protocol.IRouter router)
            string name         = request.GetString();
            string description  = request.GetString();
            string roomModel    = request.GetString();
            int    categoryId   = request.GetInteger();
            int    maxVisitors  = request.GetInteger();
            int    tradeStateId = request.GetInteger();

            RoomModel    model;
            TradingState tradeState;

            if (!RoomModel.TryParse(roomModel, out model) ||
                !TradingState.TryFromInt32(tradeStateId, out tradeState))

            NavigatorCategory category = NavigatorRepository.Find(categoryId);

            if (category.MinRank > session.Info.Rank)

            // TODO Filter Name, Description, max visitors
            RoomData data = new RoomData()
                Name        = name,
                Description = description,
                Model       = model,
                Category    = category,
                UsersMax    = maxVisitors,
                TradeState  = tradeState,
                Owner       = session.Info


            router.GetComposer <OnCreateRoomInfoMessageComposer>().Compose(session, data);
        private void DonchienBreakoutStrategy(OHLC ohlc, DateTime date, StrategyParameters parameters)
            if (DataPoints.Count < 55)

            //Calculate indicators
            var dca = CalculateDonchianChannel(55);

            //Long Entry
            //When closes at DC upper limit
            if (State == TradingState.Initial)
                if (ohlc.Close >= dca.UpperBand)
                    CreateOrder(ohlc, date, "Buy", $"<br/> Close {ohlc.Close:N0} > Upper {dca.UpperBand:N0}");
                    State = TradingState.WaitingToSell;
            else if (State == TradingState.WaitingToSell)
                //Stop loss when BUY order loses 70 EUR
                var buyOrder = Orders.Last();
                var loss     = buyOrder.Price - ohlc.Close;
                if (loss > 70)
                    CreateOrder(ohlc, date, "Sell", $"Stop Loss <br/> at loss {loss:N0}");
                    State = TradingState.Initial;
                    return;//Otherwise might sell twice

                //Exit when closes at mid point
                if (ohlc.Close <= (dca.UpperBand - dca.LowerBand) / 2 + dca.LowerBand)
                    CreateOrder(ohlc, date, "Sell", $"Closes at mid point");
                    State = TradingState.Initial;
        private void RelativeVigorIndexStrategy(OHLC ohlc, DateTime date, StrategyParameters parameters)
            if (DataPoints.Count < 40)

            //Calculate indicators
            var rvi               = CalculateRelativeVigorIndex(22);
            var rviBase           = CalculateRelativeVigorIndex(10);
            var percentK          = CalculateSlowStochasticOscillatorsPercentK(DataPoints, 17, 6);
            var percentD          = CalculateSlowStochasticOscillatorsPercentD(DataPoints, 13, 17, 6);
            var envelopeLowerBand = CalculateEnvelopeLowerBand(DataPoints, 10, 0.97);

            //Long Entry
            //When the RVI is greater than the signal and
            //percent K is higher than percent D
            if (State == TradingState.Initial)
                if (rvi > rviBase && percentK > percentD)
                    CreateOrder(ohlc, date, "Buy", $"<br/> %b {rvi:N0} <br/> > {rviBase:N0} <br/> and {percentK:N0} <br/> > {percentD:N0}");
                    State = TradingState.WaitingToSell;
            else if (State == TradingState.WaitingToSell || State == TradingState.MonitoringDownTrend)
                //Stop loss when BUY order loses 70 EUR
                var buyOrder = Orders.Last();
                //var loss = buyOrder.Price - ohlc.Close;
                //if (loss > 70)
                //    CreateOrder(ohlc, date, "Sell", $"Stop Loss <br/> at loss {loss:N0}");
                //    State = TradingState.Initial;
                //    return;//Otherwise might sell twice

                //Exit when it closes over envelope lower band
                //after closing under envelope lower band
                if (State == TradingState.WaitingToSell)
                    if (ohlc.Close < envelopeLowerBand)
                        State = TradingState.MonitoringDownTrend;
                else if (State == TradingState.MonitoringDownTrend)
                    if (ohlc.Close > envelopeLowerBand)
                        CreateOrder(ohlc, date, "Sell", $"Closes over envelope lower band after closing under");
                        State = TradingState.Initial;

                //Limit profit
                //by selling the asset when it brings in 200 EUR
                var profit      = ohlc.Close - buyOrder.Price;
                var profitLimit = 200;
                if (ohlc.Close - buyOrder.Price >= profitLimit)
                    CreateOrder(ohlc, date, "Sell", $"Profit {profit:N0} exceeded {profitLimit} EUR limit");
                    State = TradingState.Initial;
        private void StrategyProcess(MessageQuote message)
            if (historicalData.Count <= maxPeriod)

            // Calculation of trend
            Trend trend = (Trend)threeMaIndicator.GetValue();

            switch (trend)
            case Trend.Up:
                // Up trend detected. If we were in short position, first closing it
                if (tradingState == TradingState.EnteredSell)
                    // If request for closing has been sent, setting the current state -
                    // we have already exit the market
                    Position position = Core.Instance.GetPositionById(currentOrderResult.OrderId, symbol.ConnectionId);
                    if (position == null)

                    var result = position.Close();
                    if (result.Status == TradingOperationResultStatus.Success)
                        tradingState = TradingState.ExitMarket;
                        Log($"{currentOrderResult.Status}. Position was closed.", StrategyLoggingLevel.Trading);

                    // exitting the program to give some time to
                    // the system for processing the order. Entrance will
                    // be performed on the next quote

                // If we haven't aleady entered the market, do it
                if (tradingState != TradingState.EnteredBuy)
                    var orderPrice = symbol.Bid;
                    if (message is Last last)
                        orderPrice = last.Price;

                    if (message is Quote quote)
                        orderPrice = quote.Ask;

                    // Sending request for opening long position, and
                    // setting the state - "Entered long position"
                    currentOrderResult = Core.PlaceOrder(new PlaceOrderRequestParameters
                        Account     = account,
                        Symbol      = this.symbol,
                        Price       = orderPrice,
                        OrderTypeId = OrderType.Market,
                        Quantity    = quantity,
                        Side        = Side.Buy,
                    tradingState = TradingState.EnteredBuy;

                    if (currentOrderResult.Status == TradingOperationResultStatus.Success)
                        Log($"{currentOrderResult.Status}. Long position was placed.", StrategyLoggingLevel.Trading);
                        Log($"{currentOrderResult.Status}. {currentOrderResult.Message}", StrategyLoggingLevel.Trading);

            case Trend.Down:
                //Down trend detected. If we were in long position, firstly closing it
                if (tradingState == TradingState.EnteredBuy)
                    // If request for closing has been sent, setting the current state -
                    // we have already exit the market
                    Position position = Core.Instance.GetPositionById(currentOrderResult.OrderId, symbol.ConnectionId);
                    if (position == null)

                    var result = position.Close();
                    if (result.Status == TradingOperationResultStatus.Success)
                        tradingState = TradingState.ExitMarket;
                        Log($"{currentOrderResult.Status}. Position was closed.", StrategyLoggingLevel.Trading);
                    // exitting the program to give some time to
                    // the system for processing the order. Entrance will
                    // be performed on the next quote

                // If we haven't aleady entered the market, do it
                if (tradingState != TradingState.EnteredSell)
                    var orderPrice = symbol.Bid;
                    if (message is Last last)
                        orderPrice = last.Price;

                    if (message is Quote quote)
                        orderPrice = quote.Bid;

                    // Sending request for opening long position, and
                    // if request is sent, then setting the state - "Entered short position"
                    currentOrderResult = Core.PlaceOrder(new PlaceOrderRequestParameters
                        Account     = account,
                        Symbol      = this.symbol,
                        Price       = orderPrice,
                        OrderTypeId = OrderType.Market,
                        Quantity    = quantity,
                        Side        = Side.Sell,
                    tradingState = TradingState.EnteredSell;

                    if (currentOrderResult.Status == TradingOperationResultStatus.Success)
                        Log($"{currentOrderResult.Status}. Short position was placed.", StrategyLoggingLevel.Trading);
                        Log($"{currentOrderResult.Status}. {currentOrderResult.Message}", StrategyLoggingLevel.Trading);
    public void CmdAcceptOffer()
        // validate
        // note: distance check already done when starting the trade
        if (player.state == "TRADING" && state == TradingState.Locked &&
            player.target != null &&
            player.target is Player other)
            // other has locked?
            if (other.trading.state == TradingState.Locked)
                //  simply accept and wait for the other guy to accept too
                state = TradingState.Accepted;
                print("first accept by " + name);
            // other has accepted already? then both accepted now, start trade.
            else if (other.trading.state == TradingState.Accepted)
                // accept
                state = TradingState.Accepted;
                print("second accept by " + name);

                // both offers still valid?
                if (IsOfferStillValid() && other.trading.IsOfferStillValid())
                    // both have enough inventory slots?
                    // note: we don't use InventoryCanAdd here because:
                    // - current solution works if both have full inventories
                    // - InventoryCanAdd only checks one slot. here we have
                    //   multiple slots though (it could happen that we can
                    //   not add slot 2 after we did add slot 1's items etc)
                    if (inventory.SlotsFree() >= InventorySlotsNeededForTrade() &&
                        other.inventory.SlotsFree() >= other.trading.InventorySlotsNeededForTrade())
                        // exchange the items by first taking them out
                        // into a temporary list and then putting them
                        // in. this guarantees that exchanging even
                        // works with full inventories

                        // take them out
                        Queue <ItemSlot> tempMy = new Queue <ItemSlot>();
                        foreach (int index in offerItems)
                            if (index != -1)
                                ItemSlot slot = inventory.slots[index];
                                slot.amount            = 0;
                                inventory.slots[index] = slot;

                        Queue <ItemSlot> tempOther = new Queue <ItemSlot>();
                        foreach (int index in other.trading.offerItems)
                            if (index != -1)
                                ItemSlot slot = other.inventory.slots[index];
                                slot.amount = 0;
                                other.inventory.slots[index] = slot;

                        // put them into the free slots
                        for (int i = 0; i < inventory.slots.Count; ++i)
                            if (inventory.slots[i].amount == 0 && tempOther.Count > 0)
                                inventory.slots[i] = tempOther.Dequeue();

                        for (int i = 0; i < other.inventory.slots.Count; ++i)
                            if (other.inventory.slots[i].amount == 0 && tempMy.Count > 0)
                                other.inventory.slots[i] = tempMy.Dequeue();

                        // did it all work?
                        if (tempMy.Count > 0 || tempOther.Count > 0)
                            Debug.LogWarning("item trade problem");

                        // exchange the gold
                        player.gold -= offerGold;
                        other.gold  -= other.trading.offerGold;

                        player.gold += other.trading.offerGold;
                        other.gold  += offerGold;
                    print("trade canceled (invalid offer)");

                // clear trade request for both guys. the FSM event will do the
                // rest
                requestFrom = "";
                other.trading.requestFrom = "";
        public override void HandleMessage(Yupi.Model.Domain.Habbo session, Yupi.Protocol.Buffers.ClientMessage request,
                                           Yupi.Protocol.IRouter router)
            int roomId = request.GetInteger();

            RoomData roomData = RoomRepository.Find(roomId);

            if (roomData == null || !roomData.HasOwnerRights(session.Info))

            // TODO Filter
            string newName = request.GetString();

            // TODO Magic constant
            if (newName.Length > 2)
                roomData.Name = newName;

            // TODO Filter
            roomData.Description = request.GetString();

            int stateId = request.GetInteger();

            RoomState state;

            if (RoomState.TryFromInt32(stateId, out state))
                roomData.State = state;

            roomData.Password = request.GetString();
            roomData.UsersMax = request.GetInteger();

            int categoryId = request.GetInteger();

            FlatNavigatorCategory category = NavigatorCategoryRepository.Find(categoryId);

            if (category != null && category.MinRank <= session.Info.Rank)
                roomData.Category = category;

            int tagCount = request.GetInteger();

            if (tagCount <= 2)

                IRepository <Tag> TagRepository = DependencyFactory.Resolve <IRepository <Tag> > ();
                for (int i = 0; i < tagCount; i++)
                    string tagValue = request.GetString().ToLower();
                    Tag    tag      = TagRepository.Find(tagValue);

                    if (tag == null)
                        tag = new Tag(tagValue);


            TradingState tradeState;

            if (TradingState.TryFromInt32(request.GetInteger(), out tradeState))
                roomData.TradeState = tradeState;

            roomData.AllowPets        = request.GetBool();
            roomData.AllowPetsEating  = request.GetBool();
            roomData.AllowWalkThrough = request.GetBool();

            bool hideWall       = request.GetBool();
            int  wallThickness  = request.GetInteger();
            int  floorThickness = request.GetInteger();

            if (session.Info.Subscription.HasLevel(ClubLevel.HC))
                roomData.HideWall       = hideWall;
                roomData.WallThickness  = wallThickness;
                roomData.FloorThickness = floorThickness;
                roomData.HideWall       = false;
                roomData.WallThickness  = 0;
                roomData.FloorThickness = 0;

            RoomModerationRight right;

            if (RoomModerationRight.TryFromInt32(request.GetInteger(), out right))
                roomData.ModerationSettings.WhoCanMute = right;

            if (RoomModerationRight.TryFromInt32(request.GetInteger(), out right))
                roomData.ModerationSettings.WhoCanKick = right;

            if (RoomModerationRight.TryFromInt32(request.GetInteger(), out right))
                roomData.ModerationSettings.WhoCanBan = right;

            ChatType chatType;

            if (ChatType.TryFromInt32(request.GetInteger(), out chatType))
                roomData.Chat.Type = chatType;

            ChatBalloon chatBalloon;

            if (ChatBalloon.TryFromInt32(request.GetInteger(), out chatBalloon))
                roomData.Chat.Balloon = chatBalloon;

            ChatSpeed chatSpeed;

            if (ChatSpeed.TryFromInt32(request.GetInteger(), out chatSpeed))
                roomData.Chat.Speed = chatSpeed;

            int maxDistance = request.GetInteger();

            if (roomData.Chat.isValidDistance(maxDistance))

            FloodProtection floodProtection;

            if (FloodProtection.TryFromInt32(request.GetInteger(), out floodProtection))
                roomData.Chat.FloodProtection = floodProtection;

            request.GetBool(); //TODO allow_dyncats_checkbox

            router.GetComposer <RoomSettingsSavedMessageComposer>().Compose(session, roomData.Id);

            Room room = RoomManager.GetIfLoaded(roomData);

            if (room != null)
                room.EachUser(x =>
                    x.Router.GetComposer <RoomUpdateMessageComposer>().Compose(x, roomData.Id);
                    x.Router.GetComposer <RoomFloorWallLevelsMessageComposer>().Compose(x, roomData);
                    x.Router.GetComposer <RoomChatOptionsMessageComposer>().Compose(x, roomData);
                    x.Router.GetComposer <RoomDataMessageComposer>().Compose(x, roomData, x.Info, true, true);