 private void OnTradeResponseUpdate(IStale <ITrade> tradeUpdate)
     if (tradeUpdate.IsStale)
         // TODO: What does this state represent?
         var trade = tradeUpdate.Update;
         Status    = PriceTileStatus.Done;
         TradeDone = new TradeDoneModel(trade);
        public void UpdateFrom(TradeDoneModel model)
            // Currencies 'one, 'two' are always base, counter for the time being.
            // TODO: Understand when they might swap, eg if notional currency changed?

            string currencyOne = "???";
            string currencyTwo = "???";
            string tradeStatus = "";

            UIStringAttributes strikethroughAttributes;

            switch (model.Trade.TradeStatus)
            case Domain.Models.Execution.TradeStatus.Rejected:
                strikethroughAttributes = new UIStringAttributes {
                    StrikethroughStyle = NSUnderlineStyle.Single
                tradeStatus = "(REJECTED)";

            case Domain.Models.Execution.TradeStatus.Done:
                strikethroughAttributes = new UIStringAttributes {
                    StrikethroughStyle = NSUnderlineStyle.None

            // Always displayed 'plain'...

            Direction.Text = model.Trade.Direction.ToString();
            TradeId.Text   = String.Format("{0} {1}", model.Trade.TradeId.ToString(), tradeStatus);

            // Displayed plain but needs some formatting to make nice...

            if (model.Trade.CurrencyPair.Length == 6)
                currencyOne       = model.Trade.CurrencyPair.Substring(0, 3);
                currencyTwo       = model.Trade.CurrencyPair.Substring(3, 3);
                CurrencyPair.Text = String.Format("{0} / {1}", currencyOne, currencyTwo);
                // We expect the currency pair to always be 3 + 3, but just in case...
                CurrencyPair.Text = model.Trade.CurrencyPair;

            //			System.Console.WriteLine ("Trade details: {0}", model.Trade.ToString());

            // The following fields may be struck through in the event of trade failure...

            // Note that we always use currencyTwo here for now...
            // This will be wrong when we allow notional to be in the counter currency.
            // TODO: Complete this implementation at that point. And work out what DealtCurrency means then.

            CounterCCY.AttributedText      = new NSAttributedString(currencyTwo, strikethroughAttributes);
            DirectionAmount.AttributedText = new NSAttributedString(Styles.FormatNotional(model.Trade.Notional, true), strikethroughAttributes);
            Rate.AttributedText            = new NSAttributedString(model.Trade.SpotRate.ToString(), strikethroughAttributes);

            // Note that 'Proper' trade dates (with spot date calculated with holidays etc taken into account).
            // TODO: Make sure we bind the correct date when it becomes available in future.

            string valueDateFormatted = String.Format("SP. {0}", model.Trade.ValueDate.ToString("dd MMM"));

            ValueDate.AttributedText = new NSAttributedString(valueDateFormatted, strikethroughAttributes);

            // We use some BOLD if the trader id matches the current user...

            UIStringAttributes maybeStrikeMaybeBold = new UIStringAttributes();

            maybeStrikeMaybeBold.StrikethroughStyle = strikethroughAttributes.StrikethroughStyle;
            if (model.Trade.TraderName == UserModel.Instance.TraderId)
                maybeStrikeMaybeBold.Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(TraderId.Font.PointSize);

            TraderId.AttributedText = new NSAttributedString(model.Trade.TraderName, maybeStrikeMaybeBold);

            // Not directly available from ITrade, so we derive it thus?
            // At first was hardcoded 'EUR'!
            // So... using currencyOne is better but may not be right once UI and models allow notional currency to change.
            // Maybe we'll end up with something akin to this...
            //			string directionCurrency = (model.Trade.Direction == Adaptive.ReactiveTrader.Client.Domain.Models.Direction.BUY) ? currencyOne : currencyTwo;

            string directionCurrency = currencyOne;

            DirectionCCY.AttributedText = new NSAttributedString(directionCurrency, strikethroughAttributes);

            DoneButton.Hidden = true;