        /// <summary>The mod entry point, called after the mod is first loaded.</summary>
        /// <param name="helper">Provides simplified APIs for writing mods.</param>
        public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
            /*** load config settings ***/

            MConfig = helper.ReadConfig <ModConfig>(); //load the mod's config.json file
            if (MConfig == null)                       //if loading failed

            //populate object sets from config settings, if applicable
            if (MConfig.OtherTrackedObjects != null)
                foreach (object entry in MConfig.OtherTrackedObjects)     //for each entry in the list of extra objects to track
                    if (int.TryParse(entry.ToString(), out int objectID)) //if this entry can be converted into an integer, treat it as an object ID
                        TrackedObjectIDs.Add(objectID);                   //add it to the set of tracked IDs
                    else if (entry is string objectName)                  //if this is a non-integer string, treat it as an object name
                        TrackedObjectNames.Add(objectName.ToLower());     //add it to the set of tracked names
                    else //if this entry couldn't be parsed
                        Monitor.Log($"Failed to recognize this entry in the config.json \"OtherTrackedObjects\" list: {entry.ToString()}", LogLevel.Info);

            //register the mod's SMAPI events
            helper.Events.Display.RenderedHud   += Display_RenderedHud;
            helper.Events.Display.RenderingHud  += Display_RenderingHud;
            helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted   += GameLoop_DayStarted;
            helper.Events.GameLoop.GameLaunched += EnableGMCM;
        /// <summary>Renders all necessary custom trackers for the current frame.</summary>
        /// <param name="forageIcon">If true, render the targeted forage object instead of the custom tracker icon.</param>
        public void RenderCustomTrackers(bool forageIcon = false)
            if (!Context.IsPlayerFree) //if the world isn't ready or the player isn't free

            if (!MConfig.EnableTrackersWithoutProfession && !Game1.player.professions.Contains(17)) //if the player needs to unlock the Tracker profession

            if (!Game1.currentLocation.IsOutdoors || Game1.eventUp || Game1.farmEvent != null) //if the player is indoors or an event is happening

            //track each relevant StardewValley.Object at the player's current location
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, StardewValley.Object> pair in Game1.currentLocation.objects.Pairs)
                    (MConfig.TrackDefaultForage && pair.Value.isSpawnedObject.Value) || //if this is a spawned object to track
                    (MConfig.TrackArtifactSpots && pair.Value.ParentSheetIndex == 590) || //or if this an artifact spot to track
                    TrackedObjectIDs.Contains(pair.Value.parentSheetIndex) || //or if this object's ID is being tracked
                    TrackedObjectNames.Contains(pair.Value.Name.ToLower()) || //or if this object's name is being tracked
                    TrackedObjectNames.Contains(pair.Value.DisplayName.ToLower())    //or if this object's display name is being tracked
                    if (ForageIconMode)                                                                  //if this is rendering forage icons
                        SpriteSource = GameLocation.getSourceRectForObject(pair.Value.ParentSheetIndex); //get this object's spritesheet source rectangle

                        if (Background != null)                                                          //if a background was successfully loaded
                            BackgroundSource = new Rectangle(0, 0, Background.Width, Background.Height); //create a source rectangle covering the entire background spritesheet
                    else //if this is rendering the custom tracker
                        SpriteSource = new Rectangle(0, 0, Spritesheet.Width, Spritesheet.Height); //create a source rectangle covering the entire tracker spritesheet

                    DrawTracker(pair.Key); //draw a tracker for this object

            //track the location's panning spot, if applicable
            if (MConfig.TrackPanningSpots && Game1.currentLocation.orePanPoint.Value != Point.Zero)  //if an ore panning location should be tracked
                Texture2D objectSheet = Spritesheet;                                                 //store the spritesheet, in case it needs to be changed during this process

                if (ForageIconMode)                                                                  //if this is rendering forage icons
                    Spritesheet  = Game1.currentLocation.orePanAnimation.Texture;                    //get the ore animation's spritesheet
                    SpriteSource = Game1.currentLocation.orePanAnimation.sourceRect;                 //get the ore animation's current source rectangle

                    if (Background != null)                                                          //if a background was successfully loaded
                        BackgroundSource = new Rectangle(0, 0, Background.Width, Background.Height); //create a source rectangle covering the entire background spritesheet
                else //if this is rendering the custom tracker
                    SpriteSource = new Rectangle(0, 0, Spritesheet.Width, Spritesheet.Height); //create a source rectangle covering the entire tracker spritesheet

                Vector2 panVector = new Vector2(Game1.currentLocation.orePanPoint.Value.X, Game1.currentLocation.orePanPoint.Value.Y); //convert the point into a vector
                DrawTracker(panVector);                                                                                                //draw a tracker for the panning site

                Spritesheet = objectSheet;                                                                                             //restore the previous spritesheet, in case it was changed for this process

            //track spring onions, if applicable
            if (MConfig.TrackSpringOnions)                                                                          //if spring onions should be tracked
                foreach (var feature in Game1.currentLocation.terrainFeatures.Values)                               //for each of this location's terrain features
                    if (feature is HoeDirt dirt && dirt.crop?.whichForageCrop.Value == Crop.forageCrop_springOnion) //if this terrain feature has a spring onion
                        if (ForageIconMode)                                                                         //if this is rendering forage icons
                            SpriteSource = GameLocation.getSourceRectForObject(399);                                //get the spring onion spritesheet source rectangle (using its hard-coded ID)

                            if (Background != null)                                                                 //if a background was successfully loaded
                                BackgroundSource = new Rectangle(0, 0, Background.Width, Background.Height);        //create a source rectangle covering the entire background spritesheet
                        else //if this is rendering the custom tracker
                            SpriteSource = new Rectangle(0, 0, Spritesheet.Width, Spritesheet.Height); //create a source rectangle covering the entire tracker spritesheet

                        DrawTracker(feature.currentTileLocation); //draw a tracker for this spring onion

            //track harvestable berry bushes, if applicable
            if (MConfig.TrackBerryBushes)                                                                                                                             //if harvestable berry bushes should be tracked
                foreach (var feature in Game1.currentLocation.largeTerrainFeatures)                                                                                   //for each of this location's large terrain features
                    if (feature is Bush bush)                                                                                                                         //if this feature is a bush
                        if (bush.size != 3 && bush.townBush.Value == false && bush.tileSheetOffset.Value == 1 && bush.inBloom(Game1.currentSeason, Game1.dayOfMonth)) //if the bush will drop a berry when shaken (based on code from the Bush.shake method)
                            if (ForageIconMode)                                                                                                                       //if this is rendering forage icons
                                int index = 296;                                                                                                                      //the object ID to display; default to salmonberry
                                if (Game1.currentSeason == "fall")                                                                                                    //if the current season is fall
                                    index = 410;                                                                                                                      //use the blackberry ID
                                SpriteSource = GameLocation.getSourceRectForObject(index);                                                                            //get the berry type's spritesheet source rectangle

                                if (Background != null)                                                                                                               //if a background was successfully loaded
                                    BackgroundSource = new Rectangle(0, 0, Background.Width, Background.Height);                                                      //create a source rectangle covering the entire background spritesheet
                            else //if this is rendering the custom tracker
                                SpriteSource = new Rectangle(0, 0, Spritesheet.Width, Spritesheet.Height); //create a source rectangle covering the entire tracker spritesheet

                            DrawTracker(bush.tilePosition.Value); //draw a tracker for this berry bush