        private Track ParseTrack()
            Track  track = new Track();
            string name;

            /* Go to next element and check if it is a start element. */
            while (this.reader.IsStartElement())
                name = this.reader.LocalName;

                /* Process depending on element name. */
                if (name.Equals("id"))
                    /* TODO: handle different ID types. */
                    if (this.GetAttributeString("type") == null)
                        track.Id = this.GetElementString();
                else if (name.Equals("redirect"))
                else if (name.Equals("title") || name.Equals("name"))
                    track.Title = this.GetElementString();
                else if (name.Equals("artist"))
                    Artist artist = (track.Artist != null) ? track.Artist : new Artist();
                    /* Get artist name. */
                    artist.Name  = this.GetElementString();
                    track.Artist = artist;
                else if (name.Equals("artist-id"))
                    Artist artist = (track.Artist != null) ? track.Artist : new Artist();
                    artist.Id    = this.GetElementString();
                    track.Artist = artist;
                else if (name.Equals("album"))
                    Album album = (track.Album != null) ? track.Album : new Album();
                    /* Get album name. */
                    album.Name  = this.GetElementString();
                    track.Album = album;
                else if (name.Equals("album-id"))
                    Album album = (track.Album != null) ? track.Album : new Album();
                    album.Id    = this.GetElementString();
                    track.Album = album;
                else if (name.Equals("album-artist"))
                    Album  album  = (track.Album != null) ? track.Album : new Album();
                    Artist artist = (track.Artist != null) ? track.Artist : new Artist();
                    artist.Name  = this.GetElementString();
                    album.Artist = artist;
                    track.Album  = album;
                else if (name.Equals("album-artist-id"))
                    Album  album  = (track.Album != null) ? track.Album : new Album();
                    Artist artist = (track.Artist != null) ? track.Artist : new Artist();
                    artist.Id    = this.GetElementString();
                    album.Artist = artist;
                    track.Album  = album;
                else if (name.Equals("year"))
                    track.Year = this.GetElementInteger();
                else if (name.Equals("track-number"))
                    track.TrackNumber = this.GetElementInteger();
                else if (name.Equals("length"))
                    int length = this.GetElementInteger();

                    if (length > 0)
                        track.Length = length;
                else if (name.Equals("files"))
                    track.Files = ParseFiles();
                /* TODO: currently skipped. */
                else if (name.Equals("links"))
                /* TODO: currently skipped. */
                else if (name.Equals("album-links"))
                else if (name.Equals("cover"))
                    track.Cover = this.GetElementString();
                else if (name.Equals("cover-small"))
                    track.CoverSmall = this.GetElementString();
                else if (name.Equals("cover-large"))
                    track.CoverLarge = this.GetElementString();
                else if (name.Equals("popularity"))
                    track.Popularity = this.GetElementFloat();
                else if (name.Equals("restrictions"))
                    track.Restrictions = this.ParseRestrictions();
                else if (name.Equals("explicit"))
                    track.IsExplicit = this.GetElementBoolean();
                /* Seems to be deprecated. */
                else if (name.Equals("allowed"))
                    /* Skip text. */
                /* Seems to be deprecated. */
                else if (name.Equals("forbidden"))
                    /* Skip text. */
                else if (name.Equals("similar-tracks"))
                    List <Track> similarTracks = new List <Track>();

                    /* Go to next element and check if it is a start element. */
                    while (this.reader.IsStartElement())
                        name = this.reader.LocalName;

                        /* Process depending on element name. */
                        if (name.Equals("id"))
                            similarTracks.Add(new Track(this.GetElementString()));
                            throw new XMLParserException("Unexpected element '<" + name + ">'");


                    /* Set similar tracks. */
                    track.SimilarTracks = similarTracks;
                else if (name.Equals("alternatives"))
                    var tracks = ParseTracks();
                else if (name.Equals("external-ids"))
                    track.ExternalIds = ParseExternalIds();
                    throw new XMLParserException("Unexpected element '<" + name + ">'");


            /* If album artist of this track is not yet set, then set it. */
            if (track.Album != null && track.Album.Artist == null)
                track.Album.Artist = track.Artist;
