public SignallingResult SendSignal(ShermMessage signal) { var result = SignallingResult.Timeout; try { IpcClientPipe cli = new IpcClientPipe(".", signal.Pipename); using (var pipe = cli.Connect(100)) { result = core.intercom.SignallingResult.Failure; /* send data to the server */ var serialized_message = MessageSerializers.SerializeMessage(signal); if (serialized_message.Length > NamedPipeIpcServer.SERVER_IN_BUFFER_SIZE) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("serialized_message.Length", serialized_message.Length, NamedPipeIpcServer.SERVER_IN_BUFFER_SIZE.ToString()); } pipe.Write(serialized_message, 0, serialized_message.Length); /* read the result */ var data = new Byte[NamedPipeIpcServer.SERVER_OUT_BUFFER_SIZE]; Int32 bytesRead = pipe.Read(data, 0, data.Length); Tracing.VerboseBkg("Server response: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, bytesRead)); /* done with this one */ pipe.Close(); /* succeeded */ result = SignallingResult.OK; } } catch (Exception ex) { Tracing.ErrorBkg("Named pipe connection failed: {0}", ex.ToString()); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Makes a PDF file representing the filled-in Czech "Zaznam o urazu" form /// </summary> public bool Render(string rpt_temp_path, Stream docstream) { OnProgress(ReportProgressIndicator.I3_GeneratingContent, 0, 30, null); DateTime nowtime = DateTime.UtcNow; const string temp_file_naming = "sherm-zaznamourazu-temp-pdf-template-{0}.pdf"; const string result_file_naming = "sherm-zaznamourazu-{0}.pdf"; string temp_file_name = String.Format(temp_file_naming, nowtime.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")); string result_file_name = String.Format(result_file_naming, nowtime.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), this.GetResultFileExtension()); string templateResourcePath = GetTemplateResourcePath(); try { string tempPath = rpt_temp_path; /* [dlatikay 20120820] we do not bother the system, we have our own: was: Path.GetTempPath(); */ string temp_file_path = Path.Combine(tempPath, temp_file_name); string result_file_path = Path.Combine(tempPath, result_file_name); /* 1. open the template */ OnProgress(ReportProgressIndicator.I3_GeneratingContent, 10, 31, OnLiteral(3137)); /* Loading template */ using (var t_template = new System.IO.BinaryReader(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(templateResourcePath))) { /* 1a. we must persist it in the temporary files folder */ using (var os = new FileStream(temp_file_path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { using (var t_template_wr = new BinaryWriter(os)) { byte[] temppdfcontent = t_template.ReadBytes((int)t_template.BaseStream.Length); t_template_wr.Write(temppdfcontent); } } } /* remove the read-only attribute */ var attr = File.GetAttributes(temp_file_path); attr &= ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly; /* lovely */ File.SetAttributes(temp_file_path, attr); /* 1b. get us an instance of good old itextsharp and open the template */ OnProgress(ReportProgressIndicator.I3_GeneratingContent, 20, 32, OnLiteral(3138)); /* Starting word processor */ try { var pdfReader = new sherm.text.portable.PdfReader(temp_file_path); using (var result_fs = new FileStream(result_file_path, FileMode.Create)) { var pdfStamper = new sherm.text.portable.PdfStamper(pdfReader, docprop_product, docprop_revision, docprop_version, result_fs); /* now its time to set all the bookmarks */ OnProgress(ReportProgressIndicator.I3_GeneratingContent, 40, 34, OnLiteral(3140)); /* Completing the form */ var pdfFields = pdfStamper.AcroFields; //var states = pdfFields.GetAppearanceStates("r6"); //foreach (var fld in pdfFields.Fields) // Debug.WriteLine(fld.Key); /* in order to be able to render the czech characters, we need to do some magic according to: * * and * */ var fontfile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts), "arial.ttf"); BaseFont bfHelvetica; try { bfHelvetica = BaseFont.CreateFont(fontfile, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); /* microsoft's helvetica is arial :-) */ } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to create substitution font from \"{0}\": {1}", fontfile, ex.Message), ex); } pdfStamper.AcroFields.AddSubstitutionFont(bfHelvetica); pdfFields.SetField("ecZaznamu", zou_IdNumber_Accident); pdfFields.SetField("ecZamestnavatele", zou_IdNumber_Employer); if (zou_AccidentType_Fatality) { pdfFields.SetField("typUrazu", "1"); } else if (zou_AccidentType_Hospitalization) { pdfFields.SetField("typUrazu", "2"); } else if (zou_AccidentType_Other) { pdfFields.SetField("typUrazu", "3"); } pdfFields.SetField("fill_2", zou_A_LegalEmployer_BusinessSector); pdfFields.SetField("fill_1", zou_A_LegalEmployer_NameAndAddress); pdfFields.SetField("fill_3", zou_A_LegalEmployer_PlaceOfAccident); if (zou_A_RegularOccupationalAccident_Yes) { pdfFields.SetField("pravidelnePracoviste", "1"); } else if (zou_A_RegularOccupationalAccidentNo) { pdfFields.SetField("pravidelnePracoviste", "0"); } pdfFields.SetField("ico", zou_B_Worksiteemployer_IdNumber); pdfFields.SetField("fill_5", zou_B_Worksiteemployer_BusinessSector); pdfFields.SetField("fill_4", zou_B_Worksiteemployer_NameAndAddress); pdfFields.SetField("fill_6", zou_B_Worksiteemployer_PlaceOfAccident); pdfFields.SetField("1 Jméno", zou_C_Victimname); pdfFields.SetField("2 Datum narození", zou_C_VictimDoB); if (zou_C_Victimgender_Male) { pdfFields.SetField("pohlavi", "1"); } else if (zou_C_Victimgender_Female) { pdfFields.SetField("pohlavi", "2"); } pdfFields.SetField("fill_10", zou_C_VictimNationality); pdfFields.SetField("4 Druh práce KZAM", zou_C_TypeOfWorkISCO); pdfFields.SetField("fill_12", zou_C_Activity); pdfFields.SetField("roku", zou_C_Year.ToString()); pdfFields.SetField("mesicu", zou_C_Monthname); if (zou_C_VictimIsRegularEmployee) { pdfFields.SetField("urazemPostizeny", "1"); } else if (zou_C_VictimIsContractor) { pdfFields.SetField("urazemPostizeny", "2"); } else if (zou_C_VictimIsParagraph12) { pdfFields.SetField("urazemPostizeny", "3"); } else if (zou_C_VictimIsLearning) { pdfFields.SetField("urazemPostizeny", "4"); } pdfFields.SetField("neschopnostOd", zou_C_VictimAbsentFrom); pdfFields.SetField("neschopnostDo", zou_C_VictimAbsentTo); pdfFields.SetField("celkemKalendardnichDnu", zou_C_AbsentCalendardays); pdfFields.SetField("datumUrazu", zou_D_EventDatetimeDate); pdfFields.SetField("hodinaUrazu", zou_D_EventDatetimeHour); pdfFields.SetField("fill_3_2", zou_D_WorktimePriorToAccident); pdfFields.SetField("datumUmrti", zou_D_DateOfDeath); pdfFields.SetField("fill_4_2", zou_D_WorktimePriorToAccident); pdfFields.SetField("fill_5_2", zou_D_Bodypart); pdfFields.SetField("fill_6_2", zou_D_TotalNumberOfInjuredPersons); /* medium */ if (zou_D_InjuringMedium_Vehicle) { pdfFields.SetField("r6", "1"); } else if (zou_D_InjuringMedium_MovingParts) { pdfFields.SetField("r6", "2"); } else if (zou_D_InjuringMedium_Material) { pdfFields.SetField("r6", "3"); } else if (zou_D_InjuringMedium_Falling) { pdfFields.SetField("r6", "4"); } else if (zou_D_InjuringMedium_Equipment) { pdfFields.SetField("r6", "5"); } else if (zou_D_InjuringMedium_HarmfulSubstance) { pdfFields.SetField("r6", "6"); } else if (zou_D_InjuringMedium_Heat) { pdfFields.SetField("r6", "7"); } else if (zou_D_InjuringMedium_StationaryMachinery) { pdfFields.SetField("r6", "8"); } else if (zou_D_InjuringMedium_HumanAnimalNature) { pdfFields.SetField("r6", "9"); } else if (zou_D_InjuringMedium_Electricity) { pdfFields.SetField("r6", "10"); } else if (zou_D_InjuringMedium_Other) { pdfFields.SetField("r6", "11"); } /* cause */ if (zou_D_Cause_InadequateUseOrCondition) { pdfFields.SetField("r7", "1"); } else if (zou_D_Cause_InadequateAssessment) { pdfFields.SetField("r7", "2"); } else if (zou_D_Cause_WorkplaceShortcomings) { pdfFields.SetField("r7", "3"); } else if (zou_D_Cause_PPE) { pdfFields.SetField("r7", "4"); } else if (zou_D_Cause_RulesAndRegulations) { pdfFields.SetField("r7", "5"); } else if (zou_D_Cause_VisMajor) { pdfFields.SetField("r7", "6"); } else if (zou_D_Cause_Other) { pdfFields.SetField("r7", "7"); } /* remainder */ pdfFields.SetField("fill_1_2", zou_D_UnderInfluence); pdfFields.SetField("fill_1_3", zou_D_CourseOfEvents); pdfFields.SetField("fill_3_3", zou_D_RulesAndRegulations); pdfFields.SetField("fill_4_3", zou_D_Measures); pdfFields.SetField("undefined_5", zou_E_Description); pdfFields.SetField("datum jméno a podpis", zou_E_DateNameOfVictim); pdfFields.SetField("datum jméno a podpis_2", zou_E_DateNameOfWitness1); pdfFields.SetField("datum jméno a podpis_3", zou_E_DateNameOfWitness2); pdfFields.SetField("datum jméno a podpis_4", zou_E_DateNameOfWitness3); pdfFields.SetField("datum jméno a podpis_5", zou_E_DateNameOfHSRepresentative); pdfFields.SetField("datum jméno a podpis_6", zou_E_DateNameOfEmployeeRepresentative); pdfFields.SetField("datum jméno a podpis_7", zou_E_DateNameOfEmployerRepresentative); pdfFields.SetField("pracovniZarazeni", zou_E_EmployeeFunctionPosition); /* protect and save */ OnProgress(ReportProgressIndicator.I3_GeneratingContent, 70, 35, OnLiteral(3141)); /* Saving completed form */ //pdfStamper.FormFlattening = true; /* may not flatten; would impair substitution font for unicode */ pdfStamper.Close(); /* persist it */ } } catch (Exception ei1) { /* up the exception chain */ Tracing.ErrorBkg(ei1.ToString()); throw new Exception("An error occurred whilst portable document stamping was in progress.", ei1); } /* now we load the document into memory and deliver the stream. the file is deleted. */ OnProgress(ReportProgressIndicator.I3_GeneratingContent, 90, 38, OnLiteral(3143)); /* Uploading document to database */ using (FileStream ifs = new FileStream(result_file_path.ToString(), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (var rd = new BinaryReader(ifs)) { docstream.Write(rd.ReadBytes((int)rd.BaseStream.Length), 0, (int)rd.BaseStream.Length); rd.Close(); docstream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } } OnProgress(ReportProgressIndicator.I3_GeneratingContent, 100, 39, OnLiteral(3144)); /* Deleting temporary files */ OnProgress(ReportProgressIndicator.I5_GeneratedContent, 0, 39, null); File.Delete(temp_file_path); File.Delete(result_file_path.ToString()); OnProgress(ReportProgressIndicator.I5_GeneratedContent, 100, 40, null); /* succeeded */ return(true); } catch (Exception ei2) { /* for debugging purposes */ Tracing.ErrorBkg(ei2.ToString()); throw new Exception("An error occurred whilst rendering \"Zaznam o urazu\" document using portable document stamping.", ei2); } }
protected override bool RenderInternal(ref MemoryStream chunk, out string mime) { mime = null; var tmpfilename = String.Format("{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); try { /* 1. instantiate the epplus templating engine */ var template = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(CustomAbsPath, @"2014_10_01_Sofortmeldung_TKMI.xlsx")); var dest = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(RptTmpBasepath, tmpfilename)); using (var package = new ExcelPackage(dest, template)) { ExcelWorkbook wbk = package.Workbook; ExcelWorksheet sht = wbk.Worksheets[1]; /* 2. populate the template into the new file */ var dt = Data.Tables[ReportDatatableIdentifiers.REPORT_DATATABLE_HARDCOPY_SAFETY_003].Rows[0]; wbk.Names["xbusarea"].Value = dt["fBusinessUnit"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xtitle"].Value = this.Caption; wbk.Names["xkonzernunternehmen"].Value = dt["Companyname"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xstandortort"].Value = dt["fOperatingUnit"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xunfallmelder"].Value = dt["fOrgLeaderName"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xtelefonrueckfragen"].Value = dt["fOrgLeaderPhone"].ToString(); /* [pkosec 20141212] MEA-2014-00507.3 */ wbk.Names["xunfallkategorie"].Value = dt["ReportableTOC"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xereignisart"].Value = dt["fSeverity"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xverunfalltername"].Value = dt["fAffectedPersonName"].ToString(); wbk.Names["chk_verunfallterstammpersonal"].Value = dt["fPermanentStaff"].ToString(); wbk.Names["chk_verunfallterleiharbeitnehmer"].Value = dt["fLeasedLabour"].ToString(); wbk.Names["chk_verunfallterfremdfirma"].Value = dt["fContractor"].ToString(); wbk.Names["chkverunfallterazubi"].Value = dt["fVictimIsTrainee"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xleiharbeitsfirma"].Value = dt["fLeasedPartnerName"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xfremdfirma"].Value = dt["fContractorPartnerName"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xunfallzeitpunkt"].Value = dt["fEventDate"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xunfalluhrzeit"].Value = dt["fEventTime"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xunfallort"].Value = dt["fLocation"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xunfallarbeitsmittel"].Value = dt["Equipment"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xkoerperteil1"].Value = dt["ReportableBodypart"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xkoerperteil2"].Value = dt["ReportableBodypart2"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xkoerperteil3"].Value = dt["ReportableBodypart3"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xhauptverletzungsart"].Value = dt["ReportableNOI"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xausfalldauer"].Value = dt["fLossClass"].ToString(); wbk.Names["chk_unfallanalyse"].Value = dt["fHasAnalysis"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xhergang"].Value = dt["fCircumstances"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xdokumentennr"].Value = dt["fDocumentNumber"].ToString(); wbk.Names["xrevision"].Value = dt["fRevisionFooter"].ToString(); /* 3. render the report into the desired format */ package.SaveAs(chunk); if (chunk.CanSeek) { chunk.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } GeneratedFileType = FileType.ft_xls; mime = sherm.core.formatting.mime.GetMIMEFromFiletype(Outputformat); TargetFilename = "2014 10 01 Sofortmeldung TKMI.xlsx"; } /* succeeded */ return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { /* some error */ OnBuiltinReportError(ex.Message, ex); return(false); } finally { /* cleanup */ try { if (File.Exists(tmpfilename)) { File.Delete(tmpfilename); } } catch (Exception ef) { Tracing.ErrorBkg("{0}", ef.ToString()); } } }
protected override bool RenderInternal(ref MemoryStream chunk, out string mime) { mime = null; var tmpfilename = String.Format("{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); var cutoff = this.DateGenerated; bool with_detailed_history = PresentationOptions.HasFlag(ReportPresentationOptions.ShowSubrecords); bool suppress_zerolines = PresentationOptions.HasFlag(ReportPresentationOptions.Suppresszero); try { /* 1. convert the flat data into a less entropic form */ var emps = new Employees(); var tops = new Topics(); /* 1a. persons */ DataTable tab_pers = Data.Tables[ReportDatatableIdentifiers.REPORT_DATATABLE_TRA001_OVERVIEW_PER]; foreach (DataRow dr in tab_pers.Rows) { var middlename = dr["Middlename"].ToString(); var orgabbrev = dr["OrgAbbrev"].ToString(); var orgshortcap = dr["OrgShortCap"].ToString(); /* (not used) */ var orglongcap = dr["OrgLongCap"].ToString(); var orgcap = orgabbrev; if (orglongcap != orgabbrev) { orgcap = String.Format("{0} {1}", orgcap, orglongcap).TrimEnd(); } var emp = new Employee() { PerID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PerID"]), Lastname = dr["Lastname"].ToString(), Firstname = dr["Firstname"].ToString(), PersNr = dr["PersNr"].ToString(), Company = dr["Companyname"].ToString(), OrgCap = orgcap, }; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(middlename) == false) { emp.Lastname = String.Format("{0} {1}", middlename, emp.Lastname).TrimEnd(); /* van den Bosch */ } emps.Add(emp.PerID, emp); } /* alleviate memory pressure */ Data.Tables.Remove(tab_pers); tab_pers = null; /* 1b. all the rest (topics, participations) */ DataTable tab_patn = Data.Tables[ReportDatatableIdentifiers.REPORT_DATATABLE_TRA001_OVERVIEW_PTN]; foreach (DataRow dr in tab_patn.Rows) { /* harvest */ var PerID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PerID"]); var TopicID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["TopicID"]); var Caption = dr["Caption"].ToString(); DateTime DateTraining = dr["DateTraining"].Equals(DBNull.Value) ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr["DateMeasure"]) : Convert.ToDateTime(dr["DateTraining"]); DateTime?dateattended = dr["DateAttended"].Equals(DBNull.Value) ? (DateTime?)null : Convert.ToDateTime(dr["DateAttended"]); var hasattended = Convert.ToInt32(dr["HasAttended"]) > 0; int? validityfactor = null; Timeunit?validityunit = null; if (dr["RequirementValidityFactor"].Equals(DBNull.Value) == false) { validityfactor = Convert.ToInt32(dr["RequirementValidityFactor"]); validityunit = (Timeunit)Convert.ToInt32(dr["RequirementValidityUnit"]); } /* logic rule: if attended, but no specific date given, value with assumption training date = attendance date */ if (hasattended && dateattended.HasValue == false) { dateattended = DateTraining; } /* logic rule: if a date attended is given, but the checkmark is not set, it may not count (C-1512-0454.1) */ if (hasattended == false && dateattended.HasValue) { dateattended = null; } /* slotify: * 1c. the employee */ if (emps.ContainsKey(PerID)) { var empX = emps[PerID]; if (empX.Attendances.Count(a => a.Key.Item1 == DateTraining && a.Key.Item2 == TopicID) == 0) /* [dlatikay 20170131] previously, this had only been checking for date, causing follow-up troubles mdettmarg @ C-1611-0558 */ { var attendancestatus = StatisticalAttendanceStatus.WHITENotPlanned; if (dateattended.HasValue) { attendancestatus = StatisticalAttendanceStatus.GREENAttended; } else { if (DateTraining >= cutoff) { attendancestatus = StatisticalAttendanceStatus.WHITEPlanned; } else { attendancestatus = StatisticalAttendanceStatus.REDOverdue; } } var attx = new Attendance() { PerID = PerID, attended_when = dateattended, DateTraining = DateTraining, TopicID = TopicID, Participation = attendancestatus }; empX.Attendances.Add(new Tuple <DateTime, int>(DateTraining, TopicID), attx); /* is this a (better) most recent attendance of this person? * [dlatikay 20160402] likely the site of C-1512-0454.II.N */ if ((attx.attended_when ?? attx.DateTraining) <= cutoff && attx.Participation != StatisticalAttendanceStatus.WHITENotPlanned) { if (empX.MostRecentAttendance.ContainsKey(TopicID) == false) { empX.MostRecentAttendance.Add(TopicID, attx); } else { var cand = empX.MostRecentAttendance[TopicID]; if ((cand.attended_when ?? cand.DateTraining) < (attx.attended_when ?? attx.DateTraining)) { empX.MostRecentAttendance.Remove(TopicID); empX.MostRecentAttendance.Add(TopicID, attx); } } } } } /* 1d. the topic */ if (tops.ContainsKey(TopicID) == false) { tops.Add(TopicID, new Topic() { TopicID = TopicID, Caption = Caption, ValidityFactor = validityfactor ?? ValidityFactorDefault, ValidityUnit = validityunit ?? ValidityUnitDefault }); } var top = tops[TopicID]; if (top.AttendanceSlots.Contains(DateTraining) == false) { top.AttendanceSlots.Add(DateTraining); } } /* alleviate */ Data.Tables.Remove(tab_patn); tab_patn = null; /* 2. instantiate the epplus templating engine */ var template = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(CustomAbsPath, String.Format("{0}.xlsx", ResultFileBasename))); var dest = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(RptTmpBasepath, tmpfilename)); using (var package = new ExcelPackage(dest, template)) { ExcelWorkbook wbk = package.Workbook; ExcelWorksheet sht = wbk.Worksheets[1]; /* 2. populate the template into the new file */ //var dt = Data.Tables[ReportDatatableIdentifiers.REPORT_DATATABLE_HARDCOPY_SAFETY_003].Rows[0]; wbk.Names["Title"].Value = m(5483); /* Excel® Training Overview */ wbk.Names["lCriteria"].Value = m(4494, ReportQueryDateLocal); /* Data as per {0} */ wbk.Names["PersNr"].Value = m(588); /* Employee # */ wbk.Names["Name"].Value = m(744); /* Name */ wbk.Names["lFirstname"].Value = m(478); /* First name */ wbk.Names["lDepartment"].Value = m(2279); /* Department */ wbk.Names["Company"].Value = m(746); /* Company */ /* 2a. write the topics with their date slot headings horizontally */ var columnmap = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <DateTime, int> >(); var col = 6; foreach (var top in from t in tops.Values orderby t.Caption, t.TopicID select t) { /* write topic header, 1 = most recent */ var spanning = 1 + top.AttendanceSlots.Count; sht.Cells[4, col].Value = top.Caption; sht.Cells[5, col].Value = "Letzte absolvierte Unterweisung"; columnmap.Add(top.TopicID, new Dictionary <DateTime, int>()); columnmap[top.TopicID].Add(DateTime.MinValue, col); /* this maps to the current topic's "most recent training" column */ ++col; /* write topic date slots */ if (with_detailed_history) { bool first = true; foreach (var dat in from d in top.AttendanceSlots orderby d select d) { if (dat >= DateFrom && dat <= DateTo) { if (first) { sht.Cells[5, col].Value = "Plandatum"; first = false; } sht.Cells[5, col].Value = dat; columnmap[top.TopicID].Add(dat, col); /* this maps to that "planned date" column of the current topic */ sht.Cells[5, col].Style.Numberformat.Format = ""; sht.Cells[5, col].Style.TextRotation = 90; ++col; } } } } /* 2b. write the employee names and static associated data vertically, omitting those with no data if we should */ int row = 7; foreach (var emp in from e in emps.Values orderby e.Lastname, e.Firstname, e.PersNr, e.PerID select e) { if (suppress_zerolines == false || emp.Attendances.Count > 0) { sht.Cells[row, 1].Value = emp.PersNr; sht.Cells[row, 2].Value = emp.Lastname; sht.Cells[row, 3].Value = emp.Firstname; sht.Cells[row, 4].Value = emp.OrgCap; sht.Cells[row, 5].Value = emp.Company; /* fill the topic/date slot-matrix body; * write date of most recent training per topic */ foreach (var mra in from mrae in emp.MostRecentAttendance select mrae) { var topicid = mra.Key; col = columnmap[topicid][DateTime.MinValue]; var status = emp.MostRecentAttendanceStatus(tops[topicid], cutoff); if (status != StatisticalAttendanceStatusRecent.WHITENeverPlannedNorAttended) { sht.Cells[row, col].Value = mra.Value.attended_when ?? mra.Value.DateTraining; sht.Cells[row, col].Style.Numberformat.Format = ""; if (status == StatisticalAttendanceStatusRecent.GREENDoneAndValidToday) { sht.Cells[row, col].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid; sht.Cells[row, col].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.Green); } else if (status == StatisticalAttendanceStatusRecent.REDDoneButExpired) { sht.Cells[row, col].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid; sht.Cells[row, col].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.Red); } } } /* if asked for, render the entire topic history of that empoyee */ if (with_detailed_history) { foreach (var att in from a in emp.Attendances.Values select a) { if (att.DateTraining >= DateFrom && att.DateTraining <= DateTo) { col = columnmap[att.TopicID][att.DateTraining]; if (att.Participation != StatisticalAttendanceStatus.WHITENotPlanned) { sht.Cells[row, col].Value = att.attended_when ?? att.DateTraining; sht.Cells[row, col].Style.Numberformat.Format = ""; if (att.Participation == StatisticalAttendanceStatus.REDOverdue) { sht.Cells[row, col].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid; sht.Cells[row, col].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.Red); } else if (att.Participation == StatisticalAttendanceStatus.GREENAttended) { sht.Cells[row, col].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid; sht.Cells[row, col].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.Green); } } } } } /* outer (pers/employee) advance */ ++row; } } /* format properly */ sht.Cells.AutoFitColumns(); sht.View.FreezePanes(7, 1); /* limit column 4=D in width */ sht.Column(4).Width = 38.29; /* increase line 5 in height */ sht.Row(5).Height = 66.75; /* 3. render the report into the desired format */ package.SaveAs(chunk); if (chunk.CanSeek) { chunk.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } GeneratedFileType = FileType.ft_xls; mime = sherm.core.formatting.mime.GetMIMEFromFiletype(Outputformat); TargetFilename = String.Format("{0}{1}", ResultFileBasename, template.Extension); } /* succeeded */ return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { /* some error */ OnBuiltinReportError(ex.Message, ex); return(false); } finally { /* cleanup */ try { if (File.Exists(tmpfilename)) { File.Delete(tmpfilename); } } catch (Exception ef) { Tracing.ErrorBkg("{0}", ef.ToString()); } } }