        /// <summary>
        /// Outputs a WaitBegin ETW event, and augments the continuation action to output a WaitEnd ETW event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">The task being awaited.</param>
        /// <param name="continuation">The action to invoke when the await operation completes.</param>
        /// <returns>The action to use as the actual continuation.</returns>
        private static Action OutputWaitEtwEvents(Task task, Action continuation)
            Debug.Assert(task != null, "Need a task to wait on");
            Debug.Assert(continuation != null, "Need a continuation to invoke when the wait completes");

            if (Task.s_asyncDebuggingEnabled)

            TplEventSource log = TplEventSource.Log;

            if (log.IsEnabled())
                // ETW event for Task Wait Begin
                Task?currentTaskAtBegin = Task.InternalCurrent;

                // If this task's continuation is another task, get it.
                Task?continuationTask = AsyncMethodBuilderCore.TryGetContinuationTask(continuation);
                    currentTaskAtBegin != null ? currentTaskAtBegin.m_taskScheduler !.Id : TaskScheduler.Default.Id,
                    currentTaskAtBegin != null ? currentTaskAtBegin.Id : 0,
                    task.Id, TplEventSource.TaskWaitBehavior.Asynchronous,
                    continuationTask != null ? continuationTask.Id : 0);

            // Create a continuation action that outputs the end event and then invokes the user
            // provided delegate.  This incurs the allocations for the closure/delegate, but only if the event
            // is enabled, and in doing so it allows us to pass the awaited task's information into the end event
            // in a purely pay-for-play manner (the alternatively would be to increase the size of TaskAwaiter
            // just for this ETW purpose, not pay-for-play, since GetResult would need to know whether a real yield occurred).
            return(AsyncMethodBuilderCore.CreateContinuationWrapper(continuation, static (innerContinuation, innerTask) =>
        /// <summary>
        /// Outputs a WaitBegin ETW event, and augments the continuation action to output a WaitEnd ETW event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">The task being awaited.</param>
        /// <param name="continuation">The action to invoke when the await operation completes.</param>
        /// <returns>The action to use as the actual continuation.</returns>
        private static Action OutputWaitEtwEvents(Task task, Action continuation)
            Debug.Assert(task != null, "Need a task to wait on");
            Debug.Assert(continuation != null, "Need a continuation to invoke when the wait completes");

            if (Task.s_asyncDebuggingEnabled)

            TplEventSource log = TplEventSource.Log;

            if (log.IsEnabled())
                // ETW event for Task Wait Begin
                Task?currentTaskAtBegin = Task.InternalCurrent;

                // If this task's continuation is another task, get it.
                Task?continuationTask = AsyncMethodBuilderCore.TryGetContinuationTask(continuation);
                    currentTaskAtBegin != null ? currentTaskAtBegin.m_taskScheduler !.Id : TaskScheduler.Default.Id,
                    currentTaskAtBegin != null ? currentTaskAtBegin.Id : 0,
                    task.Id, TplEventSource.TaskWaitBehavior.Asynchronous,
                    continuationTask != null ? continuationTask.Id : 0);

            // Create a continuation action that outputs the end event and then invokes the user
            // provided delegate.  This incurs the allocations for the closure/delegate, but only if the event
            // is enabled, and in doing so it allows us to pass the awaited task's information into the end event
            // in a purely pay-for-play manner (the alternatively would be to increase the size of TaskAwaiter
            // just for this ETW purpose, not pay-for-play, since GetResult would need to know whether a real yield occurred).
            return(AsyncMethodBuilderCore.CreateContinuationWrapper(continuation, (innerContinuation, innerTask) =>
                if (Task.s_asyncDebuggingEnabled)

                TplEventSource innerEtwLog = TplEventSource.Log;

                // ETW event for Task Wait End.
                Guid prevActivityId = default;
                bool bEtwLogEnabled = innerEtwLog.IsEnabled();
                if (bEtwLogEnabled)
                    Task?currentTaskAtEnd = Task.InternalCurrent;
                        currentTaskAtEnd != null ? currentTaskAtEnd.m_taskScheduler !.Id : TaskScheduler.Default.Id,
                        currentTaskAtEnd != null ? currentTaskAtEnd.Id : 0,

                    // Ensure the continuation runs under the activity ID of the task that completed for the
                    // case the antecedent is a promise (in the other cases this is already the case).
                    if (innerEtwLog.TasksSetActivityIds && (innerTask.Options & (TaskCreationOptions)InternalTaskOptions.PromiseTask) != 0)
                        EventSource.SetCurrentThreadActivityId(TplEventSource.CreateGuidForTaskID(innerTask.Id), out prevActivityId);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called on work item begins.  The activity name = providerName + activityName without 'Start' suffix.
        /// It updates CurrentActivityId to track.
        /// It returns true if the Start should be logged, otherwise (if it is illegal recursion) it return false.
        /// The start event should use as its activity ID the CurrentActivityId AFTER calling this routine and its
        /// RelatedActivityID the CurrentActivityId BEFORE calling this routine (the creator).
        /// If activity tracing is not on, then activityId and relatedActivityId are not set
        /// </summary>
        public void OnStart(string providerName, string activityName, int task, ref Guid activityId, ref Guid relatedActivityId, EventActivityOptions options)
            if (m_current == null)        // We are not enabled
                // We  used to rely on the TPL provider turning us on, but that has the disadvantage that you don't get Start-Stop tracking
                // until you use Tasks for the first time (which you may never do).   Thus we change it to pull rather tan push for whether
                // we are enabled.
                if (m_checkedForEnable)
                m_checkedForEnable = true;
                if (TplEventSource.Log.IsEnabled(EventLevel.Informational, TplEventSource.Keywords.TasksFlowActivityIds))
                if (m_current == null)

            Debug.Assert((options & EventActivityOptions.Disable) == 0);

            ActivityInfo?currentActivity  = m_current.Value;
            string       fullActivityName = NormalizeActivityName(providerName, activityName, task);

            TplEventSource log = TplEventSource.Log;

            if (log.Debug)
                log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStartEnter", fullActivityName);
                log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStartEnterActivityState", ActivityInfo.LiveActivities(currentActivity));

            if (currentActivity != null)
                // Stop activity tracking if we reached the maximum allowed depth
                if (currentActivity.m_level >= MAX_ACTIVITY_DEPTH)
                    activityId        = Guid.Empty;
                    relatedActivityId = Guid.Empty;
                    if (log.Debug)
                        log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStartRET", "Fail");
                // Check for recursion, and force-stop any activities if the activity already started.
                if ((options & EventActivityOptions.Recursive) == 0)
                    ActivityInfo?existingActivity = FindActiveActivity(fullActivityName, currentActivity);
                    if (existingActivity != null)
                        OnStop(providerName, activityName, task, ref activityId);
                        currentActivity = m_current.Value;

            // Get a unique ID for this activity.
            long id;

            if (currentActivity == null)
                id = Interlocked.Increment(ref m_nextId);
                id = Interlocked.Increment(ref currentActivity.m_lastChildID);

            // The previous ID is my 'causer' and becomes my related activity ID
            relatedActivityId = EventSource.CurrentThreadActivityId;

            // Add to the list of started but not stopped activities.
            ActivityInfo newActivity = new ActivityInfo(fullActivityName, id, currentActivity, relatedActivityId, options);

            m_current.Value = newActivity;

            // Remember the current ID so we can log it
            activityId = newActivity.ActivityId;

            if (log.Debug)
                log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStartRetActivityState", ActivityInfo.LiveActivities(newActivity));
                log.DebugFacilityMessage1("OnStartRet", activityId.ToString(), relatedActivityId.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a work item stops.  The activity name = providerName + activityName without 'Stop' suffix.
        /// It updates m_current variable to track this fact.   The Stop event associated with stop should log the ActivityID associated with the event.
        /// If activity tracing is not on, then activityId and relatedActivityId are not set
        /// </summary>
        public void OnStop(string providerName, string activityName, int task, ref Guid activityId)
            if (m_current == null)        // We are not enabled

            string fullActivityName = NormalizeActivityName(providerName, activityName, task);

            TplEventSource log = TplEventSource.Log;

            if (log.Debug)
                log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopEnter", fullActivityName);
                log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopEnterActivityState", ActivityInfo.LiveActivities(m_current.Value));

            for (; ;)  // This is a retry loop.
                ActivityInfo?currentActivity    = m_current.Value;
                ActivityInfo?newCurrentActivity = null;                // if we have seen any live activities (orphans), at he first one we have seen.

                // Search to find the activity to stop in one pass.   This insures that we don't let one mistake
                // (stopping something that was not started) cause all active starts to be stopped
                // By first finding the target start to stop we are more robust.
                ActivityInfo?activityToStop = FindActiveActivity(fullActivityName, currentActivity);

                // ignore stops where we can't find a start because we may have popped them previously.
                if (activityToStop == null)
                    activityId = Guid.Empty;
                    // TODO add some logging about this. Basically could not find matching start.
                    if (log.Debug)
                        log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopRET", "Fail");

                activityId = activityToStop.ActivityId;

                // See if there are any orphans that need to be stopped.
                ActivityInfo?orphan = currentActivity;
                while (orphan != activityToStop && orphan != null)
                    if (orphan.m_stopped != 0)      // Skip dead activities.
                        orphan = orphan.m_creator;
                    if (orphan.CanBeOrphan())
                        // We can't pop anything after we see a valid orphan, remember this for later when we update m_current.
                        if (newCurrentActivity == null)
                            newCurrentActivity = orphan;
                        orphan.m_stopped = 1;
                        Debug.Assert(orphan.m_stopped != 0);
                    orphan = orphan.m_creator;

                // try to Stop the activity atomically.  Other threads may be trying to do this as well.
                if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref activityToStop.m_stopped, 1, 0) == 0)
                    // I succeeded stopping this activity. Now we update our m_current pointer

                    // If I haven't yet determined the new current activity, it is my creator.
                    if (newCurrentActivity == null)
                        newCurrentActivity = activityToStop.m_creator;

                    m_current.Value = newCurrentActivity;

                    if (log.Debug)
                        log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopRetActivityState", ActivityInfo.LiveActivities(newCurrentActivity));
                        log.DebugFacilityMessage("OnStopRet", activityId.ToString());
                // We failed to stop it.  We must have hit a race to stop it.  Just start over and try again.